The She-Devil in the Mirror

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The She-Devil in the Mirror Page 8

by Horacio Castellanos Moya


  ROBOCOP IS AFTER ME! Open up! Hurry! I swear: it’s him! Get inside, quick. Hopefully I shook him off. What a nightmare, my dear. Thank God I saw him in time. He was in a car parked in front of the house. Let me sit down. I can’t catch my breath. Give me a glass of water. Horrendous, my dear. No, I’m not being paranoid. Look at how I’m shaking. What, you didn’t hear he escaped yesterday afternoon? You probably haven’t read the newspapers or seen the news. Pepe Pindonga just told me. Yes, my dear, I was on my way back from having breakfast with him and just before I got to the house, I saw a car with tinted windows. It seemed weird that it was parked right smack in front of the house. I saw it just in time. It’s one-two-three for emergencies, isn’t it? What do you mean, how did I know it was him? It’s not like I haven’t seen his mug in the papers and on TV, not like I haven’t dreamed about him, a criminal like that. Somebody else was in the driver’s seat, and RoboCop was sitting next to him. When I saw them I didn’t slow down, I just ducked, like I was tuning the radio, and kept driving. Then, after turning the corner, I floored it and looked in the rearview mirror to see if they were following me. I swear I didn’t stop until I got here, I drove like a madwoman. Just a second, finally someone’s answering. Hello, hello. I want to make a report, miss. That RoboCop person, the one who murdered Olga María de Trabanino, he was parked on Calle Las Magnolias ten minutes ago, in front of number twenty-five, in Colonia Utila, Santa Tecla. What do you mean how do I know? I saw him. I’m Laura Rivera, Olga María’s best friend. RoboCop was parked in front of my house! What do you mean what phone am I calling from? That’s none of your business, you idiot. I’m telling you, a few minutes ago I saw that murderer parked in front of my house, waiting for me, stalking me. I damn well do have the right to insult you. It’s because of you that that monster is going to get away. Instead of asking me stupid questions, call the nearest patrol cars so they can sweep the area. What’s your name? I’m going to report you to Deputy Chief Handal, as an incompetent. If that criminal escapes it’s going to be your fault. I demand you tell me your name! You think I’m in the mood for your nonsense after finding that murderer in front of my house? That’s more like it, finally, I get a reasonable response. It’s a red car, I don’t know, maybe a Toyota, pretty new, maybe this year’s, with tinted glass. There are two: the other one in the driver’s seat and RoboCop. Don’t you know he escaped from jail yesterday? So, hurry up, quick, alert the patrol cars. Do you hear me? Here, take the telephone, my dear. What an idiotic woman. She talked to me like I was the criminal. She said her name is Yésica Ramírez. I’m going to report her to Deputy Chief Handal. Yésica? Do me a favor! She’s probably dark, short, with thick lips, and stupid, her name is Yésica. Let me look out the window: please God, don’t let RoboCop follow me. What an idiot! I should have given her the address. I’m going to call her back. Give me the telephone. Hurry. I’m so distraught I don’t know what I’m doing. It’s ringing again. I’m trembling. Why would he be following me? How did he know my address? He wants to kill me, my dear. I’m sure of it. Why was he waiting for me, then? They’re answering. Yes, hello. I just called. I spoke to Yésica Ramirez, about RoboCop, the murderer who escaped yesterday afternoon. I’d like to speak with her again. They’re transferring me to her. Better to talk directly to her, so they don’t get confused. Yes? Yésica? It’s me again. Look, I’m going to give you the address where I am now, because if RoboCop followed me he’s probably in the vicinity. It’s in Colonia Escalón, Seventh Street, between Ninety-fifth and Ninety-seventh Avenue, number one-two-five-one. Did you alert the patrol cars? We’ll keep our eyes peeled and if we see RoboCop’s car drive by we’ll call you immediately. What are you waiting for? Hurry up, give this address to the police in the neighborhood. Goodbye. People like that, my dear. Let’s look out the window. Now what do we do? Oh no, the girls! God help us. RoboCop probably wants to kill