Today and Everyday

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Today and Everyday Page 1

by Cassandra Javier

 Before it’s too late

  “Your boyfriend is late.” Clare told her bestfriend Alyssa while they were in a coffee shop. Clare and Alyssa have been friends since their college years. Alyssa has been dating a new guy for three months and now says she wants to marry him. Clare hasn’t even met the guy, and today Alyssa will introduce him to her.

  “Relax, he’s just…he’s just like this…” Alyssa said, “He’s not an early bird…”

  “So, you always wait for him?”

  “He’s my boyfriend…”

  “Alyssa, you’re his girlfriend, that should count for something.” Clare said.

  “I love him,” she said, “this is just a part of it…You should know that…” Alyssa said. Clare took a deep breath, exasperated. Never did she think that they’d be having this conversation. Back in college, it was Alyssa who kept on reminding her not to tolerate her then boyfriend’s character of always being late. Now, fast-forward to four years later after graduation, she didn’t think Alyssa would allow herself to be stood up by anyone, ever.

  “He’s not right for you.” Clare said.

  “And who is?”

  “You know, someone better is out there…”

  Alyssa took a deep breath, “He’s not perfect, just like we all are.” She said, “And besides, Clare, just because you gave up on finding the one doesn’t mean I’m gonna give up on finding mine, too.”

  Clare just looked at her. Just then, someone walked up to them. It was Alyssa’s boyfriend, Paul. Clare looked to his direction and was surprised. She knows Paul—they were almost together once. Almost, because she found out that Paul was married. He was a jerk in all senses of the word. She saw the surprised look on his face when he saw her.

  “Hey, hun…” Alyssa greeted. Paul gave her a peck on the cheek, and gave Clare a disgruntling look. He was two hours late. “This is my bestfriend, Clare, and Clare, this is Paul...” Clare just smirked, while Paul opted to speak.

  “Hey, Clare…” He smiled, and sat down beside Alyssa. Soon enough, they ordered food. Clare couldn’t stomach being with Paul so she excused herself to go to the powder room, picking up her Hermes Birkin bag and allowing it to touch Paul. Paul excused himself after a while, too, and followed Clare.

  He caught up with her at the hallway near the restrooms. He grabbed her by the arm, “Hey…” he said and let go of Clare’s arm.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doin, huh?” Clare said.

  “Alyssa and I are dating, okay?”

  “I know.” Clare exclaimed, “My point is, she doesn’t know you’re married! How can you be such a jerk?!”

  “Look, Clare, I’m gonna leave my wife soon, I’m gonna for for a divorce…”

  “You’re gonna file for a divorce and you’re the one who does all these crap? For heaven’s sake, Paul, be fair to Alyssa. The girl loves you, I couldn’t believe it.”

  “Let me just fix this on my own, okay?”

  “Well, if you’re not gonna tell her anything, then I am. She’s my bestfriend.”

  “Well, you don’t own her.”

  “And you don’t either.”

  He took a deep breath, “Come on, Clare, this isn’t one of your stories, you know? You can’t just tweak it and all.”

  “But you’re being unfair!”

  “Okay, if you wanna ruin her day, go, tell her now, tell her about me, about us even… Let’s see who’s being unfair…”

  Clare just took a deep breath and walked away, Paul slowly following behind. She then looked at Alyssa and spoke, “Uhm, I need to go…”

  “What?” Alyssa asked, surprised, “But it’s still early…”

  “Uhm, Darcy called…”

  “Darcy? Your boss? But I thought he was in Paris or something…”

  “Yeah, but he came back early… he needs to see me… I’m really sorry, Alyssa, I’ll make it up to you… I really should just go… Have fun…” She said as she gave her a peck on the cheek and gave Paul dagger looks. She then went away.

  “I’m sorry about that…” Alyssa told Paul. “She’s not usually that way… I have no idea what happened…”

  “That’s okay…” Paul smiled, and they talked. He felt like he won this time.


