It Wasn't Me

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It Wasn't Me Page 16

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  He always asked if the babies were healthy. Always. So I’d started tacking that on to the recap of my nights that he always asked for, too.

  He took me in.

  “I have about thirty-five minutes before I have to leave for work,” he said. “And I’ve already had my coffee.”

  Grinning wide, I stepped out of my shoes.

  I barely pushed my pants down to my knees when he was whirling me around and bending me over the bathroom sink, right next to my donuts.

  The bag containing the donut holes fell to the floor, but Jonah’s fingers were doing that thing that I liked to my clit. That ‘thing’ that had him barely grazing the sensitive bud with his fingers while I tried hard not to come.

  “You’re already wet for me, baby,” he growled.

  I was.

  I so totally was. I’d been hoping and praying on the way home that I could catch him in time to do this very thing.

  When I’d gotten the donuts, I’d contemplated this exact scenario.

  I’d been wanting him since I’d left him the night before and seen him stripping out of his uniform. He’d known exactly what he was doing to me, too, as he’d stripped for me.

  Sadly, unlike him, I hadn’t had the time to act on my urges. I’d already been five minutes late for work because I’d wanted to give him a kiss before I had to go on shift.

  Unfortunately, he’d arrived home late, and I’d had to go in early for a staff meeting that I couldn’t get out of. We’d had enough time to hug, kiss, and that was it.

  Now, though?

  Well, we had at least twenty good minutes to get in what I’d wanted—no, needed.

  And give me what I needed he did.

  “Might want to hold on, honey,” he growled, dropping down to his knees behind me.

  I gasped when I felt the scrape of his beard against the inside of my thighs.

  “Widen your legs,” he ordered, tapping it lightly with the back of his hand.

  I did, widening them as wide as his knees, which were on either side of my feet, would allow.

  “Good,” he said. “Lean back into my face.”

  I did, loving the way he growled at the taste of my pussy on his tongue.

  These last couple of months had been the best days of my life.

  I wasn’t saying that I didn’t have a good life before, because I did. But having Jonah in my life showed me exactly what I was missing.

  Love. Affection. Those were both things that I’d gotten from my family. But Jonah showed me a different kind of love and affection. He also knew what I needed, whether it be a hug, a kiss, or a good fucking.

  And yes, I’d really come to love having my way with my husband. A husband that I knew without a doubt that I’d gone and fallen in love with.

  “You taste so sweet,” he growled. “Like honey.”

  I closed my eyes and resisted the urge to ground my pussy into his face—barely.

  His hands clasped my thighs and squeezed, and I couldn’t stop the gasp that left my mouth when his tongue stiffened and slid into my entrance.

  He fucked me with his tongue, going in and out, faster and faster, until I was so wet that I could hear the sound of my wetness resonating with each stroke as he went in and out.

  An alarm sounded somewhere in the bedroom, and I knew that was Jonah’s fifteen minute window of ‘you better get ready to leave or you’ll be late’ reminder.

  “Fuckkk,” he growled, standing up.

  I braced myself against the counter, because in the next second, he was filling me with his hard cock.

  When he went to pull back slowly and thrust back in just as fast, I shocked him by thrusting my hips back against him.

  He laughed and picked up the pace, forcing himself inside of me so fast and hard that I cried out with each thrust.

  It wasn’t until I was on the verge of coming that he did that thing that I liked with his finger.

  He hadn’t actually pushed his finger inside of me, but he would circle my back entrance and push slightly, giving me the feeling that any day now he might actually push it in.

  And the naughtiness of the act pushed me over the edge.

  Seconds after his finger did his thing, I was crying out in surprise as my orgasm swept me under.

  The wail that left me had me breathless, but I didn’t stop. Couldn’t stop.

  Jonah cursed and grunted behind me, and seconds later, I felt his release flooding my insides.

  A riot of emotions poured over me as I thought about the repercussions of what we were doing—and all the unprotected sex that we were having.

  I also thought about the fact that he hadn’t made any moves to protect me after we’d realized our mistake, and neither had I.

  Breath coming out choppy, Jonah pulled out and squeezed me tight.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” he said.

  He said that quite a bit when we went at it doggy style. He liked watching his release pour from me, and I liked what happened when he watched. Usually it meant that we’d have another go, but unfortunately that wouldn’t be happening today seeing as Jonah’s second alarm started to sound.

  “You need to get dressed and go,” I said, standing up and turning.

  Jonah dropped a hard, fast kiss onto my lips and then picked up the towel to wipe himself off.

  Seconds later, he was jumping into his uniform pants.

  I snickered when he cursed and laid down on the bed to get them up his thighs.

  “Now I understand what you’re always talking about when you say wet legs and skinny jeans don’t jive.” He grumbled as he worked his socks on, followed by his stripper boots. Not that I was allowed to call them his stripper boots out loud.

  Not and have my ass spared.

  “You have your shirt already?” I asked, staring at my man.

