Her Lifeline: (A Romantic Suspense)

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Her Lifeline: (A Romantic Suspense) Page 6

by Chandler, Danica

  Amelia nodded and looked back out into the yard. It was obvious that something was bugging her, but Nick wouldn't pry, even if she said he could. "You mentioned foster families."

  "Yeah. Had a ton before I enlisted."

  "If I ask something that strikes a nerve, just tell me to shut up," Amelia said as she placed her hand near his leg. "What happened to your parents?"

  It did strike a nerve, but Nick didn't care. He usually kept things quiet, but with Amelia, it was different. He felt he could tell her anything. He still wasn't sure where it was coming from, but he was going to enjoy how free it felt. "Honestly, I couldn't tell you, Amelia. I was put into the system as a young kid. I don't remember much, if anything, about either of them."

  "That's gotta be hard, Nick. I can't even imagine."

  "It's all I've known, so it's okay, Amelia. I'm fine." He watched her body language, and though he didn't thoroughly know this woman, he knew something was weighing heavy on her. "What's bugging you? I can tell something is on your mind."

  "How can you tell?" She arched her eyebrow and let out a quick giggle.

  "You're sitting out here on the porch after midnight and I know you're up early."

  She ducked her head, the flirtatious smile still on her face. "How do you know this isn't want I do every night, Nick? Maybe it's my routine." She moved her hand closer, this time putting her palm in his. It was like electricity was between them, but neither pulled away as her fingers latched onto his. "I'm just thinking about things. Money, the ranch, Noah and my dad. And I can't forget you and how much of an answered prayer you are to us. In just one day you're really helping out."

  Nick loved the way her smooth skin felt against his. His was like sandpaper, but it was the perfect contrast. "I haven't done much yet, but I intend to."

  They both fell silent and the sound of crickets chirping took over. The cool air was humid, and though Nick was exhausted, he had no plan to go back to the bunkhouse until Amelia either told him to, or until she was ready to go in. Holding her hand felt right and it was comfortable, and neither tried to break the embrace, even if it just meant something friendly to comfort each other in the middle of the night. He felt the swing shift, and in the corner of his eye, he saw Amelia turned to face him. Following her lead, he did the same. Reaching out, he cupped the side of her face and she leaned in, closing her eyes.

  It was still quiet. Nick wasn't sure how it happened or how he even had the courage to do it, but when he opened his eyes again, his lips were inches away from hers. She didn't pull away. Her grasp on his hand got tighter and he could feel her warm breath on him. Leaning in closer, he was about to kiss her when a loud explosion erupted in the distance.

  "What in the hell?" He stood up and saw the bright orange of a fire on the hill, close to the well house where he was working earlier. "Amelia, what..." He jumped down off of the porch and was halfway to the bunkhouse where the truck was before he heard her yell back.

  "I'm gonna call the fire department! Nick, be careful!"

  He grabbed the truck keys off of the counter and ran back outside, hopping in the truck. There was definitely something on fire, and it was on Amelia's land. The flames lit up the sky, and though it wasn't that far away, it seemed like the truck was taking forever to get there. He passed the well house he had been working on earlier that day and parked the truck about two hundred feet from the burning structure. Amelia had given him a tour, but he couldn't remember exactly what storage it was. At least it wasn't a barn that housed animals, that much he knew.

  Another small explosion pounded, causing the back half of the building to collapse and more flames shot out, licking the ground and causing some grass and shrubbery to catch on fire as well.

  What good was he going to do? The place was completely engulfed. Standing near his truck, he heard the sirens in the far off distance. Flashbacks hit him hard and with each pound of explosion and collapse, his memory sent him back to the war, back to when they were on ground assault, and back to when he witnessed some of the worst things any human being could have imagined.

  Crouching down, he closed his eyes, feeling the heat.

  "Sergeant Miller! Help me get him! Help me get this child!"

  "It's a trap, Johnson!" Nick watched his battle buddy run toward the child who was strapped to the bomb. "Get back! Get away from him!"

