LaRue, Fred, 165
Lawford, Peter, 135, 136
Lawson, Winston, 221–22
Laxalt, Paul, 7
LBJ. see Johnson, Lyndon B.
LBJ Library, 32
LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination (book), 13
Lebanon, 85
Lee, Marion, 210
Lee, Robert, 344
LeMay, Curtis, 120–21
Lertzman, Richard A., 8
Lesar, James, 156
Lewis, John L., 44
Lias, Tom, 309
Liddy, G. Gordon, 161, 163, 164, 165–66
Liebeler, Wesley, 332, 379
Liedke, Hugh, 306
Life (magazine), 72, 199
Limited Test Ban Treaty, 122
limousine, 248–250
Lincoln, Evelyn
Dallas visit, 223
on Hoover blackmail, 79
on JFK and Khrushchev, 117
on JFK and Texas, 183
LBJ and, 353
Taylor firing and, 24–25
theory of, 353
Linton, Ron, 87
Litchfield, Wilbur Waldon, 282
Locke, Susanne, 366
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 2, 3, 4
Lodge, John Davis, 1, 2
lone gunman theory, 320
Look (magazine), 363
Looney and Clark, 47
Lorenz, Marita, 152
Lowell, Robert, 68
Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 134, 146
Lukowski, Martin, 164
Lumpkin, George L., 235, 316
Lupton, John, 296
Lyle, John, 190
Lynam, Marshall, 33
Lyndon B. Johnson: A Memoir (book), 27
Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (book), 31
MacArthur, Douglas, 40, 310
MacBird! (play), 17
Mack, Gary, 333
MacMillan, Robert M., 26–27
Mafia. see mob
Magic Bullet Theory
FBI and, 337
Ford and, 328
Mythbusters on, 344
O’Reilly on, 379
Russell and, 329–330
Specter and, 334
Wecht on, 339
Magruder, Jeb, 161
Maheu, Richard, 146–47, 149, 159, 160
Mahoney, Richard, 172
Malnik, Alvin, 97
Mamantov, Ilya, 273, 317
Mankiewicz, Frank, 360, 362–63, 363
Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, 221, 341, 343
Mansielf Dam, 47
Mantik, David, 252–53
Marcello, Carlos
CIA and, 177
connections of, 177
Del Mar, 154
deported, 173
Guatemala, 173, 174–75
Hoover and, 97
HSCA testimony, 177
immigrant, 171
imprisoned, 173
JFK and, 130
Kilgallen on, 291
LBJ and, 172
Murchison and, 179
Oswald and, 281
RFK and, 71, 171–72, 173, 175
Ruby and, 18–19, 281, 284, 287
Trafficante and, 171
US, return to, 174
at Young’s, 67
Marcello, Carlos, United States v., 352
Marcus, Ray, 362–63, 378
Mardian, Robert, 165
Marihuana Tax Act, 173
marijuana, 16
Maroun, Mike, 174
Marrs, Jim, 19, 237, 332, 336–37
Marshall, Donald, 203
Marshall, George, 112
Marshall, Henry, 202, 203–6, 207, 209
Marshall, Robert, 203
Marshall Ford Dam, 187–88
Martin, B.J., 234, 236
Martin, Dean, 135
Martinez, Eugenio, 164, 167
Massachusetts Electric Company, 57
Master of the Senate (book), 84
Mauser rifle, 341
Mayflower Hotel, 211
McBride, Joseph, 300
McCarthy, Dennis, 25
McCarthy, Joseph, 133, 178
McClanahan, Dub, 97
McClellan, Barr, 13, 49, 213
McClellan, Committee, 69, 94
McClendon, Sarah, 29
McCloy, John J., 179, 325
McCone, John, 112, 155, 353, 358
McCord, James, 163, 164, 167–68
McCormack, John, 322
McDonnell, Rob, 134
McGovern, George, 163
McGuire, Phyllis, 139, 149
McHugh, Godfrey, 247–48, 256–57
McKinnon, Cheryl, 239
McMahon, Brien, 298
McNamara, Robert, 113, 192
McWillie, Lewis, 285
MD Anderson Foundation, 168
Men on the Sixth Floor, The (book), 13, 211
Men Who Killed Kennedy (TV program), 234
Mercer, Julia Ann, 238–39
methamphetamines, 8
Mexico City, 264, 265
Meyer, Cord, 153, 169
Meyer, Mary, 153
MGM Studios, 60
Middendorf, William, II, 306
Milbank, Jerry, 306
Military-Industrial complex, 113
Miller, John, 59
Miller, L.D., 287, 289–290