  He shook his head, so I went to the closet and pulled one off the hanger, walking to the old uniform shirt and pulling his badge off of it before attaching it to the new one.

  Once that was done, I was handing it to him to put over his Kevlar vest.

  He shrugged it on and had the buttons done up so fast that I couldn’t even help.

  When he had his shirt tucked in, I handed him his utility belt. He had that on just as I was pulling his service weapon from the bedside drawer.

  “Thank you, baby,” he said as he pulled me in tight.

  I pressed myself into him and leaned up to offer him my mouth, which he took not two seconds later.

  “I’ll see you at lunch?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I’ll be here.”

  Normally I would’ve been asleep, but since I was off for the next four days, I’d be trying to flip back to a somewhat normal sleeping schedule.

  I also had to take the dogs to the groomer since they all needed a bath like yesterday.

  Having two dogs in the house—since mine had arrived from Germany—had been an adventure. We realized rather quickly that both his dog and mine liked to roll around in the mud.

  And they were past the point of me being able to get their fur cleaned.

  “Okay,” he growled. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

  And without another word, he was gone.

  It was a couple of minutes later that I finally got the courage to pull out the pregnancy test that I’d snagged from work.

  After doing what I needed to do—IE peeing on a stick—I left it on the counter and got dressed in my clothes from the night before. Once that was done, I corralled the dogs that were busy chasing the Roomba around the kitchen.

  I also forced myself not to look at the results so I could drive safely.

  It was only when I got back that everything went to hell.

  Chapter 16

  Serious question…where can you use your outside voice?

  -Jonah’s secret thoughts


  “All units in the area,” I heard through my helmet. “We hav
e reports of an intruder at 445 Sweet Water Road.”

  My heart started to pound, and I was running toward my unit before I’d even collected my food.

  I’d realized about ten minutes after arriving at work that I’d forgotten my donuts on the bathroom counter. Even worse, I was forced to eat shitty gas station food since it was the only place in my area that was open.

  “Hey, what’s the rush?” my partner for the day, Pace, asked as he rushed behind me.

  “That’s my house,” I said, feeling something close to panic start to seep into my bones. “Piper’s home alone.”

  Pace rushed right along with me at that point, keeping up pretty good considering he was a double amputee.

  Though, there was quite a bit about Pace that surprised me.

  Years ago, according to him, he was in the war. The war happened to take his legs from him, but it didn’t take his spirit.

  Overall, I really enjoyed Pace. He was a great guy and an even better partner.

  I wasn’t sure what he did to get stuck with the shit job right along with me, but I was honestly glad that he was there. Then again, the entire crew that we had working with us in the new department was honestly someone that I wouldn’t mind ever working with.

  There were some real ringers in the police department—ones that I couldn’t fuckin’ stand—but the group of guys that worked with me—Pace, Logan, Justice, Lock, and Captain Morgan—they were honestly good at their job and police officers that I would always trust at my back.

  And that wasn’t something I trusted many people with.

  It was rumored that we would be having a new guy arriving soon, but that wasn’t supposed to start until later in the month. I already knew that I’d have trouble partnering with him. It was hard to trust someone with your life that you didn’t know.

  Rounding my bike, I mounted it and started it up before Pace could even get his helmet situated.

  I was halfway down the block when he finally caught up with me.

  Together we rode toward my house, and all the while my heart was pounding.

  Thoughts of ‘what if’ were pouring through my head.

  What if the intruder found her and shot her?

  What if he hurt her in other ways? Tortured her? Raped her?

  I was so in love with her.

  I was head over heels, never going to deny it again, stumble over my own tongue in love with her.

  It took us five minutes to arrive at my home.

  Three hundred seconds.

  I blew through four stop lights, five stop signs, and illegally passed a tractor trailer.

  But when I arrived and headed inside, gun drawn, I wasn’t thinking about anything but making sure my woman was okay.

  “Unit 322 on scene,” I murmured, depressing the mic’s button long enough to speak into it.

  “10-4,” the dispatcher said, sounding slightly disembodied due to my helmet. “Homeowner is in the master bathroom with the door locked. She says she went to take her animals to the groomers. Came home, headed to the bathroom to take a shower, and then heard banging from the hall bathroom. She went to investigate and saw movement underneath the door from the end of the hall. She didn’t investigate further, but she can hear banging.”

  Heart in my throat, I entered the house, using my own goddamn key to unlock the door.

  Pace was on my ass the entire time, gun drawn as well.

  Pushing the door open wide, it was completely foreign not to be greeted by the dogs.

  We’d discussed taking them to the groomer days prior.

  Hell, she’d even taken my cat as well as hers.

  Eyes sweeping over the room in quick, efficient movements, I cleared first the living room, followed shortly by the kitchen.

  By the time I made it to the hallway, I heard the thump she was talking about.

  Pace moved to the other side of the bathroom door and frowned.

  His eyes caught mine just as he tried the doorknob.


  What. The. Fuck.

  Another thump followed by something mechanical sounding.

