by Ember Davis
I’m about to prompt Amelia to grab some food when Troy and Walsh practically bounce across the room. Walsh hands me a plate and I hate that I have to let go of Amelia to take it from him.
Troy hands a plate to Amelia and she’s grinning. “Guys, you didn’t have to do this.”
Troy winks at her, “Naw, Doll, we’re happy to. That’s what families do.” He chuckles, “Gotta take care of Mom and Dad.”
I bark out a laugh and Amelia rolls her eyes and chuckles.
Walsh pipes up, “We didn’t know about your condiment preferences so you will have to do that yourself.” He shrugs, “We saved you some seats outside.”
They head out and we make our way over to the condiments on the end of the island. I watch and take note of Amelia putting ketchup and mustard on her burger while I put on pretty much everything available.
I wink at her, “They were just trying to show me up.”
Amelia’s lips form a soft smile and she shakes her head, “No, I think Troy explained it perfectly.”
I lean over and give her a quick kiss and murmur against her lips, “Yeah, I think he did.”
We head out and join our friends and enjoy the early fall evening while we’re eating. We stay outside until the stars come out while we smoke, drink another beer and make memories. That’s what families do.
This has been one of the best nights of my life. No, best night. The absolute best night of my life. It wasn’t a hard decision to forgive Beckett. His eyes were so sincere and even if I wasn’t sure at the beginning of the night, by the time dinner is over, I have no doubts.
The way he held me against him in the kitchen while everyone got their plates together was perfect. I have never felt more safe and secure. I’ve also never laughed as much as I have around Beckett and his friends in my life. No, our friends because I know I’m now a part of the family.
Don’t get me wrong, I was born into an amazing and supportive family, but what I revealed to Beckett is true. I’ve never had a set of friends like this, a family that you choose because they’re the right people and you just fit with each other. I’ve had some good friendships over the years, but with most people I’ve always felt like I was being forced into where they thought I should fit in their lives. Forced by them and myself.
Not here though and not with these people. They see my value intrinsically and they just want me to be me. No expectations, no judgement and a metric shit ton of fun.
The gathering is winding down, friends of theirs have been trickling out for a little while now and it was time to come inside and warm up from the chilly night. I just finished packing up the little bit of leftovers and Beckett is across the kitchen helping Zeke and Troy gather empties and get the dishwasher loaded.
I pop my hip against the island and watch Walsh tetris the last container into the fridge. He might be struggling a little but watching him figure it out is way more fun than stepping in and doing it myself. I survey the room and Beckett catches my eye and winks.
Damn, he’s sexy as fuck. A lock of his thick dark chocolate colored hair has fallen forward, again; he keeps having to push it back. It’s adorable and fucking hot. My eyes trail up and down as much of his body as I can see. He really could have anyone.
A reel of the girls he was in pictures with on his social media runs through my head. Yeah, I’m nothing like those girls. I don’t think I own anything shorter than my knees and I only own one pair of heels which I haven’t worn in over three years.
A little voice in my head pipes up to tell me that there’s no way that he really wants me. That I’m too curvy and too short and just too…me. It’s always Caleb’s voice and no matter how small it is, I can’t seem to eradicate it.
I try and shake off my insecurities and watch Steve whispering in Andrea’s ear who then erupts in a fit of giggles. I want to roll my eyes, but at the same time, I get it. They’re great together and don’t take each other’s shit. They fit. They even look good together.
I think of the pictures Troy took of us and I have to admit that Beckett and I look pretty good together too. He looked so happy in both of them. Now I can see that happiness was something missing from his photos with random girls on social media. He looked bored with a forced smile on his face. I can only see it now having seen his genuine smile. He looks content in the photos with me, comfortable, like he’s home.
Dex pulls me out of my thoughts by throwing an arm around my shoulder. Dex has soulful brown eyes and dark hair, but it’s buzzed short; he probably needs a beanie the most of all. I’ll add him and Zeke to my list. He’s smiling down at me. Seriously, all these guys are over 6 feet tall. I don’t know where they grow these giants, I just hope I don’t hurt myself from always looking up.