Miller, Tim, 329
“mink coat mob,” 229
“Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party,” 173
Mitchell, John, 6–7, 18, 159, 165, 231
Apalachin meeting, 95
CIA and, 146, 149, 155, 163
Hoover’s denial, 94–96, 96–97, 107, 130
JFK and, 105–6
JFK assassination plan, 107–8
JFK election, 7–8, 60, 66–67, 132, 136
Joe Sr. and, 59, 66–67
LBJ funding, 172
Nixon and, 19, 130, 132–34
Nixon funding, 173
RFK and, 67–68, 68–70, 71, 94, 95, 96, 138
Ruby and, 18, 283–86
Sinatra and, 130
Mochary, Mary, 307
Moisant International Airport, 173
Mollo, Silvio, 351, 352
Monroe, Marilyn, 58–59, 137–38, 357–58
Moody, Dan, 51
Moore, Bobby Jean, 284
Moore, J. Walton, 267, 314
Moorman, Mary, 333
Morales, David
Castro assassination, 155–56
Hunt named, 169
Operation 40, 151, 159
at Young’s, 150
Morgenthau, Robert, 178, 351, 352
Morley, Jefferson, 265
Mormon Church, 164
Morris, Robert, 299, 307
Morrow, Robert, 23, 378
Mort Sahl Show, The, 385–86
Mosbacher, Robert, 306
motorcade route, 221–23
motorcade seating, 225, 235
motorcade security, 225–26
Moyers, Bill, 29, 222, 233, 234
Mullen Co., 163–64, 167
Murchison, Clint, Jr.
connections of, 154, 155
Dallas Cowboys, 179
Del Mar, 187
Hoover and, 187
party of, 226–27, 229, 284, 305, 374
Suite 8F, 186
unspared, 12
Murchison, Clint, Sr., 179–180, 316
Murchison Oil Lease Company, 179
Murder One (book), 291
Murphy, Frank, 102
Murret, Charles “Dutz,” 176
Mutual Contempt (book), 87
Mythbusters (TV show), 343–44
Nation, The, 300
National Aeronautics and Space Council, 85
National Grain Yeast Corporation, 60
National Public Radio, 162
National Review, 296
National Rifle Association, 312, 342
National Security Action Memorandum. see NSAM
National Security Council, 112, 116, 299
National Youth Administration, 220
Nelson, “Baby Face,” 101
Nelson, Phillip F., 13
New York Times, 3, 4, 11, 234
Newfoundland (dog breed), 101–2
Newman, John, 265–66
Newman, Mary, 226–27
Newman, May, 374
Newsmax, 24, 89
Newsome, Willie, 65
Newsweek, 77, 311
Nhu, Ngo Diem, 3
Nicholas, Louis, 326
Nix, Orville, 333
Nixon (film), 305
Nixon, Don, 159
Nixon, Hannah Milhouse, 159
Nixon, Richard
alcohol and, 6
assassination, reaction to, 229–230
Bay of Pigs, 161, 162
on Bush, 297
Bush and, 306, 308, 309, 310
CIA and, 159, 161, 169
civil rights, 8
Connally and, 224
connections of, 6
Cuban Initiative, 12
Dole and, 310
Dulles and, 116
Ford VP nomination, 169–170
Frost interviews, 373
Helms and, 161
Hoover and, 229, 230
Hughes and, 159–160, 163
on Hunt, 82
JFK assassination records, 161, 164
JFK vs., 9–10
Johnson and, 6, 17–18
LBJ, guilty, 373
LBJ and, 228, 229, 230, 231–32
Maheu and, 160
Marcello and, 228
mob funding, 19, 130, 132–34, 173, 228
Murchison party, 226, 229, 305
oil ties, 18, 169
Operation 40, 149–150, 159, 299, 316
photos of, C, D, G
resignation, 168
RFK assassination prediction, 362
Ruby and, 18, 19
“Saturday Night Massacre,” 168
Sinatra’s endorsement, 71–72
Suite 8F, 187
tapes of, 377–78
thoughtful, 6
Vietnam and, 230–31
Wallace shooting, 344–45
on Warren Commission, 5
Watergate, 6
Nixon Burgers, 159
Noguchi, Thomas T., 364–65
Nolan, James, 319
Noll, Carl, 173
Nova (TV program), 253
Novak, Robert, 25, 326
NRA, 312
NSAM 263, 191
NSAM 273, 191
NSAM 288, 192
Nunn, Louie, 7
oath, presidential, 255–58
O’Brien, Larry, 160, 163, 225, 233
O’Connor, Thomas H., 319
Odio, Sylvia, 263
O’Donnell, Kenneth P.