them. They’re the only witnesses, the only ones who can identify him. We’ve got to call Marito. You dial. My hands are shaking. Here’s his number at the advertising agency. That murderer is capable of going to their school to get them. Why didn’t I think of that sooner?! It’s busy? Try this other number. We’ve got to hurry and get the girls out of school. He’s not there? How about his secretary? Let me talk to her. Look how my palms are sweating. Laura Rivera here. We urgently need to get in touch with Marito and tell him to take the girls out of school. The murderer who killed Olga María escaped yesterday afternoon. Didn’t you see the papers? Give me his cell phone number, and you call his beeper. Write it down, my dear: two-eight-six-one-eight-three-zero. What a nightmare! If he’s already after me, he must be following everybody in Olga María’s family, especially the girls. No answer. Marito, that brute, he has his cell phone off. Hopefully, the secretary will find him. The thing is, I had breakfast with Pepe Pindonga, like I told you last night, so he could tell me what he found out about the relationship between Olga María and Alberto. We met at the Mister Donuts on El Paseo. He told me the news about RoboCop’s escape. Bring the newspaper over here. Let me see: it’s inside. Because of that financial scandal with Finapro nobody even realizes that criminal is on the loose. How do you like this: the guy escaped from his cell in the courthouse, yesterday afternoon, but the guards didn’t realize it until nighttime, when they checked on the prisoners. Can you believe it, somebody escapes from jail, he just wanders around as if he were puttering about his own house, then pretends to be a prisoner they’re releasing? Smells fishy to me. It’s a conspiracy, my dear. And on the same day they uncover Finapro’s multimillion-dollar fraud? That’s what I told Pepe Pindonga a while ago, while we were having breakfast: it seems obvious that RoboCop’s escape was planned to coincide with Toñito Rathis and Alberto’s arrest. Let’s call Marito’s office again to find out if the secretary got hold of him. Afterward, I’ll call Deputy Chief Handal. Can you believe it, I couldn’t get hold of him last night? He’s buried up to his eyeballs in the Finapro case, that’s why he hasn’t returned my calls. He’s probably already let the trail get cold that leads to the masterminds who planned Olga María’s murder, but RoboCop’s escape will force him to pay more attention to the case. That’s what I told Pepe Pindonga, too. The telephone in Marito’s office is always busy. I’d do anything to save those girls, but what if RoboCop is here? Look, look, there’s the patrol car. We’re in luck. If we don’t find Marito I’ll ask the police to escort me to the American School, and we can bring the girls here. We’ve also got to talk to Julita and Doña Olga and Sergio. That fiend could attack any one of them. Finally, the call went through. Hello, Laura Rivera here. Did you find Marito? I can’t believe it. Nobody knows where he is? Keep trying—it’s extremely urgent. Look for him everywhere. Okay, bye. Incredible, my dear—Marito simply left half an hour ago, without telling anybody where he was going, and he left his beeper on his desk. It makes me furious, he’s so stupid. I bet he’s in some motel with one of those waitresses he’s got the hots for—the depraved pervert—while RoboCop is out here threatening us all. I’ll lay you odds. I’m going to call Doña Olga. The patrol car drove by again, didn’t it? The line’s busy. Maybe we can find Sergio or Cuca, and get one of them to go pick up the girls. Well, Pepe Pindonga told me it’s too soon to find out anything about the relationship between Olga María and Alberto during the last few months. The police have put all Finapro’s employees in virtual quarantine. Nobody’s answering at Sergio’s, how weird, the housekeeper isn’t even there. I’m going to try Julita. You know what Pepe Pindonga told me? That the only way to find out if Toñito Rathis and Alberto are behind Olga María’s murder is to talk to Yuca: he must know something that would help us get to the bottom of this. That’s what he said. Then I told him that the money he had in Finapro wasn’t his, Yuca’s, it was Don Federico’s and Kati’s. Pepe Pindonga just whistled. Here she is. Julita. It’s Laura, I’m so glad I got hold of you. Have you heard? RoboCop escaped. I saw him in front of my house, my dear Julita. I’m terrified. Very
