My Last - Riley & Chelle

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My Last - Riley & Chelle Page 16

by Melanie Shawn

  He wrapped one arm around her waist and slid one hand smoothly underneath her ass as he stood up with one swift motion. She gasped in surprise.

  "I'm taking you to bed," he growled insistently.

  She nodded, her eyes fiery with desire. He moved them quickly into the bedroom. He laid her down in the bed. Swiftly and efficiently he pulled off the rest of her clothing. When he was done undressing her, he stood and gazed at her gorgeous naked form. The beautiful swell of her breasts, the feminine way that her hips flared out delicately from her slender, nipped in waist. The round and perfectly shaped taut loveliness of her ass. The graceful length of her legs and, of course, the swollen and shining core of her sex between those long, graceful legs.

  She began to scoot her way back up the bed, but Riley put a hand out and touched her leg to stop her. "Don't move," he breathed intensely, "I'm still looking at you."

  Her eyes widened but she didn't protest at the command. In fact, he saw the skin of her chest flush red with pleasure, her nipples hardened yet another small degree, and the muscles in her belly twitched and tightened. He smiled a small half-smile to himself. He realized that the command he had just given her had resulted in a powerful wave of erotic pleasure rushing through her body, and he had been able to see the physical representations of it.

  He liked that.

  He moved a little closer, sliding his hand up her inner thigh.

  "You liked that just now, when I told you what to do. Didn't you?" he asked, his otherwise authoritative voice trembling slightly with desire.

  She looked into his eyes and nodded, her eyes bright with the fever of passion, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

  He smiled again, moving his fingertips ever-so-slowly but ever-so-insistently further up her inner thigh.

  "You want me to keep telling you what to do. Don't you?" he asked, his sly smile spreading further.

  He could see her breath catch in her throat, and the fevered intensity in her eyes grew even brighter. She nodded again, this time just a touch more frantically.

  He leaned down closer to her as his fingers rose yet higher, and he whispered, "Because you know that I know what to do to make you feel good. Right? You know that I know exactly what to do to your body so that you come."

  Another nod, this one with her head thrown back and her eyes closed tightly against the onslaught of pleasure that his words were causing to course through her body.

  At that moment, his fingertips came into contact with her wet, slick folds for the first time and she cried out in ecstasy. He felt her lips jump at the first touch of his fingertips, and she spread her legs open eagerly to accept his caresses.

  As he moved his fingers slowly up and down her slippery folds, he was brought to the very edge of desire by how wet and hot she was. If this was how turned on she was already, he thought to himself breathlessly, he knew that he was going to be able to take her to previously unexplored heights of desire. When he finally let her come, he was going to be able to make her feel like it was an orgasm that was emanating from every cell in her entire body, not just her exploding core. He was now determined to make her feel sensations that she never had before, not in her entire life - and that she never would again, unless he was the one who gave them to her.

  He felt drunk with the power.

  With every new thought that passed through his mind, as his fingers caressed Chelle's most intimate erogenous zones, his dick grew harder and harder.

  Oh, it was going to feel so good when he finally allowed himself to push inside of her. Not yet, though. First, he had to see to her pleasure. First, he had to drive her insane with ecstasy. Then he could give himself the freedom to indulge his own desires.

  He dropped to his knees in front of her spread legs, gazing at her beautiful core, and stopped himself just short of pushing her knees further apart.

  He smiled.


  That wasn't how they were going to do this.

  He looked up into her eyes. "Chelle," he said in a gravelly yet commanding tone, "spread your legs further apart for me, baby."

  A whimpering little moan escaped from her, which quickly escalated into a full-throated groan. She spread her legs as far apart as they would go.

  "That's right," he whispered as he lowered his mouth to her, "That's right, Chelle."

  He began to flick his tongue over her sensitive nub, tracing the hard tip of it over her lips and swirling around the hard pleasure button again and again. He loved the way her muscles twitched with every small touch, the way her body responded to his hands and his tongue as if it were a well-tuned instrument which he had spent a lifetime learning to master.

  He cupped his hands underneath her and pulled her tighter to his mouth, tasting the sweetness of her arousal and becoming dizzy with the headiness of it all.

  Suddenly, he sensed a change in the movements of her hips underneath his mouth. They became faster-paced, more frantic. He felt her fingers dig into the back of his head, urging him closer, faster.

  This was it. He was about to bring her to the heights of ecstasy that, not moments ago, he had been turning himself on by thinking about his capacity to bring her to.

  He slid one strong hand under her again, pressing her up as tight as he could to his hungry mouth, and used the other hand to slide two fingers inside of her as he expertly employed his tongue to work her pleasure center harder and faster, using every tool at his disposal to stimulate her beautiful body and bring her crashing into orgasm.

  Then, all of a sudden, he felt her muscles clamp down on his fingers as they moved inside of her, felt her hands ball into fists in his hair, felt her arch her back and thrust her hips forward, and heard her scream, "Oh, Riley! Oh, God! Yes! Oh, Riley, yes, YES!" as she came powerfully.

