The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1

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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1 Page 72

by J. Smith

  death in Stammheim 334, 429, 597

  death mentioned by RAF 341, 387, 395, 408, 428, 465, 490, 496

  demand for international investigation 470, 487, 604

  Stockholm Embassy Occupation 334, 597

  Heikal, Muhammad 551

  Heinemann, Gustav 41, 568, 584. See also Grand Coalition

  See also Social-Liberal Brandt-Scheel Government (1969-1974)

  mentioned by Thorwald Proll 70

  mentioned by RAF 149, 232, 306–307

  president 41

  Heinemann Initiative 306

  Heissler, Rolf 568, 626

  Boock’s Lies (1988) 527

  captured (1971) 64, 586

  captured (1979) 530–531, 612

  freed in Lorenz kidnapping 328, 596

  isolation 301

  killings at Dutch border (1978) 530, 611

  prison 624

  Schleyer kidnapping 526, 627

  split in the RAF 623

  trial (1982) 615

  Tupamaros West Berlin 64

  Helbing, Monika 568, 614, 620, 621

  Heldmann, Hans-Heinz 516, 568, 604, 608

  Henck (prison psychiatrist) 319, 384

  Henze, Hans-Werner 247

  Herold, Horst 115, 412, 569, 587. See also BKA (Bundeskriminalamt)

  and RAF 116, 395, 604

  Herrhausen, Alfred 619

  Herzog, Roman 625

  Hessian Criminal Bureau 314

  Het Parool 523

  Hexel-Hepp Group 615

  Hijri, Fatima al 481

  Hijri, Qadi Abdullah Amhen al 481

  Hilfeleistung im Arbeitskampf 138

  Hillegaart, Heinz 333, 569

  Hinterhöfe der Nation 145

  historiography 393–394, 469, 512–513

  Hitler, Adolf 67

  Hitler’s Children: The Story of the Baader-Meinhof Gang 108

  Ho Chi Minh 402

  Hockenos, Paul 24, 394

  Hoff, Dierk 352–353, 422–423, 569

  Hofmann, Sieglinde 569, 612

  Boock’s Lies (1988) 527

  captured (1978, Yugoslavia) 529, 610, 611

  captured in Paris (1980) 613

  prison 624

  released (1999) 626

  split in the RAF 623

  trial (1982) 615

  trial (1995) 620, 625

  Hofmeier, Barbel 621

  Hogefeld, Birgit 616, 623, 625

  prison 624, 628

  release denied 627

  Holland 445, 473

  Maurits Caransa kidnapping 523

  and RAF 480, 501, 530, 593, 607, 609, 611

  and RAF prisoners 609, 610

  Holocaust 3, 27, 196–197, 544–547, 550, 551

  Homann, Peter 155, 161, 569

  and Meinhof’s daughters 118–119, 557–558

  mentioned by RAF 155

  Hoppe, Werner 405, 569, 612

  captured (1971) 107, 587

  isolation 301, 611, 612

  release demanded 339, 440, 498, 505

  in Stammheim 474, 605

  trial (1972) 592

  Horchem, Hans Josef 386

  Horkheimer, Max 24

  Housing Coucil 264

  Howeida, Amir Abbas 125, 127, 179

  Huber, Wolfgang 108

  l’Humanité 402

  Humphrey, Hubert 580

  Hussein (king) 56. See also Jordan

  Hutter (prison doctor) 260, 304–305

  IG Chemie 134, 135, 136, 137, 138

  IG Metall 22, 136, 248

  Il Manifesto 87, 89, 91, 100

  IMF World Economic Summit (1992) 622

  immigrant workers 9, 10, 29, 118. See also Foreigners Act

  mentioned by RAF 125, 140, 150, 175, 229, 361

  Palestinians 193–194, 229

  imperialism. See Federal Republic of Germany—Imperialism

  See RAF ideas on: imperialism

  Info 344

  described by prisoners 347

  excuse to attack lawyers 267, 344, 346, 595, 597, 598, 609

  Info-BUG 435, 539

  banned (1977) 525, 608

  RZ-RAF debate (1976-77) 456, 457–463, 461, 464, 469

  informants 85, 155–156, 160–161, 417–418, 467. See also Ruhland, Karl-Heinz

  See also Urbach, Peter

  Hans-Jürgen Bäcker 60, 161, 585

  Verena Becker 614, 621, 627

  Peter-Jürgen Boock 527, 627

  GDR arrestees 620, 625

  Edelgard Graefer 161–162

  Dierk Hoff 422–423

  Peter Homann 154–155, 161

  Klaus Steinmetz 623

  Informationsdienst 298–299, 424, 460, 464

  Institute for the Study of Conflict 467

  Institute of Forensic Psychiatry at the Free University of Berlin 243

  Interior Ministers Conference

  Berufsverbot 116, 589

  chemical workers strike 134

  Drenkmann killing 265

  GSG-9 592

  police killings 123, 601

  Verfassungsschutz 425

  International Congress on Vietnam 35, 581

  International Federation of Human Rights 498

  International Investigatory Commission into the Death of Ulrike Meinhof 382–384, 386–388, 519, 600, 602, 611

