by Jeff Love
Plato, 33–34, 94; on anamnesis, 36; Aristotle and, 153–54; Christ and, 76–77, 80, 99; Hegel and, 314nn19–20; knowledge in, 84; on madness, 19–27, 68–69; negation by, 80; Parmenides by, 88; on perfection, 67, 76, 156; Phaedrus by, 19–21, 24, 28, 35, 45–46, 49, 53, 295n8; on philosophers, 144; Republic by, 22, 97; Symposium by, 19, 21, 24, 30. See also Socrates
Platonism, 94, 146–48, 159, 314n19
Politics, 142, 223
the Positive absolute, 76–80
Positive freedom, 282
Positive religion, 79
Positivism, 93–94
Post-historical being, 205
Post-historical state, 138–49, 170–72, 181–82, 199–200, 203; instinct in, 204–5; Japan as, 205–6; as oblivion, 208; repetition in, 207; self and, 207–8; of the underground man, 269. See also End of history
Postmodernism, 207, 258
Practice, theory and, 94
Presence, 99
Present, 155
Private language, 83
Production, action as, 114
Progress, 75
Proliferation, Derridian, 108–9
Propaganda, philosophical, 172
Provisional identity, 269–70
Pseudo sense, 234–37
Psychology, 240–41
Pure being, 150
Pure negation, 126
Pyotr Stepanovich, 54–56
Queneau, Raymond, 103–4, 110, 215
Radical freedom, 55
Radical transformation, 90
Random acts, 57–59
Raskolnikov, 18, 27; hesitation of, 45; Kirillov and, 50–51; on Napoleon, 46–47; the New Jerusalem and, 45–50
Rational history, 232
Rationality, 324n1
Raw material, 114–15
Reality, 81, 113; discourse and, 179, 250; human, 122–24; social, 123–24. See also Biology
Reason, 70–71, 85–86. See also Dialectical reason
Recognition: of the concept, 157; as conquest, 121; desire for, 122; equilibrium from, 134; of human reality, 123; Kojève on, 119–24; in master-slave relation, 134–35; universal, 136, 169, 202
Recollection, 36
Reduction, 82–83
Reference, sense and, 328n42
Reflection, 40, 127
Relations, between the concept and time, 149–54
Religion, 4–5, 72; natural, 78–79, 82; negative, 79; triadic, 80; work and, 319n17
Religious person, sage versus, 158
Repetition, 29, 48–49, 109, 158, 178; of action, 255; certainty and, 229; in end of history, 196–97, 199; as eternal return, 247; finality and, 7–8; in post-historical state, 207
Replication, of thought, 39–40
Republic (Plato), 22, 97
Repulsiveness, 57
Responsibility, 62–63, 65, 262–63
Restlessness, 116–17
Resurrection, 53, 123–24, 277
Revolution, 285, 331n1
Right, 221–23
Rome, 93, 163–64, 319n10
Rosen, Stanley, 317n49, 325n7
Roth, Michael S., 302n8
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 181, 208–9, 293n18, 307n18, 309n44
Russia, 10–12, 319n10; famine, 92; intellectual heritage of, 2; Moscow, 163–64; religious thought of, 4–5
the Sage, 60, 314n20; autobiography of, 140–48; the Book, as wisdom of, 161–62, 171, 204; emancipation of, 181; in end of history, 177–78, 214, 255; God and, 143, 146; Hegel on, 144, 319n14; Kojève on, 158–60, 163–69; madness and, 141; omniscience of, 162; on philosophers, 142; religious person versus, 158; self-consciousness of, 159–60, 311n2; on self-overcoming, of slave, 313n12; Stoic, 149; in universal, homogeneous state, 140, 177–78; universality of, 141. See also Sophia
Salvation, 74–76, 119
Sapience, sentience and, 203–9
Schmitt, Carl, 310n57, 325n14
Science, 304n42, 329n62
Self, 113–14, 207–8, 264. See also the I; Individuality
Self-assertion, 46–47, 75–76, 78–79, 82, 97, 125
Self-awareness, 147, 187
Self-certainty, 124–31, 235–36
