Let It Be Me

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Let It Be Me Page 18

by Barbara Speak

  "Really? I can?"

  "Sure you can. My truck's running, grab whatever you want to take and let's go."

  I walked back down the hall and saw John in the kitchen. He looked at me wearing an expression that could only be read one way: he was baiting me. There was a time for that and this wasn't it.

  "I'm ready."

  Shelby came up behind me with her backpack slung over her shoulder.

  "Where are you taking her?"

  "She's going over to a friend’s house to play."

  "What makes you think..."

  I grabbed Shelby and pushed her out the door without listening to the rest of his rant. I closed it behind me and walked back to my truck waiting for him to come storming out. I thought he may have decided it wasn't worth it but was proven wrong as we backed out of the driveway and the front door flew open. I hit the gas and sped off down the street.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm taking you to Maddie's."

  "What's going on?"

  "Nothing you need to worry about."

  "Not that again."


  Maddie rode Shelby's bus so every time we passed her house Shelby would point it out. It wasn't too far from town and took us less than ten minutes to get there. Once we were in the driveway, Maddie was running toward the truck.

  "Someone's excited you're here."

  Shelby didn't say anything she just unbuckled her seat belt, jumped out of the car and ran into the house behind Maddie. I got out but Maddie's mom stopped me by holding up her hand.

  "Don't worry, I got her. Go do whatever it is you want. She's safe here."

  "Thank you so much."

  "Anytime, hun."

  I got back in and drove to the very place I had just left. Minutes later, I was pulling back in the driveway ready to kill him while my body shook like a chicken. My nerves were shot. I was scared to death but tired of him and everything that came along with having him in my life.

  I threw the front door open intentionally, knowing he would come.

  "What the hell do you think you are doing around here? You think you can just come and go as you please and take my daughter with you. By the way, where is she?"

  "She's safe."

  "What the fuck do you mean ‘she's safe’? Where is my daughter?"

  "Did you take the case on purpose?"

  He was fuming but I caught the small smirk he let escape before he covered it up. "You bet your ass I did."

  "Why? How is hurting Canyon going to make any difference to you or me? I'm leaving. You can have your precious family. He has nothing to do with any of this!"

  "You took my life away from me, Arianna. You think I care who I have to take down to hurt you. You can lie all you want but this is eating you up inside, just like I want it to. I don't give two shits about that boy or his uncle."

  "I didn't take anything away from you! I didn't force you to get involved. I had nothing to do with you taking that money!"

  He slapped me. As hard as he could, he struck me right across my left cheekbone. My hand immediately covered it, rubbing it back and forth.

  "You think I had a choice? No one would hire me. I had to take that money, you little bitch."

  "You are a sorry excuse for a man. You could have protected me. You got caught up with the wrong people and used me to get out of it."

  "You think you have it all figured out but you don't know shit. If that deal didn't come with the terms it did from Michael Thompson himself I would have left your ass for them to kill you. It's where you belong."

  "You don't think that without me they wouldn't have killed you? I was your life preserve."

  "Are you kidding me? You think you saved us? This is ALL YOUR FAULT!"

  "You keep telling yourself that. I'm done being your punching bag for insults and blame. You got yourself in this mess. Now stay away from Canyon."

  "Or what? He will beat me up? I'm not scared, Arianna. Not in the slightest."

  "You don't have to be scared of him. It's me that's coming for you. When you least expect it, it will be me that brings you down."

  I walked out, the door slamming closed behind me. My whole body was shaking so hard I thought I might possibly pass out. I managed to climb up into the cab of my truck, drove over to Canyon's and laid down on the seat breathing slowly until he got there.

  Twenty minutes later I heard the crunch of the gravel crushing under his tires as his truck pulled up the driveway. I sat up and opened the door to my truck just as he got out of his.

  "Hey there. How did practice go?"

  As Canyon walked toward me I watched his expression change the closer he got.

  "Practice was fine." He lifted his right hand to cup my jaw bone on the side of my face John had struck. "I see you didn't have a good time. Can you please explain to me why you would leave me to go there? Please, Ari, tell me because I am doing everything I can to keep myself from driving over there and killing him. Only now, if I even touch the son-of-a-bitch, I'm threatening an officer of the court. My uncle could use it against me in court, Ari! So please, tell me why."

  "Calm down, baby. I'm okay and you don't need to go do anything. All I need is for you to hold me and let me know that we're going to be all right. I'm not feeling so confident about that right now."

  "You and me, we're always going to be good. Even when it gets bad there's gonna be good in us. Don't doubt that."

  "We are going to fix this."

  "I don't see how, but I have faith."

  "Your lawyer can't come up with anything?"

  "My lawyer is the attorney that handles my estate. He isn't equipped to handle a case like this."

  "Why not get a different one?"

  "I don't have any money for a retainer."

  "Then it will be up to us."

  "You have far more confidence in us than I do, that's for sure."

  "At least one of us does."

  "Come on, let's get you inside. I want some ice on that cheek of yours. Just tell me one thing. Did you say something that made it worth the pain?"

