The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1

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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1 Page 69

by J. Smith

  -------------- “Terrorist kidnapper jailed for extortion.” European Stars and Stripes, March 12, 1978.

  -------------- “Terrorists Take Child as Hostage.” The Troy Record (Troy, New York), February 25, 1971.

  -------------- “Trial starts in Munich for accused Meinhof-gang munitions supplier.” European Stars and Stripes, September 26, 1973.

  -------------- “W. German ITT Offices Bombed.” Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa), November 19, 1973.

  -------------- “W. Germans fear possible gas attack by terrorists.” Reno Evening Gazette (Reno, Nevada), May 16, 1975.

  -------------- “W. Germans sentence 3 guerrillas to life for bomb deaths.” Tri-City Herald (Pasco, Kennewick, Richland, Washington), April 28, 1977.

  -------------- “West Berlin Publisher is Sentenced.” The Danville Bee (Danville, Va.), February 16 1970

  -------------- “West German police round up anarchist groups.” Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colorado), November 27, 1974.

  -------------- “West German Terrorists Lose Shootout.” The Brainerd Daily (Brainerd, Minnesota), November 11, 1970.

  -------------- “Wife of seized industrialist pleas for terrorists’ trade.” Modesto Bee (Modesto, California), September 12, 1977.

  -------------- “Woman gets Jail for Slapping Bonn Chief.” The Fresno Bee (Fresno, California), November 8, 1968.

  -------------- “Wrong Boy Kidnaped, Released; Ransom Paid.” Panama City News Herald (Panama, Florida), February 27, 1971.

  Augustin, Ron. “Der zweite Tod.” Junge Welt, Sept. 10, 2007.

  BBC News. “Meinhof Brain Study Yields Clues.” November 12, 2002.

  Binder, David (New York Times Service). “‘Republic of West Berlin’ suggested by radical group.” The Charleston Gazette (West Virginia), November 7, 1968.

  Boyles, Roger. “Daughter Defies State Over Ulrike Meinhof’s Brain.” The Times, November 9, 2002.

  The Bridgeport (Connecticut) Telegram. “Large ransom frees Viennese millionaire.” November 14, 1977.

  Busch, Jürgen. “Die letzte Waffe des Anarchisten.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 11, 1974.

  -------------- “Viele Gruppen—viele führende Leute.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 14, 1974.

  Campbell, Mary (Associated Press). “History’s coldest winter wrote top story for ’77.” The Lima News (Lima, Ohio), December 27, 1977.

  Cohen, Roger. “Germany’s Foreign Minister is Pursued by his Firebrand Self,” New York Times, January 15, 2001.

  Cohn-Bendit, Daniel. Interview by Stefan Aust, Gunther Latsch, Georg Mascolo and Gerhard Spörl “Ein Segen für dieses Land.” Spiegel, May 2001.

  The Corpus Christi (Texas) Times. “Bombing Seen as Protest.” May 14, 1976.

  -------------- “Police building hit by bomb.” December 17, 1976.

  Dellwo, Karl-Heinz. Interview by Axel Vornbäumen. “Ich bin kein Pazifist.” Tagespiegel, March 26, 2007.;art2566,2208178

  Deutsche Presse Agentur “Soziale Bewegungen Auf zum Strand von Tunix!” Spiegel, January 25, 2008.

  -------------- “Stasi soll RAF über Razzien informiert haben,” September 29, 2007.

  -------------- “Wieder Anschlag auf einen Richter.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 21, 1974.

  Deutsche Welle. “Journalists Unearth Rare Terrorism Trial Tapes from 1970s.” July 31, 2007.,,2715909,00.html.

  -------------- “My Mother, The Terrorist.” March 14, 2006.,,1933629,00.html

  die tageszeitung. “30 Jahre Deutscher Herbst ‘Die RAF war nicht ganz so schlicht.’” October 17, 2007.

  Ditfurth, Jutta. Interview by Arno Luik. “Ditfurth über Meinhof: ‘Sie war die große Schwester der 68er’.” Stern 46/2007.

  Ensslin, Christiane and Klaus Jünschke. “Stimmen aus Stammheim: Isolationshaft ist kein Mythos.” Neue Rheinische Zeitung, August 8, 2007.

  European Stars and Stripes. “General Pearson seeks community help in solving Frankfurt bombings.” May 16, 1972.

  -------------- “German Facilities Struck by Bombs.” May 13, 1972.

