The Key to Erebus (The French Vampire Legend. Book 1)

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The Key to Erebus (The French Vampire Legend. Book 1) Page 15

by Emma V. Leech


  I woke up with a start when the alarm went off. I’d been having a weird dream, weird but very familiar. It was one I used to get all the time when I was a kid, usually when I was stressed about something. I guess the idea of the family get together was playing on my mind.

  It wasn’t a scary dream exactly, just disturbing. I was standing in a meadow and could see nothing for miles around except for the meadow itself, stretching into the horizon, but I knew I was being watched. The sky was a deep glowering purple and nothing moved. The meadow was utterly still, without so much as a bee or a breeze to disturb the photo perfect scene.

  There had been a few other dreams recently that made me blush to remember them. Those ones all involved Corvus. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Even in my waking moments my thoughts inevitably turned back to him no matter how I tried to stop them. I warned myself off a hundred times. I would end up getting hurt, it was inevitable but I still daydreamed about him. About how it felt to kiss him. I knew he was interested in me, he’d made that much obvious even to me, and I was never very quick on the uptake in these matters.

  It was just that I was so confused by the situation. I couldn’t imagine for the life of me why someone like him would be interested in me, why he’d want to be my… boyfriend. I frowned to myself in the darkness. The word could hardly be applied to Corvus, it was demeaning, but then I couldn’t think of what else to call it. And of course there was one very obvious reason that explained everything.

  I had to face the fact that he was only behaving like this because of Jéhnina. I was just a replica of the woman he’d loved. Like a ghost, or a painting of someone who didn’t exist anymore. He didn't want me, he didn't really know me, he just wanted her back so badly he'd make do. The thought made me want to cry. I buried my face in the pillow in frustration.

  I must have been even more tired than I thought as when I woke up and glanced at my phone I gave a yelp of surprise. I couldn’t believe how long I’d been out for. Stumbling out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom.

  I tugged my pyjamas off and stepped into the shower, washing my hair as fast as I could. Then I grabbed a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, not knowing how long I’d have to wait before Cyd came over with the dress and praying that it would suit me. I grabbed a cup of coffee and headed downstairs.

  As I wandered down I could hear movement, and I remembered that Rodney had already told me that people were going to be setting up for this evening. It was still a bit of a shock when I arrived in the living room and there were about twenty people moving furniture, polishing things, and mopping the floors. There was even a guy arranging gorgeous bunches of exotic-looking flowers in several huge vases that had been placed around the room. I dodged as a team of four men and women wheeled in a grand piano, wondering who was planning on playing it. Also, how the hell did they manage to get that thing through the front entrance without killing themselves? Some very slick women appeared, ordering a group of scurrying minions to do their bidding, arranging furniture and organising decorations of the sort that might accompany some Hollywood premier. I swallowed and plastered myself to the wall, hoping to go unnoticed. Rodney appeared beside me. “You alright, luv?”

  “Fine.” I nodded, keeping the weird dreams and anxiety to myself .”I didn’t realise that there was going to be this much fuss.”

  He chuckled. “It’s an important occasion, some of the family come from bleedin' miles off for this. Got to impress 'em don't we? Besides, good excuse for a knees up.”

  He took a long look at what I was wearing and my hair, which was dripping, every now and again, on to the stone floor. I bit my lip, I knew I must look like a right mess, accentuated by the dark shadows under my eyes.

  Rodney caught my look and tried to reassure me. “Don’t worry luv, Cyd’s gonna be round in the evening before anyone else arrives. She’ll get you fixed up.”

  “I don’t know if she’ll have enough time,” I muttered, looking around at all the activity, and wondering if I should just make a run for it now.

  Rodney snorted. “Yeah right, don’t kid yourself, you’ll look even more beautiful than usual.” He grinned at me.

  I smiled awkwardly back, not believing a word of it.

  As I glanced out of the open door, I saw a coach full of people pulling up at the front of the house. I knew they couldn’t be vampires as it wasn’t dark yet.

  “Who are they?”

  Rodney shifted on his feet, looking worried all of a sudden. “Er ... “

  They were all beautifully dressed and even weirder, they were all young and good looking - and human.

  I turned to stare at Rodney wondering why he was looking so shifty..

  “Why are there a coach load of humans here for a vampire party?”

  “They … well, they’re kind of ... er.”

  The penny dropped. “You can’t be serious!”

