Loving Revenge (Revenge Is Best Served Hot)

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Loving Revenge (Revenge Is Best Served Hot) Page 2

by C. C. Morian

  Worse, Gina crossed her legs, exactly as Lauren had planned on doing with Bob, or at least fantasized about. Gina had amazing legs, not with Lauren’s nice tone, honed in the gym, but Gina’s were naturally well shaped, with wonderfully thin ankles that Lauren would have killed for. And there was more of them to see, Gina’s much shorter dress hiking up on the seat, even from where she sat Lauren could catch a whole eyeful of thighs. To top it off, Gina was wearing four inch fuck me heels.

  Lauren could almost feel Bob drooling. He had to be looking. Gina would probably be shifting in her chair, drawing Bob’s eyes to her. Maybe Gina would rub up against him. Lauren wouldn’t put it past Gina.

  Bob suddenly laughed at something Gina had said, the two of them having quite a time together. He turned to his computer and made a notation, then stood up. Gina got up too, hugging the report, pressing her boobs up, leaning forward, almost into Bob.

  Lauren didn’t want to let Gina see her looking, and she turned away, but not before she caught Bob staring appreciatively at Gina’s ass as she left the office.

  Gina came to stand by Lauren’s cubicle as Lauren tried to look busy. “Bob,” said Gina, putting a lot of emphasis on the name, making it sound like they were bosom fuck buddies, “said that my Simpson report is very good.”

  “So I guess I didn’t screw up your report after all,” said Lauren. She hated herself for being so snide, but Gina brought that out in her.

  “Good thing, too.”

  Lauren tried to hold her temper, it wouldn’t do to antagonize Gina any more than she already had. She just had to endure this until she got noticed for her hard work. “Look Gina, I could have brought that report in to Bob, but I told him it was yours. I’m just doing my job, so I don’t know what your problem is.”

  Gina gave Lauren a big smile. “Problem? I don’t have a problem at all. Do you?” She took a few steps away, then turned back. “Unless I have something you want?” And she walked away, swaying her ass seductively.

  Lauren tried to put the whole thing out of her mind over the next month, keeping her head down, just doing her job. Gina had toned it down a little, although just when Lauren had thought the situation was better, Gina would make a snide comment. One time, after Gina had said something especially condescending, Lauren found herself staring at Gina, wondering what had set them on the wrong path. Gina was talking to Julie, the interaction seemed quite normal, Julie listening attentively and smiling as Gina gave her some feedback. Lauren wished she could have that kind of relationship with Gina, the kind the other women had. She also wished she could have Gina’s body without having to do so much work, the woman really was attractive, her choice of clothes notwithstanding. Gina touched Julie’s shoulder, the gesture quite personal, and for a second Lauren wondered, could Gina be gay? It didn’t seem likely, given how she flirted with Bob. Then the moment was gone, Gina walking away.

  Oddly, now and then Lauren thought she noticed Gina staring at her. Lauren suspected that Gina was looking for an excuse to make some comment about Lauren shirking her work. One time, though, when Lauren glanced over at Gina, she caught Gina staring at her with this faraway look in her eyes. For some reason it took a moment for Gina to notice that Lauren was looking at her, and both women flushed and quickly turned away. Embarrassed, Lauren went back to her work. What was that all about? Maybe Rosie had been right, for some reason Gina was jealous of Lauren.

  The only good thing that had happened lately was that Lauren had met Tony, a handsome man in another department. They’d talked a few times in the break room, and Lauren thought Tony was going to ask her out soon. He’d been hinting around, trying to find out if she had a boyfriend.

  Lauren thought she’d make it easier for him, and just before two o’clock, precisely when she had seen Tony twice go for coffee, she drifted over to the break room. Lauren had purposefully worn a nice dress that day, a bit more form fitting than what she usually wore, and had done her hair differently, it would tell her a lot if Tony noticed.

  Lauren took her time getting a cup of coffee. Sure enough, right on schedule, Tony came into the break room. Lauren pretended not to notice him at first, she didn’t want him to think she had planned this.

  “Hi, Lauren! Fancy meeting you here.”