  -------------- “German terrorist is hospitalized.” November 14, 1974.

  -------------- “Hunt for anarchists stepped up.” March 7, 1975.

  -------------- “Meinhof.” November 30, 1974.

  -------------- “Meinhof: Female German Guerrilla Leader gets 8-year term for role in murder plot.” November 30, 1974.

  -------------- “New Violence Hits Frankfurt.” November 2, 1968.

  -------------- “Released from Custody.” February 11, 1973

  Fichter, Tilman. Interview by Philipp Gessler and Stefan Reinecke. “The anti-semitism of the 68ers.” tageszeitung, Oct. 31, 2005.

  Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “Berliner CDU ruft zu einer Demonstration.” November 16, 1974.

  -------------- “Bescheidene Mitgleiderzahlen radikaler Organisation.” June 7, 1972.

  -------------- “Beshuldigungen nach dem Tod von Holger Meins.” November 10, 1974.

  -------------- “Die Vollzuganstalt Wittlich.” November 10, 1974.

  -------------- “DKP verurteilt anarchistische Demonstrationen in Frankfurt.” May 26, 1972.

  -------------- “Empörung nach den tödlichen Schüsssen von Berlin.” November 12, 1974.

  -------------- “Erklärung der Kirche gegen Terorismus.” November 29, 1974.

  -------------- “Erst nach Stunden identifiziert.” June 19, 1972.

  -------------- “Festnahmen nach Frankfurter Ausschreitungen.” May 15, 1976.

  -------------- “Keine Solidarisierung mit Abenteurern.” May 29, 1972.

  -------------- “Maihofer: ‘Brutale Strategie’ der Baader-Meinhof-Bande.” November 14, 1974.

  -------------- “Todesfälle eingeplant?” November 14, 1974.

  -------------- “Verdacht der Unterstützung von Terroristen beunruhigt die Berliner evangelische Kirche.” November 12, 1974.

  -------------- “Verstärkte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im gesamtem Bundesgebeit.” November 12, 1974.

  -------------- “Zweihundert Studenten der Freien Universität im Hungerstriek Demonstrationen und Krawalle in Berlin.” November 13, 1974.

  The Fresno (California) Bee. “Plane is Offered Lorenz Kidnappers.” February 22, 1975.

  Goettle, Gabriele. “Die Praxis der Galaxie.” die tageszeitung, July 28, 2008.

  Günsche, Karl-Ludwig and Hans Werner Loose. “Werner Mauss 40 years of fighting against criminality.” Die Welt, July 31, 1998.

  Haworth, David. “Why German Workers Don’t Ask For Raises.” Winnipeg Free Press, December 11, 1968.

  Henkel, Peter. “Milde Urteile für Volker Speitel und Hans-Joachim Dellwo.” Frankfurter Rundschau, December 15, 1978.

  Intelligence. “Free Agent ‘Werner Mauss’ Gets Caught.” Dec. 16, 1996.

  Jacobson, Philip. “Show Trial.” Sunday Times Magazine, Feb. 23, 1975: 12-23.

  Karacs, Imre. “After 25 years Carlos the Jackal gets his revenge.” The (London) Independent, October 18, 2000

  Kätzel, Ute. “Die Mädchen fielen aus ihrer Rolle.” die tageszeitung, October 25-26, 1997.

  The Kingsport (Tennessee) Times. “West Germans Take Seriously Terrorist Threat on Schmidt.” October 22, 1977.

  Kirn, Thomas. “Bombendrohungen werden schnell geahndet.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 9, 1972.

  Knobbe, Martin. “Der Ankläger und sein Informant.” Stern, April 27, 2007.

  Kopinski, Thaddeus. “From barroom brawls to bombings.” Post Herald and Register (Beckley, W. Va.), April 27, 1975.

  LA Times—Washington Post Service. “West Germany’s ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ Have Country in an Uproar.” The Lawton Constitution, December 3, 1972.

  Lams, Dave. “Police Trace Leads in V Corps Blasts.” European Stars and Stripes, May 13, 1972.

  Libération. “1000 croissants pour un avocat.” October 10, 1977.

  -------------- “Klaus Croissant et la raison d’État.” October 10, 1977.

  Lincoln Star. “Anarchist’s Death Causes Bombings.” May 11, 1976.

  Lindner, Jan-Eric. “Es begann wie ein Routine-Einsatz - dann fielen Schüsse.” Hamburger Abendblatt, March 3, 2006.

