Winter's Warrior: Mark of the Monarch (Winter's Saga #4)

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Winter's Warrior: Mark of the Monarch (Winter's Saga #4) Page 17

by Karen Luellen

  “Um—I’ll try my best.” Alik gave up trying to stay awake and gave in to the body-healing sleep it demanded.

  Farrow moved to keep her hand on his chest, feeling comfort in the smooth rise and fall. After the first five minutes of her watching him, and feeling his heart, she decided she couldn’t sit up for one more moment.

  The former sniper assassin slipped off her shoes and crawled into bed above the covers next to the soul she’d fallen in love with. With a sigh, she snuggled against Alik’s firm body and put her hand back on his chest, determined to keep vigil over him as he slept and she rested, dreaming of life when they weren’t being hunted.

  Would there ever be a time when they could just be Alik and Farrow? Could they ever go on a date to dinner and the movies like a normal couple? Would they survive to even have a chance to try?

  Farrow frowned in her half-sleep.

  Don’t think that way, Farrow. Live in the here and now. Right here he’s safe and alive beside you. Now you have some peaceful alone time. And if this is all you ever get, if a bomb goes off outside the window at my back, then you will have known love and peace. You will shield him with your body and die happy for it.

  Chapter 35 “One may smile, and smile, and be a villain!” W. SHAKESPEARE, Hamlet

  “Okay, little Miss,” drawled the contractor who had introduced himself as Chuck, “the front door, master bedroom and bath have all been modified to accommodate a wheelchair and a wheelchair capable person. Joey is finishing installing the ramp from the driveway to the house right now.”

  “Looks good,” Meg said with a nod, studying the contractor’s work. She pushed the lever down on the front door and watched it spring open just enough to be easily manipulated. “What’s this handle for?” She pointed to a kitchen-drawer type handle mounted on the door toward the side with the hinges.

  “Oh, that is so when your ma comes into the house and needs to shut the door, she doesn’t have to reach way over there for the handle.” Chuck demonstrated how to use it.

  “Genius!” Meg nodded excitedly.

  The master bedroom was on the opposite side of the house, isolated from the other bedrooms, so no long corridor had to be adjusted. All Margo had to do was wheel through the front door, turn to the left and pass the front sitting room to get to her bedroom. Meg walked the path, making sure there was nothing to hinder her mother’s movement.

  “Yeah, little Miss, we just took the liberty of removing the rug runner y’all had down this way so your ma can just wheel herself nice and easy over these wood floors. And it’s a good thing you already had wooden floors. A wheelchair will rip up a carpet faster than a feral tom cat on catnip!” The contractor laughed at his joke while pulling his work pants over his ample belly and absent hind-end.

  He was a nice older gentleman. The few wisps of white hair were combed over just right, reminded Meg of a cartoon character. But it was his bushy gray brows over squinty eyes that were his most noticeable feature. Meg had to resist the urge to tackle the man with a pair of scissors for a good ol’ fashioned groomin’. Every time he spoke, she forced herself not to stare at the wiggling caterpillars on his forehead.

  “Here, let me show you what we did to her shower,” he offered and waddled himself into her mom’s bedroom. Meg bit back a giggle at the sweet old guy’s gait and followed him.

  “See, miss? We removed the glass door and put in a shower curtain, so all she has to do is wheel herself to the opening and transfer to a shower seat. The handheld shower nozzle is connected to a long hose, so she can reach it, use it and turn it off all in her seat.” The way the contractor spoke, Meg could tell he was truly passionate about his work. She sensed his daughter had been wheelchair bound so he knew firsthand what had to be done to make a home livable.

  “As for the commode, we took out the old one and installed a taller one, for easier transfer. We also put in these reinforced, wall mounted handrails for her.” Meg was nodding and smiling, amazed at all the old guy got done in such a short time.

  “I also took the liberty of adding wheelchair accessible ramps to each of the doorway thresholds she will have to cross in her chair. It should make for a smoother ride.” He shrugged while scratching the back of his head. “Let’s just say that’s included in the cost of widening the doors to thirty-six inches.” The genuine smile he offered showed off some coffee stained teeth. But he was sweet and meant well.

