Beautiful Burn

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Beautiful Burn Page 6

by Rachel Blake

  "Yes, Sir," tumbled from her mouth as a feeling of belonging fell over her and she relaxed into his hold.

  "Let's go eat breakfast." He planted a kiss to the top of her head before landing a swat to her ass and leading her back to the table.

  "Well, she didn't flinch when she sat down, so that's a good sign," Autumn stage whispered as Gwen slid into the booth and picked up her fork, eyeing the fresh stack of pancakes.

  Leland chucked. "Mind your own business. If they wanted you to know what happened, they would tell you, snoopy sub."

  Jensen placed his hand on Gwen's thigh and gave it a tender squeeze as he poured syrup over his own stack. "Go on, Boisy, she may actually let you finish a sentence this time."

  "I'm not going to lie. I would love for both of you to be as far away from this as possible, but I know that is not a rational decision and definitely not one Jensen and I can make for you." He smiled at the woman next to him. "Even if it would put our minds at ease, we know that's not what you would want."

  "Oh." Gwen looked down at her plate, pancakes still untouched.

  "We have a few ideas on how to keep you guys better protected, and one of them will be put into effect as soon as we can set it up."

  "Will we be kept in the loop about what this plan is when it comes time to implement it?"

  "Yes," both men stated at the same time. The lack of hesitation had Gwen relaxing into her seat.

  "Okay," Gwen started as she shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth.

  "Now, on to more important things." Autumn paused dramatically. "What time are you guys going to be at the house tonight?"

  "I thought Leland's house was in the country?" Gwen questioned as they pulled into the driveway of a small cottage only a few blocks from the station.

  "This is my place. We'll go to Boisy's later. Right now, we're going to deal with what went down at the diner. For that, we need privacy. There is no reason for prying eyes to see me take my displeasure out on your ass. For this first time, anyway." Before Gwen could protest, Jensen was out of his truck and rounding the hood.

  "You could have at least given me the chance to argue with you," Gwen mumbled as he helped her from the truck. "And what do you mean by 'first time'?"

  He slapped her ass. "I figured I could save us both the trouble, but if you really want to argue, we can." He led her through the garage and to a side door of the house, swinging it open and allowing her to go first. "Why do you sound too excited about the prospect of someone seeing me correct you, bellissima."

  She quickly looked around the small, inviting kitchen before turning back to Jensen, her bravado gone. "I don't want to argue, but we do need to talk."

  "The words every man dreads to hear."

  "It isn't anything bad. I just, I think my innocent act these last couple of years has led you to believe that I am more naive that I truly am."

  "Gwen." He grabbed her hand and led her to a dining room, pushing her into a chair. He crouched before her. The concern etched in his face had Gwen wishing she could take back her words. "So, your inexperienced and new to this type of relationship. It's not—"

  "But I'm not."


  "I'm not inexperienced or new to this type of relationship, Jensen. I grew up with this type of relationship. While my parents tried to keep it discreet, I knew." She watched his face closely as she spoke her next words. "I have also had a couple of relationships like this. Not successful ones, obviously, but I was the sub to their Dom, and I loved every minute of it."

  "Then why act like all things lifestyle were foreign concepts to you for so long?"

  "To make myself believe I didn't need it."

  "One of them hurt you?"

  She picked at her nails.

  "What happened?"

  "He started topping another woman. By the time he told me about her, he was in love, and I was devastated." She swallowed hard and forced herself to continue. "We were in deep. Damn near Master/slave and then it was just over. Looking back, she fit into his kinks far better than I did, but by the time I realized that, the damage was done. I started having nightmares, and I decided that playing the vanilla was better than going through that heartbreak again."

  "The nightmare last night?"

  "Yeah, but for the first time ever, it had a different, better ending. It had closure."

  He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "So, when I said that I wasn't going to blister your ass right then because you were new to the lifestyle?"

  "I tried to tell you."

  "And I wouldn't let you." He stood and pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry. I will be better about letting you tell me stuff in the future. I promise."

  "That is all I can ask for. Thank you."

  "You know what this means though, right?"

  "You're going to let me off the hook?"

  Jensen laughed as he took her place in the chair. "Nice try, bellissima. I did that yesterday morning and look at where we are now. Pants down."

  "Why do you keep calling me that?"

  He watched her face as she undid her jeans. "It suits you."

  "It's more than that, isn't it?" She wiggled her jeans down her hips, allowing them to pool at her feet before she kicked them away.

  He smiled. "It's what my dad has always called my mom."

  "So, you just stole your dad's pick-up line?" Her hand landed on her hips as a smirk split her face.

  "You're standing in front of me in only your underwear; it really takes all the power out of your stance, you know."

  She let her hands drop. "I'm a little rusty in my submission."

  "Let's see if we can remedy that." He leaned back in the chair, giving her the room necessary to lay herself across his lap. "Panties down first."

  Unceremoniously, she shoved her underwear down and moved to his right side. She didn't hesitate in laying herself across his lap; there was no point. She wanted to submit.

  His ran his hands over her nates, admiring the goose bumps that formed. "I believe you should start as you intend to finish."

