Thank You, Billy Graham

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Thank You, Billy Graham Page 16

by Jerushah Armfield

  I headed on to medical school at Northwestern, in downtown Chicago. The Christian Medical Society (now the Christian Medical and Dental Associations) was used powerfully by God to bring me to my senses and to Himself. In 1965, the last year of medical school, I served my first short-term mission … in Swaziland, Africa, for six months. That experience changed my heart and my life’s direction. It became clear during my time overseas, and it has become increasingly clear, that God’s inclining me into medical missions is a movement of His Spirit, which comes before me almost daily in my walk with Him. Even though I am not in full-time overseas medical missions efforts, my heart certainly is.

  God has used me, and thus blessed me, in ways most remarkable. My life’s aim aligns with that of the Navigators: “To know Christ and to make Him known.” The locus does not matter. Soul-winning is my passion. My life verse is Philippians 3:10: “That I may know Him.” May I be found faithful in His service, by His Spirit’s power.

  As I head into the final stages of living in this body, my only prayer is that I remain faithful to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus! I am a medical educator, now having taught over the past thirteen years, in sixty-four nations. I do not intend to “retire” from Kingdom work. Perhaps God will continue to bless my ministry among medical professors around the globe. My focus in particular has been, and remains, China, where I have served in more than a dozen major medical centers, bringing education and healing to the body and soul and spirit.

  Billy, it’s all of God. Boasting has no place. Only glorying in Him matters! Thank you, and praise God for bringing you into my life almost sixty years ago!



  When you came to Boise, Idaho, years ago, I attended with a friend and my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter. While waiting in line, an elderly man behind me asked if my daughter was three years old. He continued to tell me that children are closer to God at that age than at any other. His final comment puzzled me: “I attend every crusade that Billy Graham conducts.” As I turned to respond, he was nowhere to be seen. Could he have been an angel sent to prepare me for what was about to occur?

  When you invited people to accept the Lord as Savior, my daughter turned to me and said, “I want to ask Jesus in my heart.” The people nearby quickly turned and stared at me to see how I would respond. Looking at the great distance from the rafters where we were seated all the way to the ground floor, I decided it would be best just to pray with her quietly where we were. Since she knew nothing about sin, I just asked Jesus to come and be her very best Friend. She was satisfied and we returned home.

  My daughter has never departed from that defining moment in her life. I learned to never underestimate what God can do in a small child, even one not even three years of age. Thank you, Billy Graham, for a lifetime of being faithful to His Word.


  I can remember growing up and never missing Billy Graham on TV. My mom was a big Billy Graham fan. And to this day, I watch it whenever it is on TV. I just finished reading the book The Preacher and the Presidents. Billy Graham was a tremendous influence to every president and to our country. I appreciate all that he has done over the years. I mostly appreciate that he does not have a judgemental spirit like so many preachers you see on television. Billy Graham leaves the judging to God. I am proud that Billy Graham lived and preached in my generation. He is the example for all men and for all preachers.


  When I grew up in Alexandria, Louisiana, we had one channel on television. My family watched Billy Graham crusades on that one channel. I loved to watch my grandmother watch Billy Graham. It was a sight to see. She was not able to read the Bible, but she eagerly waited for the next Billy Graham telecast. I watched her as she sat on the edge of the sofa, getting as close to the television as she could, so as to not miss a word that Dr. Graham was saying. Whatever she heard Dr. Graham say, she would pass on to her grandchildren or anyone who would listen to her. She never missed a day talking about the Lord. She was such a loving and caring force in my life. I thank Dr. Graham very much for ministering to my grandmother, who could not read but who understood perfectly what you had to say to all of us. We greatly appreciate your ministry.

  Watching you on TV as a child will be forever imprinted in my mind. Your influence was major in my family. I attended a crusade in Baton Rouge, long after those telecasts at home, and I walked down to publicly announce my walk with the Lord. I watch the Classics now whenever they are shown, and the loving memories of my grandmother come again to visit. She died at the age of 103. Dr. Billy Graham, thank you so very much for your sacrifice, hard work, and dedication to the Lord. We see Jesus in you! God bless you!


  Thank You, Billy Graham … for How You Explained the Gospel


  Thank you, Pastor Graham, for preaching with such simplicity that even a child could understand. Every time I watched one of your broadcasts, my mind would immediately go back to the time when you taught about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You talked about how they are three entities, but all in one. Who could imagine that using three paper cups would clarify the union of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one? But that is exactly what it did for me, because it was explained with love and with simplicity. I didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand God’s Word. Thank you again for walking in Jesus’ footsteps and teaching as He taught.