  “Oh, hi, Tony. I do like my coffee.” Lauren glanced up, Tony was looking fine today, he had on a blue silk shirt that matched his eyes and set off his curly blond hair.

  “Me, too.” Tony took a cup and waited for Lauren to finish with the coffee machine. “And I do like the view here.” He gave Lauren an obvious once over.

  Lauren played coy. “Really? But there aren’t any windows in this room.”

  “There are other views,” said Tony. He reached for a mug, putting him right next to Lauren.

  “Whatever do you mean?” asked Lauren, as she slowly turned, pretending to look around the room, but giving Tony a chance to check her out.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were flirting with me.”

  Lauren gave him her best innocent look. “Flirting? Me?”

  Tony laughed. “Well, in that case, I was going to ask you—”

  Tony was interrupted by Gina walking in. Lauren unconsciously took a half step back from Tony. Gina strode across the room, her tall heels clicking on the floor, her eyes totally on Tony.

  “Excuse me,” said Gina, stepping between them, forcing Lauren to back up another step. “I just need to get in here.”

  Gina reached up into the cupboard, standing on her toes. Lauren fumed not only at the interruption, but because Tony took the opportunity to stare at Gina’s wonderful legs. He hadn’t stepped back at all, and the two of them were touching.

  “Let me help you with that, Gina.”

  Gina turned to Tony and gave him a You are superman look. “Thank you, Tony. I don’t know why they put the mugs so high, only someone tall like you can reach them.”

  Lauren rolled her eyes, but Tony was focused only on Gina. He got a mug from the shelf, one that Gina could have certainly reached, and handed it to her.

  Gina made her coffee, not apologizing for breaking in. When her drink was done she took a sip, her eyes glued to Tony. “Wow, that is hot.”

  “Be careful you don’t burn yourself,” said Tony.

  “I like it hot,” said Gina. “I like everything hot.”

  Lauren couldn’t stand it and was torn between leaving and chastising Gina for butting in so she could resume her conversation with Tony.

  Before Lauren had a chance to decide, Gina, without even looking at her, said, “Oh, Lauren, I put a new job on your desk. Bob needs it right away.”

  When Lauren hesitated, Gina added, “Like right now.”

  Lauren sighed, dumped her coffee in the sink, and walked out.

  A large manila envelope was sitting on Lauren’s chair when she got back to her desk. She tore open the seal, expecting to find some time sensitive work job. Instead, it was just the weekly department expense forms, which weren’t due until the next day.

  Lauren was confused, she looked over to Bob’s office, could he have asked for them early? But the office was dark, Lauren remembered Bob wasn’t even in today. Her first reaction was that it was a mistake, Gina had left the wrong envelope. Lauren started back toward the break room, and stopped. She didn’t want to give Gina the satisfaction of ordering her around in front of Tony.

  Lauren quickly did the report, and when she was done she picked up her phone, looked up Tony’s extension, and dialed.

  “Hey, Tony. It’s Lauren. I thought maybe we could finish our conversation, I wanted to—understand more about the view you said you liked. But maybe we can do it after work, so we won’t get interrupted.”

  “Gee, Lauren, I would have liked that, except I’m going out with Gina tonight.”

  Lauren was so stunned she almost dropped the phone. She tried to cover herself. “Oh, sorry, Tony, I didn’t know you and Gina. . .”

  “We’re not. We weren’t, I mean
. She just asked me out, in the break room. Right after you left. Maybe some other time?”

  “Uh, sure, Tony. Some other time.” Lauren hung up the phone in a daze, just as Gina came strolling by.

  Gina had a huge grin on her face. “Did you finish those forms, Lauren? If you haven’t, you’ll have time, since there’s no need to keep getting up to go to the break room any more today, is there?”

  The next day Lauren was still pissed. Gina had done it all on purpose. How long had she been watching Lauren with Tony? Well, if it was some kind of competition Gina wanted, she’d get one.

  Gina was late to work. When she came in her hair was a little wild, and she had on the same shoes from the day before, although a different dress.

