Darker Side of Worlds (Guardians Book 2) (The Guardians Series)

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Darker Side of Worlds (Guardians Book 2) (The Guardians Series) Page 15

by Lexi Ostrow

  His eyes looked into hers, and she saw so much sadness in their depths that she couldn’t stop what she did. Breena leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. He was so gentle, so tender, she wondered if he was the same man. Then the sensations began to rock through him from the simplicity of the kiss, and she knew it was. His mouth moved slowly against hers, a closed mouth kissed that sent her mind reeling for more.

  When she finally remembered herself, she pulled back. Her mouth tingled from their kiss, and she gently flicked her tongue out over her bottom lip. “Dale, this isn’t talking.”

  He gave her a lopsided smile, and she could almost feel some of his anger and disappointment had vanished.

  “Sometimes men don’t always mean talk when we say that.”

  Breena let out a bark of laughter and shook her head at him before leaning in and kissing him on the cheek. “Well, in the span of a few weeks, you’ve abandoned me, made amazing love to me, told me you hated me, told me you were sorry and now you’re here saying we need to talk. Dale Evanhart, there is something about you that makes me want to fall in love with you.”

  The words slipped out, and she felt the blush zooming across her cheeks. Dale didn’t blush, instead, he reached a hand out and traced his thumb over her jaw line. His voice was low when he finally spoke, and it sent a shiver of lust through her.

  “Breena, sprite of the Unseelie, I could certainly find myself falling in love with you.”

  His words took her off guard. Every instinct in her body was screaming for her to kiss him, to press him into the bed and make sure they were both seriously experiencing this. However, her warrior instincts told her to fight, to question, to be certain.

  “How about we have that talk first, there’s something I think you need to know.”

  “I want to go first, it’s important.”

  He paused and picked up both her hands from her lap, rubbing them gently. She felt a small bit of extra warmth, and when she looked down, she saw tiny flickers of flames.

  “I do know how to do more than just attack with what I’ve been given.”

  She smiled, and he tucked some hair behind her ear.

  “I went to see Ciara, the Word Speaker who gave me her gifts.”

  Breena’s whole body tensed at his words. Seeing someone who would likely hate aspects of her didn’t make Breena warm and tingly. She forced her voice to remain level. “What for?”


  They sat in silence for a few moments. She could hear his breathing and feel the energy bands radiating around them. Apparently, even when he was awake, she could feel his. Breena supposed it had something to do with the Guardian bond, but they weren’t likely to ever know the real reason.

  “What did she say?” Breena’s voice sounded loud in the quietness, and she flinched back at her own words.

  “To end things. To finish reading the book as quickly as I can, and to finish hers so that I could find a Guardian.”

  Her mind was spinning, the room was tilting all around and she could hardly focus. Dale had been saying these things since the beginning, and now that she was finally okay with changing who she was because it would make her better, he was going to walk away.

  “I told her I would walk away from you and find someone new.” Dale grasped her hands a little harder, and his eyes regained some of their intensity. “I lied.”

  Breena’s heart was hammering so loud in her chest that she knew Dale could hear it. Her tongue seemed to fill her entire mouth, and when she tried to open her mouth to speak, she stalled. She couldn’t believe the words he was saying to her, couldn’t afford to if they were a lie too.

  “Why?” His mouth turned into a subtle smile, and she felt a little flutter of her own.

  “You’re more than you think you are, Breena. What happened the other night was my fault. Not yours. Are you the person I should be with? Not a chance. But there’s something I learned being with Ciara and her mate, you’re supposed to be with the person who makes you happy.”

  “You’ve got a funny way of behaving if I make you happy,” she muttered under her breath.

  “Yes, yes I do. Breena, we have too much in common for me to deny the things I feel. Will they be the thing of dreams? Possibly not. But I’ve got a week to decide to live or die, and I’ve seen you, you’re gentler than you realize. You’re a weapon because you were raised to be, and maybe together, we can turn you around. A week is hardly long enough to make the decision of a lifetime, but that’s all I’ve got. So, for now, this is my decision. You are my decision.”