  As I sat on the floor in our family room watching TV, I listened quietly as the Rev. Billy Graham preached to thousands of people, telling them about the love of God. I did not know the impact that moment would have on me for the rest of my life. I recall Rev. Graham saying to the people, “You must be born again.” In the eyes of a child, I did not understand what was meant by being “born again,” but something about it sounded real good to me. The idea of being “born again” stayed with me until adulthood. I am now a born-again saint of God Almighty. Washed in the Blood and filled with the Holy Ghost. In the eyes of a child, the Rev. Billy Graham’s words were very simple to understand; so simple, in fact, that even a child could understand them. Thank you, Rev. Graham.



  I thought I was seeking something real, something besides myself. I guess I was seeking God, even though I didn’t phrase it that way.

  In September 1971, Rev. Billy Graham was preaching a crusade from Oakland, California. I don’t know when the crusade was taped; I just know that it was on TV that week in Alabama. I was so, so confused and angry about a lot of things. I really was on a journey of faith. I had been meeting with two Baptist pastors to discuss spiritual things, and yet I was angry about some of their answers, and the Bible made no sense to me.

  On Thursday night, September 9, 1971, my mother and dad wanted to watch the crusade. I mentioned that I could not stand to hear any more preaching by my two Baptist friends, nor even Billy Graham. But that night from Oakland, Billy asked, “Where would you go tonight if you died? Heaven or hell?” I could not get that question out of my mind. I listened for the first time as Billy explained the Gospel and what it means to follow Jesus Christ.

  I did not sleep much that night. Billy’s voice was ringing through my brain in that clear way he has of speaking. Where would you go?, the questioned haunted me. I knew I needed to make a decision but I was scared and confused.

  The next day, September 10, 1971, a Friday, I went in to work and was going to my work station when I saw one of my Baptist pastor friends. I spoke to him about the previous night and what I was dealing with. He said for me to have lunch with him, just the two of us. So, I had lunch with him, and somewhere around 11:10 a.m., I asked Jesus Christ to come into my life and to forgive me of all of my sins. I cannot express the physical reaction in my body, but it felt like the weight of the world passed from my shou
lders, and I felt good, wonderful, joyful.

  Years have passed, and I have continued worshipping God in Christ. I have attended many churches through revivals and special speakers. I began teaching a Sunday school class, and then I was appointed to several jobs in the church. Finally, I was appointed lay leader of my church. This was in 1978, and God began speaking to me about going into ministry.

  I was a high school dropout, working at a plant in Birmingham. The United Methodist Church required ministers to attend college and get a two- or four-year degree. No one in my family had ever attended a school of higher education. However, the ministry was burning in my heart, and it was all I could think about. Should I give up my job and go to school? It was a hard time for me to decide what to do. By this time, I was speaking on Sunday nights, and I worked with my pastor (who was pastoring a circuit of three churches, including mine), who taught me (and allowed me) to lead worship services, praying and leading in worship. As a result, I had more experience than many seminary candidates for ministry.

  I never forgot how and when I started my journey of faith. I shared with others what I had experienced and how important it was to make a decision to receive Christ as Savior and Lord of one’s life. I have served more than twelve different appointments in these years, and have had a wonderful opportuity to share the good news of Jesus Christ. It has been a hard and long journey, but I was not alone, for I knew that I was following the Great Shepherd of the sheep and that He would lead me through the long and hard valleys. I have made mistakes and have failed Him in many ways, but He has never failed me, for He gave me strength and provided for my every need.

  I still remember Billy Graham’s voice ringing clearly about receiving Christ and allowing Him to become the Master and Lord of our lives. I think I can say that without Billy’s message that September night, I would not be where I am as a Christian and as a pastor. Thank you, Brother Billy, for your message and your willingness to preach the message of salvation and faith in Jesus Christ.


  This is not a story, but a sincere note of appreciation. My wife, Linda, and I have been in full-time ministry among the ranks of independent Baptists for more than thirty-nine years. We wanted to offer a word of thanks to Billy Graham for clear preaching of the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ, who offers salvation by grace through faith without any works of righteousness on our part, freely offered to all who come unto God by Him.

  Another thing we appreciate and admire about Billy Graham is that, in these years of ministry, there has never been a scandal attached to his name. This brings much honor and glory to our heavenly Father and helps the cause of Christianity greatly. To God be the glory, great things He hath done!

  Ben and Linda


  It was about twenty-seven years ago when Mr. Graham visited Romania. For a communist country at that time, such a visit was out of the ordinary. I lived in Bucharest, and God gave me the privilege to be part of one of his crusades. I remember being in one of the biggest Pentecostal churches in Bucharest when Mr. Graham spoke. Just seconds before he walked in (along with pastors and priests from all denominations), the combined choir and orchestra started to sing, and many, many lights came on in the church. At that moment, when Dr. Graham got on the podium, I felt like the rapture was occuring. I will never forget that day, that unique moment in my life. His sermon was simple, not complicated words, but very powerful. I feel honored and blessed by God that I was part of that wonderful moment in our country’s history.


