Bound to the Alpha

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Bound to the Alpha Page 1

by D. J. Heart

  Bound to the Alpha

  D.J Heart



  1. Part One: Claimed

  2. Part Two: The Collar

  3. Part Three: Feral Omega

  4. Part Four: False Bliss

  5. Part Five: Calm Before The Storm

  6. Part Six: Feral Alpha

  7. Part Seven: A New Course

  8. Part Eight: Settled Omega

  Also by D.J Heart

  Copyright © 2015 by D.J Heart

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Part One: Claimed

  Derek took a deep breath, wrinkling his nose when the cloying and oppressive scent of omega hit his nostrils. What the fuck were they thinking, mixing hormonal alphas and omegas together as though it were nothing? As though bonding was all sunshine and roses? It was bullshit. When he was a teenager alphas and omegas had been properly segregated, their bonding planned out and only done with the full consent of all involved parties. The current trend of letting teenage alphas and omegas meet naturally was disturbing and stupid. Derek closed his eyes and rubbed his hand over his face, already tired. The party was just so loud. There were immature high schoolers everywhere the eye could see—though to be fair, most of them were seniors. Derek didn’t belong at all.

  His sister, Erica, spotted him through the crowd, smiling and waving at him before pushing her way through the throng of teens. Derek loved his older sister, but he was already regretting agreeing to chaperone her daughter’s party. He just didn’t get this generation. Feeling like a grumpy old man, despite the fact that he was just thirty-one, Derek frowned and watched her draw closer.

  “You didn’t tell me there would be omegas here,” he complained once Erica was close enough to hear.

  The smile slid off her face, eyes hardening in a way that made Derek cringe. He hadn’t meant the comment to start an argument, but now he wondered if he’d be able to avoid one. There was no denying he and his family had vastly different opinions on omega rights. His family were all for them, while he firmly believed that an omega’s place was at its alpha’s feet, leashed and collared. It was their most frequent and intractable argument.

  “Omegas are—”

  “I know, I know. Omegas have a right to participate in society, blah, blah, blah… You still could have warned me.”

  Erica stared at him, eyes narrow slits. If they got into an argument and he stormed off she would be left to chaperone the party instead of him. She couldn't afford to start an argument on omegas for the nth time and they both knew it.

  “Let’s not talk about that,” she said, making an effort to smile. “Thank you for helping me out. Tina would have been so disappointed if we had to cancel her party. You know how it is.”

  Derek was honestly surprised Erica had managed to refrain from calling him a caveman alpha dick.

  “No problem. Though I don’t see what difference it makes. It’s not like we didn’t throw parties when we were her age.” Derek was just happy to have avoided an argument. He never made a dent in his family’s opinions, and they’d all be mad at him for days.

  “Do you remember what we did at those parties? And having you here makes a huge difference. They’re all terrified of you. You look ridiculous, by the way.”

  Derek frowned, looking down at himself. He was wearing pretty normal clothes: dark jeans, clingy Henley, and a slick leather jacket. Nothing weird or unusual.

  “What’s wrong with the way I look?” he asked, cringing at how whiny his voice sounded. His sister had the ability to get under his skin like no one else. He knew he looked good—that he looked sexy as fuck—and he hated that he let his sister make him feel ridiculous.

  “Nothing, Derek. It’s just a bit much. I mean… it’s almost eighty degrees in here. Why are you wearing a jacket?”

  Derek shrugged. Unless it got really cold or really hot, Derek wasn’t affected by the temperature. Benefits of being an alpha. It hadn’t really occurred to him that he should take his jacket off. It was part of his look—the dominant alpha—and wearing it inside felt perfectly natural. Now that Erica had commented on it, however, there was no way he was taking it off.

  “Well, you can wear what you want. Just make sure the party doesn’t get out of control. I think everyone knows that you’re here, though, so it shouldn’t be a problem. If you want you can go in the den and relax... as long as you check in on the kids every once in awhile, okay?”

  “I’ll be fine. Aren’t you late?”

  “Shit,” Erica looked at her watch, giving him a quick hug before taking off. “I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. Thanks again!”


  Derek walked around the house, puffing out his chest and squaring his shoulders, the few alphas attending the party watching him warily. The teens, most of them betas, were clustered in small groups, drinking beer out of red plastic cups and acting older than they were. Derek thought they looked ridiculous, though he had no doubt been just as bad when he was younger. Worse, probably. He started making his way toward the den, sniffing the air and wondering where the omega was. He hadn’t seen anything but alphas and betas so far, but the sweet scent was a constant distraction. He tried to tell himself that he was annoyed by the overpowering scent—the way it made his cock twitch and balls feel full and heavy—but the truth was he’d like nothing better than to find the source of the scent and…

  Derek shook himself. The last thing he needed was to get inappropriate with a teenage omega. Derek had no interest in dating omegas, preferring the more intellectually stimulating company of betas, and he’d been lucky in his youth to avoid bonding with one.

  Alphas and omegas bonded between the ages of seventeen and twenty-one, with a few bonds forming a few years outside of that bracket. Derek was far past the age of bonding, and though he would never have pups, he counted himself lucky.