  Nick tried to run, but his legs wouldn't move. It was as if someone was sitting on top of him. A loud explosion shimmied, knocking the whole company to the ground. Buildings were demolished and debris fell all around. After what seemed like an eternity, Nick was able to come to and realize what had transpired.

  "Johnson!" He yelled out, but another soldier grabbed his arm, pulling him away. Trying to fight, Nick wanted to run toward where the fires were, but the other man was stronger and hindered any chance.

  "Sergeant, Johnson is gone! Stay put! There is an air strike headed this way!"

  "No!" Nick yelled out. How could his friend be so stupid? He was angry and the fact that someone else was not allowing him to move pissed him off even more. More loud blasts transpired, deafening him.

  "C'mon Nick! Nick!"

  "Nick?" He saw Amelia standing close by, her hand out to help him. "Are you okay?"

  He was sitting down in front of the truck in the grass, finally realizing where he was. That same damn flashback. Would he ever get the image of Johnson and the child out of his mind?

  "I'm fine." He noticed the fire truck and the firefighters working to put the blaze out. "That didn't take them long."

  Amelia looked shocked. "It's our small volunteer fire department. I'm not putting them down, but it takes forever rousting them up. Are you sure you're okay?"

  He swiped the back of his neck, feeling the thick sweat on his skin. How much had she seen? Sometimes his flashbacks could get pretty intense and he suddenly felt embarrassed around her. "I'll be better when we find out what caused this."

  "I'm Lieutenant Smith. Are y'all the owner?"

  "I am," Amelia replied. "Everything okay?"

  "Well, we've got the burn under control, but we're gonna have to investigate. What likely will happen is a fire inspector from Austin will come in and have some questions and look over what is left of the structure. From the explosion and our response time, he won't have much to work with, but whatever information you can give him will be helpful, okay ma'am?"

  "We'll be here. Thanks."

  Nick wanted to pull her in for a hug, but what wasn't awkward on the porch now would be. Standing near her, they watched a few more minutes before he said, "Did you walk up here?"

  "I ran. I didn't even think to get in my truck. I had to make sure that Noah was still asleep. Surprisingly he slept through it. Daddy did too."

  "Come on. I'll give you a ride back." Nick opened the passenger door for her before climbing in the driver's side. He tried to read her, but it was hard. She was obviously upset, who wouldn't be? Backing the truck up, he winded down the makeshift paths formed from years of driving. "Y'all have anything in there that might blow up?"

  Amelia wiped the corners of her eyes and quickly looked away. "I guess."

  "You guess?" Nick was trying not to get frustrated, but this all felt weird.

  "I haven't really gotten in there much in what seems like months, but I think we had some fertilizer in there. That could've caused it. I know daddy kept other things in there too. We'll have to talk to him."

  "Yeah, if you're certain it was fertilizer, that's likely the cause right there." Nick let out a deep sigh. "What an interesting first day this has been." He was certain that would at least make Amelia smile, but she continued to look out the window. "At least no one was hurt, right?" He shocked himself. Since when was he the guy to see the positive in things? If anything, he should be upset too. Any time something triggered his flashbacks he took days to recover. The image of Johnson and the child were forever etched in his brain, but reliving the whole scene made it feel like it just happened again. />
  "You're right, Nick." Her voice was low. "No one got hurt. No animals, no people. We've got insurance."

  He parked the truck next to the porch and put the truck in park. There was no mention of what she might have witnessed with him, but maybe she was freaked out. Maybe that's why she was being so quiet. Nick fought the urge to slam his hands into the steering wheel.

  "Well, go in and get some rest. The investigator will probably be here early, okay? I'll be here when he does since we both sort of witnessed it."

  Amelia finally turned to face him and scooted across the seat. Leaning in, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "You try to sleep as well. I'll see you in a few hours."

  With the flashback, the random explosion, and whatever was happening with Amelia going on, Nick was certain sleep would be an unknown dimension for him.