  "I sure did. Standing up to that man felt amazing."

  "I'm proud of you, darlin'. Just know you aren't going back over there until all this is settled."

  "You can't expect me to do that."

  "I can and I am. If I can't keep him from putting his hands on you there I sure as hell can here. If he steps foot on my property, I'm laying his ass out."

  I sat at the kitchen table holding ice to my face while Canyon cooked dinner for us. He was making something he called pork and bean hot dish. Only it was browned hamburger instead of pork which made no sense, seasoned salt, garlic powder, barbecue sauce and a can of pork and beans. You have no idea how gross it looked when he made my plate but then he put Parmesan cheese over the top and I flat refused to eat it.

  "Just try it."

  "No way."

  "Come on. I know it looks gross but I swear it's good. Don't be a sissy."

  I picked up my fork feeling completely on the spot with him staring at me and took a bite. Believe it or not, it was delicious. Everything he seemed to make was. After we ate and finished cleaning the kitchen, I had to leave and go get Shelby.

  "You're not going by yourself."

  "Canyon, you have to stop this. I'm going to be fine. You have to trust me."

  He grabbed me and picked me up, resting me on the counter coming to stand between my legs. "I can't let you go."

  "I'm just getting my sister and taking her home."

  "I'm not just talking about tonight, Ari."

  I held his jaw with my thumbs as my fingers rested behind his ears. "You have to know that what I'm doing is for you. I need you to know this."

  "I don't know anything, you won't tell me."

  "I can tell you that you make me feel more when I'm with you than I have ever felt before. That every day has gotten brighter because you were a part of it. That one of your smiles beats down all of the bad in my day. I may not be
able to tell you everything but what I can is worth so much more."

  I didn't give him the chance to fight with me. Instead, I took his lips and sucked off the taste of him. Our tongues met and everything in my body went limp. His hands went up the back of my shirt and began rubbing me up and down before they slid to my stomach.

  My hands came down from his head and met with his, stopping this from going any further.

  "Hey." He continued to kiss me completely ignoring the fact I was trying to stop. "Canyon." His tongue licked across my bottom lip causing my body to quiver. "Listen to me, baby. I have to go get Shelby. I can't leave her there all night."

  He finally stopped. "Fine. But you will come back here after you take her home, right?"

  "Yes, I will come back. I promise."

  I gave him one last peck on the lips before I jumped down from the counter and started for the door.

  "Don't miss me too much while I'm gone."

  "Don't you worry. I won't think about you for a second."

  I smiled as I walked out the door until I climbed in my truck thinking the whole time, “How did I ever get so lucky?”

  Chapter 21

  Shelby didn't want to leave but it was nearing seven-thirty and she still had to shower and get ready for bed.

  "Maybe you can come back another time."

  "Of course you can, Shelby. You're welcome at our house anytime. Maddie needs to start getting ready for bed too."

  She wasn’t happy about it but I finally got her to give Maddie a hug, thank her mom for having her and into the truck. When we pulled into the driveway, Shelby turned to me.

  "What happened?"

  "It's nothing—"

  "I need to worry about? Well, you're wrong. I am worried."

  "Don't be. It will all work itself out. Now come on. I need to get you inside."

  I hated leaving her hanging like that but I didn't have the answers she needed. She wanted me to reassure her and that's what I was trying to do. I got out before she could ask any more questions, walked to the front door, and turned to wait for her. Once we were inside, I walked straight back to my bedroom and began to pack my bag.

  "Where are you going?"

  I turned to see Shelby at my door. "I'm going to stay at Canyon's tonight. I'll see you tomorrow when you get home from school."

  "Are you really coming back?"

  I set the bag down and walked over to her.

  "I would never leave you without saying goodbye and this isn't goodbye. This is me just telling you I will see you tomorrow. Now you need to get in the shower, little one."

  "Okay, but promise you will come back tomorrow."

  "I promise."

  Shelby got in the shower and I walked out of the door without looking back. I hated everything about that house other than that little girl.

  I got in the truck and was backing out of the driveway when my gas light came on. Knowing I didn't want to stop in the morning on my way to school I decided to run by the gas station before I went back to Canyon's. The only station was in the center of town right next to the post office and the grocery store. Small town living at its finest.

  I pulled up to the pump listening to Carrie Underwood's “Blown Away”. I loved this song so when I got out I turned the volume all the way up so I could hear it while I was pumping. Looking around I took in just how peaceful everything looked. It amazed me how deceiving things could be from the outside. No one knew what was really going on inside the houses nearby.

  The handle clicked letting me know the tank was full. I hung it up and grabbed my wallet so I could go inside and pay. All I was thinking about when I opened the door and walked in was grabbing a root beer and an ice cream sandwich. What I was met with was the last thing I ever expected.

  Standing at the counter with his blond hair gelled perfectly, in his standard Affliction jeans, Doc Martin boots and the black North Face jacket I bought him for Christmas was Kale Thompson. I didn't know what to do. Part of me wanted to run and hide while the other half wanted to find out why he was there and how he found me. I didn't get the time to decide before he turned and noticed me for the first time.