worried about the girls. That fiend wouldn’t think twice about killing them. May he burn in Hell. But I can’t find Marito! He’s not in his office, his cell phone is off, and he left his beeper on his desk. Do you have any idea where he might be? You don’t know. It’s urgent that somebody go and pick up the girls and take them to a safe place. And you, you be careful, Julita. That murderer is going to return to the scene of the crime. You must be extremely careful. Don’t open the door to anybody. Try not to go out. They say murderers always return to the scene of the crime. And the girls? God help us! They’ll have to stay at Doña Olga’s house or at Sergio’s or they can bring them to me if Marito wants, but no way in the world should they return to the house until they capture that fiend. Do you know how Doña Olga is doing? I hope she doesn’t have a heart attack. All calamities occur at once. I’ve tried to call her but the line is busy. Sergio and Cuca must be there. Take care of yourself, Julita. I’m going to call the police right now so they’ll send a patrol car to protect them, because I’m certain that any moment now RoboCop is going to show up in front of the house. It’s a red car, with tinted glass. Be careful. If you talk to Marito, warn him. Okay, bye. Poor Julita, I’m going to try Deputy Chief Handal once more—I dialed his number so many times last night I’ve learned it by heart. The patrol car hasn’t driven by? You should go outside and check if there are any suspicious cars parked along the block. Hello. Yes? It’s urgent, I must speak with Deputy Chief Handal. Look, Miss, this is Laura Rivera. I’ve been trying to call him since last night and I haven’t been able to reach him. But now it’s extremely urgent. Tell him I just saw RoboCop in front of my house. He’s the one who murdered Olga María de Trabanino, the one who escaped from jail yesterday. Yes, the very one. I already called one-two-three. But it’s urgent I speak to the deputy chief. Tell him I have something extremely important to tell him about the case. He’s got to send agents to protect Olga María’s family, because that murderer is planning to kill them. Get in touch with him right now, through your internal system. Tell him to call me at my number in Colonia Escalón. I’ll give it to you just to make sure: two-six-four-seven-nine-eight-two. And hurry! Goodbye. Why don’t you go take a look, my dear, while I try again to call Doña Olga? Don’t be afraid. The patrol cars should be nearby. That murderer doesn’t know you. Finally, the call’s going through. What luck. Hello. Cuca? It’s Laura, my dear. How’s Doña Olga? Oh, no, I was afraid of that. Okay, so don’t tell her about RoboCop. You know, don’t you? I’m so glad she’s not allowed to watch television or look at the newspapers. I’m very worried. We should get the girls out of school right now. That criminal is on the loose and I’m afraid he’s going to hurt them. Don’t you agree? I saw him in front of my house in Santa Tecla. Yes, my dear, it was him. He was parked right smack in front of my door. Luckily, I saw him and kept driving. I don’t know if he followed me. I’m in Escalón now, but I’m afraid to go outside. That’s why I’ve been calling Marito to tell him to go pick up the girls. But nobody knows where he is. Could Sergio go? Call him at work. It’s a matter of life and death. I have a premonition that he’s going to attack them. Remember, they’re the principal witnesses. I don’t know, my dear, why he would come after me. The only thing I know for sure is that it was him. I already called the police. They’re patrolling the area. Even so, I’m still afraid to go out. You’ve got to stay there and take care of Doña Olga. Send her my regards. Don’t let her hear anything. It would be terrible for her if she found out that that criminal is on the loose. Call me after you talk to Sergio. To reassure me. I want to ask Deputy Chief Handal to send somebody to guard the American School. We’ll be in touch. Ciao. You didn’t feel like going out? I don’t blame you. Let’s wait a bit. I’m going to leave the telephone free in case Handal is trying to call me. What a nightmare. Everything has happened at once: losing Olga María’s money, Alberto’s arrest, Doña Olga’s illness, RoboCop’s escape—I feel like I’m in a movie. Then that murderer gets