  He stroked her gently with his thumb as she came down from her explosive climax, as her breathing slowed, as the sweat dried on her perfect skin, and as she slowly opened her eyes and began to look around, aware again of her surroundings.

  She sat up and watched him with lusty interest as he quickly stripped off his clothes and took his “trusty condom” from his wallet, tearing it from its foil wrapper and sliding it onto his powerful erection. He saw her eyeing his length hungrily, biting her lip and breathing hard as she stared at his impressive manhood.

  He stepped closer, smiling his enigmatic half-smile again. He ran his fingers softly through her hair.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked, observing the way that her eyes never left his stiff erection.

  She nodded lustily.

  He took her hand and guided it to his shaft, wrapping her fingers around it tightly.

  "This?" He clarified, a teasing note in his voice.

  She nodded, her breathing coming now in short, rapid bursts.

  Leaning down, placing his lips directly against her ear. "Then lay back," he whispered intensely, "spread your legs, and put me inside you."

  She groaned with the sheer erotic pleasure of it all and did exactly as he said. She scooted back against the pillows, spread her legs wide, and positioned him at her opening.

  When he felt that he was properly aligned, he thrust into her, all of the power of the pent-up desire that he had been shoving down for the past couple of days – hell, maybe for the past couple of years – powering that first thrust.

  When he was buried in her up to the hilt, he paused for a moment to enjoy the sensation of being buried within her, of being enfolded in her soft snug warmth. It was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. It went so far beyond physical sensation that the physical sensation itself – although intensely pleasurable – almost seemed beside the point. The most overpowering thing about the whole encounter was the fact that it was happening with Chelle – a fact that seemed almost beyond belief.

  Her name was continually playing through his head, "Chelle, Chelle, Chelle, Chelle..." almost like he had to keep repeating it to remind himself that this was real. That he was actually making love to Chelle.

  As he moved in and out of her, in and out, in and out, he reveled in listening to her small moans and whimpers of delight. In fact, he focused more on those than on his own pleasure, a fact which shocked him immensely. He was someone who loved the physical intensity of sex – lived for it, in many ways – but had never really been moved by the emotional aspect of it. Now, here, with Chelle, that was all he could think about.

  He felt her inner walls spasm around his rock hard shaft. Her body began to shake as her hips bucked against his.

  “Riley, Riley, oh my God, I’m gonna…come…again!” She gasped as her arms tighten around his neck. He felt tremors running through her entire body as she clung to him desperately.

  As he felt himself nearing climax, he pulled back from where he had buried his face in her neck, positioning himself directly above her.

  “Chelle,” he commanded hoarsely, “Open your eyes. Look at me. Look into my eyes.”

  She did, her expressive almond brown eyes gazing directly into his as the spasms of climax overtook him. They both rode out the incredible, intense physical sensations, looking into each other’s eyes the entire time.

  It was amazing.

  As long as he had lived up to this point, he had never felt as connected to another human being.

  And as long as he was going to live in the future, he didn't think that he ever would again.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chelle awoke, warm and toasty in bed, to the smell of bacon and coffee. She stretched her hands over her head and smiled. She felt refreshed, renewed, happy. Last night was perfect.

  She enjoyed this elated feeling for just a moment before her mind started racing with the possibilities of what last night meant. What would the ramifications be?

  She didn’t know if things would be weird between her and Riley now.

  Chelle had never had a one-night-stand before. It's not that she had some kind of moral objection to them. She just wasn’t that girl - the one who could be carefree and wild. She had only ever been intimate with people that she was in a committed relationship with. But, hey, she thought wryly, look where that got me.

  Plus, she had known Riley forever. Did it really count as a one-night-stand? Hmm, maybe she should Google it. No, wait. She was overthinking this. Overanalyzing was her main flaw! She needed to summon her inner Samantha.

  She and Riley had fun last night. They were both adults. She just needed to go out there with an air of sophistication and be very casual about the whole thing.

  She rose out of bed, grabbed Riley’s shirt and pulled it over her head. It fell to just above her knee. She walked over to the full length mirror and looked at herself.

  Her hair was a mess and she was swimming in his shirt. But there was definitely a glow about her.

  She had always wondered if people really did have a morning-after-sex-glow. She had never experienced it. Although, in all fairness, her experience was somewhat limited. But one night with Riley and she sure as heck had it!

  Excitement filled her. She wanted to jump up and down, clapping her hands and squealing...but she didn’t really think that would read “mature experienced woman” so she refrained.

  She needed to pull herself together before she went out there and faced the music...or the bacon, in this case. She hoped that Riley wasn’t regretting last night.

  Well, only one way to find out.

  She took a deep breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Opening the bedroom door, she padded barefoot across the wooden floor to the kitchen.

  Riley was standing at the stove in sweats that hung dangerously low. He stood there, sans shirt, and the muscles in his back rippled as he flipped the bacon.


  She heard a sound of sheer, unadulterated appreciation escape from deep inside of her. She slapped a hand over her mouth just as Riley turned, now alerted to her presence.

  A small lopsided grin was the only acknowledgment he made of her reaction to him.

  “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty,” he said as he turned and finished removing the last of the bacon from the pan and transferred it to the plate beside the stove.