  Rodney scratched the short hair at the sides of his head, the scritch, scritch sound audible. I carried on, casting glances at the people filing in.

  “Are you saying that they’re basically hors d’oeuvres? They’re being paid to wander around for whenever someone wants a snack?”

  “Well, they ain't exactly being paid …” he said. “They’re volunteers.”

  I blinked at him in mute disbelief.

  “Sorry, luv, but the vampires need the blood or they’ll get testy, and believe me you don’t want to be in a house with three hundred hungry vampires.”

  “What’s to stop them from telling people that there’s a horde of vampires hanging around?”

  He rolled his eyes at me. “Well, the first thing, who would believe it? Secondly, most of these people, they hope one day they’ll get turned so they wouldn't and 'sides, the vampires will just tell them not to. A vampire can make you do anything if they want to, say anything, believe anything.”

  His face changed as he saw the dawning panic in my eyes. “You can trust Corvus, Jéhenne. He'd not do that to you, I know and he won't let no one else, neither.”

  He stared at me until I nodded but my heart had settled into panic mode.

  “Why do they do it?” I asked, my voice tight with anxiety. “When they risk so much?”

  He snorted, looking at me in wonder. “You really don't know?” I shook my head and he looked uncomfortable. “Well cause it's ...” He cleared his throat. “You know.” I watched as he waggled his eyebrows at me, nonplussed. He sighed. “When they feed they can, make it ... well, like an orgasm,” he said quickly looking embarrassed.

  He wasn't the only one. I remembered the graze of Corvus' teeth in the car, the desperate need I'd felt in him. Not just in him.

  I sucked in a breath. Glancing back I looked at the team of humans who were all chatting easily with each other, although a couple of them were giving me a funny look. I know why you're here, I thought with a flash of jealousy. I looked down at my old leggings and felt so far out of my depth I could hardly take a breath. Compared to their designer labels and perfect manicures I probably looked like a tramp that had just wandered in off the street.

  “Look, you’d best go get somethin' to eat ‘cause you won’t be able to later,” Rodney said, narrowly avoiding a squat woman wearing an apron and wielding a mop. “And then you’d better go start getting ready. There’s nothing for you to do here and you don’t want to show Corvus up do you?” he added, echoing my own fears back to me. “These vampires, they love to dress up, well most of em. Corvus don't but 'e will tonight. But the women … well, you don’t want to let the side down, do you?”

  Great, now I almost felt sick with nerves. I nodded meekly and hurried back to the apartment, avoiding the curious looks from the walking snack bar on my way.

  There was the usual array of food waiting for me in the kitchen, but my stomach protested just at the thought. Never a good sign. If I’m too stressed to eat something is seriously wrong. I forced down a bit of bread which seemed to stick in my throat, and then do
wned another cup of coffee to try and shift it. I sent a longing look in the direction of the bar. Something stronger suddenly sounded very appealing but I decided that was a very bad idea. I was going to need my wits about me tonight.

  I went to my room and stared miserably at my reflection. Rodney had said that I wasn’t to let Corvus down or embarrass the family of powerful vampires. No pressure then.

  I started by drying my hair, which always took forever. I’d just finished and put the dryer down and jumped as someone pounded on the door. I opened it and Cyd practically fell through, carrying the biggest collection of shopping bags I’d ever seen. She grinned at me, dumped the bags on the bed, then hurried out and came back with another load.

  “There!” she said happily, although her smile faded somewhat as she took a good look at me. “Well, no time to waste, make-up first I think.”

  “Well, actually I don’t usually wear much …” I didn’t get to finish the sentence as I was man handled - or should that be vamp handled - into a chair and Cyd swung into action. I didn't get to say anything but was told firmly to shut up and keep still. Twenty minutes later she proclaimed herself satisfied with the results, though she wouldn’t let me look in the mirror, which worried me enormously.

  Cyd had a great look, kind of masculine and quirky. Her dyed red hair was fabulous and perfectly messy as usual and although her eye make-up was on the heavy side, she didn’t wear any other make-up. She had the most amazing almond shaped eyes, almost chocolate brown and they were really startling against the pale cream of her skin. I wasn’t at all sure the same look would work for me however, and I wondered anxiously what she’d done. I wasn’t about to offend her, she was going out of her way to be friendly but she was still scary as hell.

