Thank You, Billy Graham

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Thank You, Billy Graham Page 29

by Jerushah Armfield


  I just wanted to say thank you to Mr. Graham for his unwavering dedication to preaching the Word of God and for being a light to the world for our Savior Jesus Christ. I have been blessed to see Mr. Graham twice in my life, once as a small child and the other as an adult in my late thirties. Both times were impactful and inspiring. Mr. Graham, you are definitely a vessel in the hands of the Lord. He has used you to touch and change many people’s lives, due to your diligence in speaking the Word of God to a world in such desparate need! Thank you, Billy.


  As a little girl, I used to watch Billy Graham with my grandma. I wasn’t always sure what she found so entertaining, but as I grew in my walk with the Lord, I understood the importance of evangelism. While living in Jacksonville, Florida, I had the opportunity to attend one of Billy Graham’s crusades. I had invited a nonbeliever to go with me, and I witnessed firsthand the transformation of a life for Jesus. What a blessing. I have also read one of Ruth Bell’s books and loved every minute of it. Bless you both for the many, many lives you have touched over the years (including mine).


  I attended a revival Billy Graham preached in Baton Rouge in the 1950s, and it help start my spiritual growth. When I lost my father a few years later, Dr. Graham became my spiritual father, giving me guidance to God’s will. Dr. Graham gave biblical guidance to America, calling us to God’s love and forgiveness. We would not be the nation we are today had God not sent Billy to preach His Word. Only a man sent by God could have said and done what he did. America depends on men like Dr. Graham. Thank you, Billy.


  I was a little girl when the Rev. Billy Graham began to broadcast his crusades on TV. My grandmother raised me and four other grandchildren. When Billy Graham came on TV, it was the first thing we had to watch, and nothing else. He would be on TV for three nights, and that is what we watched. My grandmother was glued to the TV, and so were we, just as kids. As an adult, I came to appreciate the tent revivals, because there aren’t very many now. It seemed that tent revivals were more personal to the lost souls than the Internet, so to speak. Thank you, Rev. Billy Graham, and your lovely wife, Ruth, for your contributions to the many souls that were saved with the love of Jesus Christ. Be abundantly blessed, and thank you again. Let your children also know that we thank them for sharing their parents with the world. All so we could get to know about getting our hearts right with the Lord Jesus Christ.


  I can remember when I was a little girl, my dad and I would watch Billy preach on the TV. Dad would not go to church, but we would always watch Billy. Now, I watch Billy every time he is on. I put myself in the place of the people who come down at the end. Billy has been a tremendous influence in my life, and I love God and I love the Bible. I am currently taking classes to be a pastor and spread the Word of God. Thank you, Billy, and may God bless you.


  I grew up a “good Catholic girl” in an all-Catholic community, did all the things I was supposed to do, but was never satisfied. Sometime between 1971 and 1975, I attended a Billy Graham crusade in Baton Rouge, mainly because I had heard him on TV and something about what he was saying touched me. I had no clue what a born-again Christian was. I listened intently and was touched by what he preached. I didn’t go up for the altar call, because I still didn’t understand what was going on. And, shortly afterward, my life went back to the usual (heading in a very wrong direction).

  In 1976, I was saved by the message of some former in-laws. I knew I was different but still didn’t understand the gift of salvation. About three weeks after I was saved, I was reading one of Billy Graham’s books (I don’t even remember which one). Somewhere in this book, he was describing the great price Jesus paid for us. All of a sudden, it all became clear. I was at the foot of the cross, and I finally understood.

  My life has never been the same. I know now that Billy Graham planted the seed at that crusade. Then his book was alive with revelation to my heart. I will probably never meet him on this earth, but I look forward to meeting him in heaven someday and thanking him personally for myself and for all the lost he brought into the Kingdom.


  Dear Rev. Graham, I do not have a lot to say, but I wanted to let you know this: when I am confused about something about the world or my family, I know if I listen to one of your crusades or interviews, my questions are answered. I trust your belief, and I trust in God. You walk the walk and talk the talk. You are one of God’s special angels, and I just trust your thoughts. Thank you for your trust in God and belief in the Word.


  Dear Graham Family, I grew up in Liberty County, Texas, as the eldest of four children. I was very shy, but I did accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior at seven years of age. I served God faithfully, and we used to listen to you on our battery radio out in the country, as we did not have electricity!

  I grew up, moved to Houston, got a job, got married, and had children. However, I was still shy. In the late 1960s or early 1970s, you came to Houston and held a crusade at the Rice University Stadium. I had learned sign language and was an interpreter in my church. Your staff put out a call for volunteers to come and interpret the services. I volunteered and was so blessed and privileged to share the Gospel to the deaf via sign language as you preached. My shyness was gone and God’s anointing was upon both of us—and the deaf accepted Jesus as their personal Savior! Thanks for your godly life and your preaching of His Gospel.


