The Prison Guard's Son: Young Guns Book One

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The Prison Guard's Son: Young Guns Book One Page 15

by Ursula Sinclair

  Later that night, I finally turned my phone back on. I ignored all of Pike’s messages, deleting them without reading them along with his texts. I did call my mother, and Uncle David was with her. He told me the entire story about how Pike and mine parent’s lives had been connected. It didn’t matter that his mom didn’t pull the trigger that deprived me of my father. None of it mattered anymore. I was numb…I couldn’t care.

  She was still a part of it. Had gone to jail for it. Pike had been fucking born in prison. His mother didn’t die at his birth as everyone had been led to believe and his father. His fucking father had been her guard. I wanted to hear none of it. I hung up the phone and turned it back off.

  I stayed away for about a week. Only my mother knew where I was and perhaps, Uncle David. Before the week was over, my mother joined me. We didn’t talk about what happened, we just spent time together in the house and long quiet walks on the beach. At night, we would sit on the deck and watch the sun set. The most interesting thing we would talk about was what to order or fix for dinner.

  Then on the seventh day, mom got a call. “It’s for you. It’s your Uncle David.”

  “I really don’t want to talk to him.”

  “It’s time honey. Gunns don’t hide. We come out blasting first, ask questions after.”

  I smiled and took the phone away from her. “He WHAT!”



  Eryn. I couldn’t get to her fast enough. All I could see was my world crashing and burning around me and not a damn thing I could do to stop it. I knew I should’ve told her the truth when I’d first suspected. But what the hell could I have said? Oh yeah, my mom went to prison because of your father’s death. See…she was sorta an accomplice, had shitty representation so did time and by the way, I was born in a fucking prison hospital ward.

  I sat up placing my head in my hands, reliving that day on permanent rewind every time I closed my fucking eyes. I thought I would be doing an interview like any other. They had even sent questions ahead that Sol had approved, some had been about the bombing and my being there at the time. All pretty standard really. I was waiting for the one about if I was seeing anyone, so I could talk about Eryn. Before we could get to that, the other questions began, the ones neither Sol nor I had approved.

  Talk about being blindsided, I was still reeling with my life out of control. The little prick had been trying to make a name for himself. He’d done his research, gone a hell of a lot deeper into my background, my father’s background than anyone else. I wanted to slam my fist into the fucker right there on national television. I had to settle for getting up and walking off the god damned set. That and of course, the lawsuit I filed against the little shit and the station. They’d signed an agreement as to the questions they could ask and I had to answer. That was fucking standard procedure in my world. Eryn herself had written that contract.


  I missed the fuck out of her. I was going crazy not being able to talk to her. Really sit down and have this all out on the table. Shine the fucking light on it, then put it behind us. That’s my wish, but I know I didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of her ever forgiving me. I raised my hand and rubbed my heart. I felt like a hole now existed where it should have been. I could hear it, feel it beating, but it just wasn’t quite there. The physical muscle still pumped the blood through my body, but the thing that made up my heart was gone. The beat of it, its rhythm wasn’t there. Eryn had taken that with her when she left me.

  I couldn’t fucking find her.

  No one would tell me where she was and she sure as hell wasn’t answering her phone. Even Sol couldn’t find out and he knew people. I got so desperate, I even called my dad to see if he would reach out to her mom. To my shock, he already had, and apologized. At least Christine didn’t hang up on him. He said they had a nice long talk about their spouses and that was that. She didn’t hold it against him. I took that as a good sign. However, she wouldn’t tell him where Eryn was. Only that she was all right and just needed some distance. When I tried to call her, she didn’t answer my calls.

  “Sol.” I called him again. I’d broken down with him that first day after she left me. I’d gone over to his house and crashed. Going back to the condo later that night, thinking sooner or later, she would come home. She didn’t, nor did she come home the next day or the next and she wouldn’t take my calls. It was then I had to face the fact, she really had left me.

  My music was suffering. Nothing came between me and my music. Never had before. But without Eryn, even my music brought me no solace. I hadn’t been in the studio in the last week. Sol was pissed at me, everyone was and rightly so. We were behind and I had a concert coming up.

  “Yeah, Pike. How are you doing buddy?”

  “Been better. Listen, did you get that package from Eryn’s office?”

  “Yes. You know I did. The same one you got. I turned everything over to the new law firm I just hired.”

  I hadn’t wanted to but I had no choice. Eryn left me with no choice. Then it hit me what I needed to do. If the mountain won’t come to Moses, then Moses must go to the mountain. “I think I know how to get her attention.”


  “I just need her to talk to me Sol. Just to fucking talk to me.”

  Sol sighed. “What do you have in mind?”

  I knew he couldn’t see me, but for the first time in weeks I smiled. “I want to sue her ass.”

  “You’re fucking kidding!”


  “You sure about this?”

  “She won’t take my calls Sol. She won’t hear my side.”

  He sighed. “All right, I’ll talk to the new lawyer.”

  “Not just any lawyer, Sol. I want you to go to her uncle.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me,” he said again.

  “Remember what you told me about the Gunns and contracts, that only a Gunn could break a Gunn.”