  The den was sound-and scent-proof, with none of the annoyingly loud music or overwhelming smells able to penetrate the specially built walls and doors. It was an alpha’s haven, and when Derek sat down on the comfy leather couch, flicking on the TV, he breathed out a sigh of relief. The scent of the omega was still lingering in his nose, but his mind felt clear for the first time since entering his sister’s house. He couldn’t remember ever being so affected by an omega before, not even back when his parents had been trying to bond him. It was weird.

  The den had been designed by his dad, an alpha surrounded by betas, when his sister was young. The wood paneling was dark and warm, the floor covered in thick rugs. It was the one place Derek and his dad could go and not be bothered when he was small. Erica and his mom, both betas, had resented being denied access. Derek was grateful to his sister for not changing the room, letting him use it as a guest room whenever he came to visit.

  Derek watched TV for a while, flicking between a college football game he wasn’t that invested in and a show about lions on Animal Planet, deciding when both channels were showing commercials that it was time to check on the party. He pushed off the couch, stretching his arms over his head before walking to the door.

  The door barged open before he reached the handle, a boy crashing through and coming to a stop right under his nose. He froze, his mind taking a moment to process the strange boy’s intrusion, cock suddenly pressing against the crotch of his pants with enough force to strain the fabric.

  The boy was a few inches shorter than himself, young and lithe, with hands that looked just a little too big for his body. Long, graceful fingers, clen
ched nervously into fists as he crossed his arms over his chest, captivated Derek. That, and the scent of him.

  “Man, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize that this was—”

  “Shut up,” Derek growled, taking a step closer. He barely recognized himself, skin feeling too tight, that scent filling his nose making him want… making him need. The boy took a step back, a sour note of fear wafting off his skin. Derek reacted—he had no other word for it—charging the boy and slamming him back into the door, closing them inside the room. This time he turned the lock, preventing any interloper from coming in and interrupting him while he claimed what was his.

  “Dude! Just calm down, Okay. I’m sorry I interrupted your…argh!”

  Derek clamped his hand down over the boy’s lips, palm gnashing into his teeth, pinning him to the door as he pushed his face into the boy’s neck. He buried his nose in the skin under the boy’s ear, opening his mouth wide, teeth elongating, getting ready to stake his claim and seal the boy to him, to make it so that no one could ever take him away.

  “Man! You don’t want this, okay! Just, take a step back. Please!”

  The boy was begging, hands pushing uselessly at Derek’s chest, working himself into a panic. Derek ignored him. Pretty soon the boy would be bitten and claimed and any objections he had would be drowned out by the need to please his new alpha.

  Derek could taste the boy’s sweat, could feel his pulse racing on his tongue. He was perfect. All of Derek’s senses were in agreement that this was the omega for him. With one hand in the boy’s hair holding him still, throat bared for his bite, Derek sank his teeth into the tender flesh.

  The taste of blood, coppery and sweet, filled his mouth. He lapped at the wound, dragging his tongue over the ragged edges of flesh until his saliva had the gash knitting back together, leaving behind the scar declaring the boy his.

  “You fucker!” the boy screamed, pushing him away. Derek, high on the endorphins of a successful claiming, his cock hard in his pants in preparation to mount his mate, looked down at the boy with confusion. Why wasn’t he happy? He was an omega. He had been claimed. He should be bending over, presenting his hole to his alpha and begging for his knot. This wasn’t right.

  “You fucking stupid alpha caveman!” the boy was hitting him, fists pounding on his chest, the blows doing little to hurt him, though it was obvious the omega was giving it his all. This was unacceptable.

  Derek grabbed the boy’s wrists, a warning growl coming from deep within his chest, and pushed him roughly to the floor, stepping over him and sitting down on his chest. The boy went still, eyes wide and scared, breath coming in ragged little bursts. It was all wrong.

  Derek was on his knees, his omega on the floor between his thighs and looking up at him with an expression of absolute horror. Derek reached under his arms and lifted him up, easily flipping him onto his belly. Maybe if he mounted the boy he would get the reaction he wanted. He hooked his fingers in the back of his omega’s pants and yanked them down over his ass, the boy’s heartbeat like thunder in his ears. It was too fast; his breath speeding up to match the galloping rhythm.

  “Please don’t,” the omega whispered, voice small, breathless, and wet with tears. Derek froze, hands still gripping the waistband of his pants.

  This wasn’t right. The boy was his. He’d claimed him, and now it was his right to mount him. The boy should be eager for him. Should be begging him to slip into his hot little hole, to capture his knot in his slick channel. Derek pulled the pants down further, pale thighs coming into view, stopping when the fabric had been pulled all the way down to his knees.

  The omega pushed off the floor, startling Derek, and he almost managed to get to his feet. With an angry snarl Derek pushed the boy to the ground, knocking the breath out of him. He held him down, one hand on the small of his back, the other dragging a finger down between his crack and coming to rest over his hole.

  Two things happened at once. The boy gasped for breath, sobbing loudly on the exhale, and Derek realized that there wasn’t a drop of slick leaking from the boy’s hole.

