Praise for Meatonomics
“Consumers can only make wise purchases of meat if the price they pay reflects the full cost of producing it—when there are no ‘hidden’ costs like subsidies or environmental damage. Simon is the first author to attempt a complete accounting of all these hidden costs, something that should be applauded by the vegan and meat-lover alike.”
author of Compassion by the Pound,
associate professor, Department of Agricultural Economics,
Oklahoma State University
“This important book joins the ranks of T. Colin Campbell's Whole and The China Study in its power to expose the truth and begin to repair the health care crisis.”
co-author of How to Eat Like a Vegetarian,
Even If You Never Want To Be One and How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty
“Meatonomics will grab you and not let you go. It's a critically important and absolutely fascinating and astonishing in-depth look into the devastating effects of an industry's economic take-over of our culture and our well-being. David Robinson Simon not only cogently and systematically exposes the many facets of cost externalization by the meat, dairy, egg, and fishing industries, but he also makes a compelling case for practical solutions that we can all work for, discuss, and implement, including a meat tax, changes in government subsidy programs, and personal food choices. Meatonomics has my highest recommendation—a book that liberates as it illuminates.”
author of The World Peace Diet
“We like to think we live in a democracy, where public officials tend the general welfare. But increasingly, corporate lobbyists write our laws, and corporate interests dictate what we are allowed to know. David Robinson Simon's book is spectacularly important, because it lifts the veil and shows how the meat and dairy industries rig the game, and thus are able to stuff us with foods that imperil our health, devastate the environment, and cause unrelenting cruelty to billions of animals. He reveals the massive subsidies that make industrial meat and dairy products seem cheap, when in fact they are destroying our lives and our future. He lets us see what these industries don't want us to see—the true cost we are paying for their products. And he shows us the steps we need to take, as individuals and as a society, to restore both our economic sanity and our health.”
author of The Food Revolution, No Happy Cows,
Diet For a New America, and other bestsellers
“The need to transform the unhealthy, unsustainable, and unjust food system that prevails today runs deep. It will require food activists and researchers to undertake what will constitute a long march through the entire food chain. A critical starting point involves the corporate-dominated meat production system. David Robinson Simon takes us on that journey and helps us identify what we will need to confront and the changes that will need to be made.”
co-author of Food Justice, Professor, Urban & Environmental Policy Institute, Occidental College
“A lively, well-researched look at society's many misconceptions about the production and consumption of meat. If you eat meat, you owe it to your body and your planet to read this book.”
author of Beg and co-author of the Skinny Bitch series of books
“The knowledge in Meatonomics will free you and put you in control of your own food choices and health.”
author of The Perfect Formula Diet
“Bringing cheap meat to the American table not only degrades the American palate, but it requires a series of corrupt bargains. David Robinson Simon exposes this corruption with impressive research, incisive prose, and the passion of a muckraker. The ultimate novelty of Simon's book is to portray our excessive consumption of animal products as a profound governmental failure, one abetted by corporate greed and systematic consumer deception. Depressing as the story of meat can be, Simon leaves the reader feeling empowered and inspired to eat in a way that reflects our deepest values as concerned consumers. One finishes this book ready to make a change.”
author of Just Food
“Meatonomics provides what is perhaps the first thorough look at the shocking economic impact factory farming has had on all Americans.”
author of A Change of Heart and the founder and director of the Humane League
First published in 2013 by Conari Press, an imprint of
Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC
With offices at:
665 Third Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94107
Copyright © 2013 by David Robinson Simon
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC. Reviewers may quote brief passages.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Simon, David Robinson.
Meatonomics : how the rigged economics of meat and dairy make you consume too much-and how to eat better, live longer, and spend smarter / David Robinson Simon.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-57324-620-0
1. Meat industry and trade—Government policy—United States. 2. Dairy products industry—Government policy—United States. I. Title.
HD9416.S56 2013
Cover design by Jim Warner
Cover photograph © Kitch Bain/
Interior by Maureen Forys Happenstance Type-O-Rama
Typeset in Warnock Pro and Universe
Printed in Canada
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The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1992 (R1997).
To K. B. B.