assassination, day of, 236
on Hoover and RFK, 356
Hoover meeting, 106
HSCA testimony, 242
on JFK, assassination morning, 233
on JFK and Mob, 67
on JFK hit, 237–38, 241
on JFK on LBJ, 25, 84–85
on JFK’s affairs, 153
LBJ, front for, 246–47
LBJ and, 257
on LBJ VP nom, 82–83
on LBJ’s oath, 256
motorcade route, 223
O’Donnell Madeline, 140
oil-depletion allowance, 190–91, 306, 375
Olds, Leland, 189–190
Olsen, Earl, 65
Oltmans, Willem, 270
O’Neill, Gerard, 56–57
O’Neill, Thomas, 242
Operation 40
Bush and, 298–99, 316
Crichton and, 316
Harvey and, 149–150
Helms and, 156
JFK assassination, 152
Nixon and, 159
Watergate and, 164, 165
O’Reilly, Bill, 287, 378–383
organized crime. see mob
Orr, Barbara, 209
Orr, Harold Eugene, 209
Orta, Juan, 148
Oswald, Lee Harvey
aim of, poor, 342–43, 378–79
aliases of, 263
CAP, 176
Carousel Club, 282
CIA and, 267, 286
in custody, 258
de Mohrenschildt and, 267, 269, 270–71, 313–14, 383
fingerprints of, 212
framed, 273
gravesite of, 263
impostors, 263–65, 282
location of, 273–74, 380
Marcello and, 177, 281
Mexico City, 264, 265
motives, 267–68
motorcade route and, 221
murder of, 200, 286–87, 288
paper bag, 221
paraffin tests, 340–41
questioning of, 279–280
Ruby and, 275
sniper’s nest, 272
Tippit shooting, 220, 275
Trauma Room Two, 371–72
TSBD job, 220
Oswald, Marina, 220, 264, 267, 273
Ottinger, Richard, 309
Outfit, The (book), 135
Paine, Ruth, 220, 264
Pakistan, 85
paper bag, 221
paraffin tests, 340–41
Paris Peace Talks, 230
Parker, Louise, 126–27
Parkland Hospital, 226, 245, 251, 281, 371–72
Parr, George
death of, 51
immigrants and, 37–38
LBJ’s senate election, 37–39, 48–49
Salas and, 38, 48
wealth of, 38
Parr, Jack, 356
Parrott, James Milton, 303
PBS, 253
Pearson, Drew, 130
Pecora, Nofio, 281
Pennzoil, 306
People Magazine, 185
Peoples, Clint
death of, 214
LBJ murders, 374
Marshall murder, 203, 204, 206, 207
on Wallace, 210, 211
Pepper, William, 367
Perfect Villains, Imperfect Heroes (book), 351
Perry, Malcolm, 251
Peters, Paul, 251, 372
Peterson, Henry, 351
Philadelphia Bar Association, 337
Phillips, David Atlee, 151, 169
Phillips Academy, 270
Phipps, Joe, 45
Pierce, Jim, 308
Pierce, Marvin, II, 308–9
Planned Parenthood, 298
Politico, 313
Porter, Herbert L, 167
Posner, Gerald, 378
Powers, Dave, 235, 237–38, 241
Powers, John, 365
Powers, Richard Gid, 101
Pratt, Howard, 209
Presser, Bill, 133
Price, J.C., 239
Price, Malcolm Howard, 379
Prohibition, 59
Protecting the President (book), 25
Prouty, L. Fletcher, 226, 299
Provence, Harry, 29
Purdy, Andy, 251–52
Purvis, Melvin, 100–101
Quemoy-Matsu issue, 10
Quindlan, Casey, 185
Quinn, Sally, 31
radio, 46–47
Ragano, Frank, 145, 285
Ragsdale, Jerome, 28
Rainey, Homer, 208
Rankin, J. Lee, 289, 324, 345
Raskin, Hy, 80
Rather, Dan, 241
Rayburn, Sam, 78, 190, 228
Raymond/Morrison-Knudsen, 192
Reader’s Digest, 230
Reagan, Ronald, 4, 71, 297–98
Rebozo, Bebe, 200
Reclaiming History (book), 221
redistricting, 305
Reed, Scott, 310
Reedy, George Edward, 26, 27–28, 28, 34
re-enactment, 334
Reid, Robert, 274, 380
Renas, Carl, 249
> Republic, 57
Reston, James, 11
Revill, Jack, 288
Reynolds, Don, 198
RFK. see Kennedy, Robert F.
