Tess and Jeremy (The Yearbook Series 3)

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Tess and Jeremy (The Yearbook Series 3) Page 14

by Buffy Andrews

  “It’s good to see you excited, Tess.”


  “For what?”

  “For being you.”



  So much had happened in the past two weeks. If someone would have told me I’d fall madly in love with Jeremy again, I’d have told them they were nuts. But here we were. Somehow we managed to find one another again. I knew things wouldn’t always be perfect—no marriage is—but I think we made a major breakthrough and were communicating better than ever.

  Jeremy still did things that pissed me off, like eating without a plate and getting crumbs everywhere. He joked he’s practicing conservation and I had to remind him there’s no such thing in my kitchen. But the clouds that had hidden the Jeremy I had fallen in love with had parted and he was trying hard to be the husband, father and lover I needed him to be.

  I knew I wasn’t without faults, and I was working hard to do what I needed to improve. It wasn’t easy, but I was making progress.

  Just as I was about to slip out of the shower, Jeremy joined me.

  “Jeremy! The kids.”

  He kissed me and the water rained down on our heads. “They’re outside playing.”

  “What if they come in?”

  “We’ll hear them.”

  “But we have to get ready for Sue and Tom’s party.”

  “This is part of getting ready,” Jeremy said, sitting down on the shower seat. “Come on, baby. Climb on top of me.”

  All I had to hear was him moan baby and I slid on top of him, wrapping my hands in his hair as he found one breast and then the other. Let’s just say it was one hell of a shower.



  We were the last ones to arrive at Sue and Tom’s house.

  “Here they come,” Sue yelled as we walked in. “About time you got here.”

  Tess hugged Sue, Gina, Cookie and the others.

  “The guys are in the man cave,” Sue said. “We’ll be down in a little bit.”

  She held up a tray of cheese and crackers. “Can you take this down with you?”

  I took the tray and went to find the guys.

  Keith saw me first. “Hey, Jer. How was Key West?”


  “Did you go to any of the clothing optional bars?” Rick asked. “I took Cookie to one when we were there the other year. Don’t remember the name of the bar, but it was on the third floor. Boy was she tongue-tied when a young guy wearing nothing but shorts dropped them right in front of her and hopped on the bar stool.”

  “Cookie tongue-tied?” Mike said. “That has to be a first.”

  “It’s one of the few times, I can tell you that.”

  We laughed.

  “So Tom, how’s it feel being a year older?” I asked.

  “Better than it felt last year at this time when I was a year younger. I can’t believe how much my life has changed in just one year. I have Sue and Chloe. My life is everything I ever hoped it would be.”

  “Aw,” Mike said. “Isn’t that sweet.”

  Tom threw the Nerf football at him.

  “I know I sound like a sap, but hell, I’m happy.”

  “To Tom,” Mike held up his beer. “One of the best men I know. Happy birthday, man. I hope your happiness continues to grow. You’ve waited a long time for the right woman, and I’m glad you finally found her.”

  “Truth be told, I found her a long time ago,” Tom said. “I just had to wait for her to catch up.”

  We laughed and started a game of darts.



  Gina was breastfeeding Daisy when we arrived. “Can I hold her when you’re done unless there’s a line?” I asked.

  “Sure,” Gina said. “Everyone else has held her, so you’re up next.”

  Sue poured me a glass of wine. “So tell us about Key West. And don’t leave out any details.”

  “Do you want the clean version or the X-rated version?”

  “Definitely the X-rated version,” Cookie said.

  “Hey, remember,” Gina said. “I can’t have sex for several more weeks. Not that I’d even want to put anything up my vagina right now, but still.”

  We laughed.

  “Did you hit any of the clothing optional bars?” Cookie asked.

  “No,” I said, “But clothing was definitely optional in our room.”

  “Whoa, Tess,” Kris said. “Definitely sounds like you and Jeremy are working things out.”

