Ironic Missing Quantum Link

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Ironic Missing Quantum Link Page 11

by Sylvester Marshall

  Those were very primitive system was abandon millions of years ago, for a few different methods advanced methods. From their collective imagination, they were able to create more comprehensive ideas from their sublime collective continuum.

  One of their greatest sources of innovations is there ubiquitous invention schools. Invention schools available, practically after birth to everyone, most importantly and specially to their youngest illegal baby alien’s minds, fresh eyes and a new biological evolutional composition would have distinguish insight using their eleven portholes.

  From a very early age (preschool), every dreamy and scary illegal alien with eleven portholes, their baby illegal aliens are allowed to participate in invention ideas, which are always environmentally friendly.

  Freeze fantasy frame: return to our primitive scene

  Far cry; from our remedial earthly meritocracy dirty conniving relay systems on earth that has so many stop gap systems. Inheriting counter productivities, counter intuitively, ignorance, and inactions, from birth to death are our inescapable norm. Most college students are beaming with degrees and elite limbo-in mindset, oblivious to a well-known fact they had just been poisoned with additional fathomless separatist can’t get right jubilees, educational systems are the greatest source of separatist ideas, our blood stain history are proof.

  If we re-analyses, and study, all of the most ruthless brutal leaders, dictators, you would find they had meritocracy education, that most often teach us how to, concentrate on greed, have a heighten level of selfishness, that are guaranteed to progress into doing their worst unspeakable acts.

  College, education systems are accredited maintain the ubiquitous counter-intuitive force at work globally, it encourage a false sense of confident and delusional self-worth, super-greed, creators complexes, selfishness pattern, preventing advancement, and quite possibly setting condition for all form of untreated tendencies

  If you are not spending your lifetime gathering proper intelligence, and editing out our mi programing, you must obviously spending your lifetime, imposing an abundance of ignorance, and other recklessness on the rest of the world, and undeniably, hurting everyone around you.

  There are many forms of structuring; any structuring that aren't all inclusive, will always cause long term nestling collateral damages. Our structuring are really determine, our comfort zone designs, and types of delusions of security and counterintuitive familiarities.


  All-inclusiveness intelligence is the key for every conceivable forms of success. All of our preoccupations and continuities has been severely manipulated, shape counter intuitively by unnecessary fear, causing heighten state of flux unrest, and panic rooms complexes. the best and all-inclusive way to immediately deal with and reduce, poverty, terrorist, wars, mind-imprisonments, and other pressing disparaging seeping very important issues, and close all of our tethering fraudulent gaps and voids, is the a unique “string less program” called: the reading for profit “string less program”. “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing”, “a mind is a dangerous thing to waste, especially when every single mind plays an intricate part in the entire scheme of existence, and determines the level of our preordain.

  Our entire world has to try and come together on this crucial issue, as well as the many other pressing issues, and aggressively initiate an emergency global mandating of the reading for profit all-inclusive “string less programs”.

  Systematically encouraging every single living youth and persons (no age limits), prioritizing the “string less program” to all third old countries, war torn countries, and countries that are producing terrorist, slumps, jails, prisons, ghetto’s, drugs-torn neighborhoods and countries, are able to go to any bank around the world, filled out a few rotating questionnaire brief, proof of reading and comprehending.

  The program can also specify the thousand books we should read before our inevitable perdition, etc., specific books that are very educational for the greater good. Any reader can receive a decent amount of cash in hand, as a reward for reading, around the world instantly. With a special award package for those who can read and memories, dictionaries, encyclopedia's, etc.


  Lack of invention schools for minors, for the world to be ready for greatness all schools should have invention departments, you would be amazed at the innovative ways young mind apply intelligence. Imaging if there was cruise ships, with international students, exchanging invention diaspora around the world, unify collective aim at solving global challenges, who would donate the first cruise ship?

  Only then we can have the whole planet participating, in finding collective all-inclusive solution for all our current challenges and ensuing corrigible crisis.

  There are always been a devious systematic separatist, sabotaging treachery existence game, the separatist game is the only game in town, "divide and conquer''. They are the “systems lords”, that has their favorite standard operating separatist procedure, actively promoting counter-productive mi’ programing, inactions and unbearable ignorance.

  Every systems has the same objective in common, making sure the entire world have overwhelming supplies of unnecessary disappointments, and our existence always be in-between chaos and unbridle fear, constantly via tamed media’s, mi’ programing us into belief that terrorizing dangers is waiting for us around every corner, detouring us from the whole preordain truth, that implies naturally, “there is nothing to fear, but fear itself”.

  It’s in their best interest of all the systems lords in place, to say and do anything that can afford them open budgets. They are only able to help us, when they are allocated open budgets, with challenges, and crisis their counterintuitive systems are creating in the first place. Beside natural disasters, revisit every stream of challenges, crisis, and problem, around our world, use the unvanquished truth to analyzed them, and you will undoubtedly find the root causes of our global challenges are self-created from everyone trying their own counter intuitive, insensitive, selfish, and greedy preoccupations.

  levels on greed is interconnected with all of our emotions, example as our level of greed rise, our level of DE sensitivity rises, etc. one of our main purpose of life is the freewill to extend creative energy to our desire forms. When we are trap by primitive emotions, and twisted priorities, we are no longer endowed with freewill.

