Ironic Missing Quantum Link

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Ironic Missing Quantum Link Page 2

by Sylvester Marshall

  We all are experiencing the collateral damages, from when our ancestors, pioneer and transverse dark passage of time, armed to the teeth, with all of the trimmings of unbridles hot messy glamorous ignorant plumages. After spending quite a few centuries, handing down primitive challenges, and crisis to future generations, there comes a time when we must say, enough is enough, we must reset our prime directives, and restart afresh with new brand refreshing collective insights all of the pressing all inclusive secrets of life.

  We are all living proof, nursing our wounds and scars, that has been confirming all our uneasiness and tragic suspicions, something when horribly wrong, we are all masters of hidden agenda's self-creators, and inventors of new and terrorizing to hurt each other, of the waking void.

  The smart thing to do is learn overall elementary all-inclusive collective evolution flow chart. A series of hand pick well procured evolving eugenic principles, culminating missing equation, our global blatant disregard for, the most important instinct, is our all-inclusive collective instinct.

  Perhaps these are profound opportunity to refresh, start anew, from scratch in and new area, an old refurbish castle, floating city, etc., away from counter intuitive influence, only using all-inclusive methods. These brand new all-inclusive prime directives, could be apply to the ultimate social networks, are all in one way, or another interfacing various personal brands of mi’ programmed subculture undercurrents, with various types of systematic dogma blinders. “Asinus, asino et sus sui pulcher.” All of our embedded, instilled, and ingrained customs, soft center beliefs, heritages, ways of life, were, systematically designed for recreational purpose. Most of us don't mine a reasonable amount of trouble, but our realities, are constantly escalating with ease into a catastrophe realm brimming with endless terrorizing crisis and challenges.

  We are mi’ nurtured, duped with meritocracies, into being arm to the teeth, while searching for the enemies, with systematic blinders, while all along the enemy was progressing with self-destructive easy. Our ways, customs, belief systems, are embattled to create maximum unnecessary causalities.

  We are programmed to only see things that in front of our face, and not the big all-inclusive picture’s, a self-destructive form of ubiquitous control, to see the world, in a super greed phantasmagoria collage, and montage. We constantly over looking very crucial detrimental fact about our face, we can't see our own face, unless we use some type of reflection, a clear cut sign that we always have to rely on others, from, our positioning into the world, we need people from the cutting of placenta, to the toe tag. Our continuum consist of pieces of a progressive puzzle, that only fits together with all-inclusive, insights, practices, intelligences, understanding, and considerations.

  Only when everyone, are bought up to all-inclusive, and collective evolution speed, and has easy access, privy to all-inclusive elementary deductive reasoning in all aspects of our preoccupations, that enquiring minds needs to know.

  From our most impression ate time of our life, and also pre-nascent, we have to spend our entire life, desperately in search, of all of the relevant far-flung, how to be, the best versions of ourselves, information.

  All of the secrets of life, is widespread, that can set the prime conditions, for us to have surround happiness.

  We spend our entire life as pretenders, putting up a lifelong, can’t get right farce, it’s customary to find, endless forms of escape’, and even suicide, in many unfortunate cases.

  Without all of the relevant all-inclusive information, and pinpointing all of our major flaws plaguing our continuum, we are promoting our evolution stasis. We are being sabotaged in numerous ways from developing the best version of our selves. Systematically set up to always "hurting and destroying everyone, and everything around us."

  First order of all-inclusive elementary business is all-inclusive transparency disclosure. These are a patch work of alternate concept in progress, all-inclusive dissecting of our continuities, and all of our very important preoccupations, these are all unconfirmed suppositions and theory, however worthy of deep consideration.

  Operating a super-computer, our brain with very little intelligence, dangerous thing, and customary to make very important decisions, quick to offer reckless critiques and opinions without all of the relevant information’s, all of which are the prime conditioning to, to keep everyone around them under heavy threating mannerism, and are always hurting everyone around us.

  "A little bit of knowledge can be a very dangerous thing," “a mind is a terrible thing to waste," or stuck in a, infinite can't get right loop, constrained tether to other multifaceted converging polluted highly stress minds." Unnecessary limitations is the redundant recipe for, failures, entropy, self-destruction, a wide range of counter intuitiveness, getting unnecessary of guard, the third degree, and customary tripping up others and ourselves, self-creators of unnecessary disturbing vestigial malaise, overflowing with counter-intuitive objectives, "stalking worthless objectives," always susceptible to falling into chaos, and all forms of reckless weather beaten disorder. Without all-inclusive new collective order, every one of us is undeniably subjected to scatterbrain disorders, and psychological vulnerabilities, in all walks of life.