  International Olympic Committee 189, 217, 235

  International Red Cross 431

  Interpol 597

  IRA (Irish Republican Army) 305, 311, 376

  Portlaoise prison hunger strike 488–489

  Iran 369, 439

  and FRG 124–125, 125–126, 131

  and imperialism 31, 210, 211, 212

  mentioned in passing 149, 183, 213

  Iraq 209, 620

  and Waddi Haddad 482, 560, 561

  and RAF 480, 527

  Ireland 489

  Irish Republican Army. See IRA (Irish Republican Army)

  Ismirili, Yousef 599

  isolation torture. See also prison conditions: as “extermination”

  applied to RAF prisoners 238, 252, 428, 520

  as experienced by victims 242–243, 249

  discussed by RAF 249, 281, 286–287, 300–302, 320–323, 401–402, 403

  health effects 244, 267, 345, 417, 548–549

  methods 241–242, 515

  resistance to 286–287, 344, 347, 370, 401–402, 403–404, 487, 493, 497, 604, 610, 614

  sensory deprivation 238–240, 249, 271–273, 285, 302, 319, 410, 428, 491, 605

  Israel 439, 440. See also Federal Republic of Germany—Imperialism: and Israel

  See also New Left: Anti-Zionism

  See also undogmatic left: Anti-Zionism

  See also Revolutionary Cells: anti-Zionism

  See also Zionism

  and Entebbe 440

  mentioned by Black September 204

  mentioned by RAF 206, 214, 228, 229, 231–232

  Mossad 561

  reaction to Munich Olympics 191–192

  considered “Nazi” 215, 231, 504

  Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike (1977) 488

  Six Day War 34, 56, 580–581

  Yom Kippur War 199

  Israel, Joachim 382

  Italy 87, 254, 435, 508

  mentioned by RAF 311, 360

  and RAF 50, 389, 413, 521–522, 524, 529, 619

  strategy of tension 62, 349

  Jackson, George 407

  Jakobsmeier, Ingrid 611, 616, 623

  James, Daniel 178

  Jansen, Ali 59, 113, 569

  captured (1970) 60, 86, 585

  release demanded 339

  trial (1973) 593

  water deprivation 258, 387

  Japan 207, 526

  Jarosch, Klaus 383

  Jendrian, Günter 569, 594

  Jeunes Avocats 526

  Jishshi, Sammar ‘Adnan ‘abd al-Ghani al- 191

  Jochimsen, Luc 145

  Jong, Dirk “Dionysius” de 530, 569, 611

n 557, 558. See also Black September (massacre)

  Black September, targeted by 188, 193

  rear base area 56–57, 583

  Six Day War 34, 551–552, 581

  Juliana (queen) 523

  junge Welt 625

  Jünschke, Klaus 569

  captured (1972) 172, 591

  Kaiserslautern bank robbery 588

  pardoned (1988) 619

  release demanded 339

  trial (1975-77) 598, 605

  Jusos 256, 444, 625

  mentioned by RAF 102, 147, 148

  K.1. See Kommune 1

  Kamp-Munruchow, Karin 613

  Kanelakis, Panayotis 382

  Kappel (judge) 72

  Karlek med forhinder 319

  Katsiaficas, Georgy 117

  Kaufholz, Henrik 382

  Kaul (federal prosecutor) 381

  Kautsky, Karl 364

  KB (Kommunistischer Bund) 168, 183, 516. See also K-groups

  KBW (Kommunistischer Bund West-deutschland) 434, 514, 607

  Stammheim trial 424

  threat to ban 538, 608

  Kent State killings 153, 207

  Kenya 440

  KGB 560

  K-groups 42–43, 118, 434, 538, 553, 608. See also KB (Kommunistischer Bund)

  See also KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [Maoist]