Author's Note
Part I: Influencing the Consumer
1. The Brave New World of Government Marketing
2. Massaging the Message: Shaping Consumer Beliefs
3. Sausage Making and Lawmaking: Influence in the Political Process
4. Regulatory Conflict and Consumer Confusion
Part II: The Hidden Costs of Meatonomics
5. Feeding at the Subsidy Trough
6. Diseases and Doctor Bills
7. The Sustainability Challenge
8. The Costs of Cruelty
9. Fishing Follies
10. Recipes for Change
Appendix A: Animal Foods and Human Health
Appendix B: Summary of the Annual Externalized Costs of US Animal Food Production (in billions)
Appendix C: Economic Effects of Proposed Meat Tax and Support Changes
Appendix D: Factory Farming Practices
Let me begin by getting a couple things off my chest. For starters, economics is subjective. John Kenneth Galbraith said the field was one in which “hope and faith coexist with great scientific pretension.” The figures I propose for the costs of meatonomics are based on data that are slippery and hard to find, and the calculations thems
elves can vary based on how the math is done. Still, I think it's worthwhile to try. I've sought to present figures that I believe are reasonable and as accurate as possible, and in each case, to explain where they came from. Nevertheless, I'm the first to admit that this book's cost figures are, like almost everything in economics, subjective estimates.
Furthermore, while parts of this book deal with economics, medicine, and ecology, I'm not an economist, a doctor, or an ecologist. I'm a lawyer, and that's why I like to write disclaimers. A number of specialists in these areas have read and commented on the manuscript, which I hope means it contains no glaring errors. The book's analysis and conclusions are supported by research cited in more than seven hundred endnotes. Most of this information comes directly from government reports or published, peer-reviewed studies.
If you want to understand what's going on in the animal food industry, sometimes it helps to be an expert. But more often, you just need to keep your eyes and ears open, and approach the subject with what some Zen practitioners call “beginner's mind.” As Zen master Shunryu Suzuki observed, “In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few.”1
Imagine a bakery that sells every cake, pie, or loaf of bread for a dollar less than it costs to make. It's a challenging business model, to say the least. But instead of going out of business, say the shop flourishes and expands, adding more ovens and increasing output for years. Impossible, right?
For a bakery, maybe. But not for America's big producers of meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. The animal food industry actually uses this contrarian business model with surprising success. Take hog farmers, who routinely spend an average of eight dollars more raising each pig than the animal yields when sold.1 The farmers, at least the big corporate operators, are in hog heaven. That's because government subsidies actually make this business model profitable for those at the top. For the same reason, corporate beef producers routinely spend from $20 to $90 more than each animal's value to raise cattle.2
Each year, American taxpayers dish out $38 billion to subsidize meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.3 To put this corporate welfare package in perspective, it's nearly half the total unemployment benefits paid by all fifty US states to unemployed workers in 2012.4 However, as we'll see, unlike unemployment payments, subsidies don't actually benefit many Americans—nor many farmers—and they are often disbursed in illogical and unfair ways. Consider this: media mogul Ted Turner and former NBA star Scottie Pippen were among the more than one thousand non-farming New York City residents to pick up farming checks from the federal government in 2007.5
When it comes to the market for crops used as animal feed, which means the majority of crops grown in this country, America's enormous farm subsidy program turns the system topsy-turvy. Bizarrely, government handouts encourage farmers to grow more of these crops even as prices decline. This is as backward as parents giving their kids extra money to make cold lemonade in the middle of winter. It just doesn't make sense. Perhaps even worse than wasting the money, the consistent result of such a subsidy policy is to put small farmers out of business and damage rural communities here and abroad. But it doesn't end there. Taxpayers also provide subsidies to encourage fishing even when it would otherwise be unprofitable. Yet with twice the number of fishing ships patrolling the seas than are necessary for the task, humans have already destroyed one-third of the ocean's fisheries and, unless we cut back, are headed for complete destruction of all currently fished species within several decades.6
Few Americans are aware of the realities of meatonomics—the economic system that supports our nation's supply of animal foods—yet the peculiar economic forces powering our food system influence us in ways few imagine and nudge us to behave in ways we normally wouldn't. Among its various effects, one of the most unsettling is that the system encourages us to eat much more meat and dairy than the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) advises.
According to conventional wisdom, factors like taste, dietary beliefs, and cultural traditions drive our decisions to buy animal foods. But the reality is that price plays a huge role in our eating choices as well. The alarming result of consumers watching our pocketbooks so carefully is that producers, who work hard to keep prices artificially low, are heavily responsible for driving demand. Doubling down on their strategy, producers also bombard shoppers with misleading messages about the need to chow down on animal foods. Consequently, Americans have, to a great extent, become puppets of the animal food industry. We eat what and how much we're told to, and we exercise little informed, independent judgment. You might think you know why you choose to eat certain foods, but as we'll see, the real reasons are much more complicated.
