Ironic Missing Quantum Link

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Ironic Missing Quantum Link Page 6

by Sylvester Marshall

  There are insurmountable of urgent evidence up-close and extremely personal evidence contradicting most of our preoccupations and continuities, yet they are in full pendulum self-wrecking swing.

  Your personal brand of fear is highly based on the geographic birth lottery, it determine your beliefs, your propensity, level of fear, limitations, personalities, priority etc. an example a person born on one region are taught to fear snakes, and a person born in another region are taught to charmed snakes. One of our world biggest and most famous celebration; is the celebration of a fictitious character dress in red, ironically red always been known to signify warning; danger, be on high alert, be aware, something is critically wrong. Most children are told to wait for the spry obese man, in a red suit to fit in, and come down the chimney, even thou most homes don’t have a chimney.

  We have misdirected loyalty and twisted priorities, we are enslaving young mind into have a subliminal flair for fantasy, and a lifelong virtual intoxication, oppose to using those critical learning stage to fill us with more enlightening information’s, like the 30 days of September, April, June and November”, there are a pressing need for children to start of their journey with very important life lessons, much more invaluable nursery rhyme, and other lifesaving valuable information, or pertaining to poisonous coral snakes bites and whether or not to desperately seek medical attention; if black touch red you can be dead fella (person), when yellow touch red you are an ok fella (person).

  During our most impressionable time in our infant lives”, we start to get conditioned, mi’ programed with super-nonsense, fantasy, Nancy stories, make-believe, etc., never-ending, right up until our inevitable perdition, death. In all actually it ends up, coming in handy as forms of escape, the current rapid escalating diminishing condition facing most of our world. In addition most children are rewarded with candies, and well groomed into having a “sweet tooth”, loving sugar and salt. Sugar and salt, process foods (that are loaded with salts, sugar and a-z preservatives), are our primary and the gateway addiction, therefore becoming open for the countless available addictions. Sugar and salt, are the leading cause of diabetes and high blood pressure that can leads to cardiac arrest. Our derange hand me down customs, are set in place to insure for everyone “things falls apart”, and it all ends twisted, bitter ends up with terminal deceases, most if not all originated from lack of daily vitals, depending on stage, to reverse terminal decease, the patient would have to, do a natural detox of festering toxins, and use gradual increments and to safely using very large doses of quality multivitamins, and also use transdermal application. Haven’t anyone notice as we age everyone ends up in near meltdowns, and must have all of the nearest pharmacies on speed dial, or every location memorized (there is a simple reason for these systemic herding, see; weapon of mass destruction section: W.M.D).

  Most people seem puzzled and quizzical by the torrid current condition of the world, wondering where we when wrong, from the very beginning, we start of compromising every child’s life; we started to teach the wrong things or leave out most of invaluable life lessons.

  Worldwide most people are walking around with wonderful intention, and customary defection, this is a low balling estimate of at least an hour memory, of useless nursery rhythms, fairy tales, myths, and some of us are still waiting for the cow to jump over the moon.


  Twice upon a time;

  New brand origin made-up philosophy is in global effect;

  In the fathomless super-cryogenic-deep, and slumbering time, way before the beginning of our inept conception of time. In order for you to fully grasp the natural flow of our universe we have to “go back, way, way, way; back”, back yonder, where endless theories cries, to the hot sticky gooiest of primordial beginning, when time, didn’t know itself, and into the murky pleasurable depts., entangled all of the acquiesce possibilities.

  Deep down under, under the surface of all realties, further, and further past that, into the emptiness of the invisible strands of twine-lines, culminating into the fabric of time. Where imagination was a child and creation was an all-inclusive free will dream.

  When continuity, could only had been a dream, and everything had to rely on freewill in order to form, unify into the present. Evolution, was like a stubborn creative process, knee deep in trial and error slapstick seeps, trying all how to break free of the of a natural motionless dormant state, a bond that lay frozen at rest in the first captive audience. once upon and before time the fabric of the primary universe, awakened in spastic fits and ragging with prelude to life, the origin of “survival of the fittest uproar” evolutions and preordain was all one pile, heap up percolating with endless intense possibilities, yet tether cosmically to the a utopian vortex, down underneath in our pre-subatomic dimension, where seemingly in an instance, atoms materialized “from almost nothing to everything” and a vibrant continuum, to where you are, and others to be.

  Way before the infinite amount Hu person invented myths, and made up twisted custom, traditional, heritage, counter-intuitive, superstition mi’ programing, conditioning, brainwashing, separatist ideals.

  Naked proof of Ill-will influences are everywhere, inaction eye sore in a 360 rampage, everyone are being mi programed towards twisted and bitter end. We are all force fed, via media propaganda, perhaps this literature too is the culprit as well, (some of this information are made up, not to confuse others, to show how we are always to mi' programmed to belief writing words) Our senses and mind is always vulnerable for imprinting, observing the, good, the bad, and ugly, information’s. Our entire biology can easily turn against us and become a disarming disaster, susceptible to onomastic spell, and all forms of non-all-inclusive putrescence systems, that are well-known to create terrorizing ubiquitous missteps.

