Bound to the Alpha

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Bound to the Alpha Page 4

by D. J. Heart

  “Yes, of course. Why don’t you come and have a look.” She walked around the counter, moving to the back wall and gesturing for Derek and Scott to follow. “These are the models we have in stock. We have most sizes, but if we don’t we can order it for you. Do you prefer leather or metal?”

  Derek looked at the wall, the collars laid out on individual pillows. They were beautiful; gleaming black leather and steel shining under the soft store lighting. Derek couldn’t decide what he wanted. Whenever he’d pictured what an omega collar should look like, the image in his mind had always been a simple black leather band. But there was something alluring about steel. There would be no way for Scott to get it off without a key, not even with a knife.

  “It can be a tough choice,” the woman said, smiling softly. She reached up and removed a pillow, a thick collar in black leather resting on the soft velvet. “This model has a steel core with a leather overlay. It’s waterproof and made for long term wear.”

  Derek traced the collar with his fingers, the buttery softness of the leather contrasting with the unyielding steel underneath.

  “It locks?” he asked, picking it up. It was heavy, a solid weight in his hand. He turned to Scott, the boy’s wide eyes and harsh breathing sending a jolt to his cock that had him wondering if there was a back room and could he use it.

  “Yes, it locks. It can be a little tricky to get it open, but if you ever have a problem the store will help you at no cost.”

  “Can we try it on?” he asked, handing it to her. She smiled and nodded, pulling a strip of measuring tape out of her pocket.

  “Do you mind?” she asked, gesturing toward Scott with the tape, not making any move toward him. Derek nodded, taking Scott by the shoulders and guiding him into place to be measured. Scott’s body was trembling slightly, and when the woman placed the tape around his throat he gasped. The saleswoman was efficient, and before he knew it she had stepped back; Scott shuddering and sinking back against Derek’s chest. Derek wrapped his arms around him, holding him tight, rubbing his hand over his chest and calming him.

  “Do I have to?” Scott whispered, turning to look up at Derek. Derek met his gaze, lifting his eyebrow and giving him a stern look. Scott looked confused, then hastily added, “Alpha?”

  Derek nodded. “Yes.” He didn’t offer any further justification. He didn’t need to. Scott was his omega, and he would be wearing a collar because Derek wanted him to. That was the end of it.

  “I’ll be just a moment,” the saleswoman said, leaving them. As they waited, Derek grabbed Scott’s wrists in one hand and reached his other hand down to feel his cock. Scott jerked at the touch, trying to twist away, but Derek ignored his struggles and started rubbing his bulge again.

  “Alpha, please,” Scott moaned, starting to thrust his hips into Derek’s palm. Just when he suspected Scott was about to come, Derek let go and laughed.

  “No, alpha,” Scott complained, sounding like a horny little animal. Derek grinned, reaching up and pinching his nipple. The little nub was barely there, but Derek had confidence that in time—and with lots of play—they would puff up beautifully. He had a set of clamps at home that he couldn’t wait to try.

  “Here we go,” the saleswoman came back, interrupting Derek’s fun. “This should fit.” She handed Derek a collar identical to the one on the pillow, showing him how to operate the little lock. Derek lifted it off the pillow, holding it in both hands before reaching it up toward Scott’s neck.

  Scott stood stock-still, frozen in place as Derek fastened the collar around his neck. It was a perfect fit, the leather band coming to rest just under his Adam’s apple. Breathing hard, Scott reached up and grabbed Derek’s arm, needing to steady himself. Derek grabbed his waist, pulling him close and holding him tight.

  Scott pushed his face into Derek’s shirt, clutching his waist in perfect omega submission. Derek lifted his hands to the collar, making sure it wasn’t too tight.

  “Would you like me to check the fit?” the saleswoman asked, standing back a respectful distance.

  Derek shook his head. “No, it’s good. I’ll take it.”

  Derek left the store with a bag in one hand, Scott’s leash in the other. Scott trailed after him, fingers tracing the leash hooked into his collar with trembling fingers. Derek put the bag into the back of the car before unclipping the leash and guiding Scott into his seat. He leaned down and kissed the skin at the junction of the leather band, licking a stripe over Scott’s Adam’s apple and nipping at his throat with his teeth. Scott shuddered, closing his eyes and arching his back as he bared his throat for his alpha.