  See also KPD/ML (Kommunistische Partei Deutschland/Marxisten-Leninisten)

  and antinuclear movement 450, 538

  antisemitism 198

  attitude towards the RAF 168, 245, 255, 258, 263, 326, 328, 388, 424, 434

  Khalifi (guard) 599

  Kiesinger, Kurt Georg 29, 41, 552, 569, 600. See also Grand Coalition

  Kilgore Commission 5

  Kim Il Sung 151

  King, Martin Luther 36, 582

  Kinkel Initiative 621

  Klar, Christian 526, 569, 612, 615, 626, 627

  Boock’s Lies (1988) 527

  Buback assassination 470

  captured (1982) 615

  Committees Against Torture 253

  prison 624

  released (2008) 628

  release denied 627

  split in the RAF 623

  Statement Regarding 77 533

  trials 617, 620, 623

  Zurich bank robbery (1979) 612

  Klarsfeld, Beate 41

  Klau Mich 75

  Klee, August 72–73

  Klein, Hans-Joachim 201, 439, 569

  OPEC raid (1975) 438–439, 599

  Putz Group 436

  Klett, Arnulf 181

  Klette, Daniela 626

  Kletzhändler, Edith 613

  Kluge, Alexander 25, 421, 610

  Klump, Andrea 619, 621, 626

  Kluth, Christian 621

  Knoblich (judge) 241, 593

  Knodler-Bunte, Eberhard 27

  Knoll, Michael 529, 570, 611

  Knutz, Siegfried 301

  Köhler, Horst 627

  Kohl, Helmut 344, 615, 621

  Komitees gegen Folter. See Committees Against Torture

  Kommune 1 31, 45, 49, 53, 237, 580, 583

  mentioned by Thorwald Proll 69, 75

  sexual politics 51

  Kommune 2 59

  Kommunistische Volkszeitung 434, 514

  Konieczny, Hans-Peter 591

  konkret 26, 28, 557, 583, 622

  and KPD 26, 28

  Meinhof’s columns 32, 38, 41, 48–49, 53, 582

  mentioned by RAF 84, 155

  Kontaktsperre. See prison conditions: Contact Ban

  KPD/AO (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands/Aufbauorganisation). See KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [Maoist]

  KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [Maoist] 245. See also KSV (Kommunistische Student-verband)

  criticized by RAF 289, 424

  Horst Mahler 255, 256, 328, 594

  threat to ban 538

  KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [pro-Soviet] 15, 17–18

  anti-rearmement movement 20–21

  as DKP 42, 88, 102. See also DKP (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei)

  banning of 15–16

  criticized by RAF 225, 228, 309, 424

  konkret 26, 28

  KPD/ML (Kommunistische Partei Deutschland/Marxisten-Leninisten) 42

  criticized by RAF 424

  support for prisoners 245, 258, 263, 326, 434, 459

  threat to ban 538, 608

  Krabbe, Friederike 526, 570

  Krabbe, Hanna 400, 570

  prison 605, 624

  released (1996) 625

  release demanded 498, 505

  split in the RAF 623

  Stockholm Embassy Occupation 334

  trial (1976-77) 600, 606

  Krahl, Hans-Jürgen 30, 570

  on Emergency Powers Act 39

  on guerilla 35, 581

  refuses to address sexism 42, 582

  targeted by Broad’s Council 444

  Kranenburg, Arie 480, 570, 607

  Krause, Walter 181

  Kraushaar, Wolfgang 443

  Krisenstab. See Crisis Management Team Kröcher-Tiedemann, Gabriele 328, 570

  freed in Lorenz kidnapping 328, 596

  OPEC raid (1975) 438–439, 599

  Kropotkin, Peter 227

  Krumm (journalist) 379

  KSV (Kommunistische Studentverband)

  criticized by RAF 183, 185, 406

  criticizes RAF 168

  Kuby, Christine 570

  Boock’s Lies (1988) 527

  captured (1978) 528, 610

  prison 624

  released (1995) 624

  split in the RAF 623

  trial (1979) 612

  Kuchnert (journalist) 379

  Kuhlmann, Brigitte 439, 561, 570

  Kühn, Heinz 117, 533, 607

  Kunstler, William 597

  Kunzelmann, Dieter 570, 583

  on Baader 51

  on prison conditions 237

  targeted by Broad’s Council 444

  Kurds 212

  Kurras, Karl-Heinz 570

  mentioned by Baumann 36

  mentioned by RAF 98, 226

  murdered Benno Ohnesorg 32, 33, 580

  Kuwait 209, 210, 620

  labor aristocracy 201–202

  Land Minister of the Interior 103, 181, 190

  Langhans, Rainer 30, 31, 571, 580, 583

  Lang, Jörg 527, 570, 592

  Langner, Klaus Jürgen 348, 571, 601

  Laubacher, Jürgen 603

  lawyers, attacks on 248, 267, 345–346, 595, 603, 611. See also Bar Association Disciplinary Committees