  Home sweet home

  Meredith was walking at the alley near the coffee shop and her favorite parkbench when she saw this good-looking guy. He was tall, his hair a chestnut brown, and he seemed as if he weren’t from here. He’s my type. She thought. She saw him looking at some rent a house/ apartment ads, and saw him sit down at the bench while holding the ads. Perfect. She talked and walked up to him. She sat down beside him.

  “Hi,” She greeted, flipped her hair, tucked it behind her ear and smiled.

  The guy was surprised. He looked at her, “Hey…” He greeted.

  “So, I see you’re looking for a place to stay in?”

  “Ugh, yeah, I’m new here…” He said. She thought he spoke with a twang. It seemed Irish.

  “I thought so…” She said, “So, where are you from?”

  “Ireland.” He smiled, “I’ve just been here for a few months…My bestfriend’s getting married, that’s why…”

  “Oh…Well, actually, I live in this house and we’re needing a new boarder, I swear, the pay’s very cheap…” She smiled, “The place is really wonderful, you’d love it. I’m Meredith, by the way… You’re…?”

  “Nathan.” He smiled as he shook her hand.

  “Nathan,” She repeated and smiled, “So, what do you think?”

  “Oh, uhm…”

  “Okay, I have an idea…” She said, “Why don’t you come with me?” She smiled.


  She stood up and grabbed him by the arm. He stood up too. “Come with me.” She said, “I’ll show you the house. Promise, it’s worth a try.”

  “O, well, okay then…”

  “Let’s go…” She smiled, “Uhm, by the way, I left my ride at home, so…”

  He took a deep breath, “Okay, we’ll take my ride then…”


  “So, this is it…” Meredtith told Nathan as they arrived at the house. Nathan thought it was pretty, but in a cookie-cutter way. The white picket fence, the red roof, the flowers… Everything seemed surreal. “Let’s go in…” Meredith said as she took him by the arm. “I know it’s not too big, but it’s lovely in a chic way…”

  He smiled, “It’s okay…” He said. Just then, he heard the sound of drums inside the house. He was surprised, “What is that?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, that’s Rodney, he’s my friend, we’ve been livin’ together for years…”


  “Rodney, can you tune it down please…” Meredith called out but Rodney played harder, “Rodney!” She screamed.

  Just then, Rodney came up from the underground floor of the house. Rodney was not as tall as Nathan, he was a bit chubby, with shaggy hair, and that look that only musicians exude. “Meredith, how many times do I have to tell you that it’s Tuesday and…” He then noticed Nathan. “Oh.” He stopped, “Hi.” He said.

  “Hey.” Nathan smiled.

  Meredith took a deep breath, “Nathan, this is Rodney, my housemate, Rodney, this is Nathan, our new housemate…” She smiled. Nathan was surprised, he still haven’t said yes yet.

  “So, You’re gonna move in tomorrow? You can give me even just half of the downpayment tomorrow…”

  ‘Oh, but…” Nathan said and then took a deep breath, “Okay then, I’ll…I’ll just be back tomorrow… Thanks.” He said.

  “No worries.” Meredith smiled.

  “So, I’m off…” He said, “See you tomorrow…” He said and Mer
edith led him to the door. He then went away. Meredith went back in and saw Rodney staring at her.

  “You like that guy.” Rodney declared.

  “Well…he’s nice…and of course I like him, he’s gonna be our new housemate!”

  “You forced him to be our new housemate.”

  Meredith raised an eyebrow, “Well, I just used my charm. And besides, we needed a new boarder.”

  “He’ll break your heart. Those guys are your types.”

  “He’s different.”

  “You can never be too sure.”

  “Whatever, Rodney.” She said, “Why do I feel like you’re jealous? Come on, Rodney, start liking girls…” She laughed.

  “What did you say?”

  “I’m just joking…”

  “You should be. You have no idea who I like, and I bet you wouldn’t wanna know.” He said, “I’m going down.” He then went back to his room, leaving Meredith confused.