  “It’s not so bad, is it?” Derek asked, tracing the collar with his finger. Scott didn’t answer, closing his eyes and looking away. Sighing, Derek walked around the car to the driver’s side. Scott would get used to being collared in no time. He was sure of it.


  The collar was choking and heavy, digging into his throat with every breath. Lightheaded and nauseous, Scott trailed after his new alpha with both hands clutched around his leash. His fucking leash. Like he was some kind of a dog or animal.

  Fuck that.

  Scott seethed, his anger eclipsing his budding arousal. He didn’t care how wet the back of his pants were or how hard his cock got. He would not put up with this.

  “Stop sulking, Scott.” Derek gave the leash a little yank, unlocking his front door with a frown. Scott, having nothing to say that wouldn’t end with Derek’s belt painting his ass red, remained silent.

  Derek led him into the house, dropping his bag just inside the door and relaxing visibly. Scott stood on the end of the leash, looking around with reluctant curiosity. Derek’s house was a combination of light wood, glass, and chrome, and Scott didn’t like it. Too modern. It was nice, he guessed, but it had no personality. Scott would bet his college fund that Derek had used an interior decorator.

  Derek unclipped the leash from his collar, letting it drop to the floor as he pushed Scott back into the door. Startled, Derek’s hands clutched his waist and moved frantically around to his ass. It had him responding with a new gush of slick and a throbbing in his cock that felt amazing.

  “You wet for me?” Derek growled, pushing his face into Scott’s neck, dragging his stubble down the pale throat, rubbing him raw. “You ready to take my knot? Let me fill your greedy little cunt?”

  Scott didn’t reply, still furious, but not quite able to gather the willpower to tell Derek no. Every time he was about to speak—to tell Derek to take his knot and fuck himself with it—the alpha did something that just felt too good to interrupt.

  “Love your little tits,” Derek breathed into his mouth, kissing him hungrily as he reached up under his shirt and grabbed his nipple, twisting and pulling it. Scott moaned into the kiss, his sensitive nubs already a little sore from the action they got in the car. It felt amazing, and when Derek’s other hand pushed into his pants, fingers seeking out his hole, rubbing his rim and pushing inside, Scott’s balls pulled up and he was coming. Breath coming in short gasps, Scott humped his crotch against Derek’s muscular thigh, the orgasm ripping through his body and setting him on fire. His mind went blank, the sensations overwhelming him.

  “What did I tell you?” Derek asked him quietly, finger in his ass pushing into his prostate. Fresh off his orgasm, the touch was almost too much. “What did I fucking tell you, Scott?”

  Derek didn’t sound angry, his voice was low and intense. Scott was confused for a moment, but then he remembered.

  “Only on your knot, alpha,” he replied, feeling more annoyed than afraid. For a moment he’d forgotten how mad he was, feeling bliss so perfect it had to be addictive. He’d still been riding the high when Derek spoke. Why did the pushy alpha have to be such an asshole?

  “Excuse me?”

  Scott froze, realizing he’d spoken out loud. He didn’t reply, not sure what he could say that would make it better.

  “Scott!” Derek barked, making him jump. The alpha was
glaring at him, eyes hard and dangerous. “What did you say to me?”

  “I’m sorry, alpha,” he mumbled, looking at the floor.

  “You fucking will be.” Derek pushed out his foot, pulling Scott over his thigh and began spanking him. Scott endured the blows, the punitive swats coloring his ass red and driving his rage to epic proportions.

  Derek’s final blow was hard, his arm lifting over his head and crashing down on Scott’s ass with resounding smack. Tears in his eyes, Scott clenched his fists and forced himself to stay calm as Derek lifted him back on his feet, grabbing him by the hair and forcing him to look up into his eyes.

  “I won’t tolerate disrespect, Scott. Do you understand?”

  Scott trembled, Derek towering over him, his wide jaw clenched tight. “Yes, alpha.”