  She looked at him through her stray curls. "What does that mean?"

  "It means I don't believe in warm ups."


  "Unless I am using an implement. In that case, I will use my hand first."

  "Is this one of those times?"

  "No, bellissima. I will only be using my hand for this one. Are you ready?"

  She looked at the floor before she spoke again. "Are there any rules during punishment that I should know about?"

  "Never reach back. You can swear and be as loud you want, but there is to be no name-calling and no swearing at me. Do you know the difference between swearing and swearing at me?" When she nodded her head, he continued. "Explain, please."

  "I cannot use any swear words when answering your questions or addressing you."

  "Good girl. Any more questions before I start?" When there was no response, he laid down a hard spank. "You said yourself that you are not new to the scene, so I assume you know how to answer me when I ask you a question, especially while you're in this position."

  "No, Sir, I don't have any questions." He wasted no more time, landing swat after swat on her tender flesh.

  "Holy shit!" His previous statement rang true as his hand bounced off her nates, the spanks hard and fast right from the start. Numerous swats landed in one spot before he deemed it fit to move on to a new location. She was just starting to wiggle when the lecture started.

  "Why are you here, bellissima?"

  "I jumped to conclusions and interrupted you and Leland."

  After a second, he moved his hands to the tops of her thighs. "You forgot one."

  She scrambled to come up with what he wanted. "I can't think when you spank there, Sir."

  "Maybe you can think better when I turn my attention elsewhere then." The assault on her thighs stopped, but she knew her reprieve would be short lived. "Spread your legs." She did as she was told and the slap to her inner thighs was a
shock. "Not where you thought my hand was going, huh? I will keep at this tender skin until I get what I want."

  "Please, Sir, it hurts. I can't think."

  "I had you explain the rule to me before your spanking started. There it is; she remembers now."

  "I swore at you. I'm sorry, Sir."

  "It was very rude, wasn't it?"

  "Shit! Yes, Sir! I was rude. I'm sorry."

  "Which one of the D's does it break?"

  "Disrespect, Sir. I broke the rule about respecting you. I'm sorry!"

  "Now, sub, I know you know that that little apology isn't going to cut it, don't you?"

  She wiggled as his hand rubbed and soothed the warm flesh he had just painted red with his attention. His fingers grazed her labia right before he pulled his hand away and he started pelting her sit spots. "No. I mean, I know, Sir, but my butt is not the leather ass it once was."

  He chuckled as he moved up to her ass once more before starting the trip down to her thighs and back up. "Then I suggest you behave until we get your ass up to par."

  He didn't talk any more as he focused on her full, rounded bottom. While it did not hurt as much as the previous bout, the buildup had done its job and she could do nothing to stop the tears from gathering. She didn't want to cry. Hell, she had taken more than this and not shed a tear, but, somehow, this was different.

  "Let go, bellissima."

  "I can't." Her voice broke.

  "You need this. Trust me, I promise to catch you."

  The tender truth in his words was her undoing. The tears ran down her face, dripping off the end of her nose in fast succession. Ten more strikes of his hand landed before she went limp over his lap and his tempo slowed. "I'm sorry, Sir." She hiccupped a bit as he flipped her over and carried her in his arms to the sofa. "I don't remember a hand hurting so much before."

  "Leather butt only lasts if you use it." He situated her on the couch next to him with her head in his lap before he tossed a blanket over her lower half. "Wasted too much time pretending to be what you're not. All your resilience is long gone, bellissima."

  She huffed a laugh. "Trust me, I know, but it is worth it when this is the result. This is my favorite part."

  "You mean when I don't try to pull your hair out?"

  She laughed while he untangled his fingers from her locks and started rubbing her back. With every pass he made up her back, the weight of her guilt ebbed, and the weight of her eyelids grew. Soon, she was drifting somewhere between sleep and wakefulness.

  There were ten minutes of silence, neither willing to break the spell that the aftercare had on them before his phone rang. When he didn't make a move to answer it, her heart swelled. Without opening her eyes, she asked, "Aren't you going to get that?"

  "No, I have an answering machine. Besides, this is my favorite part, too."

  "Me, nearly comatose on your lap?"

  "No, you all compliant and purring. You, still being naked under that blanket isn't all that bad, either."

  She sat up so she could see the smug look on his face. "Compliant? Are you saying that I am too much for you?"

  "Never, I am just learning that you are not as docile as you liked to make everyone believe." He scooped her into his arms again as he slid down the sofa and stretched out on his back. When they were finally settled, she was wedged between his side and the back of the couch, safe, warm, and content. With her head on his chest, she fell asleep to the steady beat of his heart under her ear.

  Chapter 9

  A content mewl rumbled from Gwen's chest when his hand roamed over her hip and across her ass before fingers softly glided up the crease of her butt and down again, only to repeat the pattern. She was fully on top of him, having moved in her sleep, her chest pressed against his, his hard cock pressing into her belly.

  He grabbed her ass, forcing a moan from her lips. As he released her tender flesh, he started the trek over her ass again, but this time when he moved down the seam in her ass, she slightly spread her legs in a silent invitation.