  Only with all of the relevant all-inclusive information’s, we can form the ultimate all-inclusive collective evolutions. Otherwise we are forever being catapult, into living a totally absurd long running complex suspension of disbelief, imitation, fake, condition to sell out our innocents, or exchange them for things that causes unnecessary entropies, embattling conflict primitive emotions, running amuck, engulf in mock, facsimile, altering purities into a prosperous pacing dialogue, simulated, synthetic, false, unrealistic, artificial, substitute, slapstick, spastic, faux pas riddle, acting type cast roles, drenched with unhappy offerings, reckless, careless, deceptive, annoying "making do," inferior, inaction beaten existence, with twisted and dissemble psychic, emoting cock and bull glory days, without dated expressions, wolfing down cook dead foods, constantly in hot pursuit to celebrating, nonsense. Labor intensive, we are all systematically mi’ programmed to have controlling interest in being a gigantic part of the pandemic problems.

  “When something is not growing, it’s most probably, and likely dying.” When things aren’t working out, and we continue to throw good resources at them, unable to let go, and reset our priorities, we are demonstrating and promoting, the definition of super insanity. If we aren't resiliently offering acts of kindness to the world, then there are an extremely high probability we are doing the opposite, "being kind is the prime all-inclusive lifestyle."

  When everyone aren't paying stringent attention to the all-inclusive big in state-of-the-art, high definition Technicolor BIG picture, they are therefore lost, type casted into derange disturbing twisted and can't get right silent and black and white primitive scenes.

  Wealth fortune, success, and prosperity is twisted and misconstrued, and severely overrated.

  The absolute truth about attempting to and amassing wealth, climbing the crooked social ladders, obsessing, success, fame, and fortune, you would have to callous, desensitized, have a disturbing dirty rotten scoundrel desire to hurt, and manipulate everyone and everything in the universe, to suit selfish motives, and wickedly, willing to bring others misfortunes. Appearance of prosperity, involve heighten grim levels of, suspension of disbeliefs, telling people what they want to hear, perpetrating endless frauds, juvenile grand standing to attract bigger sharks, tailoring our self’s in the worst ways to suit our counter intuitive goals, "stalking worthless objectives," unwavering selfishness, neglecting our innocence’s, selling our freedom, progressive greed, a blatant disregard for the misfortunate, sabotaging nature and it's endless environment.

  Every child is basically told to, fall into the primitive mix, fall into chaos

  Pray tell poison masses farce gleam, subverting misguided priorities ensnared multitude

  Our comfort zones are high profile cuckoo nest, with
it surrounded by the primitive sophistication of time

  From our crawl hence fort preoccupations can't get right limbo in attitudes

  Heated micro disfiguring expressions exhibiting systematically subjected backlash petrifying secret pains disdain, are your future trip twine

  Whiplashing primitive interludes, gyrostatically, astatically, bouts of endless nonsense, and endless nothing ruckus, and pretenders hocus pocus

  Twisted blurred lines engulf continuity with glee

  When the newness runs out, primitive circus

  Nature morphing soft center tether ubiquitous plea

  Influx altering to suit, ulterior motives glue

  Preoccupation 360 degrees sabotaging melting potluck stew

  This is a stroke of all-inclusive fate, and fortuitous timing, the grand preordain quantum cosmic eugenics science plan. Introduction into a brand new impromptu elementary anthropologic genre of literature; magic phrase is eugenic fantasy. A grapevine all-inclusive enhancing perspectives, also contain all of the greater good and all-inclusive truth about everything important for everyone’s continuities. All-inclusive fair practices, a utopias’ soft sell approach, and free will. A handbook/ manuals with all of the gleaming relevant all-inclusive instruction, that can aid us in finding purpose of life, sense of purpose, alleviate unrest, and recuperate from our detour from our very promising evolutions, and much more.

  These literatures are the root eugenics, assort of reverse engineering enhancing protocol, all of the perfect ingredients, and the most important innocuous information’s we all need to know about existence.

  Magical guidance for anyone to be capable to achieve perfections, secrets to becoming the best version of our selves, and most importantly all-inclusive preparation for the future, so everyone are able, to rise and shine with a magical glow, like assorted precious gems in the sky.

  This is a brand new, "literary work in its own light," a rare caliber of comprehensive solutions, and arcane opportunities, that is intricately design to solve existence mysteries, and a-refreshing-how-to-set the prime conditions and the lay the ground works to thwart the super unnecessary, which is our biggest and most terrorist plague, from the dawn of civilizations. Great expectations and unreasonable expectation and also acrimonious and crude approach, in our preoccupations, downright cantankerous mindset.

  A once in a life-time opportunity, a literary works in its own right’s, and, of cosmic healing light surface.

  This is the, ultimate universe intervention, offering most if not all of the relevant all-inclusive Information’s, greater good geared at helping everyone to gain all of the prime directives, that would enable them to play a productive hand in restoring our continuum to super promising evolution back to all-inclusive to favor.

