One Hot Night

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One Hot Night Page 6

by Jennifer Bernard

  It took only the briefest of moments to take him up on his offer. Tucked away in this cave, nothing else seemed to matter except the energy vibrating between them. The ground was so uncomfortable, and now that the adrenaline of their bear showdown was fading, the chill was coming back. Why not warm herself up with some handy body heat courtesy of the adorable Aiden Knight? No one would ever know or care what happened between them tonight.

  Nothing even had to happen. He wasn’t offering anything beyond a cozy spot to stretch out on. He wasn’t inviting anything more than that. Aiden was such an open and straightforward person that she felt nothing but trust for him.

  She slid on top of him, resting her cheek against his chest, her bent legs sprawled across his. They spent a moment shifting limbs and body parts so that no bones were sticking anywhere uncomfortable. She sighed deeply as his body heat soaked through the layers of cold and panic she’d been coping with since this morning.

  “This feels amazing, Aiden. Five-star accommodations here in the wilderness.”

  “I do what I can. No fancy sheets, but I got the body heat covered.” His chest vibrated under her ear as he spoke. It had a pleasant effect on her system, like those Magic Fingers hotel bed massages.

  “Keep talking,” she begged. “It feels so good.”

  “About what?”

  “It doesn’t even matter. Just the sound is so soothing, like a lullaby. Tell me what you want to do with your life, how’s that?”

  “That would be good, except I’m not sure. I don’t want to work in an office. Something outdoors would be great. I’d love to have a job that helps people. But not in the military. I don’t want to be gone all the time the way my brothers were. I like working with people. At school I’m best at the science stuff. I don’t really like to write. Traveling would be fun, so I’ve thought about taking a year off after college. I mean, first I actually have to finish a complete year. Sometimes I wonder if that’s even going to happen. There’s so many distractions at college. It’s almost too fun.” The rueful note in his rumbling voice make her smile.

  “I bet all the college girls love you.”

  “Uh, I don’t know about that. Some do,” he admitted.

  “If they don’t, they’re crazy. You’re smart, you’re wicked cute, you’re like, the kindest guy I’ve ever met, you’re sensitive, but in the good way, not the whiny way.”

  “There’s more than one way to be sensitive?”

  “Of course. For instance, I’m sensitive because my feelings are easily hurt. Darren calls me oversensitive. He says I overreact to every little thing.”

  She felt his body go tense at the mention of Darren. God, she had to stop dragging him into every conversation. He was ruining everything, and he wasn’t even here.

  “But you’re the good kind of sensitive. The kind that pays attention to other people’s feelings. You’re intuitive. I’ll prove it. What do you think I’m feeling right now?”

  He snorted. “That’s easy. Warm.”

  She swatted him lightly on the shoulder. “Nice try. Go again.”

  “Okay.” His hand came onto her back, a light touch along her spine. “You’re feeling relaxed. But also torn. Darren’s on your mind. It’s complicated. Some guilt, some anger, I don’t know. But you’re also feeling strong. Like you can get through this. Like you know the way forward.”

  “Sweet mother of pearl,” she whispered, which was one of her mother’s favorite phrases. “You can really tell all that just from touching my back?”

  “No. I can tell that by the things you say. Know what I can tell from touching your back?”


  “That you’re beautiful.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. Such a simple, matter-of-fact statement. It didn’t come across as flattery or a come-on or anything like that. Just a guy stating a fact.

  “I already knew that, though. Touching your back just confirmed it.” His voice warmed her from the inside out. Around Aiden, she knew, she’d never feel alone or unappreciated.

  “Everything else you said was completely spot on, you know. I just wish…” She broke off, since so many wishes came to mind that she didn’t know where to start.


  “I wish I’d met you later. Like when Darren was already ancient history.”

  They stayed quiet for a moment while he stroked gentle circles on her back. She realized that in the time she’d been lying on top of him, their breathing had become synchronized. Every time she inhaled, she felt him do the same, and the sigh of her exhales echoed his. Never in her life had she felt so in tune with another person.