RFK (book), 257
Rhodes-Hughes, Nina, 367
Richardson, Elliot, 168
Richardson, Sid, 12, 187, 224
rifle, 221, 341–42, 343
Riley, John J., 87
RMK-BRJ, 192
Robert R. Mullen Company. see Mullen Co.
Roberts, Earlene, 274–75
Roberts, Emory, 246
Robinson, Jackie, 8
Robinson, Tom, 251–52
Rockefeller, Nelson, 19
Rockefeller Commission, 152, 170
Rockefeller family, 299
rocking chair, 354
Roebling, Mary, 19
Roemer, William F., Jr., 172
Rogers, Ike, 208
Rogues and Redeemers (book), 56–57
Roman, Jane, 265–67
Romero, Juan, 364
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 104, 248
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 61, 62, 102–3, 188
Roosevelt, Jimmy, 60–61
Root, Dan, 187
Rose, Earl, 253–54
Ross, Robert Gaylon, 214
Rosselli, Johnny
Castro plot, 147, 148
Cohn and, 131
death of, 144
final interview, 143
Giancana and, 139, 140
Harvey and, 150, 151–52
Hoover and, 97
JFK and, 59–60
Kennedys and, 106, 144–45
Maheu and, 146–47, 159
Sinatra and, 131, 132
storm drain story, 143–44
Trafficante and, 171
at Young’s, 67
Rothman, Norman, 285
Roussel, Peter, 308
Rowan, Dan, 149
Rowley, John, 220, 226, 234, 253, 279
Royko, Mike, 38
Ruby, Jack
basement access, 286
Carousel Club, 186, 281, 282, 286
Cuba trips, 285
de Mohrenschildt and, 271
Del Mar, 154
DPD and, 286, 289
at DPD HQ, 279, 280
Eberhardt and, 280
imprisoned, 290
informant, 18
Johnson and, 20
Kefauver Committee, 20
Kilgallen interview, 291, 292
on LBJ, 292–93
Marcello and, 177, 281, 284, 287
mob ties, 18, 143, 283–86
Nixon and, 18, 19
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 275
Oswald murder, 200, 286–87, 288
at Parkland Hospital, 281
tax debts, 285–86
temper of, 282–83
Trafficante and, 284–85
Warren and, 290
Warren Commission and, 168–69, 292
at Western Union, 286
Ruckleshaus, WIlliam, 168
Rumsfeld, Donald, 192–93, 312–13
Rusk, Dean, 113
Russ, Bryan, 204
Russell, Richard, 164, 329–330
Russo, Gus, 135
Ruwe, Nick, 5, 19
Sahl, Mort, 385–86
Salandria, Vincent J., 258, 260, 378
Salas, Luis, 38, 48, 50, 51–52
Salerno, Tony, 178–79, F
Salinger, Pierre, 118, 124
Salon, 313
Sample, Glen, 13, 211
San Fernando State College, 359
Sandford, Terry, 183–84
Sanicola, Hank, 135
Saxe Bacon and Bolan, 178
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