As a young girl, I was among the runaway/throwaway children living on a Ft. Lauderdale beach. I was either hiding or trying to sleep under bridges. I was bounced around in Christian runaway shelters and foster care homes from ages twelve to eighteen. I was hated by my mother for looking like her mother-in-law. I was seen only as a financial burden. I was thrown away and unloved.
I was considering suicide one day when I found a book by Pastor Graham. The book said that someone loved me and gave His life up freely on the cross! God loved me! Well, that fifteen-year-old child knelt by the water, cried, prayed, and asked God to be her Father.
I rose and saw the sky, and decided to stay alive! If it were not for Jesus and the book Mr. Graham wrote that gave me hope, that girl I was long ago would have died. From my two sons and grandson, who would not have been born if not for your words, we say, “Thank you, Billy Graham!”
I was born in Chicago in 1952 to parents who had recently arrived from Puerto Rico. My parents were simple and poor people, my mother went to school barefoot and got only as far as the second grade, and my father was able to complete high school in the army, where he served during World War II.
My father became an alcoholic throughout most of our growing years, and as we six kids grew up without any direction or discipline, we all went our own reckless ways. At the age of fifteen, I left home, with my mother’s permission, to get married. She thought nothing of it. I got caught up in a relationship with a young man who did not know anything about taking care of someone, let alone the two children who came later. I was beaten and left to take care of myself. Eventually, I left and went back home.
After finding employment, I went out on my own and lived as a single parent. Six years later, I legally married another young man who also knew nothing about being a husband and left me for another woman. As time went on, my life consisted of the party life—getting high, depressed, and of course the typical sinful lifestyle. One night, while high on marijuana, I changed the channel on the TV and began listening to the Rev. Billy Graham. As he spoke, all I heard were words that assured me that God was actually speaking to me directly. I called the number as instructed and gave my life to Christ. The next day, I recalled what I had done, but I did not understand to what extent it would take me.
During that time, I began to notice that I was not thinking the same, and my brother contacted me to tell me that he had his church praying for me. I got excited, and when he visited me, he planted me in a church he had attended. I was thirty years old. Today, I’m fifty-five and still loving and serving the Lord. I have served in the church as nursery director, Sunday school teacher, director of women’s ministry, and so many wonderful acts of service. My life has not been without trials, but God has grown me up, and I know my purpose for living. I have shared the Gospel with many people, and just recently with a woman on her deathbed. I am wholeheartly grateful to Rev. Billy Graham. I love him and esteem him. He is my Moses. May the Lord continue to bless and keep him.
In mid-1975, I was five months pregnant, back living with my mother, and looking to get a divorce started. I was in an awful relationship, and I had just about had enough of being beaten every other day. I still had bruises all over me from the last beating as I sat in Mom’s living room and saw Billy Graham on TV. Yeah, yeah, I thought, and was about to switch it off, when Billy Graham seemed to look straight at me. He seemed to be talking directly to me when he asked this question: “Have you given your heart to the Lord?” I watched the complete broadcast, and that night I sat in my bed with my Bible and prayed for the first time in seven years. I now had hope. Thank you, Billy, for saving my life!
Mr. Graham, I thank God that your crusade came to my hometown of Niagara Falls, New York. At the time, I was working part time, going through a divorce, and drinking every day. I had four children and knew I wasn’t doing right by them, but I just couldn’t stop. As I was waiting for the bus one day, I noticed on the side an advertisement for one of your crusades at the convention center. That night, I was drinking again and decided to walk down the street to the center to see the crusade. It was being led by Leighton Ford.
I remember sitting in my seat when he called for people to come up and receive Jesus. I do not remember taking that walk—I only know that I ended up in the front, crying uncontrollably. I accepted Jesus that night, and one of the workers talked to me for quite a while and gave me some literature to read. I walked in the rain that night after the crusade and felt truly cleansed. That was the beginning of my walk with Jesus.
I’ve learned since then it doesn’t happen all at once; and I didn’t change overnight, but I know without a doubt that God is with me in my walk and I continue to grow in my faith. I thank you for all the books you have written and the crusades you have put on, for they have been a great source of inspiration to me and have helped me in my journey. I know they will continue to do so.
