Ironic Missing Quantum Link

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Ironic Missing Quantum Link Page 9

by Sylvester Marshall

  Originally in its Aug Lange sync time, of the prism galaxy, there was twenty seven planets and stars, most with a gravitational force of, -8.88 m/s^2on. This story is about the 26th planet, called Planet 26, pronounce by its illegal alien inhabitants with hideous eleven porthole senses ;(@^).

  This planet is a celestial gem, nebular clouds best creation, vision of nirvana utopian ecstasy. On planet live the scariest hideous illegal aliens with eleven senses, but with very fragile biological make-up.

  Incredibly enough they were able to re-designed, and relocate their endangered planet into the most all-inclusive fashion, now it’s an intriguing and mesmerizing transformations of fabulous splendor.

  Planet 26 is now nestling deep, transcendental in the prism galaxy.

  This planet was the amount the first set of planets formed in the entire universe. Its oblique beveled edge was an advantageous location, the tide of space flow like tornado and whirlwind depositing all the material to form nebulous clouds, planet 26 was able to be fully formed well over nine and a half billion years ago, during the most torrid dawn of cataclysmic nebular cloud time.

  The prism galaxy, originally consist of 27 Planets, many moons, numerous suns, a chaotic cluster, deep in turmoil far away from our milky way.

  Although in the prism galaxy there are 26 planets, originally there was a 27th planet that was fully formed.

  In the early stages of the formation of the prism solar system, its oblique beveled location was two-fold; the location was at a disadvantage, and of an advantageous position.

  Their location would be constantly be bombarded from a lot of universe surplus circulations, space junk, a space junk yard with floating clumps of nebular dust particles that were destine to become various planets types, moons, Suns, etc.

  Whatever raw material when around the universe, some of them somehow end up constantly in that oblique believed corner of the prism galaxy.

  Location: location: location, cause that corner of our universe, to be truly be one of an original creative kind.

  Questing this sizzling enchanting galaxy, at first glance a perfectly align harmonically with neighboring celestials vision of ideal awe.

  It’s a far cry, from its earlier super-chaotic-neurotic-frantic-hair-raising-state. The oblique beveled prism are a celestial net source of space ebb, flux and flows, always getting constant bombardment with left over debris or space garbage.

  Now planet 26 is tastefully custom redesign and relocated for greatness. The eleven porthole senses illegal aliens skillfully harnesses and always replenished all its natural resources. Their eleven porthole sensors are very important, without them they wouldn’t be able to create the most amazing super insightful inventions.

  These Mazarin glazed aliens use their eleven portholes sensors, with total efficiencies. These hideous alien had unusual advanced capabilities, autobiographic, touch healing, in-vicinity reach healing capabilities, and eidetic memory enhancement, to say the lease.

  First and foremost all of their preoccupations are carryout, or involve using only natural resources. Only the use of natural resources are recommended in all aspect of their ways of the scary hideous illegal aliens lives, this was a very strict collective freewill, with all-inclusive common organic sense code.

  From the onset of their civilization, natural resources are applied in all their preoccupations and continuities. These ingenious initial prime directives vade mecum enable them to collectively culminating in setting the all-inclusive standards, and the sublime considerations was not only wonderful for the planet, it’s was beneficial for the universe greater good as well.

  Freeze frame:

  These far-out aliens’ life-forms that are currently residing on planet 26 are very strange by our, innate counter-productive and counterintuitive programming of calamitous separatist concepts, and love for meritocracy standards.

  These very scary Mazarin illegal aliens’ life forms, according to our earthly separatist systems, and indoctrination for propensity for super-disturbing separatist mindset, would be labeled as inferior and most likely be always profiled, and enslaved at some point in separatist time.

  Separatist mindset is quite possible the most influential self-destructive force on earth, only second to lack of daily vitals for sustaining both of our life force cores, as the main course of our present day dilemmas.

  Any system that isn’t all-inclusive automatically creating haters. A separatist mindsets, guarantees selfish success, and undermining authority to create endless, joy and pain slapstick systems such as democratic systems that worship and encourage super greed, and separatist complexes. Greed and selfishness, are two very distinguish feral prehistoric and primitive in the most extreme of ways, that are prevalent in animals, that are predators and territorial.

  We are nurtured into personal brands of self-inflicting, and selfish programing. Preprogramed to see the least, and not he most. Primitive self-created inhibiting blinders, compromising, our collective, abilities, and capabilities, it’s always an uphill battle, for most people to, rise to the level of intuitive greatness." Our ability to be a brilliant reasoner, is being influence, by misgivings, greed, selfishness, other delusions of shape-shifting prospering mi' continuities (the grass always, seems greener from a distance), and gross misinterpretation. Some of us spend our entire life, defending herding blinders, all the while, trying desperately to find perfect happiness. Once we compromise any part of our self, we also compromise our continuities.

