You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16 Page 2

by Nikhil Parekh

  shall forever love you .



  Countless full-fledgedly  floated in the clouds every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most infinitesimal of impact upon their sensuously untainted and perennially enchanting swirl,

  Countless full-fledgedly swam in the ocean every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most diminutive of impact upon its rhapsodically undulating

  and ebulliently pristine waves,

  Countless full-fledgedly smelt the rose every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most ethereal of impact upon its spell bindingly effulgent

  and effulgently triumphant fragrance,

  Countless full-fledgedly philandered on the mountain peak every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most minuscule of impact upon its indomitably unflinching and peerlessly Herculean strength,

  Countless full-fledgedly feasted on the golden dewdrop every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most ephemeral of impact upon its everlastingly mesmerizing and victoriously unfettered shine,

  Countless full-fledgedly clambered the tree every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most parsimonious of impact upon its magnificently burgeoning

  and poignantly tempestuous virility,

  Countless full-fledgedly sighted the Sun every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most fugitive of impact upon its Omnipotently perpetual

  and insuperably blazing radiance,

  Countless full-fledgedly transgressed upon the surface of earth every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most inconspicuous of impact upon

  its Omnipresently bountiful and marvelously fructifying sacredness,

  Countless full-fledgedly admired the rainbow every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most mercurial of impact upon its unbelievably enthralling

  and unsurpassably mellifluous vivaciousness,

  Countless full-fledgedly relished the milk of the cow every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most tiniest of impact upon its inimitably unparalleled and unrestrictedly beautiful Omniscience,

  Countless full-fledgedly frolicked in the desert every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most evanescent of impact upon its unfathomably royal

  and timelessly iridescent sands,

  Countless full-fledgedly  tossed the infant every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most disappearing of impact upon its insuperably redolent

  and timelessly undying integrity,

  Countless full-fledgedly caressed the leaves every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most obsolete of impact upon their profoundly exuberant and ecstatically vivid breeze,

  Countless full-fledgedly embraced the night every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most obfuscated of impact upon its impeccably wonderful

  and incredulously everlasting milkiness,

  Countless full-fledgedly caught rain in their palms every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most cloistered of impact upon its uninhibitedly liberating

  and pricelessly divine freshness,

  Countless full-fledgedly talked about blood every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most measly of impact upon its inexhaustibly consecrating

  and gloriously symbiotic aura,

  Countless full-fledgedly cuddled in their respective mother’s lap every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most truncated of impact upon its limitlessly fragrant and compassionately unconquerable godliness,

  Countless full-fledgedly inhaled air into their nostrils every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most nonchalant of impact upon its tirelessly unhindered and emolliently revitalizing newness,

  And countless full-fledgedly explored the heartbeat every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most unremarkable of impact upon its blessedly emollient

  and unshakably unflinching immortality .




  The worst of treacherously asphyxiating and cold-bloodedly crippling darkness too; get miraculously healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably magnificent time,

  The worst of sadistically horrific and hideously incarcerating obsessions too; get wonderfully healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably royal time,

  The worst of inexplicably haunting and cadaverously imperiling diseases too; get beautifully healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably emollient time,

  The worst of deliriously raunchy and devastatingly subjugating manias too; get celestially healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably princelely time,

  The worst of haplessly shivering and hedonistically inflicted agonies too; get fantastically healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably pragmatic time,

  The worst of murderously indiscriminate and savagely terrorizing racialism too; gets symbiotically healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably glorious time,

  The worst of hysterically sobbing and tempestuously troubled eyes too; get serenely healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably pristine time,

  The worst of disastrously frazzled and brutally butchered nerves too; get triumphantly healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably immaculate time,

  The worst of painstakingly debilitating and hopelessly strangulating depression too; gets ebulliently healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably unflinching time,

  The worst of ominously atrocious and ignominiously slandering vindication too; gets bounteously healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably peerless time,

  The worst of disjointedly crooked and satanically victimizing minds too; get harmoniously healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably charismatic time,

  The worst of egregiously bleeding and horrendously broken bones too; get efficaciously healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably fascinating time,

