Beautiful Burn

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Beautiful Burn Page 1

by Rachel Blake

  What’s Inside

  "What else are you hiding from me?"

  She shook her head. "I'm not telling you. You're going to have to find out for yourself."

  He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. "I have ways of making you talk."

  While she was moaning, she watched as he pulled the previously untouched nipple into the hot recesses of his mouth. "They've been healed for years. Do your worst. Ow."

  "Never taunt me when you have a body part so close to my teeth. I bite." The rest of her clothes were thrown to the floor in short order. Naked, sprawled across the bed, she watched him take inventory of her body. "No belly button ring. Stick out your tongue."

  She did as she was told, laughing. "Wouldn't you have felt that while we were making out in the snow? Or against your truck?"

  "You would think so, but I'm running out of places to search." He didn't get any further as realization dawned.

  "By golly, I think he's got it." His eyes never left hers as his hand slowly ran down her body and over her naked mound. At his pause, she giggled. "Keep going, Sir, it won't bite."

  The slow way he spread her lips drove her mad with need. When she arched into him, he drew his hand back and brought it down sharply over her pussy. "I'm not sure if that cry was one of pleasure or pain."

  "Can it be both?"

  "Hold your legs up with your hands behind your knees. I want to see your beautiful jewel." After a pause, a smirk split his face. "Both of them." She did as she was told. The cold air of the room on her hot, exposed sex only making her sexual need grow. "Keep making those little noises, baby. I love them."

  He moved between her legs and the words fell from his mouth, "Fuck, baby."

  "Do you like it?"

  "Hell, yes." He took his cock in hand, stroking it from base to tip. "I should have let you make me come." She bucked off the bed when he shifted positions and ran his tongue over her sex, sucking her clit into his mouth and rapidly flicking the silver hoop imbedded in the hood of her clit back and forth with his tongue.

  "I'm going to come," she cried out in anguish.

  He released her tortured flesh. "You will not come without permission." Her whine was desperate. "All you have to do is ask nicely."

  "Please, Sir."

  "You can do better than that, girl."

  "Please, please, please! Your mouth is so good and it has been so long, please, Sir."

  "How long? As much as I love the beautiful blush of yours when it spreads across your face, it isn't going to keep you from having to answer my question. How long has it been?"

  "Before I started at the station."

  "Four years?"

  Heat engulfed her clit once again. When he impatiently nipped the swollen bud, she cried out with the realization that he expected an answer. "Um, uh. At someone else's hand, yes."

  "Good girl." He stood and shucked his pants. "Fuck, I should have let you suck me dry. Are you laughing at me?"

  "Never, Sir."

  Beautiful Burn

  Hill City Heroes, Book Two

  Rachel Blake

  Published by Blushing Books

  An Imprint of

  ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc.

  A Virginia Corporation

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901


  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The trademark Blushing Books is pending in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Rachel Blake

  Beautiful Burn

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-948045-21-6


  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27


  Rachel Blake

  Blushing Books

  Blushing Books Newsletter

  Chapter 1

  Gwendolyn stared at her reflection in the smudged mirror. Her auburn hair was pulled back into a long ponytail at the crown of her head, and she eyed the strands already trying to escape the confines of the elastic band. Her curls had a mind of their own and she knew that in just a few short hours, she would have a head full of frizz despite her efforts to tame the locks.

  The sound of the heavy locker room door opening stopped the scrutiny of herself, but it was the sound of hot and heavy kissing that forced the exaggerated sigh from her lips. "Seriously! You could at least do a sweep of the room first."

  "Sorry, Gwen." Leland's apology was torn to shreds when the sound of Autumn's laughter hit Gwen's ears. "Princess." Gwen smiled when she heard the muttered ow from the other side of the room.

  "We agreed you wouldn't call me that at work."

  "I agreed to nothing. And if you pinch me again, I will drag you to the repair closet again."

  With one more quick glance at herself, Gwen headed toward the door and the overly enthusiastic couple. "Seriously, guys, you were literally apart, what, maybe an hour this morning? Do you have to start with the groping so early?" She paused in her turn toward the door. "Oh, and do us all a favor and move in together already. Having to pretend we don't know you guys spent the night together is starting to get old."

  "I told you we weren't fooling anyone, princess."

  Gwen watched as her partner glowered at the man, earning herself a pinch to the thigh. "Come on, princess, let's get the rig check done before you get yourself into any more trouble."

  "See! That is why you need to stop calling me that at work." The man simply raised an eyebrow and shook his head. As soon as they were in the hallway, Autumn started whispering, "That was the worst hint you could have ever given. He knew the second you spoke that I put you up to it."