  "Say it," he commanded, pausing in his ministrations. "I won't give it to you unless you ask."

  "Please touch me." He didn't hesitate. As soon as the words were out, he pushed his fingers lower, caressing the warm lips of her pussy. She opened her legs wider and attempted to push back on his fingers.

  The phone ringing startled her awake, chasing away the perfect dream. "Sorry, bellissima." Jensen reached for the phone. "Hey, Mom."

  She lifted her head from his chest, wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand and stood from the couch, her bladder demanding attention. When she returned, Jensen was just ending the call. "How long did we sleep?"

  "About three and a half hours. How's your butt?"

  "It isn't sore any longer." He pulled her toward him before he fisted the flesh of her right ass cheek, causing her to squirm and moan. "Well, when you do that."

  While he groaned in return, he released her cheek. "As much as I would love for you to stay in your half-dressed state, you need to get the rest of your clothes on. I forgot about my promise to go see my parents. I'll take you home on the way. What's wrong?"

  As she tried to school her features, she shrugged. "Nothing."

  "Oh, no." She didn't even get one step toward her discarded clothing before she was pulled into his lap. "You're very close to breaking one of our rules."


  "We both know it's not nothing. Be honest and tell me what had you looking so disappointed."

  "I was looking forward to spending time with you."

  "With just me?"

  "No. I suppose I can share you." She laughed at his affronted look. "I just wanted to spend some more time with you away from the station and not hindered by alcohol. You know, as just Gwen and Jensen. Some place where I don't have to keep people alive and you aren't the boss of everyone."

  "Where I am just the boss of you?"

  "No. Yes." She rolled her eyes. "I don't know. I was just looking forward to a night of us and whatever we decided to do."

  "Okay. Get dressed. We're going to my parents' house."

  "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," Gwen mumbled as they turned on the gravel road that led to his parents' place. "We've only gone on one date, hardly serious enough to meet the parents."

  When he pulled the truck to the side of the road, Jensen put it into park. Not taking his eyes off the steering wheel, he spoke. "You're right. I would never introduce a girl to my parents this soon in a normal relationship. Hell, I've never introduced a girl to my parents." He turned to her. "But I have also never had a snowball fight on a first date. Or needed to protect another woman as fiercely as I do you. This isn't a normal relationship. You're different, we are different, and neither one of us is taking this lightly. This isn't some carefree fling. There's a lot at stake here. I'm your boss, and you're one of the best medics in Hill City. I put a lot of thought into how this would work before I ever started entertaining the idea of us as a couple."

  He grasped her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I'm not telling you this to make you cry." He wiped the single tear from her face. "I am telling you this because you need to know that you are not just another notch on my bedpost. If I didn't intend for this to work and to fight like hell to make it permanent, I would never have started pursuing you all those months ago. And I guess if that scares you off then, at least, I can look back and say I tried."

  She didn't have words, so she did the next best thing. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hard, passionate kiss, which they were still enjoying five minutes later when there was a knock on the window.

  "You know, I really thought the last time I would catch you necking a girl in your pick-up at the end of the drive, would have been years ago, but here we are, reliving old times."

  Tearing her lips away, Gwen buried her face in her hands. "Oh my God! Please kill me now."

  Jensen chuckled as he rolled down his window. "Dad."

  "Jensen, and yo
u must be Gwen." Gwen had no choice but to shake his outstretched hand. "Greg Keetes. Now, the two of you get to the house before your mother paces a hole in the front rug, will you? I'm right behind you." He took a step back from the truck.

  As soon as the truck was rolling, and the window was up, Gwen slugged Jensen in the arm. "Your dad just caught us making out in your truck like a couple of teenagers."

  "I know, babe, I was there, but if you hit me again, he will see me painting your ass a beautiful shade of red. Maybe I could get it about the same color as your face right now."

  The truck wasn't even in park before the front door swung open and a petite woman stepped out. "Shit, do you think she saw us, too?"

  He turned to her. "Gwen, I am thirty-five-years-old. If I want to kiss my girl in my truck until her toes curl, then I am damn well going to do just that."

  Chapter 10

  He was so proud of her. The blush hadn't completely dissipated yet, but Gwen strolled confidently up to his mom and introduced herself. When the shock of her only son bringing a woman home finally wore off, he watched as his mom wrapped his girl in her arms.

  "Daniella, if you don't let that girl go, we are never going to get her to come back."

  "You don't have to worry about that; I would always come back to see George."

  "You've met George?"

  Jensen huffed a laugh. "Met? She tried to turn your dog against me."

  Gwen whirled on him, hands propped on her hips, sass dripping from every word. "I did no such thing! I simply used him to distract you, so I could build up a suitable amount of ammunition to pelt you in the head with."

  When he snagged her by the elbow to pull her out of his mother's arms and into his chest, he said, "I think you just told my parents of your plot to kill me."

  Horror crossed her face as she realized how her words must have sounded to them. Laughter rumbled through him as her head fell to his chest, but it was only there for a second before she straightened her spine and turned to his parents once more. "We had a snowball fight in the middle of the night, in your back yard. It was our first date."


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