  When continue globally over look all our imposing factors, we are saying to each other, anything goes. There are always a few viable course of actions, that entail solving all of the root causes of all our challenges and crisis, with only all-inclusive solutions, anything else is futile.

  Since we don’t have a screening system to weed out, insensitivity, greedy, selfishness, psychopaths, liars, sadist, sociopaths, and the pretenders, will always be able to succeed with super-ease, during the can’t get right era of our world. Try to make a stabbing guess who has been ruling and in total control of our entire world.

  The level of bizarreness, they specialized empty promises, destroying happiness, destroying everyone around them, offering endless nothing.

  We are mi’ programed to sabotaging each other, any chance we get, etc., with unimaginable ignorance, oversight and inventive desensitized intensities.

  We all are experiencing lifetime, with firsthand range of self-creating disorder, from those with the seven deadly untreated seeping issues and tendencies.

  We are always getting blindsided into, creating endless, ruthless procession of leaders, government, friends, family, associates, employers, etc. money chasers.

  It all started from Aug Lange sync, rumor has it people with the most material possession would seek out anyone or group with similar amount, weapons, farm animals or money to join forces and therefore automatically becoming in charge of community, society, and eventually our world.

  Separatist practice and greed is the most powerful force, armed with selfish motives they are in full swing, and in charge of progress, free to
roam grandstanding high profile self-destructive material. They are set to remain firmly in place, by easily compromising young minds that aren’t taught all of very important life lesson listed in the (F.R.A.U.D.U.L.E.N.T G.A.P.S AND V.O.I.D.S., in the throw seeds/ cloning project series*) continuing the counter-intuitive circle.

  As long as the world, don’t mandate screening out disturbing traits, in all our preoccupations and continuities, we are setting ourselves for customary failures.

  We are lacing our future with ticking time bombs of can’t get right customs, to make matters even worst we are using lawyers to insert fine print, securing self-destructive mines throughout our preoccupations and continuities.

  Our mi’ programmed standard counter-intuitive operating procedures, consist of an arsenal of rollercoaster insensitivity, greediness, separatist selfishness, and favoritism, constantly derailing our world into can never-ever get right’ delusion stasis.

  We are mi’ programed to following blindly, and to be groupies, embracing counterproductive insensitive portrait by high profile, the lifestyles of the rich and famous, wealth people, powerful people, people with more, who are usually the major part of the problem. Reckless wealthy and powerful greedy people, and selfish people only has a common desire to protect counter-productivity, and maintaining a heighten level of ignorance, and inactions, maintain instability, so chaos and mayhem to flourish, when we pay serious attentions to greedy, stingy and selfish people, and "look in thier eyes, you will notice a very disturbing international impatient red flag pattern, dollar signs $ $ in thier eyes."

  We are constantly getting blindsided their, “obnoxious counter-productive wealth”, we put them on pedestal, along with well sought out features, abandoning the rest of the race, encourages competitive-madness, silent consent to power hungry, fame, fashionable separatism, etc.

  We are always getting desensitized by mad hatters promoters of inactions, we love rewarding and awarding and elevating a few for beauty, features, power, etc., and abandoning the rest, a sort of survival of the few, sabotaging any hope for collective progress, the ultimate insight. What type of message we are routinely sending, to the rest of us with ugly feature, we must give up, or must run and hide.

  We must acquire a brand new set of meike prime directives, a new all-inclusive order. The normal customs is to ram a despicable wedge into the fabric of commonsense, then with a quizzical look, can’t figure out what when wrong, how we keep ending up in twisted bitter ends.

  Detestable movers, and destructive shakers, anyone not using all-inclusive mindset, are under the selfish insensitive ignorance, snared by the treacherous clandestine self-destructive delusion of grandeur called, “free enterprise practice”, free market practice, is really free to destroy all things natural and all aspects of our environment, and continuities.

  All nonorganic or natural markets is free to destroy each other happiness, free enterprise really means; you have sold your freedom and exchange your glowing innocents for the promise of self-destructive wealth, and artificial materialistic finish products “that’s delusional in making us feel alive”, when it is really destroying everyone and everything around us.

  Really and truly there are countless prove in the medical industry how all artificial finish products are killing us at a certain rate, some gradually, and others, in a rapid manner. We can assign a number from 1 to 2000 representing each and every artificial product and the rate its killing us, these are some of basic on daily routine consumptions, or exposures, etc., the amount and other conditions can expedite the damages.

  Example artificial lighting would be 17. Every day we are expose to artificial lighting its taking away 17 minutes away from our lives. Cigarettes would be around 478 minutes, alcohol 393, concrete 63 minutes, pollution 347 per week, illegal substance 513- 879, radiation-to all most hazardous chemical, 887- 2000, cooked foods, every five pound, 78 minutes, etc., and so on.

