Finding Peace (Finding Series Book 1)

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Finding Peace (Finding Series Book 1) Page 37

by Love, K. J.

  “What is it, honey?”

  “I don’t have anything borrowed.”

  She smiles at me. “Calm down. I have the perfect thing.”

  She reaches into her purse and pulls out a box, then hands it to me.

  “What’s this?” I ask.

  She reaches over and opens the box, taking out a pair of pearl earrings.

  “These were my mother’s earrings. I wore them when I married your dad.”

  Taking them from her, I hold them in my hand. They’re delicate and precious, definitely something you would wear on your wedding day.

  Tessa walks over and leans up next to my ear.

  “Kayla, no offense, Hun, but that marriage didn’t work out so well. Maybe, we should find something else.”

  “No. These are my something borrowed. The marriage may not have worked out, but the love is still very much there.”

  Mama looks as if she is going to burst into tears any minute.

  “Can you put them on me, Mama?”

  “I’d be honored. You know I have to have these back. They’re very special to me.”

  “Of course. If I didn’t give them back to you, they wouldn’t be borrowed.” I say to her.

  “Let’s get you to your groom. Shall we?” Lisa says.

  “You know, normally, I’d say it’s about time, but you and Blake give new meaning to the words hyper speed.” Tessa jokes.

  “I love you girl. I’m really going to miss that sense of humor you have.”

  “Oh, I’m not joking, I’m serious.”

  “Shut up and hug me heifer.”

  “Heifer? Did you just call me a heifer? Wait till I give my toast in a little while.”

  “Look, I don’t have all day. Hug me, already.”

  She comes over and we hug, squeezing each other very tightly.

  “I hope that jerk knows how lucky he is.”

  “He knows how blessed we both are.”

  “He better or I will stomp him into the ground. Don’t think I can’t do it.”

  “I love you, Tessa.”

  “I love you too, Kayla.”



  Impatiently, I pace back and forth in the room that will be mine and Kayla’s. We’ve kept our promise and haven’t had premarital sex again. So, not only am I ready to make her my wife, I’m ready for that week long honeymoon in Hawaii. Originally, we had planned to go to Myrtle Beach, but after Kayla changed the venue to our house, I decided to surprise her with a trip to Hawaii. She is going to flip. A knock on the door makes me jump.

  “Sweetie, its Mom. Can I come in?”

  “It’s open, Mom, come in.”

  She walks in carrying a large package. Rushing over, I take it from her. It’s pretty heavy.

  “What in the world is this?”

  “It’s your gift from Kayla.”

  Scratching my head, I look at it wondering what she could have gotten me that is so big. Examining the paper I see that Kayla has written all over it. I begin reading the words. At the top it says… Things I Love About You… your eyes, your hair, your cocky smile, your sweet smile, your sexy smile, your pouty face, that stare you give me. I smile knowing exactly which stare she is talking about. Your lips, your kindness, your heart, your everything. My heart is so full of love for this girl, I’m not sure how I ever lived without her.

  “Here’s a note to go with it. Do you want me to stay while you open it or would you rather I leave? I can tell you now she was overjoyed with her bracelet.”

  That brings a huge smile to my face. “Really? She liked it?”

  “Blake, of course, she loved it. She loves everything you do for her. That girl is a gem.”

  “That she is. You can stay, so you can tell her my reaction. I’m sure she will want to know. Dad should be back in a minute. He went to check on some last minute things for me.”

  I sit down on our king size bed and open the note from Kayla.

  My Dearest Blake,

  There are so many special moments that come to mind when I think of you. Moments that we shared together that I never want to forget. This gift is a photo of one of those moments. Well, not that exact moment, but a photo of the same spot and at the same time of day that we shared. It’s really a gift for both of us, our first photo for our home. I love you, Mr. Sexy.