  “Sorry!” Meredith called out, but Rodney already went down.

  We’ve been on the run


  That night, Clare decided to go to the office just to kill time. No one was there since most of them opt to stay at home and work alone. She does the same thing most days, but she just needed somewhere else to go that night, after the incident with Paul and Alyssa.

  She was then surprised when someone opened the lights. “Oh my…” She almost screamed.

  “Oh my lord…” The guy said, surprised, as well. It was Darcy, her editor, her boss. He was half-British, and looked liked Hugh Dancy, only rugged. He was 27, four years older than her. And he was supposed to be in Paris now, that’s why she was so surprised to find him here.

  “Clare,” He said, “What in the world?”

  “And you, what in the world? You’re supposed to be in Paris…”

  “And you’re supposed to be at home. It’s 8 pm.”

  She sighed, “I just needed to cool down… I kinda had a rough day…” She said, “What are you doing here?”

  “Oh, uhm… I just wanted to come back earlier than what was expected…”

  “Oh.” She said, “I suppose, with Arabella?”

  “Oh, no.” He said. Why did people always assume they were together? “She’s still in Paris…”


  “So, uhm… you wanna have anything? Coffee, perhaps? I heard coffee in the cafeteria downstairs is good…”

  She smiled, “Oh well, I’m not going anywhere, so…yeah, why not?”


  A few minutes later, they found themselves in the cafeteria. They never did this before, so it was kinda awkward. There were a few minutes of silence until Darcy broke the silence.

  “You know, I’m a fan of your work…” He said.

  “You should be, you’re my editor.” She said and he laughed.

  “Your characters are kinda, uhm, different though… The guy who has no sense of smell, the Piano player who’s tone deaf…”

  “Because no one’s perfect. I’m just being realistic. The one, all those stuff, who knows if it exists?”

  He just looked at her and took a deep breath. “So,” He said as he sipped some of his Frappuccino latte. “When you sad you had a rough day, what did you mean?”

  “Oh, that…” Clare said, “Well… talk about meeting your bestfriend’s boyfriend…”

  “And hating him?”

  “Not just hating him, but knowing something about him…”

  “Oh. And that is?”

  “He’s married.”

  “Oh. Wow.” He said, “How did you know?”

  “Because I know the guy. I met him months back, we were almost together…”

  “Now that’s complicated.”

  “I know. I have no idea how to tell her. My goodness, she loves him. She never liked anybody this way before…”

  “And that scares you.”

  “She’s my bestfriend.” She said, “I can never allow her to go through a big, bad heartbreak.”

  “And how are you gonna tell her?”

  “That I don’t know.” She said and drank some coffee. “So…Where’s Arabella? It’s a surprise she’s not with you, you know…”


  “Because she’s always with you!” She laughed, “She must love you a lot.”

  He didn’t know what to say to that. “We’re not together.” He said.

  “Oh. Now, that’s a surprise.”

  “What? You thought we were?”

  She smiled, “Everyone does.”


  “Come on, you’re always together. Don’t pull that “we’re not a couple” thing on me…”

  “We’re really not.” He stated. “Okay, we were, once upon a time, but it didn’t work. It never will. We’re just… We’re very different people…”

  “Oh. But she seems to still love you…”

  “That’s not for me to answer….”

  She laughed, “You’re humble.”

  He chuckled, and just stared at her for a little while. God knows how much he liked her. He’s liked her a lot ever since she started working here, but he always thought she was like…like she had a wall she puts in between her and people. She’s tough, that’s what he thought.

  She was catching his eye. He was looking at her. She always liked him, but she couldn’t let her feelings take over. She had too many heartbreaks; she doesn’t need more now. “Uhm,” She spoke, “I think I should go… I’m…I’m working on a new story…”

  “Oh, wow, I see… Should I bring you home?”