Spend a few hours with this book, and you'll gain vital insight into how the economics of animal food production influence your spending, eating, health, and longevity. You'll also discover how the forces of meatonomics affect the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants, including tens of billions of animals used for food, and millions of small farmers here and abroad. Learning how these forces work can help you improve your personal life and the world in so many important ways, including saving money, losing weight, boosting your health, living longer, protecting animals and the planet from abuse, and preserving rural communities in the United States and elsewhere.
Meet the Owners
The Occupy Movement knows them as the One Percent. Comedian George Carlin called them the country's Owners. They're the rich power brokers behind the scenes, the business aristocrats who own almost everything in the United States and either influence or make almost all the important decisions in the country. In the meatonomic system, the Owners enjoy a base of economic and political power practically unequaled in any other industry.
The animal food sector wields its considerable economic clout to exert enormous influence over lawmaking at both the state and federal levels. In the past several decades, animal food producers have convinced lawmakers to adopt a broad range of legislation—including some so over the top that it can only be called shocking—to protect the industry and ensure its profitability. For example, it's illegal to “defame” animal foods in thirteen states, and as Oprah Winfrey learned firsthand from a tangle with Texas beef producers, the industry does not hesitate to sue those who say unkind things about its products. Further, because undercover investigations at factory farms invariably yield graphic images of unsafe and inhumane conditions, the industry has sought—with surprising success in a number of states—to stop the flow of these shocking images by criminalizing the exposés.
Then there's the federal food bureaucracy. Meat and dairy producers have conquered the two main US agencies that oversee them—the USDA and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—through a process economists call “regulatory capture.” This influence makes the USDA so bipolar, it's a befuddling exercise to figure out the agency's message or mission. The thirteen-member committee that formulated the agency's latest set of nutrition recommendations was tasked with looking out for the nation's health. But the group included nine members with ties to the food industry, casting doubt on the committee's good faith and on the reliability of its output.7 In one example typical of the agency's institutional confusion, a USDA brochure advises Americans to eat less cheese, while the agency simultaneously supports advertising that urges us to eat more cheese.8
As for the FDA, it regularly ignores scientific research and public opinion to side with industry. In a move that might have made Louis Pasteur queasy, the agency permits milk producers to dose cows with a dangerous growth hormone (a practice outlawed in Europe and sharply criticized by a US federal appellate court). It also refuses to require labeling of genetically engineered foods despite public demand for such disclosure.9As the FDA moves closer to approving the sale of a new genetically modified salmon, this nondisclosure policy could soon make it impossible for consumers to distinguish between a gene-spliced fish and the real thing.
Is It Sustainable?
The animal agriculture system drives production at levels that make this sector, according to recent research by two World Bank scientists, the single greatest human cause of climate change on the planet.10 That's right, forget carbon-belching buses or power plants; animal food production now surpasses both the transportation industry and electricity generation as the greatest source of greenhouse gases. Even worse, the system fosters financial incentives that encourage the relentless destruction of land and the routine contamination of air and water. For example, antibiotics and steroids are commonly used to make farm animals grow faster—thus yielding greater profits. (Athletes, it turns out, have nothing on cattle when it comes to artificially bulking up.) The widespread use of animal drugs means these chemicals show up not only in most of the animal foods that Americans eat but also in a majority of US waterways.11
Commentators have proposed a number of alternatives to improve the sustainability of animal food production. Unfortunately, these solutions generally fall short. For example, ecological rotation farming operations, like the well-known Polyface Farm (popularized in Michael Pollan's bestseller The Omnivore's Dilemma), represent one interesting approach to animal agriculture. However, a closer look at such farms shows a disappointing truth: they're both unsustainable and incapable of serving the demand of a nation like ours. Just addressing the local meat-eating supply of Southern California, where I live, would require thirty-three thousand farms the size of Polyface, a physical and logistical impossibility.12
As much as we might like our Dairy Queen and Burger King, the reality is, compared to plant protein, raising animal protein takes up to one hundred times more water, eleven times more fossil fuels, and five times more land. Without dramatic reform, the end game in the conflict between fixed resources and ever-increasing demand is likely to have a group of clear losers—the planet's inhabitants. According to Will Tuttle, author of The World Peace Diet, “until we are willing and able to make the connections between what we are eating and what was required to get it on our plate, and how it affects us to buy, serve, and eat it, we will be unable to make the connections that will allow us to live wisely and harmoniously on this earth.”13 Meatonomics only ratchets up the damage by artificially inflating demand and disrupting other market forces. No matter your political stripe, this should bother you. If you believe in free markets, this radical and destructive government interventionism is upsetting. If you prefer regulation, the fact that government hands your tax dollars to large corporate interests is likely aggravating. In meatonomics, there's something to annoy almost everyone.
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