  Love your future wife,

  Kayla Rose


  Looking at Mom, she is waiting impatiently for me to open the package. Surely, Kayla wouldn’t have given me a gift that I couldn’t open in front of my mom. Besides, she said it was for us to hang in our home. Laughing internally at my thoughts, I shake my head. Honeymoon please hurry up and get here.

  Reaching over, I carefully tear the paper away from the picture frame. Turning the picture around I’m floored by what I see. It’s beautifully breathtaking. Hearing Mom gasp, I turn toward her.

  “That is absolutely beautiful. It will be a lovely addition to the house.”

  “Yes, it will. I remember the first morning I saw it with, Kayla.”

  Turning back to the picture, I examine it closely. There’s a poem on it. I’m not sure how she had it done, but it looks like it’s a part of the picture.

  You’ve brought color into my life

  Like the colors of the sunset

  We shared that day

  You’ve brought love into my heart

  With all the beautiful things

  You do and say

  You’ve brought me peace

  Like I’ve never known

  You my dear and you alone

  My soul has found

  Its home with you

  Kayla Rose McGinnis

  Looking up at Mom again, she has tears streaming down her face. But I’m smiling from ear to ear. Seeing my last name with hers makes my heart feel like it’s going to burst. All I want to do is run upstairs to the room she is in and bust through it and take her in my arms.

  “I’m ready to get married. Right now. I can’t wait another minute.”

  “Okay. I’ll go tell everyone to get this show on the road.” Mom says before leaving the room.

  I examine the photo again. The sunset is gorgeous and I can’t wait to hang this up on the wall. Dad peeks his head in the door.

  “I hear you’re in a hurry to get married.” He says.

  “Yes! I’m in a hurry. Are we ready?”

  “Just waiting on you.”

  Walking over, I hug my dad and slap him on the back.

  “Let’s go then.”


  Standing under the arbor I made, I watch as each of the bridesmaids walk down the aisle. Finally, Tessa comes walking down, which means Kayla is next. The wedding march starts to play and everyone rises to their feet. Then I see her and Andrew step out the double doors that lead out onto the porch. My breath leaves my lungs and my legs feel weak. She is a vision, she looks like a walking angel. The sun has started its descent and it’s casting a golden glow on everything. That glow envelopes Kayla as she descends down the steps and onto the grass. Not seeing or hearing anyone else, I focus only on the girl of my dreams walking toward me. Her green eyes, locked with mine, are glowing. She dips her head a bit as if she is embarrassed, making me wonder what exactly is going on in that pretty head of hers. Giving her my sexy grin, as she calls it, she blushes a beautiful pink color. Ah, yes, I can only imagine what my girl is thinking right now.

  Andrew stops just short of me and waits for the preacher to ask who gives this woman in marriage. Everything, everyone is saying is a dull roar to me. Focusing on anything other than her is impossible at the moment. Andrew places her hand in mine. She is trying really hard not to giggle, which makes me smile even more. Leaning into her, I whisper in her ear.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Are you being a bad girl on the day of our wedding?”

  She bites her lip and turns a delicious darker shade of pink. The pinks, reds and oranges in the sunset bounce o
ff of her blonde hair and the beads on her dress. She looks majestical, my princess, my rose. We stare deep into one another’s eyes as the preacher goes through his part of the ceremony. The preacher prompts us to recite our vows to one another.

  “Kayla, before I met you I thought I was content. But then you came barreling into my life and I knew that what I had thought was a life of contentment was empty and shallow. It was not until after I met you that I truly began to live. I had a purpose. A reason to strive to be better and do better. I love the long talks we have and the times we can sit and just be silent together. My love for you is immeasurable. No one will ever love you the way that I do and no one will ever touch my heart the way that you have. So today, I promise to stand by you no matter what, to love you in the good and the bad times. To lift you up and support your dreams, whatever they may be. I promise to be faithful and true to only you. I promise to follow the path that God has laid out for us, to kiss you every day, to remind you how incredible you are and how blessed I feel to have you. My soul mate, my friend, my love, my forever. I vow to be the best husband I can be.”