  “Or in,” Cookie laughed. “Rick and I went to a clothing optional bar and it was empty until a shirtless twenty-something showed up. He dropped his shorts right in front of me. Let me tell you he had one hell of a package. I swear, if I had a ruler, I’d have asked him if I could measure it.”

  We laughed.

  “Rick got mad because I stared at the guy, but it was hard not to. The thing practically dragged on the ground. OK. Maybe not quite that long, but it was by far the biggest dick I ever saw.”

  “Cookie, you always make me laugh,” Sue said.

  I told them about the trip and about the coffee shop/tea room idea.

  “So that’s what you’ve been so secretive about,” Gina said. “I never would have guessed a coffee bar and tea room. Of course, you know how much I love tea, so you’ll probably see a lot of me.”

  “So how’s motherhood going so far?” I asked Gina.

  Tears welled in Gina’s eyes. “I can’t even describe how I feel. I’m on top of the world. Imagine finally having everything you’ve always wanted but never thought you’d get. That’s how it is. Sometimes I think it’s all a dream and I’m afraid I’m going to wake up and none of it will be real.” Gina sniffed. “The only part I’m not crazy about is the lack of sleep. It’s a killer, but I know it’ll get better in time. Right now I’m trying to cherish every moment of every day.”

  “You’re going to make me cry,” Sue said.

  “So are you back to shitting?” asked Cookie, injecting some humor into the conversation.

  “Yes,” Gina said. “No more constipation. Although I have to say after the C-section, I thought I was going to die. I had horrible gas.”

  “Worse than when you chew gum and swallow air and it gets trapped and gives you gas?” Cookie asked.

  “A million times worse.”

  “Damn, Gina,” Cookie said. “That’s some serious high-octane gas.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “A girl at work told me pineapple juice helps,” Sue said. “She gets gas anytime she eats raw vegetables.”

  “Mike joked I have beautiful intestines.”

  “He saw your intestines?” Kris asked.

  “Apparently when they pulled out my uterus and placed it on my stomach, my intestines came along with it.”

  “They what? Pulled out your uterus? But wasn’t it attached?” Cookie said.

  Gina laughed. “Of course, silly. But they pulled it out as much as they could to clean it and stitch it up. I think they also checked my bladder. Anyway, I guess that’s when Mike saw my intestines.”

  “Rick would have been on the floor,” Cookie said. “That man faints at the sight of a paper cut.”

  Gina burped Daisy and handed her to me. “She’s absolutely beautiful, Gina.”

  Daisy’s tiny fingers wrapped around mine and she yawned.

  “You girls ready to join the guys?” Sue said.

  Gina laughed. “If we have to.”

  “It’ll be fun, I promise,” Sue said. “I have some fun games to play.”

  “Games?” Kris asked.

  “Yeah,” Sue laughed. “What’s a party without some dirty games?”


  Four months later


  Tess and I stood in front of the coffee bar, surrounded by our families and friends. Cole had done a fantastic job renovating the old bistro building. The bottom floor contained Jeremy’s Joe coffee bar and the second floor, Tess’ Tea Room. A gift shop w
ith access from the street and through the coffee bar sold locally made products along with specialty teas and coffees and accessories and gift items.

  Dad and Mom were eager to invest in the venture and Gina did, too. Dad had volunteered to open every morning, giving him something to do and allowing Tess to see the kids off to school. Tomorrow was opening day, but today was to thank everyone who helped us make our dream come true.

  We weren’t sure how it would go, but we weren’t going to let fear keep us from trying.

  I whistled to get everyone’s attention. Sue and Kris made sure all of the adults had a glass of champagne and the kids sparkling cider.

