Home > Other > CHERISH > Page 7

by Dani Wyatt

  I smell the hint of his clean aftershave as he brings his lips down to my ear.

  “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

  He pushes forward. The first brush of his cock sends electricity pulsating over my skin. I draw in a sharp breath and he glides inside, spreading me, pushing his cock slowly where I want all of him right now.

  “How much?” I mutter as he draws back, making me gasp. How can a body crave something so deeply? I don't just want his cock inside of me. I feel like I may die if I don't get it.

  He’s playing with me. “I love you past the stars. Out there in the universe where there is no time, no measure of things in this world. I love you in a way that no one else on this earth can. Not in this life and not after.”

  His face hovers above mine. His lips part. His tongue comes out to taste mine as he presses up and inside of me, every muscle in his torso like stone as he brings every inch of himself into my body. Until I’m stretched and full, and the pain is as beautiful and pleasurable as him.

  “God, more.” I try to raise myself and arch into him but his body is in control. He is in control, just as he's always in control. He draws back and pushes home faster. Harder. His lips are on mine, stealing away the moan from my lips, wrenching it from my chest as my heart strains to beat fast enough.

  Our tongues entwine as he grinds down into me. Flesh slaps, then he slows, gently moving the hard plane of his body against me. One of his hands reaches down and he raises his body slightly.

  A tremor engulfs me as his fingertips reach between us and he parts my outer lips, splaying my pussy open. Beck presses his body down to keep me spread wide, my clit firm against his hard flesh.

  He moves down onto his elbows, keeping one hand behind my head, taking control and pulling me to the side as his mouth traces kisses and licks down from my ear, traversing my neck like a seductive snake as he moves his hips in graceful motion.

  “You’re my beautiful little girl.”

  My body consumes his length again and again as he thrusts onto me and into me. My legs spread wider until my hips ache. I want him deeper, deeper. I want every inch of him until he tears at me, morphing the pain into stunning pleasure that leaves me melted under him.

  “God, babe, the noises you make . . . you’re going to make me cum just listening to you,” He whispers and I can hear the smile in his voice.

  He's right. The noises I'm making, the moans of pleasure, they're coming from places inside me I didn’t even know existed.

  His body blankets me. Claims me from head to toe. I begin to quake as he presses down, in and out, back and forth, until I’ve flown beyond this world to somewhere higher. Shaking and cumming. He moves faster and faster, rising up over me, gripping my legs behind the knees, pulling me high and wide as his face turns into a primal grimace.

  The orgasm hits me like soft punches from sensual velvet fists, driving the air from my lungs. My body hurts as Beckett growls and buries himself as deep as he’s ever gone, his cock thick and forceful as his fingertips dig into the soft flesh of my legs. I’m completely at his mercy.

  I am immersed in the view of his magnificence. He dwarfs me in his masculinity and his power. The scars on his face become something more, something stunningly beautiful.

  “God, babe, so fucking good—” His hips churn forward and back, his face tight, eyes focused on me.

  “I want your cum.” I breathe the words, not even a whisper, but he still hears me and I know that it will push him over the edge.

  “It’s all yours, babe. Every drop is going into that sweet pussy of yours. So spread those lips because my cock is ready to come home.”

  He draws his hands up my calves, pulling my legs even wider and as his cock thickens, I feel the tearing. He slams so hard into me that my arms shoot out to grab handfuls of bedding to steady myself.

  With a roar, he seats himself as deep as my body can take. The last slam of his hips against my open, swollen pussy is enough to push me into one more wave of orgasm, leaving us both panting and covered in sweat.

  His cock explodes. I feel the rush of his sticky, hot cum. Feeling him gush inside me is as close to heaven as I have been.

  A few labored breaths and he focuses those breathtaking eyes back on me, breaking into his signature post-sex smile.

  “That is world class pussy, babe. How do you make it better every time?” He chuckles as he softly moves my legs back down with a gentle caress before he lets go.