  “When would that be?” he asked in a voice so soft it could have been the whisper of the wind outside. “When will he be ancient history?”

  “I don’t know. A year? Two years? Five, to make it really ancient? I don’t know, Aiden. I’ve never done this before. I’m only twenty and he’s my first real boyfriend. I thought we might get married. And I don’t know how he’s going to react when I get home.”

  She heard the edge of fear in her voice. Aiden must have too, because he deepened his caress to smooth the knots from her muscles and added a soothing whisper to his strokes. “Everything will be okay. I almost wish I could come with you, like a bodyguard. We make a pretty good team.”

  “You think we can scare Darren away the way we did the bear?”

  “Sure. Same principle. Act tall and stand your ground.”

  She laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  The image of herself looming over Darren, waving her arms and calling him Mr. Bear filled her imagination. She pictured him backing way. Turning, cowering, lowering his head the way the bear had. Then slinking off into the wilderness.

  Yes. So satisfying. She didn’t have to be scared of Darren. This was her life. Her body. Her choice. Her path.

  Her eyes closed so she could focus on the delicious sensation of Aiden’s hand on her back. Her nipples tightened and tingled. She shifted against him, feeling restless, seeking something else, something more. Friction, pressure, closeness.

  “Um, not sure you want to do that.” His voice sounded strained.

  “Why not? I’m just trying to…” She trailed off as the inside of her knee touched a bulge. He was aroused. Erect. Turned on. Just like she was. “Oh.”

  “Yeah. Sorry. Twenty-year-old male here. With a beautiful girl on top of me. But don’t worry, nothing’s going to happen.” Even as he said that, he hardened even more, until his erection felt like warm steel through his shorts.

  “What if…I mean, we could…” She moved her hand lower, skimming over the bulge in his shorts. He groaned. “We could do something. Maybe just a little something.”

  “We don’t have a condom.”

  “Not everything needs a condom.” She shifted so her mound was right on top of his erection, so she could feel the pressure against the throbbing little bundle of nerves between her legs. “Like this. Just like this. It feels so good, doesn’t it?”

  “Uh, yes.” He moved against her in a slow grind. They strained toward each other. It was frustrating to have so many layers of clothing between them, but what would happen if they got undressed? Was it safe? Did she care? She wanted to touch him, to feel his skin, to be as close as humanly possible.

  The little devil on her shoulder was screaming at her to not worry so much. To have fun for once. To give herself this one hot night of freedom in the wilderness. On the other shoulder, the little angel was having a hard time getting in a word edgewise. She and Aiden were both consenting adults. They were both single. They’d agreed that whatever was going to happen would end here, in this cave, tonight.

  What was the other side of the argument again?

  “Here’s what I want to do,” Aiden was whispering. “I want to make you happy. I want to make you come. But with our clothes on. Just in case.”

  Just in case what? Another bear came along and they had to make a run for it?

bsp; That wouldn’t happen, because this little cave was their private secret haven. Nothing bad would happen—or could happen—in here. “Okay,” she murmured as she snuggled closer to him.

  One of his hands gripped her ass, pressing her against him, while the other wandered inside her shirt and skimmed the side of her breast. Seeking her nipple, it traced the curve of the flesh pressed against his chest. She lifted her torso just enough to allow his hand in farther, and cried out in shocked delight when his thumb found her sensitive nub. It responded by swelling even further into a hard little peak. Little jolts of pleasure shot down to her lower belly.

  His palm felt so good against her skin as he cupped her breast. Flicking her nipple again and again, he stoked the fire building in the lower part of her body. With slow pressure, he rotated her hips against his erection. It was maddening, too many clothes between them, not enough contact. And then…his hand left her rear and traveled around to her front, where they were pressed together. She lifted her hips to give him space. She wanted him to touch her so badly she would have begged if necessary.

  It wasn’t. He seemed to know exactly what she wanted, because he slid his hand under her corduroy hiking trousers, under her long underwear, and under her panties. Right to the juicy, swollen center of her.