  The worst of uncontrollably pernicious and ferociously flagrant tempers too; get wonderfully healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably resplendent time,

  The worst of uncouthly unsparing and salaciously tormenting dictators too; get synergistically healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably brilliant time,

  The worst of miserably whiplashed and relentlessly bleeding wounds too; get victoriously healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably twinkling time,

  The worst of remorsefully cursing and wretchedly wailing spirits too; get unassailably healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably unnerving time,

  The worst of hypochondriacally baseless and inanely unsolicited fears too; get insuperably healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably candid time,

  The worst of indefatigably gasping and cumbersomely dragged breaths too; get effulgently healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably undefeated time,

  The worst of ghastily crucifying and tawdrily infertile sadisms too; get ecstatically healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably iridescent time,

  But the wound of lost love; stabs deeper and more immutably deeper in the corridors of the heart for even an infinite births and deaths after veritable death and with the inevitable passing of unstoppably unfettered time,

  Therefore O! Mate; never betray the person whom you Immortally love; never leave the person whom you truly love; never disobey the person whom you unconquerably

  love; and if you still dare; then be ready to become a timelessly and tirelessly penalized ghost of lost love .


  5. ALL I COULD DO ! 

  The hatred in my eyes for her was so hedonistically blazing; that it could veritably  and venomously char even the most invincibly unfathomable structure on this planet; to inconspicuous ash within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my palms for her was so
uncontrollably ferocious; that it could veritably and criminally smash even the most Herculean mountains on this

  planet; to ludicrously infidel chowder within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my shadow for her was so gorily sinister; that it could veritably and diabolically curse even the most fearless organism on this earth who came in its swirl; for an infinite more lifetimes, and within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my voice for her was so insatiably demonic; that it could veritably and brutally deafen even the most unstoppably cold-blooded thunderstorms on this planet; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my arms for her was so unrelentingly barbarous; that it could veritably and murderously pulverize even the most invincible stone walls on this planet; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my blood for her was so intractably acrimonious; that it could veritably and hideously asphyxiate even the most impregnably uninhibited of atmospheres on this planet; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my tongue for her was so indefatigably lethal; that it could veritably and satanically condemn even the most righteous man on this planet towards the vituperative gallows of death; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my skull for her was so nefariously untamed; that it could veritably and ferociously bang even the most insuperable walls on this planet to pathetic extinction; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my teeth for her was so unbearably delirious; that it could veritably and horrifically squelch even the most obdurate on this planet into ephemerally ludicrous nothingness; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my bones for her was so inexorably untiring; that it could veritably and sadistically cause any organism on this planet to incessantly yelp in inexplicable pain; with just a single nudge; and within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my feet for her was so abominably perverted; that it could veritably and sacrilegiously kick even the most amazing superpowers on this planet to the mortuaries of non-existence; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my spine for her was so irretrievably intolerable; that it could veritably and devastatingly crunch even the most ominously blood-stained thorns on this planet to wholesome extinction; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my nails for her was so uncouthly tormenting; that it could veritably and carnivorously make even the most audaciously toughened skins on this planet unstoppably bleed; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my mouth for her was so vindictively unprecedented; that it could veritably and tyrannically gobble even the most pugnaciously treacherous battlefields on this planet; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my nostrils for her was so unsurpassably demented; that it could veritably and truculently exhale the spell of death upon even the most fearless

  of organisms on this planet; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my brain for her was so torturously unceasing; that it could veritably and profanely devastate even the most fathomless civilizations on this planet with unparalleled genius; and within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my soul for her was so reproachfully blood-curling; that it could veritably and parasitically jinx even the most peerlessly truthful dimensions of this planet; within just a single instant,

  The hatred in my heart for her was so unforgivably inconsolable; that it could veritably and forever destroy and poison even the most perpetually bonding

  relationships on this planet; within just a single instant,


  But it was really amazing ! That inspite of all this; whenever she came infront of me; all I could do was fall in unlimitedly spell bound stupor upon her dainty feet; all I could do was timelessly admire every aspect of her effulgent persona as if the most

  unconquerable of Kings were accolading the queens; all I could do was propose each beat of my passionately throbbing heart to her and say I Love You .