  Long, Wellington. “Germany has second Rommel.” The Sunday Sun (Lowell, Mass.), April 16, 1978.

  Malzahn, Claus Christian. “Happy 25th Birthday Greens. What’s the Plan Now?” Spiegel, January 13, 2005.,1518,336623,00.html

  McCarty, Patricia (United Press International). “The terrorist war.” European Stars and Stripes, August 9, 1973.

  NEA/London Economic News Service. “Tragic Death is Mourned.” Uniontown Morning Herald (Uniontown, Pennsylvania), May 27, 1976.

  -------------- “Friends Mourn Meinhof’s Tragic Death.” The Pharos Tribune (Logansport, Indiana), May 23, 1976.

  News Journal (Mansfield, Ohio). “Leftists suspected: Former Yemen Premier Killed.” April 11, 1977.

  Newsweek. “The Angela Davis Case.” October 26, 1970: 18-24.

  Peters, Butz. “Landshut-Befreiung: Die RAF erleidet ihre größte Niederlage.” Welt Online, October 14, 2007.

  Reuters. “Envoy Gets Kidnap Threat.” Winnipeg Free Press, Jan. 22, 1977.

  -------------- “Suspects shot in gun battle.” Winnipeg Free Press, May 4, 1977.

  Roth, Andrew. “Obituary: Melvin Lasky, Cold Warrior who Edited Encounter Magazine.” The Manchester Guardian, May 22, 2004.

  Sontheimer, Michael. Interview by Rainer Berthold Schossig, “25 Jahre taz.” Deutschlandradio, April 12, 2004,

  Sontheimer, Michael. “Soziale Bewegungen Auf zum Strand von Tunix!” Spiegel, January 25, 2008.

  Spaemann, Robert. “Kaffee, Kuchen und Terror.” Die Zeit, 19/1998.

  Spiegel. “Gehirne der toten RAF-Terroristen verschwunden.” November 16, 2002.,1518,druck-223109,00.html

  Steinbauer, Agnes. “Tod in Stammheim,” Deutschlandradio, May 9, 2006.

  Strout, Richard L (TRB From Washington). “Countdown to a Crisis: Is Nuclear Terrorism Next?” The Fresno Bee (Fresno, California), October 26, 1977.

  Synovec, Dan. “Anarchist gang blamed,” European Stars and Stripes, May 27, 1972.

  -------------- “Bombs kill 3 at USAREUR Hq.” European Stars and Stripes, May 25, 1972.

  -------------- “Security beefed up at U.S. installations.” European Stars and Stripes, May 13, 1972.

  -------------- “Terrorists: odd solidarity prompts aid to the Baader-Meinhof gang.” European Stars and Stripes, June 3, 1972.

  Tersteegen, Wolfgang. “Mit der Bombe im Handgepäcke.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 19, 1972.

  Thomson, George (Associated Press). “Berlin police, leftists battle.” The Lowell Sun (Lowell, Mass.), November 4, 1968.

  Time Magazine. “Battle of Berlin.” July 3, 1972.,9171,877839,00.html.

  -------------- “Closing in on an elusive enemy.” October 9, 1978.,9171,919863,00.html.

  -------------- “Guerrillas on Trial.” December 9, 1974.,9171,908968,00.html.

  -------------- “Kidnaping in Vienna, Murder in Athens.” January 5, 1976,9171,947609,00.html.

  -------------- “The Lorenz Kidnaping: A Rehearsal?” March 17, 1975.,9171,912980,00.html

  -------------- “Return of Black September.” November 13, 1972.,9171,910445,00.html

  Tolmein, Oliver. “Beharren: Freundfeind.” Freitag 17, April 19, 2002.

  United Press International. “4 W. German Terrorists Arrested.” Pacific Stars and Stripes, May 31, 1978.

  -------------- “8 Terrorist gang suspects still sought.” European Stars and Stripes, July 10, 1972.

  -------------- “Army Headquarters Hit by Terrorist Bombs.” Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, Texas), June 2, 1976.

  -------------- “Baader-Meinhof lawyer praises guerillas.” European Stars and Stripes, October 10, 1972.

  -------------- “Captured Gun confirmed as Buback Murder Weapon.” European Stars and Stripes, May 5, 1977.

  -------------- “Caransa Released After Ransom Paid.” The Coshocton Times (Coshocton, Ohio), November 2, 1977.