  This is a primary introduction new brand genre of literature, a universe intervention interceding cosmic awakening called: Eugenic Fantasy: founded on meticulous keen observation of slapstick and unnecessary follies, and grave redundancies, "deductive reasoning" and eagerness to please, and refreshing collective insight, the ultimate resources. And most importantly, all of the reasons we are only able to use less than ten percent of our “brain processing powers.” And most, if not all of the secrets of life.

  Paying stringent attentions to all of the all-inclusive immediate priorities is one of the main secrets of life.

  Our first and foremost priority is, we must always insist on "leaving things better than we found it, the collective and all-inclusive life-line."

  Unfathomable and phenomenal sums of people is highly driven and disturbingly focus, frozen in their personal brands of delusions and fine-tuned on billable hours, and other Dark Age maze’s of counter intuitiveness and goose missteps. All evidence of our can’t get right ingenuities, points to distinguished loyalties to immense fathomless mi’ programming, super high speed liars, open budget for endless inactions in all aspects of our continuities, that are like a ticking time bombs in a super volcanoes, that are desensitizing us to a fault, needing group psychiatric therapies.

  Only with all-inclusive mindsets and thinking, we can pioneer the true path to all-inclusive collective evolution, anything else, other than all-inclusive continuities, is most likely selfish and counter intuitive stinking thinking, with a self-destructive edge. Eventually we are having to find some form off available escape from the bitter and twisted norms.

  Every last one of us is preserving with resilient something we shouldn’t be preserving, “it’s what eventually happens, when we let ignorance be our guide.” Be it may, they are always the tip off the arctic thawing as you read jackpot, a catacomb of primitive flawless cut rate, fly-by-night ignorance’s, slapstick customs, latrine personalities, disturbing traditions, goose style missteps, disorder, twisted misconceptions, inactions of mass destructions, hot messy emotions, self-destructive habits, self-creating seeping issues, sociopaths, psychopaths, anarchist, narcissist, sadist, masochist, etc., and other forms of progressing cesspit personalities. Systems that have fail us miserably, entropy, repress vile incidents, secret pains.

  One of the main secret of life is always having our priorities in order.

  We are all products of contain and compromise environments. A by-product of evolution gone disturbingly wrong. There are numerous deep seated, self-destructive, customs, traditions, heritages, and other fatal counter-intuitive systems, that are not brains types underhanded outfits we are borne into, that has fortified us, and are keeping us heavily guarded in place, ensuring the world’s population remain can’t get right with a fatal lack of daily vitals.

  Lack of daily vitals, it’s is simply the main reason for our self-induce limitations, of only being able to use less than ten percent of our brain processing powers, abilities, and capabilities, and is also the root cause of all of our current challenges and crisis, their other variables that are in fatal play, careening us towards down-and-out bitter and twisted primitive ends, for instance everything we do are very and is extremely progress, if not modified in the smallest child. With unbridle privilege they can gradually progress into becoming adults with disturbing behavior professional. There is good clean laughing, and then laughing can progress into dark vile laughing, smirks, shit-eating grins, are signs of people with very disturbing traits, and disturbing seeping untreated issues.

  Territorial and greed can progress into control freaks and super-greed, aggression into abuse, violence self-centered, selfishness, separatist ideals, meritocracies, prejudice to hate crimes, corralling to corralling all the time , begging, favor to favor monsters, ignorance into twisted ego into meritocracies, hate, prejudice, anger to angry all the time, aggressions, violence, terror etc. From the dawn of civilizations, people with the big seven seeping issues, are predicable "clockwork orange" with grim skull and cross bone fashions, was in charge of the decision making, always had a wide berth to flourish with ease, find solace in our most sensitive preoccupations. Everyone was conditioned to follow the money glamorously, and be part of the grand frame-up, as time goes on haphazardly on by from customized missteps, after missteps, to this present day. In other words they were always condition to desire more, opposed the all-inclusive mind-setting of desiring less. From Aug Lange Sync, the villages and parish was run, or rather had the most respect for those with the most-est., or the appearance of prosperities, wicked chameleons. We were and currently still being mi’ programmed to follow super greedy people. Most of well-armed, with our personal geological brands of adage, maxims, proverbs, cliché’, etc. Most of them are non-all-inclusive, and counter-intuitive, or have disturbing meanings, for instance, appearance concerns “ dress to impress” when we honestly analyze the true meaning, isn’t tells us to dress to deceive, pretend to grandstand a farce. It’s clearly says lie, lie, lie, to everyone we come on contact with. Another main secret of life, is never tell lies, and perform a never lying again rebirth, practice to stop telling any form of lies for a day, then a week , month, and next thing you would realize its
years has pass by not telling lies. There isn’t a single reason to tell a lie. The first question a master liar would definitely ask what if you have to tell a lie to save your life. You would have to get more of the back story for the answer to these questions, later on in this eugenic fantasy, in order words, “wait for it.”


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