  “Kayla, you may now recite your vows to Blake.”

  “Blake, my life was a shambles when you walked into it. I thought I knew what love was until I met you. You showed what it means to truly be loved. Your kindness, understanding, and love will never be matched by anyone else. You remember everything that I say and then surprise me by showing up with small things I said I liked and I don’t even remember telling you I liked them. You show me in everything that you do every day that you love and think about me. My heart is so full of love for you that it is overflowing. God made you for me, it just took me some time to find you. I promise to kiss you every day, to remind you how incredible you are and how blessed I feel to have you. My soul mate, my friend, my love, my forever. I vow to be the best wife I can be.”

  Kayla is wiping her eyes and I’m trying really hard not to cry in front of all of these people.

  “Blake repeat after me. I, Blake, give you, Kayla, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." The preacher says.

  “I, Blake, give you, Kayla Rose, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

  I take the ring and slip it on her finger. I mouth the words I love you to her.

  “Kayla repeat after me. I, Kayla, give you, Blake, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." The preacher says.

  “I, Kayla, give you, Blake, AKA Mr. Sexy, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

  Only my Kayla Rose, could make me blush the way she does. Laughter fills the air and then our song begins to play. The song I sang to Kayla the first night I met her. We stand there looking at each other as I mouth the words to her and then she mouths the words to me.

  “I don't mind not knowing what I'm heading for. You can take me to the skies... Oh, it's like being lost in heaven. When I'm lost in your eyes”

  "By the power vested in me, by the State of North Carolina, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

  Taking Kayla into my arms, I dip her and kiss her deeply. Hearing the whooping and hollering, we both smile against each other’s mouth. Bringing her back to an upright position, she smiles at me.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you more.” I say.

  "I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Blake McGinnis." The preacher declares.

  Everyone stands and applauds, as we turn to make our way back down the aisle and toward the porch of our home. Kayla suddenly freezes.

  “Blake, what is that?”

  She nods toward the empty seat beside her Grandpa, which has a single white rose sitting on it. This is one of the last minute details Dad was taking care of for me.

  “I wanted to make sure that Elle got her invitation to the wedding and that when she did arrive, she would have a seat reserved for her.”

  She turns to look at me then places a hand on the side of my face.

  “You, my husband, are the best man I have ever known. Your heart has to be made of gold. Thank you for remembering my Grandma today. If my love for you continues to grow the way it does everyday, before long my body won’t be able to contain it all.”

  She has tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.

  “The feeling is mutual my marvelous wife.”

  We kiss again before being prompted by everyone to walk down the aisle and get the party started. This isn’t the party I’m ready to start, but it will do for now. This is the first moment of our life together and nothing could ever be sweeter.


  3 Years Later

  September 1992

  Lying on our bed, I slowly turn each page of our wedding album. Blake’s at work and I’m feeling sentimental today. He’ll probably walk through the door and find me a blubbering mess. God bless him, he is always so patient and understanding with me. Looking at these pictures always takes me back to that day as if it was yesterday.


  September 9, 1989


  Tessa is banging a spoon against the side of her glass so that she can give her maid of honor speech. The D.J. gradually turns the music down.

  “It’s payback time, my beautiful friend.” She says looking right at me.

  Laughing, Blake takes my hand in his, brings it up to his mouth and kisses it gently. Tessa points her finger at Blake.

  “You! You, took my sister from me, but I’m okay with it because you took away her pain. You made her see what the rest of us already knew. Kayla, you are our angel. You’re sweet and caring to everyone you meet. You go above and beyond for those that you love and you never ask for much in return. A word of warning Blake, she does have one major flaw.”

  Everyone laughs.

  “She is not, at all, and never will be, a morning person.”

  More laughter.

  “Believe me when I say, I tried to help her with that one flaw, but it can’t be fixed. So learn to deal with it, buddy.”