  Reaching above the molding, I pulled out the small key that I used to unlock the doors that accidentally got locked—and unfortunately, I’d found out more than most that it happened quite a bit with the particular door handles I’d purchased.

  I nodded at Pace, who covered me as I opened the door with a rough push.

  My gun automatically trained on the Roomba that started to make its way out of the bathroom.

  That’s when I burst out laughing.

  The Roomba hit my feet, turned, and went straight back into the bathroom.

  I watched in fascination as it managed to close the bathroom door all over again.

  Mouth twitching with laughter, I depressed the button on my mic again.

  “Dispatch, this is unit 322. There is no intruder. No additional units required,” I said.

  “10-4,” the dispatcher murmured.

  That was when I went in search of my wife.



  I was scared shitless.

  I was also nauseous, cold, and naked.

  Well, kind of naked.

  I was wrapped in Jonah’s uniform shirt. It stopped mid-thigh and could technically count as being fully clothed had I had something on underneath of it.

  I heard the thump again, followed by footsteps.

  “Ma’am,” the dispatcher said, sounding tired. “The officers inside the house said that it was a false alarm. You can go out now.”

  I sagged in relief and squeezed my eyes tightly shut.

  “Okay,” I said. “I’m sorry. Thank you so much.”

  “No problem, ma’am. Have a good day,” she said, then hung up.

  Heavy footsteps started my way, and I knew without actually seeing that the man heading into our bedroom like he owned it walked like that because he did, in fact, own it.

  Jonah made it to the bathroom door and tried the knob.

  Jumping when it shook twice, I hurried toward it.

  The moment that I had it unlocked, the knob was turning.

  Jonah swung the door open and we stared at each other.

  Seeing the look on his face, I burst out crying.

  “Oh my God,” I sobbed. “I’m so sorry!”

  I didn’t know why I was crying.

  It was a good thing that it was a false alarm.

  I’d come home after dropping all the animals off and had headed straight to the shower. It was only when I was stepping out of it that I’d heard the noises.

  And seeing as the dogs were at the groomers, there damn well shouldn’t have been any noise.

  “It’s okay,” Jonah said, hugging me tightly.

  I soaked his uniform shirt through with my tears, and only when he stiffened around me did I stop long enough to realize that he was no longer comforting me.

  I looked up at him, only to see his head turned away and focusing on the counter next to my hip.

  That was when I cursed.

  “Umm, so I have something to tell you,” I told him.

  His arms tightened around my body as he said, “You think?”

  “I was going to call you as soon as I was out of the shower,” I told him.

  “You suspected, though,” he rumbled.

  I nodded. “I suspected.”

  He let his hold on me loosen, then dropped a kiss to my head. “I did, too.”

  “You did?” I asked in surprise.

  “Yeah,” he said. “I grew up with a sister, remember? I’m fairly sure that you not having a period the entire time that we’re together over the last two months would mean something.”

  I harrumphed.

  “That’s true,” I admitted.

  “How accurate is that?” he asked, flicking the test with one finger.

  “Ninety-nine percent,” I answered. “There’s a possibility of a fals
e positive, but I don’t think that it’s false.”

  His chin tilted down so that he could look at me.

  “You don’t?” he rumbled.

  I shook my head. “No. I’ve felt…off.”

  “Off how?” He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear.

  “Off. Tired. Reallllllly tired So tired, in fact, that I could happily take naps in the middle of my shifts tired. Even after getting a full ‘night’s’ rest.”

  “What else?” he wondered.

  “General fatigue, hungry. I’m also really, really horny. Though at first, I wasn’t sure if that was because of you, or because of hormones,” I answered. “I’m still not sure.”

  His lips twitched.

  “That’s not a bad symptom, I guess,” he admitted. “What’s the plan now?”

  “Now,” I smoothed my hand down the wet spot on his uniform shirt. “Now I call the doctor and try to get in soon. From there I guess we’ll just wait and see. I was going to ask one of the nurses on the floor to do an ultrasound on me when I go into work next.”

  He pressed a kiss to my nose and stepped back. “I want to see that.”

  I felt things inside of me loosen at his obvious lack of worry over my newly recognized state.

  Then a thought occurred to me.

  “What was making all that banging?” I questioned.

  His lips twitched now.

  “Get some pants on and come see,” he said. “I’ll be outside.”

  I did as he asked, leaving his uniform shirt on but pulling on a pair of sweat pants underneath it.

  When I arrived outside, I was surprised to see that Jonah wasn’t alone.

  “Well, hello.” I smiled at the other officer.

  He was dressed identically to Jonah but was smaller. Younger. And he had scars. A lot of them. And where he didn’t have scars, he had tattoos. Beautiful ones that took up a lot of his skin.

  I smiled timidly at the man.

  “Pace, this is my wife, Piper. Piper, this is Pace,” Jonah said, introducing the two of us.

  Pace grinned wickedly at me. “It’s nice to meet you, Piper.”

  I offered my hand to the man just like my father taught me, then shook it before letting it go.


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