Sword of the Raven

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Sword of the Raven Page 16

by Diana Duncan

  Rowan cleared away dishes while Delaney carried Zack’s netbook from the living room, set it on the table and booted it up. The mundane task gave him a few moments to settle his equilibrium…and quench his libido.

  His impulsive, possessive “lesson” had proven beyond a doubt that his Powers definitely got super-charged when he and Delaney generated sexual energy. Her Gift boosted his—an unknown phenomenon.

  It had also revealed another unplanned but important result. She wasn’t greedy and self-indulgent…unlike his first, and only, apprentice. When Paiton had discovered he could make her come at will, she’d become as hooked on it as any junkie. He dropped the empty bacon platter in the sink with a tad too much force, clanking it again the porcelain. And he’d eagerly provided her fix.

  Because he’d been foolish enough to believe she loved him.

  Technically, Delaney wasn’t a Mage, which negated the letter of the law about fraternization. Although at this point, he wasn’t above breaking laws to achieve his goal. He turned and watched her, absorbed in typing.

  Exactly how far was he willing to go?

  The more time he spent with the fascinating, infuriating woman, the more he ached to have her. She wanted him, too, although still cautious. She was a practical lass. Real life had shattered her illusions, another trait they shared. The attraction thrumming between them was pure lust, nothing else. No hearts involved. If he could harness their combined energy to magnify his Powers, increase his odds of winning, would he?

  Should he?

  And if that made him exactly like the bitch who’d used him to destroy everything he cherished in this world… Was it worth smashing his moral compass to destroy her?

  Delaney glanced up, caught him studying her. “Almost ready.”

  Her guileless smile smote the jagged remainders of his conscience. He shot his gaze across the room, out the window into the abating storm. She’d been betrayed by her mother and step-father, and in another way—although for her own safety—by her brother and fiancé.

  Rowan had asked for her trust. As allies in this fight, trust was vital. Her mentor was supposed to protect her. Teach and guide her. Not use her and then walk away.

  Yet after centuries, after too many wrenching losses, victory in this war might finally be within his reach.

  At what price?

  His glance fell on the engagement ring, glittering like a chunk of ice in the center of the coffee table. His gut twisted. If he decided to pursue his course, Delaney’s trust could be broken forever.

  Like his own.

  “Rowan?” She beckoned, and he slowly walked to the table. She pointed at the tabbed screens. “Everything’s set up for you to read, in order.”

  She vacated the chair and he took her place. She wanted her brother back as badly as he wanted justice for his family. The two goals weren’t mutually exclusive.

  He could give her something more. He could free Delaney from her sexual restraints. Maybe they could both gain what they needed.

  Rowan clicked on the first tab. And maybe he was simply rationalizing the unthinkable.

  * * *

  Delaney finished washing the dishes and then brewed a fresh pot of coffee. Out of the three cups she’d started drinking this morning, she’d actually consumed less than half of one. And they were destroying mugs at a unprecedented rate. As she carried two brimming yellow mugs to the table, Rowan clicked a key…and snarled.

  “What’s wrong?” She hurried to lean over his shoulder. On the screen, Zinter’s picture topped a newspaper article praising the judge’s avid support of Liberty Rehab programs.

  Rowan tapped the photo of the middle-aged woman with shoulder-length brown hair, blunt, prominent nose, and smug smile. “I recognize her.”

  Shock rippled through Delaney. “From where?”

  “The picture jarred my missing recall, brought it all back.” He cocked his head, studying the photo. “Before you found me on the beach…she’s the one who tried to kill me.”

  “What? Are you sure it’s the same woman?”

  “Positive. But no mortal woman.” He scraped back his chair to look up at her. “That one’s a Sorceress.”

  “Sorceress.” She thumped the cups onto the worn tabletop. “Hell, there’s not enough caffeine in the universe. A Sorceress has it in for my brother? What else do you remember?”

  “I…after I broke loose from where I was imprisoned before, I sensed your Aillidh and traveled to Oregon, searching for you.”

  Delaney dragged out the other chair and dropped into it, facing him. “Aillidh?”

  “If you know how to see it, our essence shines. Look at me.”