  Now I have to resist the urge to attack him with an electric toothbrush, floss and a teeth whitener! She inwardly groaned at her compulsions.

  “Thank you for your thoughtfulness,” Meg smiled widely at the contractor who obviously loved what he did for a living, though he was now a widower and his daughter had long since passed away from the illness that forced her into a wheelchair.

  “Now, you’re going to want this sink adjusted so she can roll under it. If you’d like, I can come fix that for your Ma tomorrow, say about nine in the morning? I could fix the one under the kitchen sink, too—not that I imagine you all are going to make her do too many dishes now,” he chuckled at his joke, again.

  “I think that’s a brilliant idea, thank you for offering to have it done for us so quickly.” Meg started walking Chuck back to the front door. “Thanks again for your excellent work,” she said as she handed him a check for the full amount owed him, plus a generous tip for him and his small crew.

  Glancing at her watch, she calculated how much more time before people began arriving. It was getting late and Evan and Creed should be home soon with the modified minivan. Alik had awakened this morning much improved and itching to get out of the house, so he went with Farrow, Danny and Theo to the hospital this afternoon to collect their mom and bring her home.

  They should be back in about two hours and Meg wanted everything to be perfect. Maze was happy to be let out of Meg’s room now that the contractors were gone. Meg had learned over the past year it was better not to startle strangers with his wild coyote looks, huge body and huge teeth. His whole presence only made outsiders nervous.

  Sloan walked into the living room and plopped on a sofa. “Cole is a pretty demanding patient, but if you ask me, he’s doing much better. I say he gets one more day of coddling, then that boy needs to get up and get his own Cocoa Balls!”

  Meg was looking at her to-do list and was happily crossing off several items. Now she smiled up at the slight girl. “I’m very glad you’re here to help him, Sloan. He seems in much better spirits, and I think it has to do with his friendship with you.”

  Sloan frowned. “Why on earth would friendship make him feel better? I think it’s just the rest and time to heal that’s been the catalyst behind his improvements.”

  “Don’t underestimate the power of positive emotions,” Meg offered carefully, realizing she was talking with a very logic-minded individual—even more so than Evan—and that was saying something.

  Sloan dismissed her comment with a shrug and watched Maze stretch and nose around in his basketful of toys for his favorite red squeaky one that had long since lost its ability to squeak.

  “You do know your pet isn’t a full-blooded coyote, right?”

  “What?” Meg looked up from her to-do list.

  “Your pet. He’s a hybrid. Quite a beautiful one, I might add,” she said properly.

  “I saw his mother. She was definitely a coyote,” Meg said, shaking her head.

  “Okay, so his mother was the coyote. Did you ever see a male around?”

  “No, I didn’t. It was just the mother and three pups.”

  “Only three pups and no father.” Sloan nodded as though putting the finishing touches on her puzzle.


  “Well, the average North American coyote mates for life. The fathers stay with the family, hunting for food and bringing it back for the mother to eat. She stays with the pups, nursing them and training them how to hunt for months after they’re born. They also are known to have as many as fifteen pups.”

, maybe something happened to the father,” Meg offered.

  “Sure, but it definitely was not a coyote father. He looks to have German Shepard in him. It’s why he’s so big. Coyotes don’t usually get so…huge.”

  Meg looked at her friend through different eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “Pretty sure, yeah,” Sloan offered casually, as if this were no big deal. “He’s what’s called a ‘coydog’. Depending on the hybrid, coydogs often have the piercing eyes of their coyote parent,” Sloan nodded toward Maze’s strikingly handsome yellow eyes. By now, he was watching them, as if he completely knew they were talking about him. He stood upright and held very still watching the girls.

  “What are you doing, Maze?” Meg shook her head at her best friend. “You look like you’re posing for us, you silly thing!”

  Maze padded to Meg, laid his head in her lap and looked up at her adoringly.

  “So you think his daddy was a German Shepard?”

  “It looks like it. The combination makes him look a lot more wolf-like in his physique and the way he carries himself. Besides, I know German Shepard’s. After all, I grew up in Germany where they originated.”