  “Oh Aiden, right there. Please.”

  Fine, she’d beg anyway. She didn’t mind. She loved how he touched her, as if he could sense her needs and desires right through her skin. Stroking, listening, adjusting, until he found the pace and the pressure that had her sighing out loud. He explored the soft, secret folds, drawing more moisture to the wet seam between her legs.

  “You’re so soft here,” he whispered. “Softer than satin. So sweet and juicy. You’re running through my fingers like water.”

  For a moment her cheeks burned. Darren used to laugh at how wet she got. He used to keep sanitized wipes nearby to clean himself off. Her embarrassment and shame made it harder for her to come. Then he’d criticize her for taking too long to orgasm. Many times, he simply abandoned the effort when he got sick of it.

  “It’s so sexy,” Aiden was murmuring. “God, you’re so beautiful.”

  “It’s not…weird?” she asked in a whisper.

  “What’s weird is that I’m somehow managing not to come right now. Not really sure how. I’m having to focus on things like angry bears and spilled soup.”

  With a giggle, she relaxed, her body surrendering to the pleasure he was generating with his long fingers. Aiden didn’t think she was weird. And even if he did, this was a one-night only event. So what did it matter if she set herself free to enjoy it?

  He slid a finger inside her and she forgot all about her hesitation. The heel of his hand brushed against her clit. She cried out, her voice echoing in the confined space.

  “That’s right. Sing out, baby girl. I love hearing that. I want to know I’m doing it right.”

  “You’re doing it right,” she gasped. “Oh my God, you’re doing it so right.”

  “Good. I want you to be happy, that’s all. Does this feel good?” He drove another finger inside her. Clamped more pressure onto her clit.

  “Yes!” she screamed. His other hand left her breast and its pulsing nipple and traveled down to grip the back of her thigh. His fingers dug into the flesh of her inner thigh, adding another layer of wild to the sensations cruising through her. “Jesus Christ,” she swore.

  She never swore.

  But here she was, releasing all kinds of words and sounds that didn’t usually come out of her mouth. “Oh God, yes, please Aiden, harder, just a little bit, oh my freaking God yes, right there. Just like that. Oh my God!”

  All the sensations sweeping through her body coalesced into a shimmering, shattering climax. Wordlessly, she screamed, the sound careening around the cave in a perfect reflection of the glorious spasms gripping her body. She ground against Aiden’s hand and fingers, milking every bit of ecstasy from the contact. He stayed with her, as if he was riding a bronco. Except she was the one driving it, rocking herself back and forth, spearing herself on his fingers.

  Good God almighty.

  Finally the pleasure trailed off and she came back to her senses. Wrung out, gasping, she collapsed against his chest.

  “Happy?” he asked her.

  “So happy.” Happy wasn’t even the right word to convey all the layers of satisfaction she was feeling. But it would do for now. “So, so happy.” She closed her eyes for a long, achingly sweet moment, to savor what had just happened. She’d experienced a full-throated, deeply satisfying orgasm with no holding back. She hadn’t worried about what she sounded like, what she looked like, how wet she was, or any other grounds for criticism. She’d just…enjoyed the hell out of it.

  Thanks to the amazing person stretched out underneath her.

  Opening her eyes, she sat up, straddling his thighs, and looked down at the large bulge of his erection. It sat between her thighs now, perfectly placed for her to cup it. Which she did.

  “No need,” Aiden said, even though his hips twitched upward. “You can just enjoy the afterglow, you don’t have to worry about me.”

  “I’m not worried. I’m just happy.” She unzipped his shorts and glided her hand inside. His erection was pushing through the slit in his dark briefs. It practically leaped into her hand. She wrapped her hand around it, simply feeling him for a moment. Warmth and strength and life—that was what he felt like. Also hard and hot and eager.

  He groaned as she slid her hand to the tip of his shaft and felt the soft head.

  “God, Mia. This is crazy.”