  Derek held him still, then leaned to kiss him. Scott didn’t resist, but he forced himself not to respond either. When Derek got more aggressive, pushing into his mouth like he owned it, Scott had to fight the part of him that wanted to give in and submit. The part of himself that wanted to surrender everything he had to his new alpha.

  Derek didn’t give up, kissing his way down his neck, nipping and biting his skin, licking along the edge of his collar. The more Scott resisted his instincts, the easier it became. Derek wrapped both his big arms around him, hands grabbing the globes of his ass and squeezing, lifting him up so that his chest was presented with Derek’s mouth. The alpha grinned and bit down on his nipple, teasing it with his teeth.

  Scott wasn’t even hard.

  The more he forced the mating bond and all the instincts that went with it down, the easier it became to ignore what Derek was doing to his body. Sure, Derek was hot, but Scott didn’t like him. How could he enjoy being groped and slobbered on by someone he didn’t even like? The bond had been completed, the overpowering drive to knot and mate sated. Scott didn't have to do this.

  “Alpha.” He reached up and pushed on Derek’s shoulders, but the alpha ignored him.

  “Alpha, stop it,” he tried again. This time Derek let go of his nipple and looked up at him. His eyes were eager and hot, pupils blown wide. His mouth was curled up in an obnoxious smirk.


  Scott squirmed, Derek’s hands digging into his ass, saying, “I’m not in the mood.”

  Derek looked confused. “What?”

  “I’m not in the mood to have sex with you right now, alpha.”

  Derek's whole face did a weird thing, scrunching up and making him look adorably confused.

  “Scott, we just bonded. We’re having sex.”

  Scott ignored him, body stiff and unwelcoming.

  “I don’t want to. I’m allowed to say no.”

  While it was true that the law prohibited spousal rape—even between bonded couples—Scott was well aware of how little that particular law was enforced.

  “Scott, we’re having sex,” Derek said again, this time looking stubborn. They were still pressed together, Derek’s body rock hard and vibrating with need. Scott felt incredibly vulnerable.

  “I’m allowed to say no,” he repeated himself.

  Derek looked into his eyes, face going from stubborn, to confused, to angry. Furious, he let go of Scott’s body, dropping him to the floor and turning around. He walked across the room and opened a door, storming through and slamming it behind him. Scott stood frozen, thighs feeling like jelly, before sinking down on his ass.

  What the hell was he going to do now?


  Derek tore off the clothes lent him by the hospital, pulling on a pair of sweats before heading to his gym to demolish his punching bag.

  An hour later, still shaky with indignant rage, he abandoned the bag. He had nothing to show for his efforts but some bruised knuckles.

  Didn’t want to have sex. Scott was a fucking liar. Derek should have held him up against the wall and fucking mounted him right there, spearing the little cunt on his cock and ignored his lying mouth. He’d like to see the little bitch saying he wasn’t into it when Derek had his knot up his ass.

  But Derek hadn’t. Couldn’t. It was one thing to punish Scott, to train him to be a good omega using discipline and corporal punishment. But to force himself on him? Derek didn’t have it in him. Didn’t want to have it in him.

  Omegas had the right to say no. Derek was a firm believer in that, but that belief was based on the assumption that the omega actually made an effort. If Scott was withholding sex in some sort of attempt to leverage Derek into treating him more liberally… how was Derek supposed to handle that?

  Knot throbbing, cock tenting his sweats, Derek paced the gym and tried to gather his thoughts. Getting nowhere, wishing he had someone he could call for advice, he finally decided to go talk to Scott.


  Scott wasn’t in the living room or kitchen, nor was he in Derek’s bedroom. Getting more and more agitated, Derek finally found him sitting on the guestroom bed, knees drawn up to his chest.

  “What are you doing in here?” Derek’s voice came out harsher and more aggressive than he’d intended. He winced, making an effort to calm down.

  “I was going to take a nap, alpha.” Scott wouldn’t look at him, arms curling tighter around his legs.

  “You can stop with the alpha thing, Scott. Just be respectful. Okay?”


  Scott was quiet, not looking at him, and Derek didn’t know quite what to do. He crawled up on the bed, Scott stiffening, and pushed his way behind Scott’s back, wrapping him in his arms.