  She studied the air around Rowan. “I don’t see—”

  “Not with your eyes.”

  As she concentrated all her senses on him, her vision blurred, and suddenly… “Oh!” Energy crackled around his body. Crystal clear jade shot with silver, undulating like the ocean on a sunny day. “It’s incredible! Are they all different?”

  “The majority are pure white. Enforcers and Guardians have more powerful auras of differing colors. And Dark entities usually show muddy or clouded.” He frowned. “But not always.”

  “How far away can we sense them?”

  “You’ll have to be close at first. Too close to warn you if they’re using a covert approach. With practice, you’ll get more proficient. As an Enforcer, I can track the Aillidh for thousands of kilometers. Yours glowed especially bright to me, drew me to you. I knew I was tasked with becoming your mentor.”

  Which explained the firefly thing. “I’ve seen mine, it’s golden. Can everyone who’s…like us spot it?”

  “Supernaturals recognize each other on sight. They also sense others’ Powers and feel the energy surge when they’re used. Different races can hide from one another at a distance. Enforcers are specially trained to see and feel other races’ Powers, even from far away.”

  “How many um…Supernatural races are there?”

  “More than we know about. But since the Dark Uprising last year that killed my kin, and so many others, Dark entities outnumber us a hundred to one.”

  “Wonderful odds.”

  “They are, that.” Arching a brow, he took another drink of coffee, spurring her to pick up her own. “I observed you for four weeks and waited for your quest call while I regained strength and gleaned knowledge from the year that passed during my captivity. You were nearly ready to receive your full Gift, and I had to stay close by.”

  “You tracked me all the way from Scotland?”

  “My imprisonment was in the Australian desert, within the largest, most desolate wasteland in this world. But I would’ve sensed you no matter how far apart we were. Now, the more often and the closer we’re linked, the easier I’ll be able to find you.”

  “Slightly disconcerting. And impressive in a stalkerish sorta way.”

  “When you’re in danger, you’ll be glad of it.”

  “Can I sense you?”

  “Since you’ve gained your powers, you’ll begin to discern most other Supernaturals upon sight, and you’ll get better with practice. But you won’t be able to feel them from a distance for several more years.”

  He scrubbed a hand over his jaw, dark with morning stubble. “I’d just reached shore and was walking the beach a few miles from here, when Zinter sensed my Powers and ambushed me. I should’ve picked up on hers, but I was still recovering from my ordeal and a wee bit…preoccupied. She slammed me with a flash bolt and then a stun spell. When I awoke, I was on a yacht. Naked and lashed in chains.”

  Again. Rage and humiliation punched through Rowan’s mental shield as his stray thought hit Delaney.

  “The Sorceress was thrilled to tell me her plans…in lurid detail. She and her ‘associates’ have apparently acquired a way to steal others’ essences and absorb them, increasing their own Powers. The stronger the source, the more Power they gain. Demon lords could occasionally do it, but they were the only ones, and it was rar
e.” He scowled. “They like to torture their victims first. Fear and pain ramp up the energy field, and the predator gets a sexual high. Soul rape, with a murder chaser.”

  She’d watched the abomination, firsthand. Zinter had tried to rape Rowan’s soul? Nausea churned, and she pushed aside coffee number four. “She hurt you.”

  “She didn’t get the chance to do more than clout me about a bit. Zinter coveted my Power all for herself, didn’t want to share with her mates, which is why she sequestered me on her yacht. She broke Rule Number One, Delaney. She didn’t realize she was playing with a Tuatha Dé Danann Enforcer. Feckin’ few of us survived the Dark Uprising, and nobody knew I’d broken loose yet. Not brilliant to take a water Mage out on a ship surrounded by ocean waves. I’m drown-proof.” His teeth bared in that feral smile. “And gasoline is a liquid. I blew her plans out of the bay.”

  Relief made her sag in her chair. “Did Zinter survive?”

  “I don’t know. I was barely conscious afterward, and we were kilometers from shore. I didn’t see any remains, but there might not have been much left.”