  "He's your Dom. Isn't the first rule of your relationship something about communication?"

  Autumn rolled her eyes. "Only about the important stuff."

  "I doubt he would agree with that statement." When they arrived at the ambulance, Gwen turned to her friend. "Just tell him that you want to move in. You guys have been through more in your six months together than most have in their entire life. You belong together, and you both know it."

  "I know, but why hasn't he asked me to move in? I'll be damned if I am going to do it all myself."

  "That is exactly why you need to talk to him. Quit beating around the bush and tell him what you want."

  "Are you sure you're not a Domme? You have the bossy thing down. No? Then you should really stop rolling your eyes. What? I'm just trying to help you. It's going to be a hard habit to break when you finally snag yourself a Dom. See! Right there, you rolled them again!"

  "Meeting in the great room. Thirty minutes," Jensen announced as he stuck his head in the back o
f the rig an hour later.

  "He's back," Autumn stated. Her eyes narrowed as her face reddened with anger.

  Gwen watched as Jensen softened the slightest bit. "You don't have to be here. No one would think less of you if you decided to pursue a different career."

  "I will be damned if I am going to let that bastard keep me from doing my job." She jumped from the rig, giving the man's shoulder a shove as she passed. "If you'll excuse me, I am going to find Lee."

  The smile on his face as he watched the confidant woman walk out of the garage stirred a far too familiar feeling in Gwen's gut. She quickly looked down at the incomplete checklist. "You did that on purpose."


  She gave him her best 'are you kidding me' look. "You reverse psychologied your way into getting her to do exactly as you wanted her to do."

  "Is psychologied a word?" At her eye roll, he shook his head and continued. "If it works and gets her to do what she was already going to do without her stressing over what she can't change, what does it hurt? Your smile could light up an entire room." She ignored his sudden change in topic and the goofy smile plastered to his face as she turned back to the clipboard. "You know, the men around here would be a lot more likely to believe you and your claim to be straight and narrow if that look didn't take over your face as often as it does."

  She absently flipped through the pages, as looking the man in the eyes right then was not an option. "What look?"

  "The one on your face right now."

  Shocked, she quickly studied his handsome face before brushing past him as she climbed out of the rig. "There is no look."

  "There is. It's in your eyes. A soft, subtle look, but there is no doubt a look."

  He followed her through the bay as she ducked and weaved past the trucks. Doesn't he have a job to do?

  "I just don't understand why you deny your need to submit. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

  She stopped in her tracks and turned on the man. "I haven't denied that need since—" She looked away, not wanting any more of a reminder. "I don't deny it anymore. I just don't talk about it like everyone else around here does. Shit. Do you know how desperately I want a man to love me the way so many of the men here love their women. I want it so badly, but before everything happened, I could hardly speak in the presence of a dominant, demanding man without tying my tongue into a knot. The worst part is that I've denied it for so long, I'm not sure I know how to talk to them anymore, let alone submit."

  "That's because you didn't want to talk to them." He softly chucked her under the chin, all but forcing her to raise her eyes to his. His voice growled with the next declaration, "There isn't a guy in this station who wouldn't be willing to help you fight off old habits."

  She looked away before her instincts took over and she answered the question written all over his face. "I can do it on my own. I will do it on my own. Dropping the timid, little mouse act was harder than I would like to admit, but I did it."

  He stepped closer to her and took hold of her arms. She watched as his thumb rubbed back and forth over one of her shoulders. "I have no doubt that you can absolutely do this on your own, but when you tell people of how you conquered your inhibitions, I want to be part of that story."

  She stood there for a second, mouth agape before she finally met his eyes. "Wait. You what?"

  He smiled as he ran his finger along her bottom lip. "Come on, Gwen, you can't be that surprised. We have been hitting on each other for months, but if you need more time, I'll give it to you. Let me know when you want me to be part of that story. In the meantime, I guess flirting is better than nothing."

  She licked at the path his finger had taken. "You haven't been hitting on me for months. Where are you going? You can't just drop a bomb like that and then walk away! Jensen!" He simply waved at her over his shoulder and kept walking. Her foot stomp was far less effective than she intended it to be.

  "At least when he walks away, you get a great view of his best asset." Autumn's whisper had her jumping. "Then again, rumor has it he's got more tattoos than the uniform lets on and some fun piercings to go with them."

  "Don't we all?" Gwen ignored the calls from her friend as she stole a page from Jensen's book and walked away. A girl needs to have a few surprises up her sleeve.