  “Hmm, so you’re a coydog?” Meg nuzzled her Maze’s neck. He took that as an invitation to climb into her lap.

  “Ooph! You’re way too big to sit in my lap, nut ball!” Meg teased pushing him back onto the ground. “Ah well, you’ll always be my wily coyote.” Meg rubbed his ears just the way he liked and smiled at the content squeaks and moans her friend couldn’t help but make at the sheer joy he felt worked his ears just so.

  “Sloan, little help!” Cole’s voice echoed down the corridor.

  “Did I say tomorrow I stop coddling? I’m thinking now; now’s a good time,” she flopped her hands down on either side of her and yelled: “Whatever it is, you get out of that bed and do it yourself, Cole!”

  Meg laughed at the groan she heard in response.

  The garage door rumbled to life, and moments later Evan and Creed walked in laughing about something.

  “Hey guys. How’d it go?”

  “Great,” Creed grinned at Evan, his co-conspirator.

  One glance at her little brother told her everything she needed to know. “Evan Winter! Why are you covered in black grease?”

  “You already know, so why bother asking?” Evan smiled charmingly at his sister’s scowling face.

  “Meg, do you need me to help with anything before your mom gets home?” Creed asked thoughtfully as he headed to the kitchen for a drink.

  “No, I think we’re as ready as we’re going to be tonight, but thanks for the offer.” Meg grinned at Creed’s wide back.

  “Then I’m going out to the barn for a while before everyone gets back,” He called over his shoulder with a wave.

  “Oh yeah? Wait up, big man.” Meg quickly crossed off “modify Mom’s car” from her to-do list before tossing the pen down and leaping after Creed.

  Chapter 36 M&C

  “What are you doing?” Creed smirked over his shoulder at his dark-eyed beauty bouncing after him.

  “What can I say? I’m a sucker for your company, Creed Young.”

  Blushing, he held the back door open for her. She smiled widely as she walked past him, careful to only lightly brush her fingertips across his chest as she did.

  “Oh come on, Meg,” Creed ran his huge hand through his straight hair, his face adorably pink.

  “Don’t you want to be with me?” Meg feigned hurt feelings as she turned to stand inches away from the love of her life. She was having a hard time keeping her hands to herself, so she shoved them deep inside the pockets of her jeans.

  “You know I love your company.” His voice was scratchy with the immediate emotions she brought out in him.

  Meg nodded smugly, knowing full well how she made Creed’s heart pound like a racehorse. “Good, because I was kind of hoping you’d give me another lesson.” She started walking determinedly toward the barn.

  Three of Creed’s long strides had him caught up with her. “Another lesson in what?”

  “Hmm, how about archery this time?”

  “Sure,” Creed’s husky voice was replaced with his normal, handsome bass. “Have you ever tried it?”

  “Yeah, but the compound bow is tricky for me. The boys were trying to teach me; Alik was trying to be all bossy and Evan went on and on about the aerodynamics involved.” Meg rolled her eyes, remembering that day clearly. “I lost my patience and stormed out of the barn, choosing to go for a run instead. That was back when, um…” she hesitated. “Back when you were in Germany.”

  “Mmm,” Creed grunted a hint of a smile on his lips. “And what makes you think I’ll be able to teach you?”

  They stepped into the fresh hay-scented barn, sunlight dancing between the sparkling dust particles like God’s glitter.

  Meg watched the way Creed’s shoulders rolled, big catlike as he walked toward the bows and arrows stored neatly against the far wall.

  “Because I’ll hold still for you.” Meg’s voice quivered as the truth blurt from her freshly licked lips.

  Creed looked over his shoulder at the raven-haired beauty. Her lids were heavy over shining dark pools of chocolate. He tore his eyes away from her sultry gaze only to land on her full mouth. She kept chewing on her bottom lip causing it to swell pink and perfect. It was all he could do to keep from sweeping her up into his arms and covering those delicious Cupid’s bow lips with passionate kisses.



  Oh, right, Creed shook his head trying to clear it as he stood holding a bow and a quiver of arrows.