  “I wonder if she was reported missing? I’ve been somewhat preoccupied myself and haven’t watched the news in days.” She stepped between Rowan and the table to access her computer. As she ran a search, awareness of him so close at her back tripped along her nerve endings. “Hmm…nothing. No boating accident, no missing person report, no news at all regarding the judge.”

  “Also inconclusive. If she is missing, her ‘associates’ may have reasons for keeping quiet. They might not be able to use the new method without her and don’t want word getting out they’ve lost their source. Or perhaps they took whatever it is and bolted.”

  “Their essence stealing is tied into my brother’s frame-up and subsequent coma, and the supposed Euphoria OD’s.” She whirled to face him. “OD victims’ autopsies show major nerve trauma, holes eaten in the brain tissue, and withered pineal glands. They’re crippling and killing people nationally, and getting stronger every day!”

  “Aye, and now that they’ve tasted success, they’ll go global.”

  “How do we stop them?”

  “The million quid question, isn’t it?”

  “I’ve seen what you described…those soul rapes. On my quest. I can tell you everything. Even if I didn’t have a photographic memory, I’d never forget what I witnessed.”

  “You have an eidetic memory?” His piercing gaze captured hers. “How much are you willing to trust me?”

  All of MacLachlan’s intensity lasered directly on her made her knees wobbly, and she leaned against the table. “Is that a trick question?”

  “Enforcers possess an interrogation technique I could use on you to learn details of your experience. It’d be most helpful. If you don’t resist, it causes minimal…discomfort.”

  “What level of ‘discomfort’ are we talking?” Truthfully, it didn’t matter. Anything to rescue Connor. But stalling gave her a chance to fortify herself.

  “You’ll relive the journey, and I’ll see and feel everything from your point of view. Are you willing?”

  She hesitated. Finally nodded. “Okay.”

  He patted his thigh. “Sit on my lap, then.”

  “This technique is standard Enforcer protocol?”

  “Aye, and fair foolproof.”

  She eyeballed him. “You bouncing demons on your knee is not a comfortable visual.”

  He smirked. “Physical contact will ease the process for both of us and negate any unpleasant side effects. During an interrogation with an uncooperative demon, I just spear my Power into its brain and confiscate everything. Their pain, or any residual damage, isn’t an issue.”

  She already knew he was a balls-to-the-wall gladiator, but… “Do you routinely coerce confessions?”

  “Delaney, what you saw on your quest is only a fraction of the cruelty our enemies revel in. ‘Tis an entirely different, brutal domain from the mortal coil. Do you think demons coolly request legal representation and then cop a plea over tearing someone’s child to pieces and drinking their blood?”

  “When you put it that way—” Taking a deep breath, she pushed off the table. He held out his arm, and she stepped toward him, then lowered herself sideways to sit on his muscled thighs.

  His arm wrapped around her waist and drew her against him. His free hand captured hers. “Lean on me and shut your eyes.”

  She hesitated. Then complied. Under the soft fleece beneath her cheek, his heartbeat thudded strong and steady. His warmth surrounded her, and she inhaled his scent...fresh ocean waves and summer rain.

  “Relax now, Delaney.” Rowan’s calm, deep brogue vibrated from his chest, echoed inside her mind. His Power enveloped her, a heavy, heated blanket wrapping around her body. Gentle pressure pushed for entrance at her temples. “Open up and let me in.”

  Panic struck, and she tensed. Shoved back against the invasion.

  “Easy,” he murmured. “I won’t hurt you, I promise. Just take me inside you.”

  Gritting her teeth, she struggled to surrender control. Slowly, her mental barriers lowered.

  “That’s the way. Aye, good.” As his Power built, so did the pressure. “Almost there, luv.”

  Finally, her guard dropped completely. She was open. Defenseless. And just like she’d stepped into his arms, Rowan stepped inside her head.

  Shivering, she reeled at the foreign, disorienting sensation.

  His forearm tightened around her waist. No pain, is there, lass?

  No. But, you’re here. So closely joined. It feels…overwhelming. And a little…scary. Okay, a whole lot scary.

  I can make the sensations much more pleasurable if you wish.

  No! I mean…this is fine. I’ll get used to it.