  Fort Worth, Texas, hosted its first Billy Graham crusade in 1951 in the Will Rogers Coliseum. This was during my second year of teaching school. I told my students that my husband and I would pick them up, take them to the crusade, and return them to their home if their parents would allow them to attend. We had a carful for each of the four Friday nights. God worked through these services and the local Baptist church. At the end of the crusade, all of the students in my classroom were Christians. Most of the new Christians had joined the local Baptist church and had been baptized. I treasure this experience and was grateful for the positive influence it made in my class.

  We moved from Ft. Worth and some years later went back for a visit. I was going to pick up my sister-in-law, Nita, at the insurance company where she worked. Nita mentioned to one of her coworkers that her sister-in-law, Selma, was coming to pick her up. The coworker asked if Selma had ever taught at Bludworth School. Getting a positive reply, she began to share that Selma had been her teacher for two years. She also shared that Selma and her husband had filled their car for the four Friday nights during the Billy Graham crusade. She explained that she was one of her students who had been saved during this crusade. It was such a surprise to see Marcella when I arrived, and to catch up on her life’s experiences. She was now married, and her husband was a student at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth. It encouraged me to know that our efforts were continuing to bear fruit. Jesus really did make a difference in their lives during the Ft. Worth Billy Graham crusade.



  Thank you for being God’s servant. God’s good work in me became evident when I sang my first church solo for Him at age six and then made the decision to give my life to Jesus at a local Billy Graham crusade at age twelve. Since the planting of those early seeds, here is some of my life’s fruit: little farm girl grows up to be an RN, has blessing of seeing future husband come to the Lord (our twenty-fifth anniversary is next year), blessed with three kids (two of whom have special needs), and knowing that all three children know and love the Lord! Woven throughout is my praise and worship to Him! He is faithful! Thank you, Billy!


  Billy Graham—yes the name certainly rings a tone of strength, courage, honor,
and humility. To be honest, I can’t remember when I first heard Billy Graham preach a sermon. It seems he has always been a part of our lives, kind of like an uncle we see only once or twice a year, but we’re always happy to hear his stories. For me personally, those strong and fervent messages always got to my heart. I can remember my husband and me sitting or standing in our living room praying the sinner’s prayer with Billy Graham, and it would be a relief knowing we said that prayer. If we died that night, we were going to heaven! We both had asked Jesus into our hearts when we were young—twelve for me, and thirteen or fourteen for my husband—and rededicated our lives later after we were married.

  I was always amazed at the crowds of people that filled stadiums to hear Billy Graham. I never knew what that was like until he came to Texas Stadium just a few years ago. For the first time in our lives, we were getting to experience the Billy Graham crusade live! What was so awesome was the fact that our son was with us. He was fifteen. Even though two years before he had invited Jesus into his heart, it was awesome to be saying the sinner’s prayer with our son and the huge crowd that day

  In 1997, for the first time in my life, after a visitation from the Lord, I surrendered everything to Him. I hunger and thirst after righteousness. Instead of trying not to sin, I have such a desire to live for my Savior instead, and that can only be because of His Holy Spirit.

  To say that Billy Graham has been an influence in our lives would be a yes! Thank you, Billy and Ruth Graham and family, and of course the Billy Graham team, and their families, too! And thank you for the opportunity to share what is on my heart. We love and appreciate all of you and your dedication to our Lord!


  I’ve been affected by Billy Graham for as long as I can remember. (I’m fifty-seven now.) I’ve always had a wonderful admiration for him as a man of God—a humble, loving man of God who was never afraid to speak the truth clearly and plainly, but always in love. Wow! But I also have always felt this kinship to Billy Graham—like he was part of my family and I could sit and chat with him and it would be comfortable and great. (In heaven one day, I look forward to doing just that!)

  My folks always loved Billy Graham, and we went every night to the crusade in Atlanta when I was a little girl. We got there early because my mom sang in the choir. I remember it being an amazing and exciting time. I think my favorite memories of Billy Graham are his message after 9/11—absolutely the truth, but so kind and loving—and the time he was asked what he would do if one of his kids came home and said he was a homosexual. Billy’s response: “I’d love that one even more.” I loved it—so much like Jesus.

  Thank you, Billy Graham; you have humbled yourself before your God, you have sought justice and loved mercy. You have done your best to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and you have loved your neighbor as yourself. Thank you for being God’s man in this time and place. God bless you.


  When I was young and foolish, I disliked Billy Graham. I would even mock him and his preaching to my friends. But as I got older, I found myself listening to him every time there was a crusade on TV. It was not long before God began tugging on my heart and I became a Christian. I have now been a pastor for more than thirty years, by the grace of God and the faithful preaching of Dr. Graham. God bless you, Billy.


  I was first introduced to Billy Graham when I was living in public housing under the worst conditions. We had a giveaway room where people would place so-called junk for people to take if they wanted to. One of these pieces of junk was Billy Graham’s The Jesus Generation book from the 1970s. This was way before my time, but I was interested in reading it because, at the time, I was struggling and so many friends were atheists, so I wanted to read about a time when young people were proud of their love for the Lord.