  See also Müller, Arndt

  See also Croissant, Klaus

  See also Groenewold, Kurt: attacks on

  See also Schily, Otto

  See also Newerla, Armin

  See also Ströbele, Hans-Christian

  See also Langner, Klaus Jürgen

  See also Lang, Jörg

  See also Haag, Siegfried: attacks on

  mentioned by RAF 286, 303, 312–313, 418–420

  Lebanon 191, 191–192

  mentioned by RAF 226

  rear base area 57

  Le Duan 364

  Leicht (journalist) 379

  Lenin 207, 221, 311, 316

  Imperialism and the Split in Socialism 364

  The State and Revolution 316

  What Is to Be Done 92–93

  le nouvel Observateur 446

  Lex Baader-Meinhof 267–268, 309, 319, 345–346, 596, 597. See also §138

  See also §146

  See also §231a-b

  See also §148-a

  See also §275a

  Libération 522

  Libya 195, 480

  mentioned by RAF 209

  support for PFLP (EO) 560

  Liebknecht, Karl 67, 216

  Lin Biao 310

  Linke, Georg 54, 571, 584

  mentioned by RAF 80, 85–86

  Liszt, Franz von 69

  Lod airport
skyjacking. See skyjackings: Sabena/Lod airport (1972)

  Lodt (inspector for security) 403

  Loew (neurosurgeon) 319, 411

  Lorenz, Peter 328, 571, 596. See also 2nd of June Movement: Lorenz kidnapping (1975)

  Lotta Continua 518

  Lotze, Werner 611, 612, 614, 620, 621, 624

  Löwenthal, Gerhard 140, 229

  Lufthansa 524. See also skyjackings

  Luhmer, Michael 61, 586

  Lukacs, George 94

  Lumumba, Patrice 11, 27

  Lutheran Church 257–258

  Luther, Angela 571, 587, 596

  Luther, Ulrich 301

  Luxembourg Agreement (1952) 550

  Luxemburg, Rosa 67, 216, 221

  Mahler, Horst 238, 571. See also Regarding the Armed Struggle in West Europe

  after the RAF 256, 613

  in APO 39, 55, 115, 246, 580, 583

  on Black September 187–188, 196, 214

  captured (1970) 59, 585

  Frankfurt department store trial 49

  and KPD (Maoist) 255, 328

  KPD 256

  leaving the RAF 254–257, 288–291, 594

  Lorenz kidnapping 328, 596

  mentioned by RAF 149, 154

  postcard from Jordan 57

  and RAF 50, 54, 161

  trials 60–62, 64, 113, 187–188, 586, 589, 592, 594, 595

  Maier-Witt, Silke 526, 571, 612

  arrested (1990) 620

  in the GDR 614

  Hamburg squats 435

  Ponto assassination 474, 606

  trial (1991) 621

  Maihofer, Werner 266, 474, 571, 598

  mentioned by RAF 468

  Mainzer Baader Meinhof Report 232

  Major, Patrick 17

  Mäker, Peter 588

  Makhno, Nestor 227

  Mandel, Ernest 117, 155

  Mao tse Tung 83, 122, 153, 178, 218

  Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society 94

  on contradictions 159

  mentioned by Baumann 45

  mentioned by RAF 297, 316

  On Practice 92

  Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse Tung 96

  “the stones they have thrown…” 121, 205, 236, 286, 370

  “Whoever is not afraid of being drawn and quartered...” 99, 493

  Marcisz, Heinz 571

  Marcuse, Herbert 24, 35, 200, 538, 579

  mentioned by RAF 89

  Marighella, Carlos 98, 194–195

  mentioned by RAF 143, 153

  quoted by RAF 120, 369

  Marshall, George C. 5

  Marshall Plan 5–9, 11, 20

  Martin, Ludwig 169, 244, 344, 571, 594

  mentioned by RAF 124, 278

  Martyr Halimeh Commando. See PFLP (EO) [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (External Operations)]

  Marxism-Leninism 202. See also K-groups

  See also RAF ideas on: Marxism-Leninism

  Marx, Karl 222, 280, 360, 367, 373

  Capital 208, 215

  The Class Struggles in France 317, 369, 379

  The Eighteenth Brumaire of Napoleon Bonaparte 205

  Grundrisse 321

  The Mass Psychology of Fascism 84

  Mauss, Werner 453


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