  The light of his smile streamed through her. Don’t fight me, Delaney. The less resistance you offer, the easier it is for both of us. I won’t overpower your thoughts. Won’t make you do or feel anything you don’t want to. I’m simply joined with you to see what you saw through your eyes. Feel what you felt. Like when you envisioned my initiation.

  Um…yeah. What now?

  Start with entering Connor’s hospital room and go from there. Just remember.

  The events replayed in her mind, a movie on fast-forward. Rowan was an expert at shielding himself, but with his consciousness merged into hers, Delaney also felt the reactions that leaked through his barriers.

  Giant black wings. Pain. Ashes…the scorched landscape.

  Bewilderment muddled Rowan’s thoughts. Indeed, you were in the Abyss.

  Trudging up the hill. Marching feet. Demons. Balor’s terrifying arrival.

  Rowan tensed. You encountered Balor?

  In her mind’s eye, she again looked down upon the woman, Ceard, leading her brother from the palace on a leash.

  Rowan jolted. His horrified revulsion crawled over Delaney. Hatred so cold it burned surged through her bloodstream, and a consuming thirst for vengeance tasted bitter in her mouth. Show me the rest, he growled.

  Balor draining the life force from Phillip Chambers. The giant raven nuzzling her cheek. Soaring high. Smashing the altar.

  Bugger me! Rowan’s shock arrowed through her.

  Finn’s salute, “My regards to the MacLachlan. Tell the lucky bastard to be yanking his head from his arse and begin looking upward.”

  Finn MacCumhail, Erin’s legendary warrior? Rowan muttered. So that’s where you landed.

  Scorpion’s sting. Tears. Goodbye, Connor.

  More pain. Falling. Her own hoarse screams.


  “Delaney?” Rowan’s hand briskly patted her cheek. “Can you hear me? Come back, Delaney.”

  She lifted heavy eyelids. Blinked. She was alone in her body again. She stared into stunned quicksilver eyes, where reluctant respect warred with…fear?

  Rowan was afraid?

  Every muscle rigid, he cradled her against his broad shoulder. A murderous scowl eclipsed his features. “Holy M
ary, Queen of Scots, do you have any idea what you’ve done, lass?”

  Chapter 10

  Delaney gulped. “Do I want to know?”

  “No, but I’m bloody well beholden to tell you.”

  “All right.”

  “Lass…” His scowl darkened. “You single-handedly destroyed a sacred Fomorian demon shrine and released three thousand years’ worth of trapped souls…while attacking the most powerful demon lord known to exist.”

  “I— Um…it seemed like a good idea at the time?”

  “Balor won’t rest until he flays you alive.” The stress lines etched in his face jump-started her pulse. “For starters.”

  “I guess it’s too much to hope I at least handicapped him.”

  “At best, you damaged his power conduit in the Abyss and temporarily trapped him there. When he recovers and breaks out, he’s gonna go on a rampage the likes of which we’ve never imagined on earth.”

  “At best? What’s the worst?”

  “Your Power is strong and unique. Balor will covet it for himself. He’ll stop at nothing to get to you.” A shudder trembled through him. “What you saw him do to Chambers…that’s his ‘fast food’ method. He usually takes his time to savor his meals. Women or men.”

  Vertigo spun her in sick circles. “Oh, God,” she whispered. “That monster will be hunting Connor, too. My brother is trapped with him.”

  “The Abyss is an endless wilderness, Connor won’t be easy to find. And he’s not alone. The Morrigan and Finn’s warriors are his allies.” Rowan shifted her off his lap. “But we’ve no time to waste. Samhain is in three weeks. At midnight on Samhain Eve, the veils that separate one realm from another are at their thinnest. If Ceard attempts a spell to free Balor, it’ll be then. You need to start training. Immediately.”

  * * *

  Outside in the gloomy drizzle, Delaney’s teeth clacked together as Rowan dumped her on her ass on the muddy lawn…for the umpteenth time in two hours.

  A raven floating in the sky above them cawed raucously, as if laughing. Yet another recent up-close-and-personal raven sighting, starting when she’d found her charm. Morrigan’s handmaidens? The idea wasn’t as crazy as it would’ve seemed before a century-old sexy Scot had washed up on her beach.


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