  She could feel a rush of emotion building up inside of her. For all the time she hadn’t wanted someone to share everything with, in that moment, she wanted Dale just as badly. Her voice trembled a little as she spoke, “Does that mean I get to go now?”

  He laughed and nodded his head.

  “I want to change. I want to do it for you, but for me too. This chance to step outside the book and become someone I’m not, it’s too epic to give up. If you have a darkness in you that you’re afraid of, let’s work on getting rid of them together. I can be what you need me to be. I’m a fierce fighter, I’ve got skills of my own as a Sprite and my dream energy gift. We can be a damn good team against Leather Jacket.” She snorted. “And I’m so fucking sick of that prick. He won’t win, Dale. Not without you. He’s too desperate.”

  “I’d like to believe that for people like Ciara’s sake, but I can’t. He plays dirty with his warriors, what’s to say he won’t play dirty whenever the prophecy comes to light?”

  His words sunk in slowly, her father had said similar things every time she’d been adamant that they would win. “That’s not what matters right now, Dale.” She lay backward onto the bed and looked up at him. “What matters is us.”

  Dale’s nostrils flared, and she hadn’t the slightest idea of what was running through his mind until a look of pure lust flashed across his face and he pulled the wet brown shirt off over his head. He slowly climbed up the length of the bed and stopped at her dark green leggings. His fingers looped inside the elastic waist, and he tugged them down.

  “You’re right, Breena. Each and every time, this hasn’t been about the emotion. It’s been about need and carnal desires. I don’t love you, but I could, and you deserve to be treated like it.” He finished his sentence by spreading her legs and blowing across her underwear. Her whole body jolted on the bed.

  His mouth closed over her core through her underwear, and she felt liquid need race through her body and pool between her legs. She screamed out as his tongue slid over her through the garment, and she felt him lapping against it. Her breath caught in her throat and strangled moans came pouring out as he pushed the barrier away with his fingers, and the next thing she felt was his tongue thrusting deep inside her.

  “Dale!” His name tore from her the quicker he stroked her with his tongue, and she could fell her entire body shake.

  His tongue swirled inside of her, alternating between thrusting and licking as he went. Her vision grew dim with pleasure, and her hips gradually began to gyrate in a circle, riding his tongue, pushing it deeper inside her body. The sounds of her need were loud in her ears as her whole body rocked on the bed, driving on and off his tongue to achieve her release. She felt him slip a finger inside her body, and the pressure mixed with the skillful art of his tongue took her over the edge.

  Breena’s hands went to the side of Dale’s head as her hips slammed up and down a few quick times before her release exploded through her body. He didn’t relent and continued to lick, flick and thrust, even as her body twitched around him. She couldn’t even get hers eyes to open as she let the orgasm rock through her.

  When Dale’s tongue slid from her body, she hardly noticed. The sparks of pleasure were so strong, she hadn’t any reason too.

  “I’ve been thinking about doing that since the moment I touched you.”

  Dale’s voice was husky and she felt her body waking up for more. “Then I’m glad y
ou finally did it.”

  She smirked at him and he climbed the rest of the way up her body, pressing his chest against her as he did.

  “Trust me, so am I.” He pressed his lips to hers, and the hunger for him came on strong.

  Her mouth opened, and her legs wrapped around his waist. The harsh scratch of his pants made her pull back. “You are wearing a layer of clothes that is utterly frustrating, Dale.” She dragged her nails down them, and they sliced open. He wasn’t wearing any boxers, and his erection tumbled out against her stomach.

  Dale’s mouth hung open in shock. “Jesus, Breena. Could you always do that?”

  She grinned and ran her nail tips over his chest. His shudder caused his dick to rub against her, and she bit her lip to not groan. “I could, I just save it for important things.” She wrapped her hands around his hard length and reveled in the silky feel of him. “Have I ever told you how perfect you feel in my hands?” She continued to stroke up and down his shaft.

  He nuzzled her neck, and when he nipped at her, she felt her body turn molten hot.

