The Oy of Sex

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The Oy of Sex Page 18

by Marcie Scheiner

Erev Shabbat—the afternoon before the Sabbath


  fleishig—of the flesh. Refers to food that is meat as opposed to milk/dairy; dishes used for meat

  get—divorce document

  Gottenyu—Dear God!


  goyim—non-Jews, plural of goy


  Gut Shabbas—Good Sabbath

  Halacha—Jewish law

  ha Shem—literally, “the name”; common usage for God.

  havdallah—division, separation. Also the ceremony at the end of the Sabbath to mark the beginning of the work week.

  heimische—home-like; real people, as opposed to phony

  kiddush—prayer said over wine at the beginning of a holiday

  krechtz—sigh or groan

  kreplach—dumplings filled with meat or cheese, boiled or fried

  kvell—to take extreme pride or pleasure in



  L’Chaim—To life!

  macher—big shot

  maidl, maideleh—young girl

  matzo, matzah—flat cracker; unleavened bread

  meshugeneh—crazy; crazy person

  mitzvah—commandment; good deed

  menorah—candleholder used on Chanukah

  mandelbrot—almond cake

  milchig—foods that contain dairy; dishes used for dairy

  minyan—quorum for prayer (traditionally, ten adult men)

  mohel—one who performs circumcision


  nu—“Well?” “So?” Used for emphasis

  payos—earlocks, the ringlets that grow from a man’s sideburns


  putz—penis. Slang for jerk, as in “dick.”


  schmaltz—melted animal fat; dramatically sentimental

  schmuck—prick, literally and figuratively

  Shabbos, Shabbat—the Jewish Sabbath (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday)

  Shaddai—related to holiness


  Shalom Aleichem—Peace

  Shaygetz—non-Jewish man

  shammes—religious servant; the middle “helper” candle used to light the other Chanukah candles

  Shekkina—divine presence (feminine)

  shiksa—non-Jewish woman

  shul—a synagogue; Jewish temple

  Shiva Asar Tammuz—seventeenth of the month of Tommuz, another fast day

  Simhat Torah—rejoicing with the Torah

  Sukkoth—seven-day holiday in the fall celebrating the harvest

  Taaris Esther—Askhenazaic pronunciation of Hebrew

  takeh—“like, really man!”

  Talmud—The sixty-three-book commentaries on the Torah

  Torah—the text of the five books of Moses; more generally, the entire range of Jewish knowledge

  trayf—not kosher


  tzimmes—slow-cooking casserole of fruit, meat and vegetables

  vey iss mir—“woe is me!”

  vilde chayah—wild beast, wild woman

  Yahrzeit—anniversary of a death

  yarmulke—a small round cap worn in shul and worn by religious Jews at all times

  yenta—originally, matchmaker; commonly, a gossipy person

  Yiddishkite—Jewishness, usually referring to Askhenazaic Jewish culture, not religion

  Yom Kippur—Day of atonement, the highest of Jewish Holy Days

  zaftig—literally, “juicy,” though often used as a euphemism for fat

  Copyright notices and reprint permissions

  “The Gift of Taking” by Joan Nestle first appeared in A Restricted Country. Copyright © 1987 by Joan Nestle. Reprinted by permission of Firebrand Books, Ithaca NY, 1987. Excerpt from He, She and It by Marge Piercy copyright © 1991 by Middlemarsh, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf. Inc. Excerpt from Any Woman’s Blues by Copyright © 1990 by Erica Mann Jong. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.

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