“Thanks for coming Amelia. You have no idea how much of a grump Beckett had been for the last five days. You were driving him crazy not answering his message or accepting his friend requests. Troy gave him so much grief when you two were trading memes and shit.”
I laugh, “Well he did behave like a dick, I couldn’t let him off the hook too easily. We’re cool now, though; water under the bridge.”
Dex smirks, “I think you’re more than cool now.” I can feel the blush rising on my cheeks and I shrug, trying to deflect. “It’s awesome. I’ve never seen him like this.” He gives me a wistful smile, “It gives me hope, ya know?”
I cock my head to the side and study him and I see the underlying sadness there. “You know, if you ever want to talk about it, I’m right here.”
He gives my shoulder a little squeeze and nods. “Yeah, maybe I’ll take you up on that. Get blazed and then hash out the shit in my head.”
I chuckle, “Well, I’m pretty much always down for getting blazed.”
Beckett comes around the island and gently pulls me out of the arm Dex has around my shoulder. He doesn’t look pissed though, which is a relief. He has to trust me not to cheat just as much as I have to trust him not to hit.
Beckett wraps his arm around my waist and skims his fingers down over my ass to the hem of my sweater and then back up, this time underneath my sweater and tank top. I glance up at him and his eyes are sparkling with heat and mischief. Then the cocky ass smirks, but damn, it’s sexy.
He rests his hot palm against my skin above the top of my jeans and his thumb makes circles on my skin. My breath hitches, but I try to cover it by clearing my throat. The grin on Beckett’s face just grows. I have to bite my lip to stop from moaning and his intense green gaze zeros in on it immediately.
Dex nods around the room, “Thanks for getting these knuckleheads to clean up before they disappear too.”
I smile, “No problem. Just remember this when we host in two weeks.”
Beckett’s face lights up and his eyes are full of adoration and relief. I feel a twinge of guilt that I left him hanging for five days, especially since it’s not like I stopped thinking about him in that time. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Beckett kisses my shoulder and then looks at Dex. “Yup. Two weeks, my girl decided we’ll be hosting Nacho Bar night.”
Dex pumps his fist and shoves Walsh who’s finally figured out the fridge situation. Then Dex points at Troy who’s leaning against the other side of the island. “Did you hear that?”
Troy raises his hands in surrender, “I didn’t do it.”
We all laugh and then Dex shakes his head, “No man, in two weeks for the next gathering. Amelia and Banks are doing a Nacho Bar.”
Walsh and Troy immediately start eyeing each other and Zeke pops his head in from the dining room.
Zeke asks, “Did I hear something about Nachos?”
Beckett laughs, “Yeah, man, two weeks, our place.”
I stiffen in his hold and I think my brain just short circuited. What? No, really. What?!?
Walsh and Troy start telling each other they’re going to make better nachos than the other. It would be hilarious since it’s just as I
predicted, but I still can’t remember how to breathe, and I can’t stop hearing Beckett’s rich, lush timber on repeat saying: our place.
Maybe I’ve somehow done the impossible and I’ve gotten too high and this is some paranoid delusion. No! This is a coma dream, it must be. Somewhere along the way I was seriously injured, and I have created an alternate reality where hot sexy men make art using skin as their canvases and the hottest one of all thinks that I, somehow, hang the moon. Any second I’m going to wake up. Right…now. Okay…now.
Beckett leans over and whispers in my ear, “Breathe, Baby.” I take in a lungful of air and I can feel Beckett smile against my skin. He nips at my earlobe before continuing, “You heard me, Amelia. As far as I’m concerned, it’s our place and when you’re ready, just say the word and we’ll all be at your apartment to pack it up and move your stuff to our home.”