  “Right then, clothes. Oh, Jéhenne, I’ve chosen the most fabulous dress for you, I just know you’ll love it.” She frowned, “I did bring some others though, in case you don’t.” She didn’t look happy at the prospect of me turning her choice down. I figured I liked it.

  “I’m sure it will be perfect,” I said, trying to smile. Oh God, please don’t let it be too awful.

  She grinned and picked up a hanger which had an exclusive looking zipped cover over it that made my heart thud.

  “Er, Cyd, who paid for all this?” I looked at all the labels and packages that were strewn around the room. These were makes I'd only seen in glossy magazines with outlandish price tags next to them that could pay for a decent car.

  “Well, Corvus obviously,” she said, snorting with amusement and unzipping the bag with a flourish to reveal the most gorgeous dress I’d ever seen. I gasped in genuine amazement. It was floor length, strapless and very fitted around the waist and bust.

  “Oh, Cyd, it’s just beautiful.”

  She squealed with delight. “I just knew you’d love it.”

  I really did, not to mention being eternally thankful that I didn’t have to pretend to like it. Reality soon began to assert itself though and I shook my head sadly.

  “I can’t wear it though, Cyd,” I protested.

  She looked at me in horror. “Why not? It’s your size.”

  I pointed at the dress with regret. “Cyd, that must have cost hundreds of euros!”

  She chuckled and rolled her eyes. “No, it didn’t.”

  The dim hope that I could afford to pay for it flickered to life. “Really?”

  “No, you need to add another zero.”

  “Oh my God! Well that’s final then. I could never repay that kind of money.” The idea of even touching something that expensive filled me with terror. What if I ripped it or spilled wine down it?

  She looked at me like I was insane. “Honey, it’s a gift. Corvus doesn’t want you to repay him.”

  I shook my head wondering why she couldn't understand. “I can’t accept a gift like that, it’s too much. I… I hardly know him. It wouldn’t be right.” I'd been brought up with very strict notions about what nice girls did and didn't do. Accepting a dress worth thousands of pounds implied something very loudly as far as I was concerned. I didn't want him to think I was a sure thing.

  “Jéhenne, this is an important night for the family. Corvus has requested that you accompany him, it’s a great honour.” She folded her arms and scowled at me. “You can’t let him down.”


  Anxiety began to make my chest tight. I really didn't want to let Corvus down but I didn't have a penny to my name and I couldn't go around accepting gifts of thousands of euros. Ironically the idea of it made me feel cheap. “Well then, I just won’t go.” Maybe it was for the best.

  Cyd looked genuinely alarmed, “Jéhenne, you can’t not go!”

  “Yes I can.” I folded my arms and sat back down on the bed.

  She threw up her hands in exasperation. “Oh, why are you being so difficult?”

  “Because where I’m from, you don’t go accepting expensive gifts from men you hardly know.” I flushed, imagining what my mum would say of me if she knew. “It’s just not … right.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me and I swallowed, she looked seriously pissed off.

  “Are you saying that you think Corvus is trying to buy you?”

  I quailed a little at her tone of voice and tried not to stammer. “Well… n… no…” That hadn't been what I'd meant at all.

  “Have you seen the herd of little human tarts, waiting downstairs?” she demanded. I opened my mouth to answer her but she carried on. “Anyone of them would walk over hot coals just to be in the same room as Corvus, and you think he’s trying to pay you to be with him?” She gave me a look that could have frozen the sun and my skin crawled as her anger prickled against me.

  My head had started to throb uncomfortably. I didn't think anything of the sort - he really didn't need to pay me but ... “I just...” I began helplessly and then gave up knowing I was beaten. “Oh give me the damn dress,” I said irritably. If I didn’t put it on I’d only have to face Corvus too and I was pretty sure how well that would go.

  Cyd was all smiles again and she fluttered around opening boxes of exquisite underwear. She handed me what she deemed appropriate to go with the dress and I opened my mouth to protest that I had my own underwear, but caught the look on her face and shut it again without a word. To be fair, the dress was strapless and I didn’t have a strapless bra and wasn’t about to go without, so I guess there was no point in arguing. In for a penny, in for fifty thousand euros.