  “Oh. No, no, I’m okay…” She stood up, “I’d just take the cab…”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” She smiled, “It was nice chatting with you, though…”

  He smiled too, “It was my pleasure.” He said.

  “Bye, Darcy.”

  “Bye, Clare…” And with that, she saw him walk away.

  Hello Seattle

  Courtney was sitting down at the parkbench the next day, thinking how it’s a new day but that it feels the same. She still feels bad, sad, alone. Her boyfriend broke up with her yesterday, over the phone, without even telling her the big reasons why. She felt betrayed, depressed, not being given the chance to ask. And she felt cursed. The Wedding planner curse. Yeah, she’s a wedding planner, she makes couples happy, makes their wedding dreams come true… But she couldn’t even make her own dreams come true. She couldn’t even find the right one, she couldn’t even make anyone stay. They always leave.

  So that day, she found herself crying on the parkbench, not noticing that there was someone sitting beside her. She wanted to curl up, but the world never stopped turning just because of someone’s grief. Especially not her grief.


  “Hey, hey, are you okay?” The guy beside her asked. It was Rodney. He gave her his handkerchief. “Miss?”

  Courtney took the handkerchief for her own was already drenched in tears. “Sorry,” she said, “I’m just… it’s just…”

  “You’re heartbroken.” Rodney finished for her. “Don’t worry, I’ve seen too many of those crying sessions. My friend Meredith has a lot of those…”

  For some reason, what he said made Cortney laugh. At least I’m not alone. She thought. “My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday.” She said, not caring that she didn’t know this guy. I probably would never see him again, might as well pour my heart out. “You know what hurts? He did it over the phone.” She cried, “Am I not worthy of a real, personal break-up? And he didn’t even allow me to explain my side, to ask for another chance… I’d probably grow old alone.”

  “Hey, you’re still young.”

  “Young and full of failed relationships…” She said, “And to think I’m a wedding planner!”

  “Ironic, huh?” He said. She just stared at him.

  “Hey, relax…” He followed up, “Everyone gets heartbroke
n…You’ll find someone.”

  “And then he’ll leave again.”

  “Don’t be so negative.”

  “I’m just being realistic.”

  ‘Relax, it’s gonna be fine…”

  She sighed and looked at her watch. “Cripes, I’m late.” She said, “I have a meeting…I should go.” She then looked at the handkerchief she was holding.

  “Oh..” He said, “Take it, it’s yours…”

  “Thanks.” She said, “Bye.” She then walked to the coffee shop where her clients have been waiting for her for 30 minutes already. She found them sitting on a corner table, the bride to be already looking like a bridezilla. The groom to be is her college friend, and to this day, she has no idea what he likes in her fiancée. She is every inch the snobby heiress type. Oh, love.


  “You are late.” Amelia said. She’s Chris’ fiancée.

  “I’m sorry.” Was all Courtney could say.

  Chris noticed that Courtney’s eyes were red-rimmed. “Hey,” he said as he held her arm, “Are you okay?”

  She smiled meekly, “I’m okay, don’t worry…” She said and sat down. “So, shall we…?”

  “We should’ve 30 minutes ago.” Amelia said impatiently.

  Courtney just sighed and went on with the meeting. The world still turns no matter how heartbroken you are.

  Double double toil and trouble


  After that scene in the park bench, Rodney went back home and found Nathan’s car at the front lot. Just in time. He thought.

  He went inside the house and found loads of boxes on the couch. Most of the boxes were full of books, he got one out and asked Meredith, “What’s this?”

  “He’s a bookworm.” Meredith mouthed exasperatedly.

  Just then, Nathan came down the stairs, “Hey,” he called out, “Sorry mate, loads of books… I read a lot.” He smiled. He saw that Rodney was holding his copy of John Grisham’s The Client. “That’s a great book, you can borrow it anytime, man…”

  “Uh, no, thanks…” Rodney said.

  “Oh, let me just help you get these books in your room…” Meredith said.


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