  “It is, isn’t it? I think you should just do what I did.” She grinned at him. “Don’t worry, be happy.”

  He gave a strained laugh. “Roger that. Not worried. Just happy. Could you…would you mind…I want to feel your juiciness on me. Here.” He slid his hand back into her panties and touched the still-wet place between her legs, then brought his hand back to his shaft and covered himself with her liquid. So sexy. So hot. So great to know her extra wetness was good for something.

  Once he was slick with her juices, it took just a few seconds before he too was exploding into orgasm. More liquid…her hands were covered with it. And she loved it. It was wild and wet and free and sweet—just like Aiden.

  The sweetest guy she’d ever known.


  They helped each other clean off, using one of Mia’s spare panties, then curled up in each other’s arms and drifted in and out of sleep. Aiden didn’t mind being a human blanket for Mia. Her soft curves warmed him to the core. The chill from running around the wilderness in shorts and t-shirt finally melted away.

  “You know,” he murmured at one point. “This day didn’t turn out half bad considering it started with me getting kidnapped.”

  “Mmmm. So glad I could help.”

  Later, she stirred and shifted so they were side by side on her jacket. “Crushing you,” she mumbled in explanation. He wanted to explain that it was okay, that he could sleep anywhere, but he was just too exhausted to manage the words.

  After that, he fell into a deep sleep that didn’t end until the first light of dawn filtered into the cave. He opened his eyes to see Mia curled up against his chest, her face completely buried in his side. He carefully shifted his position, his muscles screaming from his night on the hard ground.

  A crazy night. A confusing night. An unforgettable night. What the hell was going on here? It didn’t make any logical sense, really. Boy gets kidnapped. Girl rescues boy. Boy rescues girl. Boy and girl escape from a bear. Boy and girl spend a hot night in a cave. Then what?

  Boy and girl say goodbye as if nothing much happened? Boy and girl go on with their lives?

  If that was what Mia wanted, he’d do it, of course. But there was just one big problem with that.


  Based on everything Mia had said, and what Aiden had seen face to face with him, he didn’t trust the guy. Would Mia be safe from him when she
went back to Fresno? Would he try to win her back? Intimidate her into coming back? Or do even worse?

  He’d learned a few things in his Psych class that made him worry about Darren. How could he just let Mia go, knowing that Darren might be a threat to her? How could he rest easy?

  When Mia finally lifted her head and blinked drowsy eyes at him, he was ready with his request. “Will you promise me something?”


  He brushed her hair away from her face. “After today, I mean. When you go back to Fresno and I go back to college.”

  Her expression grew wary. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m going to give you my brother Will’s number. He’s a private investigator and former deputy sheriff and he knows a lot of good law enforcement people in California. Will you promise me that if Darren does or says anything that makes you nervous, you’ll call Will? He won’t charge you anything. You won’t have to file a police report or anything like that. He’ll be like an on-call…I don’t know. Security service.”

  Her dark eyes went wide. “You think I need a security service? Because of Darren?”

  “I don’t know. I hope not. But we did a unit on domestic abuse in my Psych class and one thing we learned is that if he hit you once, there’s no way to guarantee he wouldn’t again.”

  “But I’m not going back to him. I won’t give him a chance to…” She swallowed, and he saw that it was hard for her to use the word. “Hit me. That’s over with.”

  “What if he wants to be the one that says it’s over? Look, I’m just a college student, I don’t know much. But Dearborn, the one who kidnapped me? He was never even with my mom, and he stalked her. Just be careful, okay? And take my brother’s number just as a backup.”

  She sat up and tried to run her fingers through her dark hair, but it was so tangled she didn’t get far. “What time is it?”

  He sat up as well, then crawled to the opening to peer out. Slate-gray sky overhead, a soft mist floating just above the ground. Their makeshift campfire was nothing but a pile of cinders, the spilled soup a stain in the dirt. No sign of any predators, animal or human. “Almost sunrise, I’d guess.”


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