  I went into the bathroom and put on the underwear, wondering nervously how she’d known what size to get. Probably best not to ask. Cyd’s hand appeared around the door holding the dress. I took it off her with a sigh of resignation and put it on. It was a deep green in shot silk so when it caught the light it turned a glorious blue, just like a peacock feather. The underwear had obviously been made to go with it as it was in the same lovely material but with actual peacock feathers embroidered over it in green, blue and gold. I managed to get the zip halfway up but couldn’t reach the top, so I went into the bedroom to ask Cyd to finish it for me. Her eyes widened at the sight of me and she clapped her hands together.

  “Oh Jéhenne, you look amaaaazing!” she breathed. “Damn, I’m good! Here, look.”

  She finished the zip off and made me put on a pair of dangerously high heels, once again the same colour as the dress. I stifled a panic attack as I tried to imagine how much the whole outfit must have cost. I wasn’t going to be able to drink a thing tonight in case I spilt something down the bloody dress, which was a pity as I really needed one - or possibly several.

  Cyd manoeuvred me in front of the full length mirror that she’d turned against the wall when she arrived. She turned it around now and my mouth dropped open.

  “Holy crap.”

  The effect was pretty amazing. The dress itself was stunning in its own right, so I wasn’t about to take a lot of credit, but the green contrasted beautifully with my red hair, that was loose and curling around my shoulders. The underwear was
earning its keep too, pushing my assets up and together to show the generously plump curves of creamy white breasts. I felt myself grow hot at the idea of seeing Corvus dressed like this. Cyd had done an incredible job with my make-up too. As suspected, she’d gone heavy on the eyes, but in subtle shades of gold and green that picked up the colour of both the dress and my eyes. There was just the barest touch of blusher and a little lip gloss.

  “Thanks, Cyd,” I whispered, when I managed to find my voice again.

  She pulled me into a careful hug, so as not to muss up my dress or make-up. “You’re very welcome, hun.” She winked at me and smiled. “Corvus won’t know what’s hit him.”

  “You really think he’ll like it?” I felt a flutter of nerves in my stomach.

  She chuckled and it was a rich throaty sound. “The way he looks at you, I’m not sure it would matter what you wore,” she admitted. “But yeah, he’ll love it.”

  I smiled at my reflection and Cyd stood behind me, admiring her handiwork.

  As we seemed to be in a warm and fuzzy kind of mood, or at least as close as Cyd was likely to get, I decided to risk asking her a question. “Did Corvus … did he make you?” And then I wondered anxiously if it was too personal a thing to have asked.

  She went quiet for a moment before answering. “Yes, he made me,” she smiled. “Actually it’s kind of my birthday, or death day maybe?”

  “Really, how long ago?” I wondered if I should say congratulations but somehow it didn’t seem appropriate.

  “Fifty years.”

  By my reckoning that made her almost eighty, as I guessed she was late twenties when she’d been turned.

  “Did you want … to be a vampire.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me again. “You don’t seem to have a very high opinion of Corvus. Do you think he’d turn someone who was unwilling?”

  “N-no!” I stammered. “I mean, I don’t know. That’s the problem, I just don’t know him very well, he’s been around for thousands of years. How is it even possible to know someone who’s lived so many lifetimes?”

  She sighed and sat on the bed, pushing empty boxes out of her way. “I guess you’re right to be suspicious, Jéhenne. There are many who would do such a thing and far worse. It’s just that Corvus is my maker and I’m very lucky that’s the case. I don’t like to hear anyone suggesting he’d do something like that. He’s the most honourable man I’ve ever known. We’re all very proud to be of his blood.”

  Something in me relaxed a little with her sincerity. I’d begun to feel that I could trust him, but it was nice to hear someone else confirm it.

  “So how did it happen then? I mean if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I don’t mind. The truth is that I was one of those little tarts downstairs, desperate to give myself to a vampire in the hope that he’d take a shine to me and decide to turn me.” She smiled at my shocked expression. “I was born in America but when my father died, my mum came to live with her sister in Paris. I was fourteen.” She leaned back, hooking her hands around one knee, her eyes lost in the distance of her memories.

  “My aunt was a bit of a loose cannon, always dabbling in some fad. Music, art classes, dance, you name it she tried it. Until she met a coven of witches and found what she said she was born for.” She smiled. “I was in my early twenties by this time and I begged her to let me come along. At first I thought it was a big joke and then, gradually, I realised that although a lot of the people were wannabees, like my aunt, there were one or two that were the real deal.”

  She got up suddenly and went into the living room. “Come on if I’m going to tell you my life story, I need a drink.”


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