  There was an existence time, when our ways of life could of all remain very simple, everyone began to try their own thing, and decided un-collectively to take things down quite few notch, into the twisted backward realm, the long ways around, darken labyrinths and maze’s, where middle managing regimes with mitigating macabre enthusiasm are willing participant to obliterate all things natural. Always trying to get their magical stinking thinking show on the road, a decadent self-destruction affair, whose dominant features, are cavernous greed, selfishness, stickler for chaos, mi ’educations, endless missteps, following with blind, and with misguided loyalty.

  There are various appalling underhandedness, and under mindedness tools in deceptive wood works trying to drive crooked points home, secretively and subliminally herding us to adhering to personal serendipitous brand of unnecessary systemic limitations. Existence is truly a global birth geographic lottery subjecting us to the narrowest perception of, space, time, and egotistical reality, inevitably culminated into escalating current crisis and corrigible challenges.

  Widespread mi ’information, misconception, misnomers, misinterpretation, misappropriations, misleading, misnomers, misdirection’s, misdirection, misguided, misstep, disinformation, propaganda, etc. are just a few of our well embedded, innate, infinite amount of, bizarre, invented hand-me down pre-ill-conceive counter-productive creation theories, to gain control, and pacifying the masses.

  Unbeknownst to everyone, creation theories, and fear, are amount the oldest, and the most lucrative of the hand full of intangible commodity profession, and are often used hand in hand, rather underhand and underhand to accumulate, and surpass gazillions of dollars. Freeze frame, from the runway dialogue:

  Back down under to eugenics fantasy action:

  Creation begun bang-less, there was quite a few big bangs along the freewill way, in Ague Lang sync. The romantic upward notion with origin, are from finish product aggressive addiction, and mutative complex.

  The origin positioned was deep down low, deep down in a cryogenic abyss location.


  We are conditioned to overlook nouns (people, places, and things) that
are low, the poor, vagrants, misfortunate, we mi' programed to not "associate with failure." Most of us has it twisted to what failure is, failure is conforming to systems that aren't all-inclusive. We are highly trained to hate and despise those with less, and to praise and give high marks for those with more, or most commonly well-known and called, greedy, inconsiderate, and insensitive types. We are all born a vagrant, and all has an inevitable perdition, to die a vagrant. In-between we pretend to have control, there is no such thing as control, or ownership, only when we have eventually evolved into immortals, able control how long we live or preordain, we can honestly use the word control, or fully use of the term ownership, we are therefore pretend leasing. We well-armed with misconstrue greedy concepts, selfishness, misleading, mi programing, self-destructive customs and traditions, in all factions of our continuities. With bizarre addiction to, awarding, gaping mi' education, celebrating, gifts and presents, self-creating a self-destructive vanity rift through the fabric of our continuities.

  Most of everyone I searching for enchanting “intense happiness in all of the wrong places, and with all the wrong programing’s. Below the glimmer of all the shiny finished product façade, are all the naked unpleasant truths. Only when we embrace the unvanquished truth, we can begging to distinguish the various waves of realities, and all the natural paths, we are being mi' programed to alienate the truth, when we annihilate lying and learn to desire less, the all-inclusive collective path will be reveal, where as we aspire to the highest regions of existence, with all of the relevant information’s, to become spoiled with anything all-inclusive our heart desire, guidance to the happily ever after, and purpose of life beyond our wildest dream.

  Simply put; even though simple doesn’t exist anymore, all of the unvanquished truth were available to make life simple. The truth are buried in complex missing equations are waiting to be unearthed by anyone who decided to stop telling lies. Underneath the surface of our mi’ programmed realities; the truth is taboo, and are always been buried with finesse, and replace with all ill-conceivable misperceptions.

  Sharpen your adrenaline, and get ready to taste, smell, and hear, see, feel, bloom, evolve, and dance with cosmic quickening truth.

  Our ideals are always above unnatural board, on the created unnatural surface, overlooking and cloaked with a knack to mutter with misplace loyalty and priorities, everyone wants to cut to the chase, with porcupine rationalizations, they are misled in believing they can take continuity from here, their personal brand of twisted mi' programming, and all of the trimmings of finish self-destructive products.

  Most of us are mi’ programmed with infinite amount of personal twisted and backwards inceptions invented creation theories, oblivious to recognizes without substantiated facts it’s just one of the infinite amount of theories.

  We all are conditioned to stay tuned every day and night to wait for disturbing information that begins this just in; and breaking news complex, that we normally don’t make efforts to rectify the circumstances of unfolding events.

  Of the billions of people that addicted to reading and watching news, and play by playoff unfolding actions, it’s a very low percentage of how many actually attempts to do anything to be part of the all-inclusive solutions? The media offers news of others misfortune as a bottlenecking drug, gross form of escape, and entertainment.

  It’s natural to be branded and categorized a traitor, anyone who question global failure, and attempt to launch all-inclusive ness systems, any and all attempts to find the truth, will be greeted, and glared with suspicions and annoyances.