  “Morning.” Chelle wasn’t sure what to do. A small voice inside her head piped up - ‘act natural, for God's sake!’

  Yes! Good. She could do that. Just act natural, she repeated to herself as she walked into the kitchen to get some OJ from the fridge. She opened the fridge, removed the OJ, placed it on the counter and closed the fridge.

  Okay, so far so good, she thought. She turned and opened the cabinet that held the cups. Reaching high over her head she felt Riley behind her.

  She leaned back into him, feeling his solid chest at her back. Unlike the first morning after he had arrived, when she had had to fight the instinct to melt against him, now she simply let herself luxuriate in the warmth and solidness of his body. She felt his erection, rock hard, pressed against her back.

  He wrapped one arm around her waist. Looking down she saw his large hand spread across her belly and the sight of it was a serious turn-on. With his other hand he brushed her hair to one side, revealing her neck.

  She instinctively tilted her head to give him better access.

  His lips moved to her sensitive skin and she felt a ripple of chills rush throughout her entire body. Even the tiny hairs on her arm were standing up.

  He kissed her softly at first, then she felt his mouth open as his tongue licked from the base of her neck to right below her ear. She felt his teeth as he bit the tender skin there. The hot, stinging sensation shot right down to her sex. She heard herself gasp from sheer pleasure.

  He alternated kissing, licking, and biting up and down her neck. She began writhing from the sweet ecstasy that was coursing through her. Her knees felt wobbly and her legs felt shaky. She melted against him, desire pulsing through her.

  “Do you remember the morning I got here?” His ragged voice caused goosebumps to form on her arm.

  “Yes,” she whispered throatily.

  “Do you know how bad I wanted to touch you then?”

  His words caused pleasure to build inside of her like a balloon about to burst.

  “Do you know how bad I want you to touch me now?” she said, her voice coming out in a taut, strangled gasp.

  He groaned as he slipped his hand between her legs. She felt the pressure of his fingers rubbing her through her panties. Her body tensed at the overwhelming sensations his touch was causing.

  “Relax, Chelle. Open your legs for me,” he commanded gently.

  She did as he asked and he slipped his hand inside her panties. She could feel the rough pad of his fingertips as he brushed over her sensitive nub, lightly at first, and then with more pressure before his fingers traveled lower. He took his time, gliding over her wet folds, before he slipped one finger inside of her.

  He moaned from deep inside his chest. She felt the vibration against her back. “Damn, you feel so good, baby. So tight around my finger.”

  His bold words caused her legs to give out on her and she reached up and grabbed onto his arms. His biceps flexed beneath her hands as she anchored herself to him. She dug her fingers into his arms as she held on for dear life, riding out the incredible pleasure his fingers were giving her.

  Then suddenly everything stopped. Riley’s his entire body stilled. He removed his hand and she heard him curse under his breath.

  She had no idea what was going on. She felt engulfed in a cloud of confusion, her legs trembling like Jello, her breath coming fast in short gasps. She was just about to ask Riley what in the heck was going on when she heard it. A loud knocking on the door.

  “It’s Randall, Chelle!” She heard Katie’s landlord yell. “Need to get into the apartment, hon. Open up!”

  Chelle began to move to the front door, but Riley beat her to it. He was at the front door before she even made it out of the kitchen.

  He glanced back over his shoulder before opening the door, “You might want to put some pants on. Soun
ds like he’s coming in.”

  She looked down at herself still feeling a little shell-shocked and saw that she was only wearing Riley’s shirt.

  “Good idea,” she said as she sprinted to the bedroom. She had just closed the door when she heard the two men talking.

  She quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

  When she joined the men in the kitchen she saw that Randall was under the sink and Riley (who she saw had thrown on a shirt) was standing, arms crossed, with a not-so-happy look on his face.

  “I really don’t mind taking a look.”

  “Oh, nonsense, son - this is my job!” She heard Randall's cheerful voice from below the sink.

  “What’s going on?” She asked.

  Randall’s head popped up, “Well now, Mrs. Partridge was sittin' down to have her morning coffee. She takes it black, no sugar, no milk. And, what do you know? Just as she was about to take her first sip, doggone water splashed into it. She looked up and, lo and behold, it was coming from the ceiling above her head! Now, she’s right below you in 214. So, best as I can put together, you got quite a leak from this here pipe.”

  Chelle looked up at Riley, who still wore his not-so-happy frown.

  “Now, don’t mind me! You kids go on with what you were doin',” Randall said as he climbed back under the sink.

  Chelle immediately felt her cheeks get heated and her eyes shot to Riley, who now wore a crooked smile. He waggled his eyebrows up and down and Chelle laughed. She loved this playful, happy side of Riley. She didn’t think many people saw that side of him and she felt grateful that she was able to.

  “This shouldn’t take more'n a couple of hours, kids,” Randall bellowed.

  Chelle’s eyes widened and Riley’s head fell back in frustration.

  --- ~ ---

  Riley had been pretty upset when Randall and the leaky sink foiled his plans to keep Chelle naked and in bed all day. But now, he had to admit, he was having a good time.


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