  “I have superpowers too.” I giggle, wincing as every movement reminds me of how deep he went.

  “Super pussy. That’s what you’ve got down there and it’s going to be the death of me. I may just fuck you until my damn cock falls off, you’re that good.”

  He comes back down and kisses my neck, his cock still buried inside me.

  “What are you doing?” I mutter into his neck as he starts to move again.

  “Testing your superpowers.” He takes my mouth in his, loops his powerful arms around my waist and in a single, graceful movement, he flips us over, mounting me on top of him. “I want to see what else you can do.”

  His hands rest on my hips, swaying me back and forth. I shake my head, closing my eyes against the pleasure beginning to build yet again.

  “You have no off switch.”

  “Not with you.” He licks his lips. “Besides, we are technically on our honeymoon, so I need to up my game. If you’re still able to walk, we aren’t done.”

  His fingertips trace up my sides so softly I can barely feel it, but my skin tingles and I begin to jerk and quiver.

  His powerful hands cup my breasts, shooting new vibrations of lust through me. He is so distractingly gorgeous laying there under me, all hard and masculine. I nearly forget the burning pain between my legs.

  He knows how to move. Even though parts of my brain want to be left alone, he shifts and takes control of my hips. Within thirty seconds I am liquid, following in his wake.

  “Let me see you cum again. I love your sounds. How innocent you look. Show me, babe, show me that face. The face only I can give you.”

  I catch a glimpse of myself in the enormous windows on the south wall of the loft. My belly is creased horizontally as I lean forward and for a split second I disconnect, creases lining my face. My eyes narrow, then squeeze shut as an unwelcome thought pierces the moment.

  As soon as it happens I wish it hadn’t, because spidey doesn’t miss much.

  “Did you just look at yourself and then make that face?” Beckett’s voice loses its lusty humor. Now it’s steel. Hard and sharp.

  I consider lying, but that is Beckett’s hot button. The most grievous of sins. So I screw up my face, pull my lips to the side and give in to the little nod.

  “Seriously?” He digs harsh fingertips into my hips until I make that puppy yelp. “Look again. Right fucking now. Look into that window.” His commanding voice sends a chill through my body even as his dick fattens inside of me.

  I lift my eyes, taking a deep breath, then push gently up off his chest to sit tall. It seems strange to have him so far inside me with neither of us moving. Like some crazy tableau.

  His hands let go of my hips, then tighten at my waist, squeezing, thumbs rubbing up and down under my belly button. He’s focused on the softest, squishiest part of my tummy and I look away from the reflection.

  I barely feel his hand leave my waist before I feel the sting of his spank on the side of my ass.


  “Yeah, ‘Ow.’ Look at yourself, I said.”

  “I’m looking!” I snap back, pouting, and another sharp smack lands on top of the last one.

  I’ve learned that the smacks get exponentially more painful on top of each other.

  I’ve also learned I like it.

  A lot.

  I have quit trying to understand it. Beckett brings me that little bit of pain and it does things to me. That's all I know. It's all I need to know. The pain does things.

  Good thi

  It sharpens my mind.

  Right now, he’s trying to shut out the noise in my head. He's trying to get me to focus. And it’s working.

  “Keep your eyes on that window,” his voice rumbles under me. The playful Beckett that was here a minute ago is long gone.

  The side of my butt warms as he starts to move beneath me, both his hands covering my tits as they sway with my movement. Then his thumbs and forefingers roll my nipples, making me gasp, and his hips rock me back and forth. His cock is somewhere near my pancreas.

  “Look at yourself and see yourself through my eyes. What I see is beauty beyond any measure. Straight out of a fairy tale where the townspeople tell folk stories about the goddess in the clouds. The mythical creature that drives me practically crazy every fucking morning when I wake up and see her next to me. But it’s more than how you look, it’s you. Magic lives inside of you. You are everything to me.”

  Through my reflection, I can see my body moving, swaying, as his cock strokes into me and out of me. My lips fall open as our slick bodies find their rhythm and we become one. We are soaking each other and the sheets.