  When I first started reading The Jesus Generation, I expected an easy read, stories of the Bible and journeys of faith and devotion. What I found was an intellectual, academic book about God. This was a new concept for me. I always expected to read such knowledgeable books only in seminary. I think Billy Graham may have understood what my old Baptist preacher understood, and that is that young people are drawn to intellect. They want to see how the Bible and Jesus can not only stimulate their lives but also their minds.

  Later, I went on to read books like The Journey and Angels. I also started tuning in to old Billy Graham crusades on Daystar and TBN. I think the most catchy and potent of all mottos is one I saw while watching these crusades. It was after the program was over and there was an advertisement for giving donations. It simply read, “A ministry you can trust,” and I think that’s why I watched and read Billy Graham’s TV broadcasts and books. It is because you could trust in his faith and obedience to God, as well as his teaching of the Good Book. I never felt as if Billy Graham would lead me astray, like some of the uneasy feelings I get when watching some televangelists or listening to some preachers on the radio.

  I have also respected how Billy Graham took politics out of his ministry. He would pray and guide a Democrat as well as a Republican. Jimmy Carter respects Billy Graham as much as George H. W. Bush does. I don’t know of any other preachers who can say that. He ministered to anyone, despite color, religion, political affiliation, etc., just like Jesus did. Billy Graham is an upright, righteous man who has probably ministered to more people than the apostle Paul himself. I know all the praise I give Billy Graham won’t really matter to him, because he would rather give this praise to His and our Savior, Jesus Christ, and that’s what makes him so special.


  This story is really my mom’s story. My mom would often tune in to the crusades Billy held on TV, and the Holy Spirit began to work in her during those times. He plowed the fertile soil of her heart, so that in 1978, both she and I were ready to hear of His precious salvation when a coworker shared with my mom. Thank you, Billy and Ruth, for being faithful servants to the Lord, so my mom would be ready to hear in person of your free gift for all.


  Billy Graham was preaching at the new Kingdome in Seattle. We had just survived the wild sixties and seventies. My dear friend had come to Jesus and kept pestering me to go to this crusade that Billy was going to be preaching at the Kingdome. Well, I didn’t want to go! But Johnny Cash was going to perform, I could see the new Kingdome, I could get my friend Kathy, the new Jesus Freak, off my back, and since it was Mother’s Day, I had some leverage with my husband to take me.

  My life has never been the same since that day … praise God!

  God is so faithful and gentle, but I think He also has a sense of humor with some of us who suffer from the sin of pride. I was always very faithful to Jesus as a child and through adolescence. My family expected me to become a nun, but somehow I just got further and further away from my faith. Oh, I still believed in Jesus, especially in emergencies and on Christmas and Easter sometimes.

  So there I was at Billy’s crusade. The Kingdome was three thousand people over capacity, so there was no altar call that night. It was so crowded that, after Billy’s Spirit-filled sermon, he just asked us to stand up from our seats if we wanted Jesus in our lives. Well, I knew that I really wanted Jesus back in my life. I wanted His peace, love, and the forgiveness for my sins that can only come from Him. But I had a problem. You see, I am a devout Catholic, and my understanding of an altar call is when we stand up for Christ and go forward at Holy Communion to receive Him—Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist. Then to carry Jesus and His Gospel in our very beings, in all we say and do and think, out into the world. So, I had no idea what this sort of altar call was or what would happen to me if I stood up and acknowledged that I really wanted Christ in my life.

  Well, Billy just kept asking, and I kept sitting there bargaining with God that “this wasn’t my style,” all this emotion and preaching. “I can’t do this. God, I promise
to start going back to church, read the scriptures more often—anything but this oversimplified act of just standing up for You.” I was talking real fast to God by now, but He just kept saying, “Stand up, surrender your pride and all you think you know about Me. Stand up and live for Me.”

  I can honestly say I felt two heavy weights on my shoulders, keeping me in the chair. This mysterious, cosmic struggle between good and evil was going on. I summoned all my strength and stood up. I let God back in (of course He had never left me). He is always calling me to a deeper union with Himself. I just had too much pride and head knowledge about God to allow my heart to open up for Him to really enter.

  Since that difficult, grace-filled moment at a Protestant crusade that I went to for all the wrong reasons, my life was changed, grace upon grace, mercy upon mercy, forever and ever, eternally. Thank you, Billy, for calling a young, stubborn Catholic woman back to the fullness of the Faith.


  Back in 1991 or 1992, your ministry came to Portland, Oregon. My mother-in-law had been praying a very long time for my father-in-law. The Spirit awoke in him, and he asked if she would like to go to the Billy Graham gathering. She could hardly say yes fast enough. After the invitation, my father-in-law said “yes” to our Savior, Jesus Christ. He passed away suddenly in January 1993, and we’re sure that he’s living in his heavenly home. I so appreciate all that you’ve done through the years; so much has touched my heart and spirit, too. As you have said, time and time again, you must be reborn before you can enter the Kingdom of God. So much of my understanding from the Bible has come about because of your ministry. All praise be to God for your guidance throughout your ministry years.


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