  “When you two met the stars finally aligned that night. I’ve never seen two people more meant to be together, than the two of you. So, I wish you joy, peace, and years of happiness. Oh, and lots and lots of babies.”

  “Here, here!” Everyone shouts.

  “I love you both. Congratulations.” Tessa shouts over the cheers as she raises her glass to us.

  Maxwell begins to hit on his glass.

  “Blake, my man, my friend. He has always been a ladies man.”

  Blake is pursing his lips together and squinting his eyes and moving his hand in a cutting motion across his neck.

  “Blake, hush, its fine. They all know you were a stud with the ladies.”

  Blake puts his head down shaking it back and forth.

  “I mean, look at this guy. What woman wouldn’t fall at his feet and heck maybe even some men?”

  There is a huge round of laughter. Maxwell our comedian.

  “Seriously though, Blake used to just go through the motions in his life. Never staying with any girl very long until Kayla walked into his life. Blake changed that night. It was shocking to see my friend become a man over night. Blake had one goal after that night and that was to make Kayla his. And he didn’t just set out to get the girl. No, he set out to get the life that the girl deserved.”

  “From helping Kayla, any way he could, to stopping the weekend drinking and girl chasing, to building her dream home, buying her a fantastic ring, and treating her and loving her the way she should have always been. And as you can see my man, got his girl. And a fantastic girl she is. Congratulations guys. I love you both. I wish you nothing but happiness together.”

  Wiping the tears from my eyes, I look at Maxwell’s smiling face in the picture. We lost Maxwell last year in a car crash. Never getting the full story of what happened, hurt Blake unbelievably. Maxwell was a passenger in the car a friend of his was driving. The roads were slick and as th
ey went into the curve the driver lost control. They said that Maxwell died on impact, which they say should make us feel better. Although the toxicology report said that Maxwell had not been drinking the driver had. Blake couldn’t believe his friend would get into a car with someone who had been drinking. Blake had warned Maxwell to never do that and Maxwell never had. So what was different that night, why was he in that car? We will never know those answers, which has been hard for Blake to accept. Blake misses his friend everyday. But now when we talk about him, Blake remembers the good times.

  Flipping some more pages I get to our honey moon shots. Now that was a vacation to remember. Hawaii, I couldn’t believe we made it to the airport and I saw our destination.

  “Hawaii? Oh my gosh, Blake! I can’t believe we are going to Hawaii.”

  He only smiles and kisses me.

  Once we landed in Hawaii we took a cab to our hotel. Blake of course had booked us a villa with a private beach, pool, and a panoramic view of the ocean. We couldn’t see anyone for miles.

  “Enjoy your stay, Sir, Ma’am. If we can do anything to make your stay more pleasant please let us know. And congratulations on your marriage.”

  Blake tips him and then turns to me, spreading his arms wide.

  “This is even better than the brochure they sent me. I’m impressed with myself.”

  Taking my bottom lip between my teeth, I slowly stalk toward him. He looks delicious in his khaki shorts and white button up shirt.

  “You Sir should not brag. It’s not very becoming.”

  I run my hand up and down his chest. We’ve been waiting a long time to make love to one another and I don’t think I can wait another minute. Blake roughly pulls my body to his. Oh, I feel my eyes widen as shock over takes me. Blake runs his hands up into my hair at the back of my head and pulls me to his lips. Running my hand up under his shirt I stop to rest it over his heart, its pounding and his breathing is increasingly becoming erratic. This is not my sweet gentle Blake, this is a man that has patiently waited to make me his wife and we don’t have to wait any longer. He leans my head back, then bends down putting his arm under my legs, he sweeps me off of my feet and into his arms. He walks over to the bed that is in the center of the room facing the wall of glass that gives us an unobstructed view of the crystal clear ocean. Gently he lays me down in the center of the bed. Reaching up he unties the sheer white material that surrounds the canapy of the bed and lets it fall around us creating a romantic veil.


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