it into his head to come after me. I need some lime-blossom tea, to calm my nerves. Will you make it for me? I’m going to call papa. I don’t know what else to do. Yes, he’s still at the finca; he’ll be back this afternoon. Mama is at the beauty salon. The only thing she’d do is get worried and make things worse. Hello, Filo, may I speak to my father? Thanks. Oh, Papito, you have no idea what’s happening to me! That criminal, RoboCop, the one who killed Olga María, yesterday he escaped from jail and I saw him a while ago parked in front of my house. I’m terrified. I came up here, to Escalón. I already called the police and they’re patrolling the area. But I don’t understand why he’d come after me. It’s horrible, Papito. I’m going to stay here; yes, don’t worry. What I’m most worried about is that he’ll go after Olga María’s daughters. Because they’re the only witnesses. You won’t be here till the afternoon? As soon as I get hold of Deputy Chief Handal I’m going to ask him to come here and personally escort me to my house. I haven’t been able to get in touch with him: it’s because he’s also in charge of the Finapro case. But I’m hoping he’ll call me now, because RoboCop’s escape is a huge setback for him. Don’t worry, Papito, I won’t go out alone. Big kisses. Ciao. Did the water boil, my dear? Make me a very strong cup of tea, with two bags, I need a double dose. Why doesn’t anybody answer, neither Deputy Chief Handal or Marito? I’m so anxious. Nothing like this has ever happened to me. Just look at what Olga María’s death has unleashed. I can’t believe it. I’m going to put a lot of sugar in it: they say sugar helps counteract the adrenaline. I read it in Vanidades. Let’s look out the window. What I want is for a patrol car to park right here in front so that murderer won’t have the slightest doubt that if he gets anywhere near this house they’ll nab him. That’s the only way I’ll feel safe. But the police must be around somewhere. You’re right—what an idiot I am. They don’t want to tip him off. Finally! I’ll answer it. Hello. Deputy Chief? I’ve been trying to get hold of you all day. I urgently need to speak to you in person. I sure did see him. What? You don’t believe me? It was RoboCop, in front of my house in Santa Tecla. But I also want to talk to you about some other things: the relationship between the collapse of Finapro and Olga María’s murder. I’d rather talk to you in person. Are you coming here? In how long? I’m not planning on going anywhere with that psychopath chasing me. Come as soon as you can. In half an hour? I won’t budge; not on my life. But make sure your agents are as nearby as possible, because if that murderer shows up I don’t want him to have time to even ring the doorbell. The most important thing, Deputy Chief: you have to send policemen to protect the girls, Olga María’s daughters. RoboCop is going to try to hurt them. I’m positive. They must have around-the-clock protection. It’s your responsibility. I hope so. Goodbye. That imbecile doesn’t believe I actually saw RoboCop: I could hear it in his tone of voice. I held my tongue because I need him to come—I didn’t want to give him any excuse to leave me in the lurch; but he isn’t convinced that RoboCop was waiting for me in front of my house. You’re going to have to change the upholstery on this armchair; it’s very worn out. Where did Marito go? Call the agency again. No, wait a minute. I’m going to call Pepe Pindonga, maybe he’s already gotten to his office. What are you seeing, my dear? Oh no, oh my God! That’s the car! Definitely! It’s RoboCop’s car! Did you see it? It’s here! Call one-two-three! It didn’t stop? But that was him. It’s busy. What are we going to do? You say there was only the driver? I didn’t notice. I only saw it from behind. But it was going very slowly, as if they’re looking for the house. I left my car right in front—how stupid of me! I should have put it in the garage. I’m sure he already recognized it. He followed me, my dear! I knew it. Call one-two-three again or call Handal. Oh, my God. Move over, we don’t want him to see you at the window if he drives by again. Are you sure only the driver was in the car? That’s even worse, my dear. That means RoboCop already got out and is sneaking around nearby. Don’t open the door for anything in the world. Let’s double-lock it. Did they answer? Give me the phone.