  “Yeah, so. It’s not going to happen.”

  “Set up a call for me with David Gunn, Sol. Let me talk to him. I just want to get her in a damn room. Face to face.”

  “I always knew you had a set of balls on you. Okay. But when he laughs in my face. don’t say I didn’t warn you. And it’s going to cost you for me to get my ass handed to me…on a platter.”

  “Whatever it takes, Sol. Whatever it takes.”

  “You cannot be serious.”

  I swung around. I hadn’t realized I wasn’t alone while I was talking to Sol. My back had been turned to the door, gaze drawn to the bay.

  My dad stood framed in the doorway. He’d been at the Cove for a month now. Ever since Eryn’s been gone.

  “Get it done, Sol, then call me back.” I hung up the phone to face my father. “I don’t know what else to do dad.”

  “You love her.” It wasn’t a question.

  I nodded. Finally admitting it, if not saying the words. “It hurts dad. It fucking hurts like a bitch and I just want it to stop. I get it now. I’m sorry. I didn’t before but I get it now.”

  My dad came over to me and gave me a quick hug, then stepped back before we both got too mushy and began bawling our eyes out. Not too manly then. He gaffed, squeezing my arm. “You still have a chance son, you’re both still breathing the same air, so there is still a chance. But do you really think this is the way? You think her family would want to represent you now?”

  “I don’t know. But it’s worth a shot, if her mother can talk to you, not hold this against you, I think David might be willing if I laid it all out for him. I just—I’m grasping at anything here, Dad. Whatever it takes. And if groveling to her Uncle will get me to her, then fuck…that’s what I’ll do.

  “All right.”

  I left the room then and went to bed. Alone.

  John J watched his son walk out of the office then he took his place staring out onto the Bay. He remembered, the good the bad and the ugly of his life. All wrapped up with what he’d gon
e through with Pike’s mother. He would be damned if he would let his son go through anymore for his parent’s sins. They’d both already paid for it. No fucking more. He pulled out his phone and made a difficult phone call.

  “Christine, I’m sorry to call you this late. But I need to tell you a story. Then if you think it best, I am begging you for your help.” It was time to tell his side, if there was any chance. They’d all suffered enough.



  “Uncle David, what the hell is going on here?” I screamed. After a very brief conversation with my uncle, I’d immediately returned to DC to this meeting the next day with my uncle. I still thought it was some kind of goddamn joke, one in poor taste. Because what he said to me on the phone made no damn sense. He refused to explain any further other than he, my frigging uncle, was representing this sonofabitch against me. ME for breach of contract. What the fuck!

  I’d stormed into my uncle’s office, ready to strangle someone. He got up from his desk and shut the door. Then he turned and sat on the couch, motioning for me to sit down.

  I declined.

  “Sorry to ambush you like this Eryn. But after I did some checking and had a conversation with John J. I agreed to represent Pike and his father’s request to talk to you first,” Uncle David said.

  I shook my head. I was in lala land. “What do you mean talk to John J first? And why in God’s name? Why would you agree to this? His son served me with papers, Uncle David from your frigging office!” I’d gotten them as soon as I showed up at my condo. Some server had been waiting for me.

  There was a knock on his office door. Uncle David rose. “Come in.”

  John J walked into the room.

  “Just hear him out. John J, tell her everything. She needs to know.” My uncle left me alone with Pike’s father, shutting the door behind himself.

  To say I was confused was putting things mildly then again, I’d been in this state for awhile. Ever since I got the call with my Uncle and the notice, making it all very real. He fucking represented Pike, John Pike for breach of contract. I looked up at John J who’d been standing by one of the chairs in the room.

  He waved to the one next to him, pulling it out with his free hand. “Please Eryn, hear me out.”

  I reluctantly sat down. “John J. I’m not sure what you think you can say that would have any bearing on the contract I have or had with your son.”

  He shook his head. “This isn’t about any contract, Eryn. This is about you and my son.”

  “There is no me and your son. He lied to me. He. Lied.”

  “Did he lie or did he choose to not tell you something he knew, you not only did not want to hear, but if you knew you’d walk. Just as you did.”

  I couldn’t respond to that, so I said nothing.

  “I like you Eryn. I think you’re good people. More than that, I believe you’re good for my son. He hasn’t always had it easy. How could he with me for a father? I could have done better by him. I didn’t while he was young. He might be a man now, but I’ll be damned, if I keep my mouth shut. Not if by opening myself up it might help.”

  “I’m sorry, John J. I truly am. But I—”

  “You’re not the only one who suffered, darlin’. Pike has too. Don’t let his mama’s mistake dog him his entire life. Don’t punish him for being my son. Katie made a terrible mistake one night. One. She did not take your father’s life. But paid for her part in it and so did I. Don’t you dare make my son pay too.”


  John J glanced away from me for a moment. “Pike doesn’t know what I’m about to tell you. Only your mama does now, cause I told her and I suspect she told your Uncle David. Pike knows parts of it, he doesn’t know the details and I ask no matter what you decide about you and him, you not hurt him anymore with this.”

  “John J—”

  “Your word, ma’am.”

  “I promise.”