  “You can say no to sex,” he whispered, lips almost brushing the shell of Scott’s ear, pushing his arms between Scott’s knees and his chest. He pulled the omega into his sweaty pecs. “I’m not going to force you Scott.”

  Scott relaxed a little and Derek tucked his chin over Scott’s head. His dick was throbbing, hot and alive, knot almost painfully desperate to breach Scott’s sweet hole. There was no way Scott couldn’t feel him.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked after a few minutes had passed, Scott relaxing into his embrace with his legs flattening down in front of him. Despite his cock’s copious production of pre-cum and battle to tear through his sweats, Derek didn’t make things sexual. He wanted Scott to be a good omega: obedient and willing, relaxing into a life of submission to his alpha. If a little patience was what it took to make that happen, then Derek would just have to deal.

  “Nothing,” Scott was quiet for a moment, and Derek didn’t push. “I guess… I just wish I hadn’t bonded with you.”

  Derek tensed, instincts telling him to impale Scott on his cock and show him just how bonded they were, how useless it was to wish otherwise. But that would get him nowhere. He decided to ignore the statement and move on.

  “You’re graduating this month, right?”

  “Yeah,” Scott relaxed a little, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. “I mean, we still have another week, but we’re done with finals and everything so we’re really just waiting to graduate.”

  “That’s good. Did you take the omega core classes?” Derek took Scott’s hand, intertwining their fingers over his lower belly. Scott’s palm was sweaty, his hand looking tiny in Derek’s large mitt.

  “All the omegas had to take them. They were a total waste of time, though. It’s not like I’m ever going to be…” Scott stilled, pulling his hand out of Derek’s grip. “I can still go to college, right?” His voice was small, and Derek was tempted to tell him no. He wanted to keep him at home, away from the world.

  “That depends,” he said, hand splayed wide on Scott’s stomach, pushing up under his shirt, “on where you want to go and what you want to study. Did you have anything in mind?”

  “I’ve been accepted to the six-year program at Elliot, for law school. That’s what I… what I was planning on.”

  Derek thought it over. Elliot was a good school, and Scott must be smart if they were willing to offer him a place in the accelerated program, but it was farther away tha
n he’d like. Not close, like the state school just fifteen minutes away.

  “My parents said they’d pay for it,” Scott added, tense and nervous. Derek gave his belly a brisk rub.

  “Don’t be silly. I’ll pay for it.”

  Scott turned his neck awkwardly to look at him. “I can go? I know some traditional alphas don’t—”

  “I don’t have a problem with you going to school, Scott,” Derek interrupted him, “But in return I expect you to make an effort to behave. Do we have a deal?”

  Scott turned around again, leaning his head on Derek’s chest. “What happens if I don’t? Make an effort to behave, I mean?”

  Derek pulled him in tighter, dragging his nose up to scent the skin behind his ear. Scott reacted despite himself, shuddering and pushing back into Derek’s lap. “If you don’t behave, I’ll punish you. And if I think the school is a bad influence, I’ll make you quit and you’ll come work at my office. The omega core classes should have prepared you to work as an assistant, and if they haven’t, then I’m sure you’d catch on pretty fast.”

  Scott didn’t reply, body trembling as Derek pushed further up his shirt, dragging the pads of his fingers over his nipples.


  They didn’t have sex. Scott pushed his arms away with a harried breath, slipping off the bed.

  “I’m hungry,” he announced, standing at the foot of the bed. Derek palmed his cock, jerking it as he watched Scott watch him nervously.

  He was hungry too, now that he thought about it.

  “Let’s order a pizza.”

  Scott nodded, looking around the room as though he wasn’t sure what to do. Derek sighed, jumping off the bed and stalking out of the room, grabbing Scott’s wrist on the way out and dragging him along.

  Thirty minutes later the pizza was at the door. Derek thrust two twenties at the delivery boy and slammed the door in his face. He was not in the mood to deal with strangers.

  “Eat,” he ordered, setting the pizza box down on the coffee table in front of Scott and handing Scott a slice. The omega was sitting on the very edge of couch, taking up as little space as possible. Derek sat down next to him, thighs and arms touching, boxing him in between the armrest and his body. Scott tensed but didn’t complain.


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