  “Why aren’t you wet?” he barked, finger pushing down on the tight opening of the omega’s ass. He was angry. Every instinct was screaming at him that he should be balls-deep in the boy and listening to him begging for more, not barking out angry questions while the omega cried.

  “I’m on s-suppression,” the omega hiccuped through his tears, burying his face in his arm.

  Derek sat back, forcing himself to calm. “I’m not,” he replied, using every ounce of willpower he had to rise off the omega and step away.

  “No shit,” the omega replied, sounding pissed. The defiance, added onto the fact that the omega had used chemical suppressants to deny him what was his, pushed Derek over the edge. He pounced on the boy, plastering his bigger body down over the omega’s, bringing his mouth to the bite on the boy’s throat.

  “You fucking watch your mouth!” he snarled, one hand fisting the boy’s hair and pulling at his scalp, the other grabbing his jaw and squeezing down hard. The omega started hyperventilating, snot and tears wetting his face, making him look ugly and pathetic. Derek wanted nothing but to give in to his instincts, but he knew that he would never forgive himself if he did. Suppression or no, the boy was bonded to him. Once the chemicals wore off the boy would feel it too. A rape, however, would never be forgotten or forgiven.

  “You’re mine. Say it,” he growled, needing to hear it. He needed something to soothe the alpha in him, raging at him to take what was his.

  “I’m yours,” the omega replied, the words desperate and insincere. It was enough. With a monumental effort Derek once again pushed off the omega and rose to his feet. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, watching out of the corner of his eye as the omega pulled up his pants and scurried to the other side of the room, crouching down in the corner. Derek dialed 911, telling the operator in clipped tones that he had bonded with a suppressed omega.

  The woman on the other end of the line took the news in stride, asking, “Has it gone further than the bite?”


  “That’s very good. Are you in a safe place?”

  Derek explained where they were, giving her his parents’ address and warning her that there was a party going on in the house.

  “That’s good, Derek. The paramedics will be there in ten minutes. They’ll have something to calm you down until we can counteract the medication in your omega’s system. If you can hold out a few more hours, you can finish claiming him by the end of tonight. You just need to be strong for a few more minutes. Can you do that, Derek?”

  He breathed in, the boy’s scent calling to him, biting out a clipped, “Yes.”

  He stayed on the line, the woman assuring him over and over that he would soon be able to claim his omega. He just had to be strong for a few more minutes. The wolf in him cried out in furious protest, arguing, who is this to tell me to wait?

  “I need you to open the door for me, Derek,” the woman said after a while, startling Derek out of his thoughts. At first he balked at the idea, the thought of intruders making him growl angrily, but then he pulled himself together. Sweat on his brow, shaking with the effort of maintaining control, he unlocked the door and opened it slowly, stepping back while forcing his wolf down.

  Two men walked in, assessing the situation. Something stung his chest, and with a confused frown he looked down to see a tranquilizer dart sticking out of his chest. He looked up and saw one of the men still aiming a gun at him, a second dart burrowing into the flesh of his thigh. With an enraged roar, Derek lost consciousness.


  Scott was a mess. He was sitting in the bed next to his new alpha, an IV feeding him drugs that would have him crazed with lust and hormones by the time his alpha woke up. The room was sealed and he’d been warned that when his alpha woke up the muscular man might be slightly feral.

  “Once you start producing slick you should remove the IV and take off your clothes. Y
our alpha should wake up in about an hour or two, depending on his metabolism. If you start feeling the bonding urges, don’t hesitate to get into his bed. In this instance, following your instincts is the best course of action.”

  The doctor had been calm and measured, but Scott could see that the older man felt sorry for him. Everyone knew that the older an alpha was when they bonded, the more dominant they were. That Derek was thirty-one was almost unheard of. Scott worried what life would be like living with the imposing man. Tina—not a friend, exactly, but someone he’d hung out with more than a few times—often complained about what a caveman her uncle was. How conservative. Those conversations came back to him now and he wondered if she’d been serious when she said that Derek was against omega rights.

  Scott hoped Derek wasn’t one of the assholes who thought omegas should be like slaves to their alphas. If he was, there wasn’t much Scott could do about it. He was Derek’s property now, bound to him until death. Though society had started to thaw on the issue of omega rights, the law hadn’t caught up at all. He was completely at Derek’s mercy.

  Scott watched the clock on the wall, the seconds ticking by at an excruciating pace. He didn’t feel any different, other than the aftershocks of adrenaline, and his hole wasn’t producing an ounce of slick. He looked over to his new alpha, the man’s muscled chest rising and falling slowly, his naked form covered by a thin hospital sheet. The ridges and contours of his muscles were on display, gorgeous and impressive, not an ounce of fat anywhere. The alpha was cut and lean, his body a work of art. Scott’s gaze traveled down the alpha’s abs outlined under the thin sheet, coming to a stop when he saw the considerable tent bulging up at the alpha’s crotch. It was huge, and Scott couldn't believe that something that massive was supposed to fit into his tiny hole. He’d tried fingering himself once, soon after he’d presented, but it had been uncomfortable and he’d quickly given up. The idea that he would soon be taking a ten-inch alpha cock up his ass was terrifying.


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