  I haven’t met you, but I feel as if I have to write to you to thank you, Reverend Graham. God has given me a heart for the lost, and you share this calling with me. Your simple message of salvation … which is God’s simple message of salvation, has helped God accomplish so much for His Kingdom. You have touched so many lives and have inspired me. You remind people that salvation is for all. God’s love is never ending. I have been saved since I was eight. I am now thirty-one. It was such a pleasure to see you in Nashville in 2000. Praise God for you, Reverend Graham!


  Billy, there is just something about the way you say what you say. There is something special about the look on your face. There is something very special about the manner in which you approach biblical principles.

  I know how you always want the praise, glory, and honor to be given to God. You are always so humble and don’t seem to like it much when people try to give you praise. Well, I’m sorry, but you are just going to have to be a little tolerant with me.

  I am sixty-one years old, the youngest of eight children. My father passed away when I was two years old, leaving my very shy mother to take care of all of us. With God’s help, she did a fantastic job.

  I remember us watching Billy Graham on TV. I always had such a warm feeling in our home, like everything was going to be okay. One time, you were delivering a message and you paused for a moment and simply said, “God hates sin.” That hit me so hard. I had always known that, but those three words convicted me. I thought I was a pretty good guy most of the time. I guess I was. When you said, “God hates sin,” I thought of many things I had done that I am ashamed of. I asked God to forgive me and to come into my heart in a special way, and he did. I now start every day with Bible readings and prayer. My prayer is always that God would help me be the person He would have me be. Thank you, Billy Graham, and all of your team for everything.



  I have always been a churchgoer. I probably attended church before I was even born. My mother made sure of that. She somehow managed to get my siblings and me (four of us in all) to church every Sunday morning and evening and Wednesday night. Revival week was no exception. We went unless we were sick. I didn’t mind, though; church was like home to me.

  When I was about twelve years old, our little church in Mississippi decided to gather a group to go and see Brother Billy Graham in Jackson. I was on the list to go. (Like I had a choice!) I didn’t dread it, but I wasn’t exactly jumping up and down at the idea either. I had seen Brother Graham on occasion on one of the three channels we received on the one TV we owned. (Boy have things changed.) I admired him and decided this might not be such a bad experience.

  I was somewhat surprised by the number of people attending the crusade. This little country girl was not used to such, but what tugged at my heart most was hearing the old familiar hymns sung by such a tremendous group of people. I was overcome with emotion. Then Brother Graham spoke. I will never forget the simplicity of his message; I had never felt the Spirit move so strongly. When the choir sang “Amazing Grace,” I sobbed. I had heard it sung hundreds of times, but never like this.

  I am now forty-two years old, not gray-haired and granny-like just yet, but certainly not a spring chicken either. I will never forget the sound of “Amazing Grace,” the simplicity of the message, and the moving of the Spirit that night. I will always admire Billy Graham and his life of integrity. There is no doubt in my mind that one day he will hear these words from the One he knows so well: “Well done, my good and faithful servant, well done!”


  When I was seventeen, I was invited by a group of Christian friends to the Billy Graham crusade held at the Pepsi Arena in Albany, New York, on July 12, 1990. I had always believed in God but had no personal relationship with Him. I believed He was a distant Creator and wasn’t interested in my daily life. I believed God was for Sundays and that was it. Then I heard Billy Graham preach the simple truth of God’s amazing love and that He would have died just for me because He loved me that much. I also heard him talk about being eighteen inches from heaven, having God in your head and not your heart, and I thought, That’s me! So I made my way down to the floor of the arena (from the nosebleed seats), met with a counselor named Heather, and prayed to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. In June 2005, I was a prayer counselor at the Billy Graham crusade in Q
ueens and had the privilege of introducing others to the Savior I had fallen in love with. I have also chosen to do that with my life. Thank you, Billy, for your faithfulness and consistency in your walk. That is so desperately needed in today’s world. Thank you for sharing the simple truth of God’s great love. But most of all, thank you for introducing me to the love of my life, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


  I can remember when I was a little girl and we would sit around the radio and listen to Billy Graham preach. When we bought our first TV, we watched whenever a Billy Graham crusade was broadcast. I was finally able to attend my first crusade, in Charlotte. I can’t remember the date. Our choir members helped with the choir. I wished I could sing well enough to do that. When my husband was off work, we went together, and I went with the youth for youth night. It had been raining really hard that day. We all had trash bags along with our raincoats. I was so excited that my children would get to see and hear Billy Graham. Johnny Cash was also there that night. I remember Billy Graham saying that it was not going to rain for a while, and it didn’t! It was so cloudy and looked like it would pour any minute, but it didn’t. I worked as a counselor that night. I remember all the people pouring onto the field. It was so awesome! I’ll never forget what a simple message he gave about God’s love and Jesus loving us and dying for us. It amazes me how he can give such a simple message but with such love and humility that thousands would be saved. I hope we will see someone like him again. I pray we will see someone like him again, because we desperately need another Billy Graham now.


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