Self-consciousness: birth of, 112; of Christianity, 146–47; in collective awareness, 140–41; complete, 198; desire and, 111, 307n27, 309n33; expansion of, 166; freedom from, 181; as the human, 111–12; of Kojève, 151; other in, 122; of philosopher, 168; as recalling, 112; of the Sage, 159–60, 311n2
Self-contemplation, 141
Self-creation, 210
Self-determination, 84
Self-effacement, 79
Self-emergence, 309n37
Self-inclusion, 242–44, 328n53
Self-interest, 9–10, 272, 275–78
Self-knowledge, 35–36, 44, 227–28
Self-overcoming, 275–78, 313n12
Self-perfection, 33–34
Self-preservation, 120, 137–39; as animal nature, 187–89, 195, 278; as given, 310n48; of slave, 126, 135, 137–39, 157, 195
Self-recognition, 147. See also Recognition
Self-reference, 242–44
Sense, 82–83, 303n23; the concept and, 247; in discourse, 243–45; philosophy as explication of, 238; pseudo sense and, 234–37; reference and, 328n42; truth and, 239. See also Nonsense
Sentience, sapience and, 203–9
Servitude: animal will to live as, 175; in culture, 311n63; philosophy and, 133–40. See also Master-slave relation; Slave
Silence, 283, 285
Skepticism, 234, 236, 268–69
Slave: death and, 281, 287; discourse of, 284; emancipation of, 136–38, 171; in end of history, 171–72, 280; in history, 154, 311n1, 311n64; humanity of, 137; identity of, 134–35; incompletion and, 247; liberation, from nature, 187–88; as nullity, 134; otherworld of, 270; philosopher as, 132; self-definition of, 180; self-overcoming, 313n12; self-preservation of, 126, 135, 137–39, 157, 195; in time, 155–57; in universal, homogeneous state, 160. See also Master-slave relation
Social consciousness, 139
Sociality, 119
Social project, of emancipation, 71
Social reality, 123–24
Social relation, to nature, 169–70
Social struggle, 136
Sociology, 239–40
Socrates, 19–23, 28–29, 44, 46, 84, 296n21
Soloviev, Vladimir, 11, 301n5; on the Absolute, 84–85, 88–89; on active man, 75–76; on apophatic man, 76; on Christianity, 77–80; on deification, 71–72, 85–87; on end of history, 78; on faith, 86–87; Fedorov and, 71, 81, 100, 146; on Godmen, 74; Kojève and, 72, 163, 301n7, 302n17, 318n8; on the particular, 82–83; on reduction, 82–83; religious philosophy of, 72; on Sophia, 87–90; on time, 89–90; on triad, 74, 76–77, 80, 85–86; Valliere on, 72–73; works of, 72–73. See also Lectures on Divine Humanity
Sophia, 87–90, 133
Sophia, Philo-sophy and Phenomeno-logy (Kojève), 227
Sophistry, 239–40
Sophocles, 288
Soul, 20–23
Soviet Union, 176, 205. See also Moscow; Russia
Space: man as hole in, 154–55, 329n59; nature and, 329n59; time and, 149
Speech, 198–99
Spinoza, Baruch, 126–27, 150–53, 246, 311n62
Stalinism, 10, 163, 259, 280
Stavrogin, 56–61, 299n17
Stoic sage, 149
Strauss, Leo, 17–18, 109, 216, 316n47
Struggle: in the Book, 198; to the death, 121–22, 125–26; human, 180; social, 136; work and, 137, 195, 319n13
Stultitiae laus, 33
Subject: as negation, 113, 187; in Phenomenology of Spirit, 82, 264; substance and, 185. See also the I
Subjective certainty, 125, 235–36
Substance, 185, 322n43
Suicide, 21; as emancipation, 257–58; freedom and, 180–81, 278, 286; God and, 51–53, 212; indifference and, 53–54; Kirillov on, 51–56; myth, 285–86; of Stavrogin, 59
Symposium (Plato), 19, 21, 24, 30
Synthesis, 245�
�46, 329n54
System of freedom, 8–9
System of knowledge, 230–31, 254
System of right, 221–23
Technology, 271
Temporality: of the concept, 148–60, 251; diagrams, of Kojève, 150–51, 153; Hegel on, 149–50, 155; of history, 148–49, 154–57; labor and, 316n37. See also Time
Tension, of metaphysics, 174