  She stepped out of the station, took a deep breath of the cold, late winter air and brushed the snow off the top of the picnic table before taking a seat. She leaned back against the building and the rough brick bit into her back the slightest bit as she allowed her eyes to drift shut.

  "I'm sure there are plenty of beds in the station if you need a nap that badly."

  She looked at the petite woman who stood across from her. "There are, but there are also a lot of people in there. People equal noise." She sat up straight. "How did you get back here?"

  The stranger looked around the fenced in area, her green eyes sparkling as the light reflected off the snow. "I'm not really sure. I was supposed to meet with Chief Keetes about ten minutes ago, but there was no one at the front desk when I came in, so I wandered around and you were the first person I found."

  "It's Saturday. Our secretary has the day off, and God only knows where the chief is." She felt the jealousy flair for a second before she was able to tamp it down. Hell, he had hardly spoken to her before a couple of months ago. She had no claim.

  "I am the new guy, er, girl, I guess. I start next shift, but the chief wanted me to come in today so he could introduce me and finish the paper work."

  Gwen shook the woman's hand. "We can always use another girl around here. I'm Gwen, one of the medics on this shift."

  "Nice to meet you. The other medic is a woman, too, right?" At Gwen's nod, she chattered on. "I thought so. I saw her on the news when that building collapsed on the old chief and her—"

  Gwen felt a sharp pain in her chest as the world around her faded. Her palms grew clammy and the memories flooded her system.

  She pushed the drugs, giving Leland some relief from the pain just as the rear doors of the rig swung open. Three soot covered firemen struggled to hold onto Kevin's limp form. His bunker gear stained red. His eyes fixed. Motionless.

  "Gwen? Gwendolyn! Look at me." Hands wrapped around her upper arms and gave her a shake, pulling her from her memory. "Gwendolyn, look at me!"

  She felt the cold breeze on her sweat covered face. "I'm looking at you, Jensen."

  "No, you are looking through me. Focus your eyes and look at me." The command in his voice managed to pull her securely into the present. "That's my girl. Stop scowling at me."

  Her scowl deepened. "You can't praise me in one breath and scold me in the next."

  He released her arms and smiled. "The hell I can't. It is literally in my job description."

  She rolled her eyes. "You need a dictionary. There is no way that is literally in your job description."

  "Oh the sass. She's fine."

  "I'm sorry, Gwen. I didn't mean to—" the woman started, only to be cut off by the concerned man next to her.

  "What happened? Don't turn away from me."

  "I'm fine, Jensen."

  "As your boss, at the very least, you owe me an explanation, but as your friend, I need to know you are okay."

  She turned her narrowed eyes on the man. "You fight dirty."

  "No, I simply use every advantage I have. It just so happens one of those advantages is that you're madly in love with me."

  Gwen groaned, "I have never said or even hinted that I'm madly in love with you."

  "Oh, the hints are there, baby. As far as the words go, I will be hearing them soon enough."

  Before Gwen could retort, a throat was cleared. "I'm sorry, but this looks like it is about to get all hot and heavy, and I am pretty sure the two of you forgot I was standing here."

  Heat crept into Gwen's face, but she held the eyes of the cocky man in front of her. "Way to go, Chief. You embarrassed the new girl!"

  "Embarrassed her?" He scuffed. "If she i
s going to be working here, she should probably get used to being embarrassed. Especially with this shift."

  "Am I missing something?"

  "There is no reason for this to be so hard. He wants you, you want him. Quit pussyfooting around it and go for it already." The exasperation was evident in Autumn's voice. "The conversation the two of you had this morning should have been enough to crush any remaining doubt."

  "Why can't he just snatch me away and make me his?"

  "The same reason Autumn enlisted you in her plot to get me to ask her to move in." At the confused expressions, Leland continued. "We can't read your minds. Not to mention, kidnapping charges would not look good on the new fire chief's record."

  "Nah." The women waved him off.

  "Look, he may be the Dom, but you hold all the power. Which means, if you want this, you have to make a move."

  "Oh, quit giving him that look. He's telling you the truth. It only looks like the Dom has all the control, but we subs are a pretty powerful bunch."

  "Prove it."

  Autumn pondered for a second before she snapped her fingers. "It's like a coloring book and crayons. Submissives are the coloring books. They lay out all the lines and boundaries. Dominants are the crayons. They can color that page any way they want as long as they stay within the lines set by the sub."

  "We mostly use red. We really like red."

  "I swear. I am trying to help a girl out here, and all you can think about is slapping my ass."


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