Thank You, Billy Graham … for Everything
I have long wanted to write to thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord. I was saved after listening to one of your crusades, televised on September 9, 1976. God had been dealing with me about my spiritual condition since I was a young teen. I just didn’t feel good enough to go to heaven. For many years, I went through periods when I struggled with my sinfulness, and as I got older, it got more intense and more frequent. I got married and started visiting a Bible-teaching church with my wife. When I heard the Gospel, I knew it held the answer to what I needed. After a week of revival at that church, and listening to the evangelist preach and give the invitation, I knew I needed to accept Christ; but I just couldn’t give up, I had so many questions that I felt I needed answered. The night after the revival ended, I was at home thinking about what the preacher had said, and I was in so much turmoil. It was then that I turned on the TV to provide some distraction, so that I could get this salvation stuff off of my mind. The TV came on and there was Billy preaching the Gospel. I got up to change the channel, but when I got to the TV, I just couldn’t do it. I sat down on the floor in front of the TV and listened to Billy preach. The Holy Spirit had him say the things I needed to hear to give up the struggle, and when the invitation was given and “Just As I Am” was being sung, I gave my heart to Christ there in my living room. I am so thankful for the faithfulness of Rev. Graham and his team. Since then, my wife and three kids have been saved. I have taught Sunday school and been a deacon in the church and a witnessing Christian. I felt it was time to send a personal thank you.
My mother, who passed on to her reward in heaven last year, accompanied me to the Carrier Dome in Syracuse in 1989 to see Dr. Graham. Mom had been battling the bottle for more than twenty years at that point (since the loss of my grandfather in 1969), and she was struggling again after the loss of my dad, her husband of nearly forty years, in 1987. She knew that unless she found a direction for her life, she would eventually lose this battle. Dr. Graham’s words reached down inside her like no one’s ever had before! She took his message to heart—to give her life to Christ—and the healing began that very day! She began to attend church regularly and to look forward to it for the first time since I was a little boy. After several months, the change in her was remarkable! Her life was Christ’s! She’d found her way to God at last, and Dr. Graham was the signpost. So completely did she change that she never went near the bottle again and never even wanted to. I believe now, and will believe to my dying day, that Dr. Graham saved her very soul! Thank you, Billy, from the bottom of my heart!
I was leaving work one day and heard on the radio that a Billy Graham crusade was going on. Something prodded me to go, and I thought there was no way I would be able to get tickets or parking. But I thought I would drive by. Right in front of the stadium was
a parking spot waiting for me. So I parked and headed up to the stadium. When I saw security, I thought, This will be the end of this. Instead, they waved me in to the stadium. I thought, Well, I’ll be in the nosebleed section and barely hear him. Well, some man waved me down the aisle to a door and down some stairs to a seat that was directly across from Billy Graham. I was stunned. I listened to him talk. He called for those who would give their lives to Jesus. I felt someone picking me up, and I walked right up to the front of the stage and looked at Billy and said, “I will.” He saved my life that day, and I will never forget Billy Graham.
As a young farm lad, I loved to listen to Billy Graham’s Hour of Decision on the radio. I remember sitting in my farm ute out in the paddocks, listening intently and not wanting to miss a word, and to hear the entire programme before going back to the homestead for dinner.
When I heard about the Melbourne crusade in 1969, I quickly made plans to attend. I traveled the 350 kilometres with a friend from our tiny bush church. When Billy extended the invitation to accept Christ, I went forward, along with many others. I was not left standing for long; soon a volunteer counselor approached me and guided me through helpful literature about giving your life to Christ. It was an unforgettable experience. The counselor kept in touch with me after my return to the farm, and over several weeks I was guided on my new walk with Christ.
It is now thirty-eight years since I made that decision; I remember that crusade as if it were last week. I have since married, and we have four adult children. I take part in many Christian activities, such as roles in our little church, camps, and seminars. Due to our geographic isolation, we cannot attend city gatherings, but we are blessed by printed and Internet material from many sources, including Billy Graham literature, which helps our understanding of the Bible and our growth in Jesus. I am always grateful for his unique style and total commitment to God.
Like the song “Thank You for Giving to the Lord,” Billy, you have given yourself to the Lord, dedicated your whole life for His work. Mine is a life that has changed, and I just wanted to say thank you, Billy. Thank God for you and your ministry.
Ever since I was old enough to watch TV, my family and I would run to the black-and-white television and watch Billy Graham. It was a time of celebration for our family. Through much chaos happening around us, we were always blessed in rural Mississippi by watching you on TV. Thank you, Billy, for blessing us with your ministry.
As a young woman, age nineteen or twenty, I worked at McClellan Air Force Base, in Sacramento, California, as a clerk typist, before going on to college. One day, an order was handed down that anyone who wanted to could leave work and go hear Billy Graham speak. (I’d like to see that happen in government today.) There he stood on a freight dock as the people assembled. The power of God came with the words that Billy spoke to us that day. I’ll never forget it, though it was nearly sixty years ago, that great godly man standing on a freight dock, delivering the same message he’s always delivered: God loves you, and He’ll change your life if you invite Jesus into your heart. Thank you, Billy, for faithful service to our Master, regardless of the circumstances.
I first came to Christ when I was fifteen, through reading the Bible and listening to Christian programs on television. I was at a point of suicide in my teenage years, but I accepted Christ one night in 1973 while watching a Billy Graham crusade. I knelt and asked Jesus to be my personal Savior and then wrote to the address given on the television.