  A low hum builds inside of me. He controls my hips, my body. He bends his knees to push himself up higher and the hum steadily grows into a warmth that moves and gathers in my core.

  The friction between our bodies heats my skin. Beckett locks his grip on my ass now, shifting me forward and back. I feel the thickest part of him moving in and out, making me suck in a breath to steady myself. But I don’t take my eyes from the reflection. It’s riveting. And in one fleeting moment, I see it too and it brings me peace.

  The same beauty that he sees. I'm not embarrassed to recognize it, not self-conscious nor modest. The beauty isn't mine, it's ours, and I'm fixated.

  “That’s it. You are more spectacular than my highest high. Every time I look at you, every time you let me make love to you, you are more beautiful than the last time. And you are mine.” The timbre in his voice lowers to a growl. His body moves faster, jerking me to and fro over the hard plane of his lower abdominals.

  My hair falls over my face. My hands cling to his forearms as they control our bodies, working them together, in time. I’m so full, his size beyond what I think I can take. And yet.

  I do.

  I choke on the gasp and the silent scream that rip through my lungs as the tingle races up from my toes. My hips take on a life of their own. Beckett lifts his head to watch me and I feel his cock turn to stone.

  We are as together as two people can be, moving as one. He makes a deep, thundering noise as my body gushes and tightens around the base of his exploding cock. We cum in unison and it makes us both shudder. I can't control my hands as they turn to claws. My nails score the flesh of his hard muscle.

  He pushes me down onto him as hard as he ever has, and that burning comes yet again as he seats himself into my core and fills me with his cum.

  I am covered in a sheen of sweat. My hair clings to it, the hard peaks of my nipples pushing through the wild ivory strands. I puff out some air, trying to keep from sucking my hair down my throat, as I pant and breathe like I’ve just run for my life.

  His grip is like iron on the round base of my ass. The sting from the belt is still a low throb and the mess between my legs runs down and over his hips.

  We look at each other. The love in his eyes still startles me sometimes. It takes us a good minute or more to catch our breath.

  “Shower?” he says on a raspy exhale.

  I nod, unable to figure out how to form the simple words I need at that moment.

  “You feel better, babe?” He gathers me against him. By now I instinctively know not to even think about dismounting. That's not his way.

  He intends to carry me to the bathroom while he is still inside me. So I wrap my arms around his neck as he settles his warm lips onto mine. He shifts to the edge of the bed, and I wrap my legs around him, locking them behind his back so that when he stands I cling to him like a baby.

  “Yes. I feel better, Daddy.” I throw in the playful title when it feels right. And right now it does, because he takes care of me in ways I didn’t know someone could.

  “Good girl.”

  As he takes a few steps from the bed, his phone dings with a text. Then another ding. Then two more all right in succession. All of a sudden, everything that's going on is right at the forefront of my mind again.

  But he doesn’t stop walking.

  “Beck, your phone—it could be news about Jordan or something.”

  “Could be,” he agrees. “But right now, we’ll finish what we started. Shower first, then phone. Whatever it is, it will wait.”

  But what if it won’t?


  We kiss and let the water fall over us until our fingers prune and my ever present hard on doesn't give up, ready for another round. But I can see the tension in Promise's face. She's done here.

  I nod. “Okay, babe, let's see what the message is all about.”

  The shower became a place where we connected in a different way.

  Sure, we connect in lots of ways, but besides the sex, it’s intimate.

  I love soaping her, the slick texture of her skin like silk under my rough hands. Gliding down her belly, over her back, working my fingers through her hair. But this time, we need to get moving.

  I shut down the jets of hot water, grab the white towel from the bar at the far end of the shower, step toward her and start my ritual of patting down every glorious curve. She'll be warm and dry before she steps out of the glass enclosure.

  “You said you talked to your friends? You mean your brothers right?”