  “A toast,” I said. “To our wonderful families and friends. Thank you for coming today and joining us in this celebration. To our mentor, Richard, who led us every step of the way. We couldn’t have done it without you, man. To our contractor, Cole, who transformed this space and created a beautiful, warm escape from the busyness of life. To our kids, who spent more weekends than they care to count helping prepare for this day. To our investors, Mom, Dad and Gina, who believed in the vision and helped fulfill a dream. And, to my incredibly talented, lovely wife, who had a seed of an idea and nurtured it and made it grow. I love you, sweetheart. Most of you know I proposed to Tess here.” I held up the book Romeo and Juliet.

  “When the bill came in this book, Tess found a marriage proposal and not the check she expected. I’m giving her this book again today as a reminder of where we’ve been and where we’re going.” I handed the book to Tess. Tears streamed down her face. She opened it up. Her hand flew to her mouth. I smiled.

  “What is it, Tess?” her mother said.

  She took out a receipt from Tess’ Tea Room. A diamond ring, much larger than the one she wore, was taped to the receipt.

  Tess sniffed and read the note, “Will you marry me again?”

  Tess looked at me. “Yes!”

  And we kissed as the room erupted in shouts of celebration.

  I slid the ring onto Tess’s finger and we kissed again.

  She turned around and picked up a gift sitting on the counter and handed it to me. I eagerly unwrapped it and pulled out the snow globe I had given her in college.

  “Just shake it when you want to remember I love you,” Tess said.

  I turned it upside down and watched the snowflakes fall.

  Gina and Mike

  The Yearbook Series

  Chapter 1


  The bastard was dead.

  I stared at the newspaper clipping that Mom had mailed me. I had read his obituary online, but seeing it on paper in front of me made it more real. Kind of like watching the Wicked Witch of the West melt in the “Wizard of Oz” – all the evil you loathe becoming a puddle of nothing.

  Richard M. Smith, 61, was ushered into Heaven on Saturday, February 11, 2012, surrounded by his family at his home.

  I’m pretty sure he went to Hell.

  He was a loving husband, devoted father and dedicated coach.

  He was the biggest asshole on this side of the Mason-Dixon Line. Maybe on the whole East Coast. Oh, what the hell, let’s just say the entire country. You get the point, he was an A-S-S-H-O-L-E, and I hated him more than I’ve ever hated anyone in my life.

  Mostly because he ruined it.

  I grabbed my high school yearbook off the shelf in my office. Mom brought it on her last visit. She was cleaning out the basement, and it was among the things she didn’t want to throw away or take to Goodwill.

  I opened the book and read the message I’ve read so many times I know it by heart.


  To the best and sweetest girl any guy could have. You’re super in every way and you mean everything to me, and don’t ever forget that! You know I don’t like to write because I can’t express myself as well as if I would tell you but I’ll try anyways. I love you very much and want our relationship to last! You’re just a super girl, you care about me very much and I appreciate it because it makes me feel great inside, and I feel very lucky to have a girl as great as you. If I had to sum everything up about you in one word it would have to be amazing! It probably sounds dumb but that’s the way it is. I just want to let you know that I do love you and will do anything for you that you want me to.

  Love, Mike

  I remember his black hair and curls. His five o’clock shadow in the middle of the day. The way his smile took up most of his olive face and the way his dark eyes danced when I walked into the room. I remember the first time he told me he loved me, and the first time we made love. Why is it that you never forget your first love? Maybe it’s because it’s the first person you gave your heart to, completely. The first time you were afraid to breathe for fear the moment would pass and you would miss some of the seconds. Life is seldom what we think it will be. Especially when you’re seventeen and the biggest concern you have is whether someone has the same prom dress.

  I ran into Mike once at the pizza shop in town. It was the day after Christmas, and I was home visiting my parents. I saw him as soon as I opened the glass door and the bell jingled. He stood at the counter, holding a baby bundled in blue. The sight washed over me like a damn wave that you never see coming until it’s too late and you’re face down eating sand. And just as you try to spit out the sand and stand up, you get knocked over again by the damn hot pizza smell that transports you back in time. Back to the night that you ate pizza in the corner booth that still has your names carved in the wood. The night you got drunk on the six-pack you took from your dad’s stash in the garage. The night you made out in the woods and fell asleep naked intertwined like pretzels under a crescent moon.