I was sent the Gospel of John and read it. I memorized the cards given to me as well, filled out the questions and sent them in, and received my certificate from the Association. I still have that certificate to this day.
Soon after becoming a Christian, I was excited about the idea of becoming a missionary in Africa—specifically Uganda (where Idi Amin was in control at the time). As I started going to church, I did not get proper discipleship and did not understand making Christ the Lord of my life. My mother died when I was nineteen, and we moved to a new town in southern Illinois, where I knew no one. I had lost so much, and I was really struggling. I went into the business world and became a very hard worker (which was my way of dealing with the pain inside all of the losses).
At the age of twenty-nine, I came out of a two-year relationship with an alcoholic (whom I almost married) and thought it was the end of the world again—though I never forgot Jesus and what He did for me. I continued to remember that.
In July 1987, Billy Graham did a crusade in Denver, and I went with my little sister from Big Sisters of Colorado—and both of us, with tears streaming down our eyes, went forward. This time, the Lord made it clear that He was more than just my Savior but also my Lord, and He wanted to be everything to me in my life. I then, at the age of thirty-two, left my job (where I was making a good salary) and went to school at Colorado Christian University. I began to prepare for missions. I am now a missionary in Uganda, working with orphans and AIDS patients. Thank you for sharing, Billy Graham, and loving people enough to do so. May the Lord bless you now and in heaven (and I know He will).
My father, my friend, and I packed a lunch and headed out to Flushing Meadows to hear Billy Graham. We had no idea what the day would bring, but we knew it was something my father, Harry, who was ninety-five at the time, would love to witness. He had been a Christian most of his life and had helped many people along his journey. He listened to Billy speak whenever he could.
When we got to the park, it was packed and very hot. We were afraid Dad would get overheated, but God guided us to one of the only shaded areas in the park. Because of Dad’s age, the guards let us stay there and listen to the speakers. It was an amazing day, and although Dad was losing his eyesight, he was still able to hear everything that was said. He was so happy to be there and witness all the love that was there. He thanked us so many times for bringing him there to hear Billy speak.
My father went to be with the Lord this year, but I’m so glad we had this opportunity. We just wanted to let you know that one of the happiest days of his life was spent with you. Thank you for doing God’s will and spreading the message; heaven knows how much we need it.
Throughout my life, it has been the voice that gets me. No matter where I have found myself, if that voice is on the television or radio, I am compelled to stop and listen. The message is so simple and so clear that it draws me back to all that matters—my relationship with Christ and where I will spend eternity. I am compelled to listen, because like the Savior he directs me to, Billy Graham speaks “as one who has authority.”
I have worked in the field of child protection all my adult life. I have seen and served children who are beaten, burned, bound, bludgeoned, raped, and murdered. This work, combined with the ordinary sadness we all face, has on many occasions left me with a hole in my heart and an unbearable ache in my soul.
And yet, in my darkest hours, as if God had it planned, I have mysteriously found that voice while sitting in my hotel room flipping around the television channels or radio dials. Every time I hear the voice, I feel a greater presence.
I’ve seen Billy Graham only once, at a crusade in Sioux Falls. He began his sermon by saying he had good news and bad news. The good news was that he had spoken with the weather service and the storm clouds behind him were at least an hour away. The bad news, he said, was that he had called the weather service an hour ago.
He spoke for only a few minutes that day as the storm descended on us. I don’t remember how many people stayed in the rain. I only remember that I did. I had to. The voice compelled me.
Jesus came to earth to make everlasting life a
vailable to us all. He sacrificed his life on the cross, teaching us about God’s love. Billy Graham has spent his entire life repeating this same story to the world, in order that all who hear and believe will be saved through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank you, Billy Graham and the Graham family and evangelistic team, for your lives of service to God. We all must strive to be good and faithful servants. May the story continue be told, and to God be the glory.
My husband and son attended one of Dr. Billy’s crusades at a university stadium in Houston. I don’t remember the year or the exact location, but I will never forget the experience. Our hearts were so tugged to go forward. We had been believers since childhood, but Dr. Graham’s message compelled us to go down and rededicate our lives that evening. I am so grateful for his dedication to our Lord. He is such an inspiration, and he has passed that to his son. Thank you, Billy Graham.
I wish I was able to write what I feel in my heart about how you have helped me hold on to my faith in God our Lord Jesus Christ. I know if I could, it would be one of the most beautiful stories in the world. Through your television crusades, I have learned, felt shame, begged for forgiveness, become closer to God, and was made aware of what is really important—my life with God. I hope when we are in heaven I will be able to tell you, “Thanks, Billy Graham.”
Thank You, Billy Graham Page 22