Quick, it’s an emergency, I must speak with Yésica Ramírez! Hurry, the murderer is here, outside the house! Call the patrols! RoboCop’s red car just drove by the house! No, it didn’t stop. There was only the driver. That means RoboCop is hiding right here, in the doorway, waiting for someone to leave. No, I haven’t seen him but I know he’s there. They have to get here immediately! Do you hear me? Idiot. She asks if I actually saw him. She wants me to go out to the street so that murderer can shoot me. Oh, my God, such terror. Let’s pray. I know that man is outside. I can sense it. Why don’t the police cars show up? That stupid woman hasn’t called them. They should be here already. And Deputy Chief Handal? Why is he taking so long? They didn’t want to give me his cell phone number. The secretary says he doesn’t have one, they communicate over their walkie-talkies. But that’s a lie: when have you ever seen a chief of police without a cell phone? I’m going to have some more tea. Listen! Listen! A car just parked in front of the house. Peek out the window. Shit, I tripped on that fucking table. Damn! I banged myself really hard, right on the knee. Is that the police? Let me see. Move over. Oh, my God! It can’t be! It’s RoboCop’s car! Where are the police? What are they waiting for? They’re both coming, the same two who were waiting for me in front of my house in Santa Tecla: RoboCop and the driver! Look at them, they’re getting out of the car. They’re coming this way! What should we do? My God! It’s not the driver: it’s a woman! His accomplice, my dear. Hand me the telephone. Let’s go into the back, in case they start shooting at the door and the windows. Run! One-two-three is busy. Why don’t the police arrest them? I don’t hear any cars or sirens. They’re ringing the doorbell! We’re lost! Let me dial Deputy Chief Handal’s number. Don’t even think of opening the door! Those criminals keep ringing the bell. What are we going to do? Handal’s number is busy, too! They’re going to kill us, my dear! We have nowhere to run! They don’t stop ringing the bell! They know we’re here! Why doesn’t Deputy Chief Handal get here already? They’re trying to break down the door! Look: it’s that woman with the short hair, that’s RoboCop’s accomplice, the one who looks like a man! What are you saying? Did you hear? They’re shouting my name! What’s wrong with them?! Do they think I’m going to open, that they’re going to trick me?! Those criminals are crazy! Let me call one-two-three again! Hello! Hello! This is an emergency: put Yésica Ramírez on the line! Hurry! Yésica! Call the police immediately: RoboCop is here, he’s trying to break down the door! I don’t understand why the police aren’t coming to arrest him! He’s with a woman! Listen to how they’re banging on the door! They want to kill me! Help! How am I supposed to calm down when those murderers are right outside my door?! Any minute now they’re going to break in! I’m not going to hang up until I hear the sirens! The sirens are the only thing that will scare them away! Call Deputy Chief Handal! He told me he was on his way here! What’s wrong with that idiot, why isn’t he here?! Don’t hang up! Call him on another line! I’m ordering you: don’t hang up! It’s the only way I can feel a little safer: if they come in here and kill me at least you’ll hear it! They keep banging on the door! They’re about to break it down! The woman is calling out my name! Oh, my God! The sirens! They’re getting closer! Thank you, Yésica, you’ve saved my life. Goodbye! The sirens are out in front. They’ve stopped banging on the door. Probably the criminals are trying to escape. Let’s be careful, my dear. Any minute the shooting will start. They turned off the sirens. Maybe they already caught them. I can hear voices outside. Let’s peek out the window. Hopefully they’re taking them away. Look, I don’t believe it: the policemen are talking to the criminals! Why don’t they round them up, put them in handcuffs, and get them into the police cars once and for all?! Look at them: they’re coming this way, acting like old friends! I don’t understand, my dear. Something’s fishy here. Something very strange is going on. They’re ringing the doorbell again. We’re not going to open it. They must be co-conspirators. That’s why that criminal escaped, because the police are in cahoots with him! That’s the only explanation! Let’s just keep quiet! I know what they want: when we open the door, feeling safe because the police are here, RoboCop will gun us down and then they’ll let him escape. That’s how they’re going to get rid of us, so we don’t tell anybody what we’ve discovered! I bet RoboCop and the police work for Toñito Rathis and Alberto! Another siren, my dear! This’ll ruin their plan! They’ve stopped ringing the doorbell. Let’s look out the window again. Don’t show yourself. It’s Deputy Chief Handal! What a relief, we’re saved! But what’s going on?! He’s talking to the criminals, too, like they’re old friends! Now we’re really lost! They’re going to kill us! Handal is the one behind the whole operation! I should have guessed! Filthy! Corrupt! Oh, what terror! They’re taking advantage of us being here alone. Help, Papa! They’re ringing again! It’s Handal’s voice! What are we going to do?! They’re going to break down the door! I can’t stand it anymore, my dear! There’s no escape! That Arab Handal is a traitor! We can’t let them kill us in here! Our only hope is to get out into the street, so the neighbors will see, so they’ll know we’ve been captured alive! I’m going to open the door and run out, screaming! Are you ready?! Now! Traitor! Handal! Help!!! Don’t kill us!! Murderers!!!


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