  “No you haven’t. But I can sure as fuck tell you there’s nothing a man wants to hear more.”

  His hips bucked as she squeezed his shaft a little tighter. A drop of semen leaked out and touched her finger. Breena smeared it over the tip and grinned up at him. She hadn’t realized how much she liked seeing him lose control because of her. She always liked it with men, but with Dale, it somehow felt more special.

  His mouth was on hers again, and the way he kissed her felt as if they’d been doing it all their lives and were running out of time. He kissed her as if there was nothing in the world more important, and she kissed him back just the same. Her hand twisted and stroked his shaft until she heard a slight growl from him.

  “I feel like I’m always saying this, but if you don’t stop, I’m not going to last much longer.”

  She let out a husky laugh and released her grip on him. “Well then, I guess you’d better take the lead.”

  A sort of hunger flashed in his eyes, and she felt a shiver race through her just before she felt him slip a finger inside her. Her body arched, and she bit into her lower lip as she felt Dale swirl his finger before beginning a slow and gentle thrust in and out of her body.

  “I guess I’d better then. Can’t expect a lady to change for me if I’m not offering the goods,” his voice held no playful tone but he laughed just the same.

  Dale’s finger pulled from her body the same instant he began to massage her breasts, the same warming trick occurring with his hands. She couldn’t stop from wondering what would happen if he harnessed a little of the electricity and used that.

  All rational thought left the moment she felt his dick thrust into her body. Her breath left her in a sharp gasp, and her hips immediately bucked up, drawing him deeper in. He hands tweaked and pinched her nipples just before she felt his mouth on her neck, sucking and nipping at the sensitive space just below her ear.

  “Dale…” His name was a drawn out hoarse whisper, and she was surprised by just how needy she sounded.

  He pulled his cock out, and she shuddered as he angled his hips, sliding along her clit both as he pulled out, and then again as he thrust back in. Over and over, he continued to thrust in and out. Each and every stroke was like wood to the fire building inside of her. Tiny pricks of sensation shot through her. She’d never felt anything like it before, and she never wanted it to end.

  The room blurred and colors blended together as the rhythmic thrusts consumed her. There was nothing else for Breena in that moment, just Dale and his body as he coupled with her. Her hands roamed over every inch of his body, careful to only lightly drag her nails over his skin. She loved the way his back muscles clenched and his body jolted as her hands drew circles over his back in the same lazy rhythm of their thrusts. Breena felt each and every sensual slide of his dick along her inner walls, and they began to quake as her release began to build.

  Her cry sounded through the room, and Dale grunted something she couldn’t understand. His thrusts grew faster, more frantic, and she could see the muscles in his neck cording from the effort just before he shouted her name out. His hips didn’t stop thrusting, and her orgasm continued to crest and rush through her. She couldn’t help the way her body milked his or when she grabbed his cheeks in her hands and pulled his head down to kiss him.

  Their tongues tangled and their teeth clashed together as their bodies frantically twisted and bucked against each other’s, wringing out the final tidbits of pleasure. She stopped first, her breathing was deep, and she could feel her body heaving from exertion. Dale must have felt her withdraw because, seconds later, he did as well and their kiss ended.

  Her whole body felt drunk with pleasure, as if she’d drank entire bottles of Elixir. She knew he hadn’t ran his hands over every inch of her body, but it felt as if had. Every inch of her was sated, and when he pulled out and rolled over, she felt herself miss him, just a little.

  “That was—”

  “Better than the last time,” she interrupted.

  He laughed and slipped his arm under her neck and around her. She liked the way it felt, him touching her. Breena sighed and pushed a little closer to him.

  “I don’t think I could ever grow tired of you, Breena. You’re not what I’m supposed to be with, but in a way, you’re as perfect as I could hope for. You’re a paradox, I can’t explain it, but I don’t feel evil in you. I think…I think I just assumed it was there because Leather Jacket is the one who spoke to you.”