  He nodded. “Pike’s mama was in a medium security prison, but in the minimum side. Those were the ones up for parole in a few months or not there for long periods. The ones requiring the least amount of supervision. I met Katie, his mom, the first day, in fact I signed her in. It wasn’t love at first sight.” He grinned. “But damn close. She was so tiny, yeah Pike takes after me in his size. She just had this look about her. Now I’d seen all kinds in my ten years as a guard there, but she was young and something about her just drew me to her. She was different from the others in there. I checked out her records and my instincts had been correct. She’d never been in trouble before. I think she just had shitty representation, so got more time than she should have if any at all.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Not your fault. Anyway, I began to seek her out. I don’t know, just drawn to her. Wanted her to know she had a friend there and she had nothing to fear in that place. It wasn’t as bad as some places not as good as others, but given the section she was in she had a lot of freedom. She was really quiet and a little shy, she loved to sing and she and a couple of others had a little singing group going that would perform every week. You think Pike can sing. His mama, well let’s just say the angels are sitting up there listening to her all day.”

  I had to smile at that thought. The way John J’s face lit up while talking about his dead wife. It was plain for anyone to see how much he loved and still loves her.

  “We began spending time alone together. She didn’t have any family, none who came to see her. So, while others had visitors, she had no one. I began to keep her company. Then started to keep each other company.” He shrugged. “I make no apologizes for falling in love with her, and the actions afterward. Right or wrong, I wouldn’t have Pike, so I refuse to call it wrong. Believe it or not, we’d only been together like that twice. I wanted to marry her and had already begun to prepare. I knew I’d have to resign, the state frowned on guards marrying inmates, but then she told me she was pregnant.”

  I gasped. I had no idea. Not sure what I thought had happened, but was riveted by John J’s story.

  “I went to the warden that night and resigned. My career was over, once it came out anyway. No way, could I have married an inmate and remained a guard. It didn’t take long for word to spread.” He shook his head. “I loved her and she loved me. But it didn’t matter. Once word got out, I got the shit beat out of me the next day by some of my fellow guards and her parole was put in jeopardy as a result. I was in the hospital for two days, she didn’t even know. No one would tell her anything.”

  “What? Why would they beat you up like that?”

  “Now mind you, it wasn’t rape, but I’d crossed a line, not just an ethical one. There are a lot of unwritten codes in that world.”

  “I’m sorry, John J.”

  “Well, wasn’t long after that she got diagnosed with breast cancer but she insisted on having the baby instead of treatment.”

  “Wait! WHAT?”

  He nodded. “She was five months pregnant when she was diagnosed, and refused to abort the baby or take treatment until after Pike was born.”

  “Oh my God, John J, oh my God.”

  John now had tears in his eyes. “So you see now, she paid for her sins. In many different ways. She started treatment right after Pike was born and it helped for a while. She lived to see his fourth birthday.”

  When the tears began to fall from his eyes, I could no longer hold them from mine. “I’m so, so sorry, John J. So sorry.”

  “Yeah, so you’re not the only one Eryn. You and your mom aren’t the only ones. You lost your father, your mother her husband. I lost my wife and Pike his mom. You two against all fucking odds have found each other. The question I guess only you can decide is, is that enough? Do you love him?”

  I shook my head. “I…”

  He patted my hand. “I know it’s a lot to take in and you don’t have to answer me. All I can ask is that you at least talk to him. Hear him out. Know that this suit is just his way of trying to get you to t
alk to him.”

  I sighed. “I’m not going to lie. I was angry when I found out.”

  “I bet. Hurt too, maybe because you do love him.” He grinned slightly and I could see some of his son in his features. “But do you understand why he did what he did?” He held up his hands. “No don’t answer that. Just let him explain.”

  “I don’t know—I just.”

  “There’s something else you should know, Pike didn’t know I met with you today. He thinks your meeting is next week.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a lanyard with a badge on it. Placing it on the table, he continued, “This is for you. It’s your backstage pass and ticket to the VIP section for the concert starting in a couple of hours. He almost cancelled his sold out concert tonight, but he didn’t want to disappoint his fans. He already knows what that feels like. Go to him, hon. He needs you.”

  I got up and hugged John J, then kissed his cheek. I made a decision. “You’re a wonderful man, John J, and raised a very talented son.” I picked up the pass and straightened up clutching it in my hand. My mind and emotions were in a tailspin with everything I’d been told. If my mother could forgive them, why couldn’t I? I needed to go home change and get to The Center. Looks like I was going to a concert tonight.

  I’d been to concerts before, so none of it was new, even sitting in the VIP section. I knew how to get backstage and where to go. I opted not to go to the Green room, where the acts set up before taking the stage. So, I didn’t see Pike before he got on, I headed to my seat instead. I didn’t want to see him before his show. I wanted to watch him in his element. Okay, maybe I was also being a bit of a coward. I didn’t do rejection well and the possibility existed in the back of my mind. What if his dad was wrong? What if he was pissed at me for my rejection of him? What if he didn’t love me as I loved him? I’ve never been timid or hesitant about anything in my life, but with Pike, maybe for the first time in my life…I wasn’t sure about my past actions or the present one.


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