  A disturbing amount of people, with ease manages to live their entire life with separatist mindset, racial, heritage super rites, has propensity to be blindsided, and influenced by primitive reaction. When you recognize preordain super science, you would also recognized the clear cut all-inclusive clarity and the undeniable, and underline unvanquished truth of conflict is, "When we have to fight, we had already lost the battle." Using negativity reaction as a form of solution is always counterintuitive. It’s prehistoric and primitive to be arm to the teeth, and grandstanding extra-large war chest. Separatist echolocation mindset encompass and encourage, endless fear, fear is super-progressive, fear is one of the most grossing intangible business of all time, fear encourages aggression, abuse, provide open budgets for, “people in the service of violence”, licenses hunting, it enlist everyone to remain vigilant overlooking their serious priorities, and remain on high red alert searching for targets, when the perpetrator, in most cases, more than like us, trawling with unnecessary stricken with instilled fear. The main purpose of intangible business, since there are so many, and so easy to conjure up, it’s polite to keep all of them to yourself, instead of imposing them, imposing is an extreme primitive trait) is to manipulate, our potential to acquire unvanquished truths, and develop extraordinary powers of observations.

  Unnecessary fear breaths, super hate, super-greed, selfishness, secrecies, covertness, war, drama magnet, clandestine behaviors, grooming and pampering our inner fear monster, heighten need for panic rooms, no holds barred, shiftiness, cloaked public appearance, endless secrets and lies, separatist mindset is an ongoing Greek fire passions to find reason to cause conflict, overpower complex .

  Ironically back on earth; they are remaining in a heighten state of diligent and vigilance, extreme defensive with intense invasion fear, preparing to guard us against space invasions. Using all our, unbridle ignorance that had work so well to solve our present and rapidly escalating challenges and crisis on earth.

  Off course most if not all of our solutions and design to use aftermath contingencies. Not only we are self-creators of most of our challenges, we are pretending to solve them with customary aftermath contingencies that usually cause more harm than good. These systems in place are amazing, it’s just starting to get humorously good, all of our transparencies are behind closed secret door transparencies, is the newest slapstick smoke screen.

  It’s normal for our systems in charge of decision making to have secrets sessions, while claiming to have the w
orld’s best interest at heart, oblivious to the, all-inclusive collective insights.

  Arm with primitive counter-productivities, inaction riddle technologies to prepare for space-war. Oblivious to the honest truth, “if and when you have to fight, you already lost the battle”.

  Previous leaders we had in charge, where ever our ancestors from the dark ages conjure, intact the selfish and super-greedy theory that one person or group should be in charge of decision making for the entire world or family. Single and group counterintuitive leadership is propellant in all family and the world, it’s is the main longest destroyer of the fabric of family and the world.

  Our pass leaders, have already launched, “pre-emptive hair-brain message in a space bottle” recording, golden counter-productive example sample, greeting capsule, with international samples of different handpicked silver spoon greetings, off course their wouldn’t be any layperson representation greetings, etc., the norm is to hide what we are systematically foiled into believe are our weakness, when in all probability, they are the strongest link. A person becomes its wealth, and the wealth always wants wealth.

  The wealthy naturally and normally become distant and separate from nature, nature is representation of poor, for the wealthy, and has to be replaced with brand new secondhand shiny chemical finish products.

  Lay person are usually are very close to nature, and generally are duped into believing, they are poor, from their meritocratic counterintuitive mi’ programing, ell groomed into following blindly the rich, who has naturally become a willing guinea pig for testing all brand new finish products, two fatal examples of the thousands that are out there, lead paint and asbestos.

  The lay persons in fact may had offer, an alternate greeting capsule solutions, a nature-tied solutions, nature is the ultimate representative of all-inclusive concepts. misfortunate people, overall challenges is trying desperately to mimic delusions of prosperities, causing them to be twisted, and have their social ladder climbing enthusiasm, progress into impulse buying monsters, and are subjected to all of the trappings, and trimmings of avaricious enthusiasms.

  Most of our planet inhabitant is exhibiting bizarre and very disturbing misbehaviors, from a very simple long running ignorance of lack of daily vitals. The main reason we are only able to use less than ten percent of our brain processing power. Yet we are very much in charge of important decision making. We are all mi’ programmed to overlook our raw daily vitals for sustaining both of our life force, when in all probability should be our primary vital concern, and the absolute number one priority for the entire planet.

  We are oblivious to the lack of raw daily vital common denominator hampering all progress since the dawn of civilization. Our daily vitals not being prioritized are link to labyrinth of historic fatal health risk and self-creating all of our present up-close and ubiquitous terrorizing crisis.

  The main objection is to level the mental playing field, make absolute certain; everyone has their full amount of daily vitals, raw daily vitals necessary for sustaining both of their life force.

  Without total amount of daily vitals, which are fatally necessary, every day and night, we allowing our mind to go postal? It’s amazing and strange; we all belong to a world that has been overlooking a very simple step, and are dumbfounded by all of the missteps from lack of prioritizing or mandate our most important basic needs, the main ingredients for everyone’s biological system.

  With everyone are suffering from a lack of their full amount of raw daily vitals. You can stand still in public anywhere in the world, quest 360 degrees you can see, and feel the full brunt of imposing terrorizing behavior from people suffering from a simple lack of daily vitals.