  Chapter Seven

  Amelia tossed and turned, unable to get the roaring flames from her mind every time she closed her eyes. Could they have had something stored in there that would've caused the explosion? Rolling on her side, she stared at the alarm clock. It was four AM and her mind would not slow down. She didn't want to cross bridges before she got to them or assume things, but what if this was the loan shark her father had been dealing with?

  Sitting up, she buried her face in her hands and tried hard to control her anxiety. Would they do something so intense? She recalled the letter that was handwritten, addressed specifically for her, her dad, and Noah. A chill shot down her spine. No, she wasn't going to do this. She wasn't going to anticipate anything until the investigator came and looked over what was left of the building.

  Pulling on her robe, she walked to the kitchen, looking at the chair where Nick sat earlier in the day, his sunburned back exposed for her. A smile crept on her lips. Not to mention their heated embrace on the porch right before the fire. What was that all about? The passion in his eyes was amazing and she couldn't help but wonder where it would've gone had the other event not transpired.

  He had been on the ranch one day. One day. This was going too fast. Amelia had to chalk it up to being lonely. She didn't miss her ex husband, but she missed married life. She missed the feel of a man beside her. She missed the safety of the warm body there to protect her and ensure everything would be okay, especially if a loan shark was lurking.

  She tightened her robe, smoothed her hands over her hair, and walked outside. The smell of smoke still lingered in the air. Walking across the yard, she noticed the mutt that Nick had asked her about, asleep under a tree. It was so quiet out, almost eerie. Before she knew it, she was on the bunkhouse porch.

  What on earth was she thinking? He was probably sound asleep anyway.

  Balling her fist, she lifted her arm to knock, but the wood door creaked open. Nick's eyes squinted as if he were asking the same question she had just asked herself, but his gaze was more inviting.


  "How'd you know I was about to knock?"

  He smirked and opened the door wider, inviting her in. "I saw you coming."

  Nodding, she suddenly felt vulnerable. She could use the excuse that she was freaked out about the fire. It definitely wasn't a lie, but was she ready to inform him of what the possibilities could be? He was just a worker. There was no need to burden him with that information.

  "Oh, you couldn't sleep either, huh?"

  "No." He shook his head and went into the kitchen, offering her a bottle of water. "You okay?" His hand reached out, brushing against her forearm as she unscrewed the lid. His touch sent an amazing feeling through her.

  "Just thinking about so much, you know? Do things just randomly blow up like that, Nick?"

  He stepped closer and she finally noticed his baggy sweats and t-shirt. How could he even make something like that so sexy? Her face heated up as if he could hear her inner thoughts, and she was thankful that it was impossible for him to have any indication of what was running through her head.

  "You said you stored fertilizer in there, right?"

  "Yeah, I think we did. I've been sitting at home mulling over it all. It's driving me insane."

  He arched his eyebrow and Amelia got a good look at his thick eyelashes. Why did men always get the long ones women were always trying to replicate with mascara? "What is there to think about? You must've had something in there to cause a reaction. You're not the first farm or ranch to have this happen. Remember that fertilizer plant explosion over by Waco? Much larger scale, but same concept, yeah?"

  If only he knew the whole story. "I guess we should see what the arson guy from Austin has to say. I just can't help but stress over it. How often does something explode on your land?"

  Nick scoffed and raked his hand through his hair, spiking it more than it already was. "Sadly I've seen my fair share. But seriously, it'll be okay."

  He pulled her in for a tight hug and she buried her face in his chest, taking it all in. He smelled so manly, with a faint hint of aftershave and his own personal scent mixed together. His body was rock solid against hers and his arms were tight, embracing her in one of the best hugs she had ever had. The rise and fall of his chest did her in, and she leaned in, trying to get as close to him as she possibly could. The hug loosened some, and she looked up, deep into his green eyes that were staring down at her. His five o'clock shadow was getting dark, and she reached up, smoothing her index finger over his chin. The whiskers were rough, but the feel of his facial hair turned her on.

  Nick followed her lead and rested his forehead against hers. Amelia's breath caught in her throat and her heart skipped a beat when one of his hands rested in the small of her back. The other nudged her chin upward, providing him access to kiss her. His nose pressed against hers for a second, until finally, he moved down, his lips making full contact with her.