Text, 12–14, 18, 165. See also the Book
Theodicy, 272
Theodicy (Leibniz), 263
Theology, 145–48, 158–59
Theory, practice and, 94
Thesis, antithesis, 245–46, 329n54
Thing-in-itself, 252–53
Thinking: action and, 30–33, 38–39, 200; exhausted mode of, 230; human, 321n40; modes, rules of, 37; replication of, 39–40; in time, 151–52
Third Rome. See Rome
Thomas Aquinas, 110
Thought. See Thinking
Time: the Book and, 181–82; the concept and, 148–60, 193–94, 237, 249; as desire, negation, 154–55, 162; eternity and, 152–54, 246; Hegel on, 157, 249; human, natural, 181–82; human as, 177–79; life in, 89–90; omniscience and, 157; shape of, 157; slave in, 155–57; space and, 149; thinking in, 151–52; triune, 155; world and, 23
Tolstoy, Leo, 217, 289, 327n34
Total emancipation, 173
Totality, 148–49, 228–29
Toward a Genealogy of Morality (Nietzsche), 70, 106
Transformation, 55, 62, 90, 138, 266–69
Transgression, 262
Transhumanism, 292n13
Triad, 74, 76–77, 80, 85–86, 245
Truth: correspondence model of, 268; death, nature and, 168; error and, 268; eternity and, 193–94; external limitation in, 167–68; as finality, 265–66, 327n38; Heidegger on, 267–68; knowledge and, 153–54; narrative and, 179–80, 193–94; Nietzsche on, 265–66; objective, 125, 167; omniscience and, 149; sense and, 239; universal, 167; will to, 265
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 91
Twilight of the Idols (Nietzsche), 57, 296n21
“Tyranny and Wisdom” (Kojève), 119, 122–23, 216
Ugliness, 58
Uncertainty, 280–81
Unconsciousness, 208, 240–41
the Underground man, 27; as apophatic man, 75; corruptness of, 317n48; against the Crystal Palace, 202–3; discourse of, 31; disease of, 181; freedom, as hesitation, 31–33; freedom, as nature, 28–31, 61; freedom, as nonsense, 33–36; hesitation of, 68; as man of inaction, 39; mockery of, 34–35; negation by, 282, 294n4; nonsense of, 230; overcoming self-interest, 278; on perfection, 33–34; as post-historical, 269; Socrates and, 44; Stavrogin and, 59–60
Unfinishedness, 268–74
United States, 176, 205
Universal, homogeneous state, 221, 223; harmony in, 195; the sage in, 140, 177–78; as trans-individual, 198; as triumph, of slave, 160; as utopia, 188
Universal empire, 93
Universal grammar, 34
Universalism, 239
Universality, 141, 169
Universalization, 194–95
Universal recognition, 136, 169, 202
Universal resurrection, 90–92, 95–98
Universal truth, 167
the Unlearned, 94
Unthought, 143, 314n19
Utopia. See Final state; Universal, homogeneous state
Valliere, Paul, 72–73
Value, desire of, 120–21
Vanity, 64–65, 260
Violence, 104, 106
Voluntas, 259–64
Warrior, worker and, 138–39
the we, 212
the Wealthy, 95
the Whole, 229
Will, 67, 330n73, 331n10; being, reason and, 85–86; communal identity and, 264; of God, 261; hero of, 68–69; human, 261–63; natural, 78; Nietzsche on, 262; reason and, 70–71, 85–86; to truth, 265; voluntas, 260. See also On Free Choice of the Will (Augustine)
Wisdom, 35, 204–5; as acceptance, of death, 281, 316n43; as enactment, of death, 171; knowledge and, 168; from philosophy, 227, 236; as self-knowledge, 227–28. See also the Sage; Sophia
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 83
Wood, Allen, 329n54
Work, 130, 197; religion and, 319n17; struggle and, 137, 195, 319n13
Worker, warrior and, 138–39
World, 23, 138, 319n13
Zosima: on active love, 67; on brotherhood, 74; death of, 65–66; Father Feramont and, 62–66; on humbling oneself, 64–65; on others, 62–64