  Try to tally the amount of floating and fly-by-night questionable concepts; that has stand the test of time, unquestioned or unchallenged, ironically they all had becomes the back bone of our security.

  Most of us were falsely led to believe the highest region is above, when the simple truth, and all-inclusive commonsense would depict, in order to have an above, there had to be an underneath platform. It’s the famous dichotomy paradox, and our propensity to bypass and cut to the chase, and socially climb to the top, even though it leads nowhere.

  Freeze reality frame:

  The highest region, ironically are a multi-sub-layered lowest depths, that contain intricate sub-regions.

  The highest region has always been and will be under the surface, deep down beneath us.

  Twenty six trillion years ago, in the quiet dark pre-subatomic region, the upstart of all continuum.

  The various continuum began as pre-subatomic microscopic layer pre atom comprised of the strong force, cosmic charge twine, leptons, gluons, h-1, and quarks.

  The cryogenic primordial night, reign supreme cold, it was always bitter jet black night, sight unseen the cosmic twine shined the pitch Mazarin dark, trysting the strong force, agitating and spreading the h-1 all are round, romancing the quarks, trebling gyration of leptons.

  Setting all the prime conditions, for everything to “rise and shine like assorted gems in the sky” birth of all living thing are woven into the main fabric of all of the primary universes.

  The MICROSCOPIC universe in all of the universes, is the real beginning of all things in every universe. In our universe, it would be gravity, matter, space, and other universes, their various unknown compositions, measurement of space and time.

  The pre-subatomic universe, are the first and for most important interconnecting layer of the universes. In the pre-subatomic fabric of all life, where the first bonding, that had allow creative energy evolution, and the birth of freewill.

  Every Universe is comprised of at least, three layers, inside the atom, pre-subatomic origin core, and is fortified and bind with cosmic-twine-charge-quickening-link, outside atom creation, the sub-atomic, (sub-space), and last but not least our anatomic universe. there is a open made-up theory of a supreme progressing looping creative universe, where all energy is channeled into merging oblivion, creating advance universe, energy cannot be destroy, it evolve into sometimes creative energy.

  The hyper-quicken nucleus cosmic force, are the fuse and bond that designs all forms of creative energy.

  Every stream of new life, phase, and transformation, are always inter-connected with the cosmic atomic force (all living thing has the C.A.F senses). Intermittently every all dimension of space and time, are conjoined with an underline hyper-cosmic-force that can be measured in “Planck time”.

  When the #12 cosmic field reach its contagion peak, it expand outward, creating other universe, sometimes one or more universe are born at the same time, hence the twin-universe creation. Multi-universe’s are similar to the clusters of enclosed bubbles, all branches out from, the pre-sub.

  One the main secret of life; is paying stringent attention and stupendous details, to everything, the most important thing is the tiniest details. Most of us are condition recklessly to all sorts of misconceiving faults. We are poison-wash, and sabotaged, to not to be able to recognize the highest level of enlightenment, knowledge, understanding, and intelligence, and overlooking important details. Having a knack for fine details, is a very important attribute and an enhancing all-inclusive mindset.

  Every species, at one time or another, had to evolve from the microscopic universe, some cross over into the anatomic universe, some remain and continue to be the critical bridge, foundation, and the primary link of our continuity.

  There are three contained sub-layer, with in every Universe. Universe’s can, and often crash into each other, remain conjoined, forming super-black holes.

  There are many universes; every universe has their own, subspace containment field, each composed of its own unique elements combination. The pre-sub are always in constant inflation flux’s process.

  As pre-sub time goes on by; leap frogging ahead in time to 2,625 billion years ago.

  During the most watchful waiting times, high hopes for free will to multiply, there must of been, a very intriguing sense, and feel when something miraculous are about to happen.

  It was th
e beginning of all relations, sublime and super-fabulous events were in intense creative play, back then; was the birth of another sub Universe (subspace), the sub universe’s set the stage for the anatomic universes, more specifically at the point in sub –time, the birth of our planet.

  Every layer of the universe is contained, although contained, the cosmic force is the only energies that can travel back and forth all of the contain universes. The secondary layer is also known as subspace, subspace and all universes, is always inflating and stretch throughout any size, forming the Universe dimension.

  Various types of chain reaction in the sub atomic regions, determine what type of universe or galaxy would form. Distinguished cataclysmic events can occur, chain reaction we are not programed, or able to comprehend, there are different combinations of elements that we can’t even fathom, or imagine. There rainbow spectrums of infinite amount of universe, there are the white universe, the red universe, the turquoise universe and the blue, etc., universe’s.

  There are infinite amount of energy and particles, etc., with evolving capabilities that are intelligent life forms. A portion of atoms collective would branch off, from a chain reaction. Using a simple fundamental all-inclusive formula and equation for greatness to flourish call super symmetry; super symmetry allows all-inclusive opportunity and set the prime conditions for everything “to get a little more life”.

  Allowing and creating an equal and exact opposite of everything, life can become very exhilarating, perplexing, exciting. Otherwise everything was the same, mechanical and very drab, tedious and super-boring, similar to our mi’ programming to abandon the most important unvanquished truth.


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