  -------------- “Cops ambush terror courier.” Newport Daily News (Newport, Rhode Island), September 25, 1978

  -------------- “Crusade against terrorism urged.” Newport Daily News (Newport, Rhode Island), October 25, 1977.

  -------------- “Deaths of W. German terrorists protested with bombings, student riot.” Valley News (Van Nuys, Calif.), October 21, 1977.

  -------------- “Ends French Stay: Member of Gang Turns Self In.” European Stars and Stripes, July 1, 1972.

  -------------- “Explosive device defused in Wiesbaden.” European Stars and Stripes, January 26, 1977.

  -------------- “Funeral to demonstration.” Playground Daily News (Fort Walton Beach, Florida), May 16, 1976.

  -------------- “Gang Kidnaps Dutch Millionaire.” Kingsport Times News (Kingsport, Tennessee), October 29, 1977.

  -------------- “German police hunt Haag helpers.” European Stars and Stripes, December 8, 1976.

  -------------- “German rebel hangs herself.” The Pharos Tribune (Logansport, Indiana), May 10, 1976.

  -------------- “German Terrorist Dies Violent Death in Prison.” The Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio), May 10, 1976.

  -------------- “Germans Ask Japan Help tracking killers.” Newport (R.I.) Daily News, November 12, 1977.

  -------------- “Germans seize brother of Buback case suspect.” European Stars and Stripes, May 6, 1977.

  -------------- “Gunmen kill German judge.” Morning Herald (Hagerstown, Maryland), November 11, 1974.

  -------------- “Italian Leftists Continue Their Reign of Terror.” El Paso Herald-Post (El Paso, Texas), October 26, 1977.

  -------------- “Italian Radicals Say Suicide Squad Will Kill West German Ambassador.” Galveston Daily News (Galveston, Texas), October 26, 1977.

  -------------- “Leftist terrorists vow to foul German economy.” The Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio), October 22, 1977.

  -------------- �
�Leftists Continue Terror Reign.” The Salina-Journal (Salina, Texas), October 24, 1977.

  -------------- “Meinhof-Al Fatah Ties Described.” European Stars and Stripes, October 19, 1972.

  -------------- “Other Arab guerrilla demand told.” Daily Review (Hayward, California), September 8, 1972.

  -------------- “Paper Says Macleod was a British Spy.” European Stars and Stripes, July 3, 1972.

  -------------- “Parting shots.” European Stars and Stripes, October 4, 1980.

  -------------- “Professor endangered by kidnapper’s threat.” The Dominion Post (Morgantown, W. Va.), April 25, 1971.

  -------------- “Protests Sweep Three Nations.” The Valley News (Van Nuys, Calif.), October 27, 1977.

  -------------- “Raided Flat is Suspected Anarchist Hq.” European Stars and Stripes, October 28, 1971.

  -------------- “Suicide Victim Died of Despair—Comrade.” Raleigh Register (Beckley, West Virginia), November 14, 1977.

  -------------- “Terrorist Bomb Blasts Building in W. Germany.” Ogden Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah), October 31 1977.

  -------------- “Terrorists Bomb German Property.” Ruston Daily Leader (Ruston, Louisiana), October 24, 1977.

  -------------- “U.S. Hunts German Terrorists.” Pacific Stars and Stripes, July 23, 1978.

  -------------- “Urban Guerilla Leader Hangs Herself in Cell.” The Daily Review (Hayward, California), May 10, 1976.

  -------------- “West W. German Professor Admits Kidnaping Hoax.” European Stars and Stripes, April 27, 1971.

  Whitney, Craig R. (New York Times Writer) “Treaty Seen to Block Asylum for Terrorists.” Salt Lake Tribune, September 3, 1976.

  Winnipeg Free Press. “Uneven contest.” May 19, 1976.

  Winters, Peter Jochen. “Die Verquickung in Machenschaften der Meinhof-Bande began mit einer Kirschenbetzung.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 25, 1974.

  -------------- “Ulrike Meinhof läßt sich nur die Stichwort geben.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, December 15, 1972.

  -------------- “Unklarheit über die Rolle der verhafteten Pfarrersfrau.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 23, 1974.

  Wolff, Alexander “Thirty years after he helped plan the terror strike, Abu Daoud remains in hiding -- and unrepentant.” Sports Illustrated, August 26, 2002.


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