  Lauren ignored Gina as she walked by, Gina touching her own hair. Gina was carrying what looked like a small overnight bag. She made a big show of putting it down in her cubicle, and gave Lauren a big smile, fanning her face like she was hot.

  Lauren just turned away. She kept her cool all day, even as Gina seemed to make it a point to be around Lauren’s desk. Late in the afternoon, when Lauren finally got a break, she called Tony. She wasn’t going to give up so easily.

  “Hey Tony, where were we? Oh, yes, the view.”

  “Hi, Lauren.” Tony’s voice was oddly hesitant. “Listen, I don’t think we should be talking like this at work.”

  “Maybe we can talk away from work,” Lauren teased.

  “No, I mean—I don’t feel comfortable, you working with Gina and all. She and I, last night, we—”

  Lauren’s shoulders sagged. “I get it, Tony. No problem. See you.” She hung up the phone.

  Lauren looked over at Gina, who was staring at her with a very pleased look on her face. Gina had won round one, and she knew it.

  That night Lauren hit the gym with a vengeance. She did a long round of cardio, riding the bike hard, pretending she was in a race with Gina, grinding her into submission. After cardio came the weight routine, Lauren pushing herself more than usual, tightening her muscles, getting a burn.

  Usually working out ran up her endorphins, she would normally feel great after. But tonight she just couldn’t stop thinking about how Gina had played her, how she had taken Tony, probably just to show Lauren that she could. And then shoving it all in Lauren’s face, the same shoes, the overnight bag, probably wearing her emergency dress, the just fucked hair, making it clear to Lauren that she had not only got Tony, she had Tony as well. Last night. Maybe even again in the morning.

  Two could play that game, thought Lauren. If Gina wanted Tony, fine. To keep Gina distracted, Lauren would make it appear she was still interested in Tony. That would give Lauren the chance to set her sights on someone better.

  The next day Lauren wore her nicest, but most business-like outfit. She had picked it out carefully. Although totally appropriate for the office, it showed off the best parts of her body perfectly, highlighting her curves, making them seem more sensual. She was pleased when she saw that Gina was wearing her usual tight fitting dress and slutty heels. Lauren had to admit that Gina looked good, but Lauren hoped that a higher class guy would not be impressed by Gina’s attention getting outfit.

  At two o’clock, Lauren made a point of walking by Gina’s desk. “Gina, I’m going to get coffee, would you like one?”

  Lauren had never offered to get coffee for Gina, and the supervisor was immediately suspicious. “I can get my own coffee, Lauren.” Gina hesitated, then, in a surprisingly friendly tone added, “Unless of course, this means you are going to finally admit you really want to do what I tell you to do.”

  Lauren frowned, she wasn’t sure what Gina was getting at. Gina’s change in tone confused her well, and oddly, Lauren felt herself flush, a wild thought popping into her head that Gina was suggesting something sexual. “Okay,” she mumbled, “I just thought I’d offer.”

  Probably just trying to get under my skin, thought Lauren.

  Lauren headed for the break room, feeling Gina’s eyes on her. She stopped suddenly and stepped in the ladies room, even though she didn’t have to go. Lauren waited a minute, composing herself, then peeked out. Sure enough, Gina was gone, probably headed to the break room in case Tony was going to be there, to stop any chance of Lauren talking to him. Just as Lauren had planned.

  Instead of going to the break room, Lauren walked quickly to Bob’s office and knocked on the door.

  “Can I have a minute, Bob?”

  “Sure. Come on in.”

  Lauren thought Bob was looking especially good today, he had his jacket on, he was probably on his way to a meeting. Lauren wondered who picked out his clothing, it showed off his physique so well it was probably tailored.

  “I’ll only take a minute of your time.” Lauren sat down in the visitor chair. “I wanted you to get settled in a bit before I brought this up. You are probably aware of how we do the monthly budget. I had a few ideas on how to improve the process.”

  Bob looked at her appraisingly. “I’ve actually just been thinking about that. What are your thoughts?”