  The twisted irony is the wealthy health would always be in most jeopardy, from their relentless greed to amass shiny finish products with deadly chemicals, and are subjected to exposure to abnormal amount of rare terminal decease.

  Most of us are mi’ programmed to follow blindly counter-productive status, double standards (example of double standard legally you not allow to speed, but yet there is so many racing awards, fortunes, trophies a speed junky can amass), there tremendous counter-intuitive symbols of success, and grandstanding inactions “all fancy contributors to the delinquencies of the universe”.

  The only way to create true global sustainability is with all-inclusive practice, vigilant replenishing awareness, considerations, anything else if offering less and empty promises.

  We must all learn to desire less, this honest and the only truth. Desiring less can never set right with those who are mi’ programed to be greedy, selfish, and insensitive mindset.

  It’s all usually overlooked from our youth, as an infant, these traits has to be resolve, in their infancy, in babies, which tends to get abnormal and prominent with only child.

  Only child; are well known to have a hissy fit and throw tantrum rampage when someone removes an object from them. There are two distinguished types of people around the world, the greedy and the generous. Greedy people are unreliable, and have hair-trigger abandon tendencies and issues, they are very selfish, subtle loyalty, and are always hiding around generous people and eventually undermining them.

  Everyone brain is currently operating within the perimeters of it's mi' programing. From the earliest age our brain can start to be set with its programing. “Our mind works diligently behind our backs to acquire whatever perimeters or objectives, we has set. In most cases, when we set your mind on a task, they are usually progressive in the extreme ways, such as greed, selfishness, and by any means necessary, and your mind will never stop trying, to acquire everything in sight for us. Set your mind on never lying, generosity without motives, and all-inclusive awareness, collectiveness, only then you can begin to start the process in becoming a super-wonderful person.

  There can only be one set of true life lessons, the all-inclusive life lessons. If you aren't making sure, all children’s, especially the misfortunate, and adults, are privy to all-inclusive life lessons, then we are setting them up to fail miserably.

  In addition, can you imagine in these very challenging times, our most important life lessons are not taught in any, homes, school, communities, on the entire planet?

  Hundreds of extremely important and critical missing life lessons that aren’t taught in our schools, homes, nurturing, communities, etc., leaving billions of people to waste time fending for themselves to find life lessons that can make everyone’s life much easier. Hundreds of our missing basic life lessons seem to be an acceptable lost globally. Our very important life lessons shouldn’t be left to serendipity, or given a cavalier approach, when everyone are given a great opportunity to learn a comprehensive amount of life lessons, and important insights about our Hu persons, the world can be a better place. Instead our current grave trials and unnecessary errors approach, that young people has to thin slice through and find the needles in a hay stack life lessons.

  All of the very important life lessons, every child needs to know from the earliest age are listed in a part of the throw seed and cloning project series: called the (F.R.A.U.D.U.L.E.N.T.G.A.P.V.O.I.D.S (acronym) section). It’ a comprehensive patch work of extremely important life lessons, that also include opinions on clairvoyant, preordain re-coursing, and prescient ideas that will enhance and mend the wrought jagged tear in the fabric of our existence. When taking seriously it’s guaranteed to level the playing field. It also contains all-inclusive ideas on how rewrite all our mundane unnecessary stifling wrongs, crisis, and challenges, our world are constantly being bombarded with.

  This is the ultimate comprehensive life lesson tool, that can able every child to be all-inclusive superstar. Always remember, “The greatest resources can be the positive well informed collective
artistry of Hu person’s resources”. Throughout history the more savage a group were, guaranteed them the spoils and victory, our customary overlooking of these traits, violence, aggression, abuse, all has a deep disturbing grim associated with greed, grandstanding and selfishness, has been backlashing and mutating to current extreme events. These progressive traits, has to be, identify at its earliest stage, close observation of all infant and the young child (especially amongst the misfortunate, amongst the misfortunate population, there is higher tolerance for abnormal behavior), left untreated, we are setting us up for the repercussions of the adult version.

  Freeze reality frame:

  There was a few prehistoric methods planet (@^) inhabitants had invented to begin of planet 26 aviation programs. From harnessing photons, from the sun and induce fission reaction method. Using negative charges and countering it with positive friction charge accelerator.

  Nuclear fusion aggravated force, electron gluons fusion generator, molecule constructor (constant artificial construction of needed molecule, using an air separator). Some of these methods are only used in space, due to their astronomical potential to cause harm.

  Another method required harnessing neutrino’s, and convert them into a diffusion compression reactor. Neutrinos were also used to send message across galaxy and throughout our universe. All of their outerwear apparel are able to collects and harness the energy in neutrinos or any type of energies. Their clothing also has built in bidet-vac-leg extending- type disposal system.

  Neutrinos are used to cure fatal decease, use as receptor regeneration, and can be used for time travel, sky is the limit. Neutrinos light particle super symmetry is used in magnetic field, the nuclei of a neutrino is where their amazing technology comes from.


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