  Hearing him say the worlds lifted her heart in a way she didn’t think possible. She’d never known what she did was wrong, she’d had an inkling since her father had always been insistent Megara never found out, but she just believed her sister to be more feeble at handling things. Never that she’d been evil.

  She smiled, lifted her head and gave him a quick kiss. “I never thought I felt evil, Dale. I felt it coming off Leather Jacket in waves. I don’t feel that inside me.”

  He gave a little squeeze but averted his eyes. “Like I said, I think I just assumed it. There’s evil in me, whether I like it or not. I enjoy tormenting people sometimes. Not all people, just the ones who deserve it. I’m like your father, evil enough to be a danger, but not intentionally so.”

  She flinched at his words, but she didn’t speak to deny them. Her father was doing what was best for his people, but he was going about it in the wrong way. Including what he was trying to force her to do with Dale. If Dale wanted to help, it should be his choice. Breena sucked in a deep breath and pushed off the bed. She had to be honest with him. Their relationship, if it could be called that, was worse than walking on thin ice.

  “Dale, there’s something we need to talk about.”

  “Funny, that’s another thing we keep saying to each other. Better to get the secrets out, better out than in, they always say.” He grinned and cracked up as if it was the funniest thing in the entire world.

  She hadn’t the slightest clue what was funny.

  “What, you don’t get it? Oh, come on! Oh, forget it. It’s my immature moment ruining something very serious anyway.”

  She shook her head and tried to refocus. Her heart was thumping in her chest as quickly as when they’d just made love, but she wasn’t happy, she was afraid. She’d just persuaded him to give her a real chance, and he was going to run away.

  “My father wants you to help us in the war. Our war.”

  “Is that all?”

  Her forehead creased as she frowned. “Isn’t that enough?”

  Dale sat up and leaned down, gently pressing his lips against hers. “I kind of already assumed I would help you with that, if I could, I mean. I didn’t read too far in, but it doesn’t seem like a fight that is meant to have an end.” He shrugged. “Why were you afraid to tell me that?”

  Because my father didn’t trust you’d help and sent men to attack you, she thought bitterly. “I just assumed you had enough problems of your
own. Then, of course, there is the whole, you didn’t want anything to do with me thing.”

  She felt him shift. “I’m never going to apologize enough for that, I’m not the romantic type either, so I’m not going to try. Just this one last time. Breena, I was an asshole. I shouldn’t have judged a book by its cover, pun intended. I want to see what we can do as a team. We only have a week, but I love the teamwork we’ve done in the bedroom.”

  He winked, and she laughed.

  “I want to give you something, the chance to be your own person out from under your father. So, if that means fighting to end your personal war, I’ll help in any way I can. If it means freeing you when I turned twenty-seven, well, as long as this all isn’t an act, I think it’s safe to say the future is a positive one.”

  Dale gently ran a finger over her jaw line, and she smiled against his hand. She loved his delicate little touches. She loved the way he made her feel a little more feminine, and the way he made her want to depend on someone else, just for some things.

  “For now, I have a request of my own.” He was smiling at her, his dark green eyes locked with her hazel ones. “I want you to show me your world.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  He startled when he woke back in his own home, clear across the metaphysical plane from his brother—from Demus. His heart thudded so hard in his chest he could hear nothing but the blood rushing in his ears as he looked around the room. His eyes took in everything, all the blank walls and the lack of any furniture save for a small white dresser. All the blank space that had been his life. He forced his breathing and heart to calm as he realized he was, indeed, home.

  Their bodies had a trigger or sorts, all Gods and Goddesses did according to Huracan that would send them to a safety zone if they were ever too injured to move themselves. He rubbed a hand over the back of his head and flinched. “I suppose knocking myself out with my own powers counts as needing a safety zone.”

  His brain was reeling from everything that had occurred, not to mention he had no idea how much time had passed since. The world was in trouble if Demus was truly unleashed. The names they had chosen during their rebirth as Guardians of the War were what held most of their magic. Each time they had changed their names, it had taken just a little piece of them away, but, if Demus had sacrificed Word Speakers and reclaimed his name, it stood to reason he had his powers as well.


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