  We are facing escalating Inconceivable vile display of Hu person behavior, from a lack of daily vitals. We have two, life force, a subatomic core and their anatomic life force core. Both cores require the total amount raw daily vital to replenishment all our biological support systems. (You have to be redundant with valuable information, the world hasn’t got it yet, in the year 2014, just maybe repetition might have a chance.)

  Without our total amount of our raw daily vitals, we are causing serious harm to everything in the Universe and ourselves. What happens to an engine, when the engines didn’t receive all its predetermine components and liquids, it work poorly or shut down or cease up.

  Our ways of life are being systematically under siege, from numerous basic missteps, and twisted priorities. There are also many counterintuitive diatribe automatic pilot reactionary, catch 22 fortifying time wasting customs in place, when whistle blowers are trying to, "impart the urgencies of the situation."

  Lack of raw daily vitals is the primary cause of all problematic day to day decision and crisis we are facing. Every major decease stems from an original lack of raw daily vitals that has been pass down from one generation to others.

  Only when we chose to mandate, and prioritize monitoring everyone has a total intake of raw daily vitals we would immediately see an improvement in all our preoccupation and continuities.

  We are operating both of our life force core, with only trace amount of our daily vitals, most of the time zero from cooking out all our raw daily vital needs, these counterintuitive bio maintenance practice is a very serious, and highly dangerous intense misstep that always end badly.

  Most of us are operating our mind (brain) with insufficient amount of daily vitals to supply both of our life force cores. Our pandemic lack of daily raw vitals is the primary common denominator, the source for all our bizarre high flying red flags signs, and bizarre heinous acts and behavior are all around us.

  If we continue to disregard the importance of raw daily vitals, that we can get from various fresh raw squeeze assorted edible fruits, and raw foods, (“fresh squeeze juices enter the blood stream in ten minutes”) vegetation’s, and vegetable juice from all edible vegetation from around the world.

  If we don’t use our natural sources of raw daily vitals, we will always be, in a fatal can’t get right state. Imagine if everyone was mandated to receive all their recommended daily vitals. Just imagine what our preoccupations and continuities would be like with everyone receiving their total amount of raw daily vitals.

  We need daily vitals on a subatomic and atomic level for sustaining our busy bee life force.

  We have so many screaming example of primitive can’t get right state. I would imagine that it won’t be in the best interest of an advance affluent species able to travel out of their galaxy without having the drink their own urine as a source of water, to answer any communication from the poster child of primitive preoccupations and pandemic counter-productivity, all stemming from inadequate daily vitals.

  This is the first step, order for us to create the best and all-inclusive preoccupations and continuities.

  Our main priority is removing anything that is contributing to the systematic delinquency of our planet and its inhabitants, anything else is gravely adding to current crooked state of our world.

  Take a moment to reflect, on our crooked time line, as long as we are allowing crooked systems to control us, systems with standard operating procedure, is to keep secret files on all of us, as if we are the enemy, files no one without clearance has direct access to, how strange are those process.

  People with these seeping tendencies, psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissistic, homicidal, anarchist, sadist masochist, etc., untreated clinical issue from the lack of daily vitals, has always been in charge of all the important systems during our entire troubling timeline, or easily able to attain position of power. In any business, government, community, society, position of power, you will find them, in over stuff sofas, well fed and wanting more. Untreated tendencies were always able to strive and push the counterintuitive envelope. Currently they are still very much in charge, since we don’t have any preventative measures in place to weed them out.

  They have a knack, and love using “immoral deconstructive” measure’s, and secret “extreme ag
enda’s”, and preventing, dividing, saying no, all ideas that don’t have some level of separatist concepts.

  With their flashlight smiles, secret agenda’s wrong hands and wrong eyes, lack of empathy and extremely insensitive to others health care needs, they can easily flourish. They are highly trained in using any and all low down and dirty means necessary” be obnoxiously successful with ease in can’t get right environment, chaos, wartime disorder, tsunami of negativity; there dark approval ratings are always rising through the roof.

  We have unlimited counterproductive mi’ programing. One of our mi’ programing have us fearing aliens who can travel successfully through space, without haven’t drinking their own urine, as a source of water.

  While these illegal space aliens are using cloud seeding, and cloud production to create water onboard. Or using a magnetic core dissolution technique to create gravity, and duplicate any desire atmosphere on board.

  Our programed level of primitive counterproductive ness, are being advertise high above us in space. Already deployed space are greetings capsules, flying in space are an up-close and slapstick personal demonstrations of our uncanny levels of self-creating limitations, and well groomed super-ignorance.

  It is a, reminder for us as well, a time capsule of our, heighten previous state of ignorance, flying around in cuckoo-space-time-capsule.

  Any passing illegal aliens can now analyze us from afar, some are able to view all of the disturbing content from the convenience of their home world, watching our TV station and listening to radio stations, getting an encounter of our ignorance of a third kind. Any passer-by would be able to scan the space capsule deployed from earth, offering a full blast of various personal brands of counter-productiveness, waste of resources, ignorance, and inactions.


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