  He cleared his throat, trying to loosen its grip so he could take more than a shallow breath.

  “You’ll hold still for me?” He replayed her words aloud, peering at the girl with one brow raised out of curiosity.

  Now it was Meg’s turn to blush. She felt the heat crawl up her throat and land at the tips of her ears. Self-consciously, she reached to her wrist to find the pony holder she kept there like a bracelet. She bowed her head while gathering all her dark ringlets low at the back of her head so her reddened ears would stay hidden.

  Regaining her composure she clarified, “I mean I won’t run off all mad like I did when my brothers were trying to teach me.”

  Creed sensed her struggle to maintain her poise and smiled inwardly at it. I may not be an empath, but I can almost hear her heart pounding and her breath quickening. I’m actually making her feel flustered! He wanted to whoop with joy, knowing the effect he was having on the girl of his dreams. There is nothing more amazing than knowing the rosy hue in her cheeks as she smiles up at me is only there because she loves me as completely as I love her.

  “I would have thought you already knew how to shoot a bow,” Creed offered, trying to stay on subject.

  “Oh, I do. I’m excellent at the traditional bow. It’s purely instinctive to use and you know me,” she shrugged innocently, “I’m ruled by my instincts.”

  “Right,” Creed looked down at the weapon in his hands so he wouldn’t stare at the beautiful blush lingering in the apples of her cheeks. “So, you need help with the Hoyt Seven 37, cam and a half compound bow.”

  “Um, yeah. You really know your weapons.”

  “It’s what I do.”

  “It’s not all you do.”

  “Weapons and fighting techniques—that’s pretty much it.”

  “You’re more than that, Creed.”

  He shrugged, feeling distinctly uncomfortable with the turn in conversation.

  “This has been measured and fit for you, hasn’t it?” Creed asked, changing the subject by holding the weapon up to Meg.

  “Yes, the boys took care of that.” She reached out to take the bow in her left hand.

  “Maybe I should use Alik’s bow to teach you. It would be a better fit for me.”

  “Sure.” Meg shrugged. As he walked back toward the wall with all the archery equipment, Meg kicked herself, hard.
  What the heck are you doing, Meg? You know how he feels about you, and you’re ga-ga about him. Stop acting like an awkward dork! She scolded herself. She set the bow aside and started pacing and flapping her hands nervously.

  “Well, I agree it’s a good idea to learn the compound bow. You may be able to instinctively control the accuracy with a traditional bow, but when it comes to sheer power and velocity, it’s pretty hard to compete with a cam and a half compound bow. The Holts are dependable—good for both target shooting and hunting.” Creed had laid Alik’s bow on the side table so he could free up his hands to help Meg with the trigger release. He unlatched it from its holder and reached out to take her right hand so he could start securing the Velcro in place around her wrist, but the moment his fingertips touched her warm skin, he completely froze, losing his train of thought.

  As his warm hand still held hers, he found himself searching her face, tongue-tied and dizzy with her tantalizing strawberry scent.

  Meg watched the blue of Creed’s eyes and felt herself diving even deeper into love with every passing breath. She never questioned the profound absolution she felt toward the man holding her hand. Instead, she slowly rose on tiptoe, watching him, watching her. When his breath, warm and delicious, tickled the sensitive skin of her lips, she completely gave in to the instincts that rule her.

  He released her hand only to reach up and hold her face as if she were the most fragile, precious thing he’d ever had the honor of touching. His hungry lips tasted hers as though she were the only drink that could ever quench his thirst.

  Creed pulled back just enough to sweep Meg up into his arms. His massive strength allowed him to hold her with one arm, cradled safely while the other hand slipped up her arm and until his calloused fingertips found the curve of her collarbone and lingered for a moment before continuing up to her jaw line. Meg watched his eyes as he caressed her and read him as clearly as if he were saying the words, “you’re so beautiful” aloud.

  Their eyes locked as he tipped her chin just enough to gently ask for more kisses. Meg wrapped her arms around his thick neck and brushed her lips against his tenderly before suckling his bottom lip.


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