  The wife was like the fathomlessly barren sky; whilst the mistress was like those tantalizingly voluptuous clouds; which unrelentingly and profusely soaked aridly crippled soil; with droplets of priceless rain,

  The wife was like the boundless territories of blandly open grass; whilst the mistress was like those amazingly seductive platter of dewdrops; which forever quenched the thirst of everlastingly burgeoning desire,

  The wife was like the endless pond of innocuously untainted lotus’s; whilst the mistress was like the stupendously unconquerable scent that wafted in every direction; titillating even the most infinitesimal hair of the nostril to stand till the ultimate cloud 9,

  The wife was like the monstrously mechanized and drab car; whilst the mistress was like those golden globules of piquantly jubilant petrol; which perpetuated even the most lifelessly disgusted of wheels; to infallibly fly forward like white lightening in the sky,

  The wife was like the unceasingly tranquil shores; whilst the mistress was like those ravishingly undulating waves; which fomented even the most morbidly stagnating lava’s; to tempestuously explode,

  The wife was like the eternally symbiotic forest; whilst the mistress was like those mischievously gallivanting leopards and perpetually melodious nightingales; which magically enlightened the sordid gloominess of the abominably claustrophobic night,

  The wife was like the indomitably unshakable mountain; whilst the mistress was like those seductively enamoring peaks; which inevitably attracted countless a wanderer; into their spell-bindingly misty swirl,

  The wife was like the impeccably venerated cisterns of milk; whilst the mistress was like those mouthfuls of unbelievably poignant curd; which ecstatically engendered a billion pores of the skin to interminably shout out in untamed delight,

  The wife was like the unflinchingly faithful candle; whilst the mistress was like those delectably scrumptious flames of compassion; which stirred an incredulous new revolution in even the most deadened senses of nonchalant man,

  The wife was like the wondrously nourishing pudding; whilst the mistress was like those effulgently scarlet topping of cherries; which so painstakingly left your tongue unfinished; even after you’d consumed an infinite more,


  The wife was like the peerlessly pristine cobweb never ever changing its color with the changing shades of light; whilst the mistress was like those royally vivacious spiders; which unabashedly stabbed the vials of unending exultation into every

  man dead or alive,

  The wife was like the unendingly blissful valley; whilst the mistress was like those exuberantly uninhibited echoes of sensuousness; which traced the most inscrutable pathway of mystique; through even the most infinitesimally intricate curve of the masculine skin,

  The wife was like the eclectically utility knife; whilst the mistress was like those incredulously sharpened edges of excitement; which unremittingly pierced through even the most emotionlessly obdurate scepters of manhood,

  The wife was like the earnestly unshakable foundation; whilst the mistress was like those rhapsodically fresh splashes of paint; which granted new leases of indispensable life to every hopelessly shattered man on this planet,

  The wife was like the wonderfully consecrated mouth; whilst the mistress was like those effervescently inimitable whistles; which simply swept you from your

  beleaguered feet; transporting you to the pricelessly ultimate hilt of paradise,

  The wife was like the perspicuously unconquerable vision; whilst the mistress was like those victoriously mascara coated eyelashes; which flirted with every handsomely eligible bachelor on planet divine,

  The wife was like the untiringly vast; accommodating and spiceless desert; whilst the mistress was like those tirelessly seducing mirages; which made man fervently salivate more than a million kilometers barefoot; under the most acrimoniously blazing

  rays of the Sun,

  The wife was like the unassa
ilable virile seed sown; whilst the mistress was like those innumerable droplets of ardent sweat on soil; which perpetuated even the most lifelessly infertile of masculine skins; to relentlessly languish and roll in them; till times

  beyond infinity,

  And whereas the wife shall forever remain immortal as she is the insuperably ameliorating heart; the mistress would add that indispensably needed enlightenment to every shade of human existence; forever ensuring that every man always embraces none else but “Woman”;  on this limitlessly enthralling Universe .



  It might have sunk like frigid ice to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where unconquerable royalty radiated from even the most infinitesimal element,


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