  I stood in place while he practically ran toward me and then picked me up and spun me around in the middle of the store. My hands were at my sides. I didn't hug him back. To be honest, I didn't know how to feel about any of it.

  "What are you doing here?" was all I could get out.

  He set me down and softly cupped my face just the way I always remembered. "Just look at you. You're more beautiful now than you ever were."

  "I asked you a question."

  "Wow, you're still mad at me? I get it. Is there anywhere we could go and talk?"

  I looked at the girl working the counter who not only went to my school but was listening to everything we were saying.

  "Yeah, there's a park down the road. Follow me."

  I grabbed my wallet to pay for my gas when Kale held up his hand stopping me.

  "I got this." He threw a card down on the counter and waited to sign the receipt before turning back to me.

  "Lead the way."

  I walked out the door and headed for my truck when Kale said, "Why don't we take my car?"

  "I'd rather us both drive."

  "Since when? Besides, what the hell is that thing? What happened to your car?"

  "Don't come here making fun of my life, Kale. You have no idea what I have gone through!"

  "Look." He came so close I could smell the cologne he always wore. How I didn't pick up on that the first time is beyond me. I must have been in shock and blocked it out. "I want to make it up to you. Please just give me a chance and hear me out."

  "I said I would listen, didn't I?"

  "You have to stop with the attitude. I'm trying to fix this."

  "Good luck with that, Kale. I haven't heard from you since that night!"

  "Are you going to listen to me or scream all night?"

  "Fine. I'll go with you but don't get your hopes up."

  I left my truck and got in his rental car. I wasn't the least bit surprised that it was a Cadillac; he only drove the best. Kale closed the door once I was in and walked around to get in the driver’s side.

  Sitting there, I continued to wonder how he found me and what he expected to happen now that he had. Kale opened his door while I sat there with my hands clasped together in my lap and got in. We drove in silence to the park I was telling him about other than me giving him directions. Once the car was parked I grabbed for the door handle but Kale put his hand on my left inner thigh stopping me from getting out.

  "I'm sorry, Arianna. For everything that I did and what happened, I'm sorry."

  "I wish I could say that I forgive you but I just can't."

  I pushed his hand off and got out of the car. I needed as much space as possible from him. It wasn't that I detested him. In fact, it was the complete opposite. I had loved Kale Thompson ever since the ninth grade homecoming dance he asked me to. I lived and breathed for that boy and to have him there was the hardest thing in the world for me after he left me to suffer.

  I walked over and sat down on a swing and began to rock myself back and forth. Kale joined me by sitting on the seat next to me and grabbed ahold of the linked chain on either side of him.

  "I came here for you. You know that, right? I'm here to take you out of this hell hole and bring you back. It's been long enough."

  I drug the toe of my foot through the dirt bringing myself to a stop. "I can't go back. That's part of the deal, remember? Oh, I forgot, you wouldn't know what deal was made. You were to freakin’ high at the time."

  "Stop! Just stop it! You know I never would have let that happen if I wasn't. I have loved you for as long as I could love. You were my first everything, Arianna. I have been lost without you."

  "Lost, huh? It sure didn't look that way on Facebook! You and everyone else seemed just fine while I was the one who lost everything. ME, Kale, not YOU!"r />
  He stood up from his swing and came over to mine steaming mad. His arms were under mine pulling me up to him and before I knew what was happening his lips crashed into mine with a fever I had forgotten we had between us. We always fought like crazy but we made love the same way. We were intense in every respect of the word.

  My hands grabbed onto his shirt while his fisted in my hair. As mad as I was, I missed him and everything that came along with our dysfunctional relationship. Reality slapped me in the face seconds later though when an image of Canyon went through my mind. I jerked away, pushing Kale off of me, panting from the adrenaline coursing through my veins. He took a step to come back at me but I put my hand up signaling for him to stop.

  "I need to think, Kale. Not be convinced by what happens when we're together. That's not healthy and you know it."

  "You can hate me all you want but you still love me just as much. Don't try to deny what we have, Arianna, it will always be there."

  He was right. No matter how much I wanted to hate him he was my first everything too. I had never loved anyone before him. Never felt the desperation you feel when you find something you never want to let go of.

  "How do you think I could go back and questions wouldn't start up? They put me here for a reason. That isn't going away."

  "So we don't go back. Both of us graduate in less than a week. We can move anywhere and start all over. What college do you want to go to, I'm down for where ever you pick. It can be just you and me. Screw everyone else."

  Don't think for a second that I didn't want to jump in his arms and say, “Let’s go”. Of course I did. If I left, not only would I get away from John but Canyon wouldn't be his target anymore. He could go on with living out his dreams and he wouldn't have me plaguing them. Shelby was going to be the hard part. Saying goodbye to her was going to crush me. The promise I made that night had my answer to Kale crystal clear.

  "I can't leave with you tonight, Kale. I just can't. Shelby's here. I won't leave her without a goodbye."

  "So when will you be ready?"

  "I don't know. I graduate next Friday. Give me until then to decide, please."


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