  Lauren proceeded to give Bob a very professional, cogent assessment of the process and where she thought it could be improved. Partway through, when she was sure she had Bob’s undivided attention, she purposely, and somewhat slowly, crossed her legs, feeling her skirt ride up her thigh. But unlike Gina, Lauren fixed it, pulling it back down, not demurely, but matter of factly. Lauren hid a smile as she saw Bob’s eyes flick to her hands and her legs; she had attracted a different kind of attention.

  Twice more she crossed and uncrossed her legs, and later in the conversation, which was going quite well, Lauren touched the top button of her blouse, pleased that Bob’s eyes were drawn to her chest, modestly covered by a blazer.

  “That’s very good thinking,” said Bob, sounding quite sincere. “How long have you worked here?”

  “Just a few years, although I’m relatively new to this department.”

  “And you figured all this out already?”

  “I spent a little of my own time on it,” said Lauren.

  “That’s commendable,” said Bob.

  “Thank you. Just trying to do what’s good for the company.”

  “Hmm,” mused Bob. “That’s an attitude I like. Listen, I was going to call a meeting with the other department heads to talk about this. I think we should discuss your ideas. I want you to be there.”

  “Thank you, but I —”

  Bob frowned. “Is there a problem?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “Good. I’ll set it up and let you know.”

  Lauren left the office smiling. She was either going to get Bob, or a promotion. Or both.

  At her desk a week later, Lauren looked up to see Gina’s hand on her hip, glaring down at Lauren.

  “What’s this I see on the group calendar, your name in some meeting about the budget process?”

  Lauren had to work hard to keep from smiling. “Bob asked me to be there.”

  “What for?”

  “Why don’t you ask him?”

  “I’m asking you. You work for me, you know.”

  “For now. At some point I’ll be out of here.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  Lauren sighed. “Gina, give it a break.”

  “You know, you really need to accept your position.”

  “We both know I’m the one who should be in charge here.” Lauren hadn’t wanted this to escalate, but it’s how she felt. She was worried that she wasn’t going to get ahead because of how Gina was trying to hold her back, even though it was obvious to Lauren that she was more capable. Sure, she wondered about her own abilities of being able to perform as a manager, she had her own insecurities. But this situation was untenable.

  “You’ll never get anywhere if you can’t learn to follow orders,” said Gina. “Like answering my question. Why are you going to that meeting?”

  “I gave Bob some suggestions about the budget process. He just asked
for me to be there.”

  Gina’s eyes flamed. “We’ll see about that too.” And she strode away, Lauren amazed at how well Gina could walk in those four inch heels.

  Lauren didn’t really think Gina could do anything about the meeting, it wasn’t like she could assign Lauren to something more important than what Bob had decided. Still, Lauren worried. Getting ahead was so important to her that she sometimes lost sleep over it. She knew it wasn’t healthy, but it was just the way she was, she just couldn’t relax. Sometimes she wished she could just go with the flow, not always be fighting to get ahead. For all she knew, she’d do just as well.

  Gina didn’t say anything to Lauren about the meeting for a week, and Lauren breathed a sigh of relief.

  Lauren did run into Tony one day while getting coffee, he seemed embarrassed, the interaction awkward. Lauren figured he was still sleeping with Gina. Lauren had moved on from that, if Tony wanted Gina, fine. Lauren did make sure that Gina saw her come back from the break room, though, just to give her something to think about.

  The next day Gina came to work again spouting her just fucked look, appearing especially proud of it, virtually flaunting herself in front of Lauren. Again with the overnight bag, again with yesterday’s spiky shoes, shouting out to Lauren that Gina had got laid the night before.

  Later, when Gina walked by Lauren’s cubicle, Gina mouthed, “You’ll never win.”

  Lauren shrugged, and as she watched Gina swish away she thought, Why does she bother? I know she’s fucking Tony. Was this just because she saw me in the break room with him? Is she that insecure?

  Besides, it was the day of the budget meeting, Lauren had other things on her mind.

  The meeting went well. Lauren was the most junior person there. Bob graciously introduced her as almost an equal, even letting her present her ideas. To Lauren’s relief and a little surprise, everyone agreed with her recommendations.


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