  He turned and saw me and then came the smile. His white teeth seemed even whiter, his smile broader. There was small talk and more small talk. About his marriage and baby and move across town.

  What happened? What happened to all the plans we had? All the nights we spent lying under the stars sharing our dreams. The kind of house we’d live in, how many kids we’d have. What their names would be. What happened to us?

  Life. That’s what happened. One day comes after another and another and pretty soon you realize that yesterday was pretty damn long ago and that everything you had hoped for is never going to happen. You can’t control it any more than you can control that big wave from getting stronger before it nails you. All you can do is prepare and hope that when it hits, you’ll survive.

  And hope that the secret you’ve kept all of these years doesn’t drown you.

  Sue and Tom

  The Yearbook Series

  Chapter 1


  The day I came home and found my husband in bed with our neighbor was the day I swore off men.

  I heard them before I found them screwing in the bed I thought I’d sleep in forever. Turned out, I threw Steve out—and the bed along with him.

  I sort of, kind of expected he was having an affair. There were little signs. Like a scratch on his back that didn’t come from my nails and the faint smell of citrus-infused perfume on our silk sheets. I explained everything away. The scratch was from the dog, probably when they wrestled on the floor. And the citrus scent? That was from the fabric softener. Yeah, that’s it. The fabric softener. I had an excuse for everything until the day I came home and found his ass in the air and her underneath, digging her nails into his back and coming so hard it actually made me jealous. Pathetic, I know.

  It was a Friday morning and nothing was going right. My two year old daughter, Chloe, was crying hysterically for her favorite bear. I found him eventually, but not before Sneakers had chewed off the bear’s ear, which only made Chloe cry more. I was late dropping Chloe off at daycare and that made me late for work. My day went south faster than my paralegal paycheck. By the time lunch rolled around, I realized I hadn’t eaten breakfast and that I had left my sandwich on the kitchen counter. So I went home.

  I was surprised to see Steve’s Lexus in the driveway. He was an attorney and worked in an
office across town. He had told me he would be tied up in court all day. I figured he must be really sick because he never came home for lunch. Turned out, he was indulging in a five-star meal with a decadent dessert.

  Somewhere between the bottom of the staircase and the top, I realized that Steve’s lunch was a midday fuck. I heard him talking dirty to Renee. I recognized her raspy voice. She lived next door with a 60-year-old who could have been her father. Steve was saying things like “bitch” and “baby” and she was screaming stuff like “fuck” and “faster.”

  I thought back to all of the times when Steve wanted me to talk dirty and dress like a whore. I’d tried dressing like a whore. I bought the sexiest lingerie I could find. Black with red lace. But I couldn’t talk dirty. I just couldn’t. I tried. Once. But I sounded so stupid it made me laugh. I even tried practicing when Steve wasn’t around, but it just wasn’t for me.

  It wasn’t long after the whore role playing that I got pregnant with Chloe and Steve stopped wanting me. He told me I was getting fat and that I’d better make sure after I had the baby that I got my body back to the size two he married. But it never happened. I tried, but the last ten pounds were happy hanging around and no amount of exercise or starvation seemed to chase them away. So I stayed a size eight and Steve stayed away. And, as much as Steve loved Chloe, he seemed to loathe me more and more.

  So when I found him fucking Little Miss Fake Tits with the pierced nipple (yes, I saw more than I wanted to see!) I guess I wasn’t surprised.

  My BFF Gina, who’s an attorney, hooked me up with a killer colleague, and before Steve knew it, his mid-day fuck had cost him a shitload of money.

  That was twelve years ago, and I haven’t been in a serious relationship since. Sure, a few dates here and there, but nothing that I hoped would ever turn into something more.


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