  He tasted so good, his lips were so smooth, and a deep moan escaped from her throat when his tongue darted into her mouth. Reaching up, she cupped the back of his head, entangling her fingers in his thick hair. The kiss grew deeper and Nick pulled away, nipping at her lower lip before completely ending it. Opening her eyes, she made eye contact with him again, but he was quick to push away.

  "I'm so sorry, Amelia," he whispered, as he leaned against the countertop across the kitchen. "I shouldn't have done that."

  She gave him a few seconds before she broke the silence. "What are you sorry about, Nick?"

  "You're my boss. I just started working here. I shouldn't be putting the moves on you." Again, he raked his hand through his hair. It must have been a nervous tick, because he had done it a lot in the past few minutes.

  Taking a step forward, she forced a smile. "You're not the only guilty party in this situation, trust me." There were so many reasons why she should just leave, but her legs wouldn't move toward the door. He was right, but he was also wrong. Was she not thinking clearly due to the circumstances? Amelia wasn't sure. All she knew was that the kiss had made her weak in the knees.

  "How's that?" Nick asked, finally looking up from the floor.

  "Because I wanted it to happen too."

  "Did you?"

  He walked toward her and pushed her against the wall, pinning her. He planted another deep kiss on her lips, his tongue darting inside and back out, one hand in her hair, the other skimming the side of her breast. He felt so good against her and she returned the favor, exploring the inside of his mouth as well. Her lips trailed down the side of his face and she pecked kisses down his neck and over his Adam's apple. His skin was salty on her lips and a few times, her tongue traced back up to his lips, making his eyes close and his arms tighten around her.

  Again he stopped the embrace and took a few steps back, a smoldering look in his eye. "We can't do this."

  Damn it, why was he right? She didn't want to admit it out loud, but how would they feel when the sun came up? Would they be able to look each other in the eye? Would he be able to continue to work there? The thought of him leaving after one day made her stomach hurt. It was only twenty-four
hours, but she was already used to the idea of having him around. She couldn't let a moment of heated passion ruin her long-term goal of saving the ranch.

  "You're right, Nick. We should probably stop this before it gets too far." The words were foreign to her, and she hated saying them. She had never moved this fast with anyone, but with Nick, it just felt right. Even with all the reasons why they shouldn't do it, she still wanted to make it happen. The expression on his face told her he felt the same way, but was having a moral dilemma himself. He needed the job. She needed his help.

  "Okay then," he replied, his voice raspy. "I'm sorry." His gaze went downward again. He looked like a little boy who had been scolded.

  "By all means, Nick, don't apologize. We're adults. It's fine."

  Looking at the clock, he let out a nervous laugh. "Guess I better get some coffee going. Would be stupid to go to bed now. You probably don't want to miss the investigator. No telling when he'll show up."

  "Yeah. I need to go get dad up. Maybe he can enlighten me on exactly what was in that shed. Still can't believe him and Noah slept through it. He'll be pissed I didn't wake him up sooner."

  Nick walked with her to the door. The sun was starting to come up on the horizon, and the hue of dawn was beautiful as it peered over the hills.

  "Hopefully he'll help you with any concerns you have about it. I'm almost certain y'all had some kind of chemical or fertilizer in there and forgot about it."

  "I hope you're right, Nick. Thanks for keeping me calm." Stepping off of the porch, she turned and smiled. "Don't forget the sunscreen today, okay? Gonna be another scorcher."

  Nick's wide grin made her heart melt. He was so handsome. "Lesson learned. I'll see y'all at breakfast."

  Walking back to the house, a shrill of butterflies coursed through Amelia. Sure, it had ended before much could get going, but the feelings she was experiencing were none she had ever felt before, not even with Noah's dad. She had to shove them aside. Nick had made his intentions perfectly clear. The amazing kiss said otherwise, and he was the one that made the first move. At least it got her mind off of the ranch problems, even for just a few minutes.


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