I turn toward him and I’m sure I look like a deer caught in headlights, but I can’t deny that there’s a part of me that wants to say we should do that right fucking now. Beckett’s eyes darken to the color of the forest in a rainstorm, full of desire and promise. I start nodding slowly, so hypnotized by his eyes that I don’t notice everyone else moving out of the kitchen and heading into the living room. He chuckles and his lips curve up in a devilish grin.
“Just say the word.” He pulls me to him and cups my cheek. He looks deep into my eyes, willing me to trust him. “I figure, considering what I have to gain, I might as well go all in.”
I smile up at him and take his face in my hands and pull him down to me and press my lips against his firmly. He doesn’t hesitate and wraps him arms around me pulling my body flush against his. His hardness presses against my hip and I barely bite back a groan. He takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth and brushing it against my own.
He grips me tighter but at the same time he slows down the kiss before pulling back from me. He rests his forehead against mine for a beat and then presses a sweet kiss against it.
I blink up at him, “What’s the word?”
“What’s the word I’m supposed to say that will start the domino effect that ends in my apartment being empty? Abracadabra? Sesame?” I tap my chin, “Maybe, I don’t know, ‘kerfuffle’?”
Beckett laughs and kisses me again, grabbing my ass to pull our bodies together tighter. He murmurs against my lips, “Definitely kerfuffle.”
I bite my lip to muffle the smile that’s bubbling up inside me. “Good to know.”
He buries his face in my shoulder and nips at my neck. “Have I told you how fucking amazing you smell?”
I shrug, “It’s just my perfume.”
Beckett runs his nose along my neck and takes a deep breath, “Nope. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like the way your perfume smells, but it’s more than that. It’s you that smells so good. I could hardly finish Andrea’s tattoo because I could barely focus on anything other than you, the way you smile and the way your scent calls to me.”
I sigh, “Beckett.”
He hums against my skin and rocks his hips against me, “I can’t wait until I have you in our bed screaming my name, Baby.”
I feel the blush spread across my cheeks and I let out a little squeak. Jesus, Troy and Walsh aren’t the only people who have no chill. I don’t know what it is about this man, but he twists me up inside in the most delicious of ways. I thought he was hot before but having him whisper in my ear and promise to make me scream his name, fuck. I’m wetter than I have ever been in my life.
I clear my throat and try to get my shit under control, but it’s a struggle. I run my fingers up his arms, around his shoulders and up into his hair. His eyes light up and I smile shyly.
“You really know how to light up a girl from the inside out, Love.” He grins down at me and gives my ass a squeeze. “Doesn’t hurt even a little that you come in this very nicely wrapped package, but your so much more than that.” I cock my head to the side, “I bet a lot of people don’t see it, but I do and you have the most beautiful eyes. Windows to the soul and all that,” I sass at the end.
He smirks and kisses my forehead. I sigh into him and trail my nails through the shorter hair at the base of his skull. He hums again and closes his eyes. When he opens them again, they are blazing with want and need.
“Do you want to stay and hang out for a little while or are you ready to head home?” I arch an eyebrow, “Yeah, not your apartment. Home, our home. It just doesn’t have all your stuff there. Yet.”
I shake my head in admonishment, but I don’t think it’s very effective since I can’t even begin to wipe the grin off my face. “Let’s hang out for one more joint of that new stuff I have. I’m going to head to the bathroom, will you grab the jar out of my bag? Let everyone know if they want to snap a pic or whatever to post that it’ll be their last chance.”
He gives my ass another squeeze, “You got it, Baby.”
He lets me go, but I can see the reluctance in his eyes. I turn to head down the hallway toward the bathroom pointed out to me earlier and Beckett smacks my ass as I leave. I shoot him a look over my shoulder and he just chuckles, but it’s not affable; it’s full of dark promises and sends a shiver up my spine.
As I enter the bathroom, I hear Beckett in the living room, “Okay, fuckers, we’re going to roll up one more of the Mimosa and then we’re heading home. Take your pictures now.”