  “Yep. Called Jax. He’s still connected up the chain with security clearances. He’s searching for family details as well as anything else in Louis’s past which may help. Brendan is ready to hop on a plane when I say the word. Brendan opted out like me, but he and Jax live close to each other, so they are on top of stuff I can’t do from here.” I pause, distracted when she unwraps herself and towels her hair, leaving me in silent admiration of what’s mine.


  I’m staring and her lips are moving but my ears aren’t clicked on.


  Crap, she’s giving me the look.

  “You’re not listening.” She takes a step forward and I notice her legs are still a little wobbly.

  Mission accomplished. That last little pussy feast in the shower tipped her over the edge.

  “Okay, babe. Yes? I’m listening.” I step forward and kiss her cheek, wanting more but restraining myself.

  She trembles and I pull her to my chest, feeling the softness of her against me. I’m immersed in just how gone I am over this woman

  “Promise me you’ll bring him back. Whatever you have to do. I don’t care what it is. Just do it. Okay?” She twists away and her words are hard. Determined. We both know there are things I can do that we won’t say out loud.

  I set the phone back on the kitchen counter next to the pile of mail I still need to deal with.

  Promise sits next to me on the counter as I perch on a stool. I remember the day when I sat her in this exact spot and kissed her. Felt feelings I thought were bullshit concocted in some romance novel laboratory just to drive chicks crazy and make dudes look pathetic.

  It’s real.

  Love and leprechauns and unicorns.

  All the crazy stars in your eyes, bursting pain in the chest, tingling in parts you didn’t know could tingle, where you didn’t know you had parts; it’s all fucking real when you find the right one. Fuck if I can explain it, but if it happens to you, you are one of the lucky few.

  I fold my hands in my lap and stare at the phone. The silence fills every square inch of the massive space inside the loft. Five thousand square feet times twenty foot ceilings equals a big ass space. And I feel each silent inch resting on my shoulders.

  “So?” She’s annoyed because I wouldn’t put Brendan on speaker phone. S
ome things aren’t meant for her ears.

  “So, okay.” I take a deep breath and gooseflesh covers my arms. “Right now, they found out Louis has a sister. She lives in Ontario.” Each word feels like a hundred-pound lead weight.

  The questions shoot out of her mouth like rapid fire.

  “Okay. So? What about her? Should we go see her? Did you know he had a sister? What does that mean? What else did he say? How can we—”

  She’s firing questions as fast as my brain can keep up and my single focus processes each piece of information from Brendan as a unit. Then, I’ll put them together into something more tangible.

  “Babe.” It comes out harder than I intend and she releases a puff of air through her nose and curls her arms around her waist. “Just give me a second okay? I have to fucking process.”

  I put a hand on her knee watching her eyes fall to where I’m touching her, and her shoulders drop along with her chin.

  From what Brendan told me, until he was twenty-five, Louis Spicer was known as Bakari Raz. The first clue of his living in America came when he was nineteen. He gained his citizenship two years later. He’s a dual citizen. Pays taxes in the US. No criminal background. The only way they found his sister is because she immigrated to the US originally before moving to Canada and put down Bakari Raz as family.

  There’s probably more, but my boys are going to do some more digging and get back to me in the morning. It’s pushing nine o’clock now.

  Just as I’m trying to figure out how to make the intel that my boys provided work into a strategy, my phone rings and I don’t miss the eye roll from Promise as I pick it up and take the call.

  “Hello?” I narrow my eyes at her, but I can’t help but get a second wind of blood heading south as she pouts at me.

  She needs to stop doing that pouting thing. I can’t fucking think when she does that.

  “Mr. Fitzgerald? It’s Detective Northrup.”

  My skin feels cold as Promise mouths silently at me, “Who is it?”

  I press a finger to my lips and she throws her arms up.

  “Yeah. What’s up? You have anything?”

  “I may. First off, I had a chat with the investigators on the case of the fire in your apartment.” He leaves it hanging there too long and my head is already beginning to pound.


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