Protecting His Home

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Protecting His Home Page 24

by Ember Davis

  The nurse makes a strangled noise. Her voice is breathy, “You tattoo him? You’re really family with him?” She mutters to herself, “Fucking hell. That man is the hottest thing since sliced bread.”

  Amelia cocks her head to the side and assesses the nurse. I feel a huge grin spread across my face. For the first time I let myself take in the nurse, her name badge says Holly. She’s adorable, short and curvy with blonde hair that’s pulled up in a bun. Her eyes are a bright hazel color and I bet she’d look cute as fuck next to Cole. Huh.

  Amelia’s smile grows slowly, “Your name is Holly?” Holly nods. “You’re going to be the one to take me to my room, right?” Holly nods again. “Good, I’m glad. First, I’m Amelia and this is Beckett, please use our names.” Holly nods again and Amelia stage whispers, “Do you want to know a secret about Cole and the rest of the guys from Suburban Outcasts?”

  Holly pales and her voice is high, “The rest of them are here too?”

  Amelia laughs, “Probably. If Cole’s here, the other guys are here too. They’ve been part of our family since Thanksgiving. They couldn’t make the baby shower which means they’re going to overcompensate a little bit.”

  Holly’s eyes are wide as she swallows, “What’s the secret?”

  Amelia’s smile is warm, “They’re just normal guys.” Holly scoffs and Amelia giggles. “I guess you’re right, they’re not completely normal considering they sell out huge arenas across the country and are fucking rock stars.” I’m not sure how but Holly pales even more. “If you take away all the glitz, the cameras, the amps, the fans then they’re four guys who found they had a talent and worked their asses off to make it something they could be proud of.”

  Holly is nodding slowly, enraptured by my wife; just like pretty much every person who meets her. Fuck, my wife is amazing.

  Amelia turns serious, “They’re also four guys who need family because, just like everyone else in this world, they are now or have been a little lost. They know that the most important thing, even more important than the money and the fame, is that you have a place and people where you just fit. No expectations, no judgement; just love. Do you understand what I’m saying, Holly?”

  Holly’s smile is dazzling, and she takes a small step forward. Her voice is full of hope, “Yeah?”

  Amelia smiles, “Yeah.” She opens her arms, “Now, give me a hug.”

  Holly’s doesn’t even hesitate and my wife wraps Holly in a huge hug and rubs her back. Holly was a stranger to us yesterday, but I know in an instant that she’s part of our family now.

  Amelia whispers, “You have a place where you fit now, Holly, if you want it.”

  Holly sighs and I can hear the emotion in her voice, “You’re going to be a great Mom.”

  Amelia’s smile is brighter than the sun and I catch her eye over Holly’s shoulder and mouth ‘I love you’ before Holly gives a little squeeze and rights herself.

  Amelia gives Holly’s shoulder a squeeze before clapping her hands together. “Let’s go introduce our son to the rest of his family and make the most of this swanky private suite that Cole was kind enough to get for us.” She winks at Holly as she helps her lower into the wheelchair, “Oh, and of course, let’s go get your man.”

  Holly shakes her head in admonishment, but Amelia just grins. I collect Amelia’s hospital bag, Etheridge’s baby bag and manage to open the door for them without tripping over the IV pole. I’m right next to my wife as Holly heads down the hallway. We make a small detour to the nursery and a middle-aged nurse wheels Etheridge’s bassinet down the hallway with us.

  We make one more turn and when we do the hallway is filled with most of our family: Troy, Walsh, Zeke, Andrea, Blake, Ryder, Booker, Elliot, Gavin, our parents and of course, Cole. I know if someone’s not here, they will be soon.

  Everyone is all smiles, most are holding balloons, flowers, stuffed animals or food. Fuck. They must pump dust into this damn hospital because the sight in front of me is making my eyes get all teary. I glance down at my son and then Amelia who has the biggest smile on her face.

  I glance at Holly and she’s gone bright pink and her eyes are darting around the hallway, flitting between Cole and everyone else. I look over at Cole who is staring at Holly with a look that I’ve never seen on his face before, but I have seen it on mine. Normally he’s an easy-going guy, but right now his eyes are full of possession and heat.

  I bark out a laugh and reach over and give Holly’s shoulder a squeeze. Her eyes snap to mine and Cole lets out a growl. Holy shit.

  I hold my hands up and give Cole a look, “Really, man? You were at my wedding. We’re all here because my wife just gave birth to our son.”

  Cole gives himself a shake and takes a deep breath, “Right.” His eyes rove over Holly one more time before he looks at Amelia and gives her a warm smile. “How are you feeling? I know you don’t really like hospitals.”

  Amelia laughs, “I’m feeling…great, especially now that you’re all here. I don’t really like hospitals, but I’ve gotten great care here. Speaking of, this is my nurse Holly, she’s been taking really good care of me and is very sweet. Be nice to her, she’s one of us now.”

  Holly gives a little wave whispers to Amelia, “How are all the men in your life really hot giants?”

  Amelia laughs and a slow smile spreads across Cole’s face. Oh jeez.

  Amelia stage whispers, “I have no idea, but be warned some of them might try and pick you up and throw you over their shoulder. They like to do that. You get used to it, for the most part.” Amelia winks at Cole who smirks; Holly gives a little squeak.

  Walsh can barely contain himself and he’s been slowly inching toward Etheridge in his bassinet.

  Amelia eyes him, “Walsh, before you touch my baby you better give me a hug and wash your hands.” He grins sheepishly but takes another shuffle closer to the bassinet.

  Amelia looks up at me and squeezes my hand, “You should introduce your son to his family.”

  Damn fucking dust. I clear my throat and smile at the family surrounding us. “We’re very proud to introduce you all to our son, Etheridge James Banks. Ten fingers, ten toes, 8 and a half pounds, and just perfect.” I drop a kiss on Amelia’s head, “How about we get inside so you all can meet him properly and my beautiful wife can lay down. After what I witnessed her do today, she’s the real rock star in this hallway.”

  The guys of SO laugh and I hustle Holly through the throng along with the nurse wheeling Ridge. Cole falls in line right behind Holly and I swear I hear him groan under his breath. You know what? I can’t worry about that right now. They’ll have to navigate their own love story. Right now, I need my wife to rest and I need our son to have whatever he needs to thrive.


  Ember Davis loves alpha heroes with a range of emotions, but a strong sense of how to take care of their women. She loves her heroines from all walks of life, just like her heroes, and she wants them to be real and relatable. Her heroines tend to be sassy, opinionated and smart.

  Ember is a stay at home mom of two who recently refound her love of books and all things romance and is so glad that she did. She’s always been creative but writing and creating stories that she would love to read satisfies dreams she had as a little girl. She loves butterflies, the color purple and enjoying time with her family.

  Pssst…it’s totally a pen name, but everything above is 100% true.

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