I giggle as I take a moment to use the bathroom and accept all of Beckett’s requests across my social media. Just as I finish up washing my hands, my phone pings with a notification and I pull out my phone and pull up Instagram.
Beckett’s tagged me in both photos Troy sent earlier with a caption that makes me tear up:
Hanging out with our family is the best way to kick off a new week. Thanks, Troy, for snapping these pics of me and my girl, Amelia. Keep your ears open out there, guys, because I knew she was mine the moment I heard her laugh. Then when I saw her, she took my breath away. I’m a lucky man. #Icallherbaby #shecallsmelove
I head out to the living room and Beckett’s eyes zero in on me and his face lights up in a huge grin and I know he sees it reflected on my face. There’s a challenge in his eyes for me to accept him at face value and just let myself fall.
As I make my way around the room to him, Troy asks, “Did you let Banks out of the social media doghouse yet, Doll?”
“Yup,” and I pop the p and Beckett winks at me.
When I’m within arm’s reach from where he’s sitting, Beckett grips my wrist and pulls me down onto his lap. I stiffen for a moment and that horrible little voice screams in my head that I’m too heavy. I hate that fucking voice, but it’s always seems to be right there on the edge of my consciousness.
Before I my flight response can fully kick in, Beckett snakes a hand up under my sweater and his fingers skate across my lower back and to my hip, holding me tight. He rests his other hand on my knee. He murmurs, “Relax, Baby,” and I let myself.
Troy quips, “So, if I ever do anything to get in the doghouse with you, I just need to make out with you. Noted.”
Beckett growls and I feel his body tense up underneath me. I rest my hand on his forearm and make little circles with my thumb. Walsh smacks Troy on the back of his head before lighting the joint he just finished rolling.
I shoot Troy an admonishing look and tisk him. “If you have a death wish, maybe. You should think more along the lines of pedicures or yarn.”
Troy looks sheepish, but then perks up. “Can I go with you to get a pedicure?”
Everyone cracks up and Troy blushes a little; it’s endearing as hell. I take the joint that comes my way and then pass it along to Beckett.
“Sure, Troy, we can get a pedicure and gab.” I can feel Beckett relax a little bit underneath me. I give his arm a little squeeze. “Now, apologize to Beckett for making him growl.”
Troy gives a little sigh of regret at his own actions, “Sorry, man. Too far.”
kett gives a little nod and passes the joint on. This time instead of resting his hand on my knee, he rests it mid-thigh and gives me a possessive squeeze. Finally, I feel him relax again. He gives bare shoulder a kiss and then a little nip.
I don’t know why, but I relax completely against him immediately.
He murmurs, “Hmmmm, interesting.”
I start to squirm a little on his lap but freeze when I feel his cock thicken and then twitch against my ass.
He mutters under his breath, “Fuck, Baby.”
I clear my throat, but I can’t help the wicked smile that curls across my face. I mean, damn, who could blame me? He’s not a small man and it’s taken all my willpower not to drop to my knees and taste him every time he’s pressed himself against me. I just know it’ll be huge and fucking beautiful and, let me tell you, I’ve never ever called a man’s dick beautiful before.
Beckett shifts me on his lap slightly and whispers in my ear, “You keep smiling like that and I’m going to throw you over my shoulder and take you home right now to worship every single delectable inch of you.”
The joint makes its way back to us and I take my turn while eyeing Beckett. I pass it to him and smile as I run my fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. “I take it that’s a promise, hmm?”
He chuckles and I can feel it reverberate in his chest and it makes my whole-body buzz. It takes all my willpower not to squirm on his lap again, but I do it. Barely.
I eye the joint and even though we could stay and hit it again, I’m ready to get out of here. I scrape my nails lightly down his neck and he grunts and his grip on my body tightens.
“I don’t think it’s going to get back around to us.”
Beckett clears his throat and shifts me again on his lap so I can feel every inch of him pressing against me. “You’re ready to head home?” I nod slowly and bite my lip. He groans, “Thank fuck.”