Snow, Jenika - Bittersweet: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Snow, Jenika - Bittersweet: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “When I have you all to myself, I’m going to make you feel so good. I’m going to make you come so hard, baby.” His warm breath was by her ear, and his hips picked up faster. He bit her earlobe, and she gripped his shoulders, feeling his hot semen coat her pussy lips as his hand palmed her breasts. He grunted and his body jerked from his release. She could have screamed with the unfairness of it all. She wanted to come, damn it! His groan was filled with male satisfaction, and when he was finished, he went into the bathroom, came back with a warm rag, and cleaned her gently.

  She closed her eyes. Her mouth was sore and her whole body ached. She felt his lips on her forehead and then heard his soft voice by her ear.

  “Rest up. You’ll need it.”

  They left her alone for a good while, and although she would have liked one of them to come in and relieve her, she was thankful for the small reprieve. She knew she would need it, if Jake’s words held any credibility.

  Chapter Six

  Piper woke the next morning, the burn of her arousal dimmed but far from gone. She heard the bedroom door open and sat up, bringing the comforter to her chest and covering her bare breasts. She felt the mask still on her face, albeit slightly crooked, but there, nonetheless. She adjusted it and stared at Ian, who stood just inside the door, his brows creased as he watched her.

  “You do not hide yourself from me.” His voice was displeased as he shut the door behind him and took a few steps forward.

  It took her a moment to realize he was talking about the comforter she covered her breasts with. He crooked his finger at her, beckoning her forward. Piper swallowed, hesitating a moment before she saw the rise of his eyebrow in question. His words suddenly crashed in her mind, and she got out of bed, knowing whatever punishment he had in mind was probably something she wouldn’t like. She stopped in front of him, staring into his sea-foam-colored eyes, and dropped her head. She desperately wanted to cover her body with her hands. The light was shining in through the window full force, and she didn’t doubt it showcased her many flaws.

  She felt his finger under her chin a moment before he brought her head up and spoke. “I will let that little act of disobedience slip because you are trying to acclimate yourself to this whole experience.” His eyes searched her face, and she feared he could see through the mask to her true identity. “But make no mistake, little sub, if you disobey your master again, I will be forced to punish you. Am I clear?” His voice was firm and determined.

  She swallowed and nodded. He ushered her into the bathroom, his wide-shouldered stance blocking her from escape.

  “You are to wash yourself and then come down for breakfast. You can use the latter part of today to get used to your surroundings and what we expect of you. Your belongings have been moved into this bedroom for the remainder of your stay.” He pointed to her small bag in the corner. Ian looked at her for a moment, “although you won’t be spending much time sleeping.” Her pulse quickened as she watched him stride forward. He gripped his hands around her waist and lifted her onto the counter. She sucked in a breath as he positioned her legs on the counter so her thighs were spread wide, and then ran his finger down her cleft, parting the folds. She felt a twinge of embarrassment as she was on display obscenely. He continued to run his fingers around her labia, down her slit, and up to move small circles over her clit. Juices started to coat her inner walls, and she used her Kegels to try and stop the flow from escaping.

  “Our pretty pussy needs to be kept smooth at all times. We don’t like hair covering what we plan on fucking.”

  His words sounded so gruff and dirty, but it didn’t stop the heat from spreading throughout her body. The clamping of her pussy was a failure, and she knew when Ian stared up at her, he could see her cream glistening out of her. He cleared his throat and helped her down.

  “Get cleaned up and come downstairs.”

  He turned and left, shutting the door behind him as Piper stood there frozen. She looked around, just now realizing the opulence of the bathroom. She quickly bathed, re-shaved, although she didn’t feel she needed to, and stepped out of the bathroom. She made sure to put the mask back on, but it was starting to irritate her skin. She wore it though, because the alternative was not an option.

  She adjusted the towel around her, not knowing if she was happy or disappointed no one lay in wait for her. She didn’t know what to wear, but then she stepped further into the room and saw what lay on her bed.

  Amidst the silk of the sheets and comforter was a thong, scratch that, a crotchless thong, a pair of thigh-high stockings and high heels, an elegant-looking bra with tiny jewels encrusted throughout, and, of course, an ass plug. Upon further inspection, she saw the panties were adorned with the crystals as well. She dropped the towel and slipped the bra on, her mouth falling open in shock as she looked down at herself. The nipples had been cut out, and now that she had the damn thing on, she could see tiny jewels bordered the hole to fully showcase the erect nubs and areola. She felt her face heat, and she put the panties on.

  She knew the panties were the same way, the crystals making a line down each side of her pussy lips, so they stood out even more. After putting on the hose and heels, she picked up the new mask which had been left for her. Removing the one that currently covered her face, she put the new mask on and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her reflection showed a woman she was unfamiliar with. Last night she had looked naughty, but the outfit she had on now seemed worse, more obscene and lewd even.

  She could see how puffy and pink her labia looked, and her face heated further. It was a stupid feeling, really. After all, the men had seen her last night on her hands and knees, with a butt plug in her ass! Now, though, looking at herself as the tropical sun blasted through the window made her feel incredibly self-conscious. Her traitorous nipples poked through the bra as if they were seeking out a hot, wet mouth. Her random thoughts caused her vagina to clench in need.

  She stared at herself, taking in the whole package. Her dark hair hung loosely and lifelessly around her shoulders. She twisted it and clipped it up, moving in different directions to see every possible angle of her body. She groaned when she looked at her ass, the string up her crack really showing the extra “plumpness” she so hated.

  The mask she wore was in the shape of a butterfly, all sparkling jewels and colorful feathers. Although she would have preferred to lose it, for the sake of her sanity, she knew it had to stay. It was just sheer luck the men found the whole “mystery” appealing. She didn’t know what she would do if they told her to remove it. No, she knew what she would do—run away and never look back. Quitting her job was also something she would have to consider, because there was no way in hell she would be able to face them after everything.

  Taking a deep breath, she headed into the kitchen. It wasn’t hard to navigate through the small apartment-type building. Although sheer curtains covered the windows, she could still see the courtyard outside. She heard male laughter and dishes clanging as she stepped into the dining room. As soon as she walked in, all noise ceased, and all eyes turned toward her.

  She stood there frozen, her eyes darting to each man. Logan had a paper in his hand, his fingers crinkling the edges. Brendin’s knuckles were white as he gripped his glass, and Jake just had his mouth open. Ian, on the other hand, showed no emotion, just sat at the head of the table, coffee cup in hand as he stared at her.

  “Um…Good morning.” She looked around for an empty seat and made her way toward it. Just as she walked past Logan, he wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her down on his lap. She felt his erection and gasped when his mouth covered her nipple.

  Oh yes.

  She kept her moan to herself, clenching her hands and biting the inside of her cheek until he finally released her. Her clit was already throbbing, and the fact that each man, except Ian, decided to smack her ass, fondle her breasts, or stroke of slit, did nothing to help tame the arousal still present from the night before.

inally, she eased into the chair, very aware of the anal plug as it was pushed farther into her rectum by her movements. It wasn’t until the deafening silence brought her out of her thoughts, she looked up. Each man stared at her, their plates empty in front of them. Ian’s words about serving them speared her mind, and she mumbled her apologies, standing and going into the kitchen.

  She was thankful when she saw platters already set on the island, the dishes covered and ready to be served. She took each dish into the dining room and set it on the table, wondering if she was to actually serve their food to them or if what she had done was good enough. She didn’t have to wait long because the men started digging into the food like they were starving. She sat down, knowing she should eat something, but she didn’t have much of an appetite. When everyone had their servings, she reached across the table for the platter of scrambled eggs. She bit her lip when Ian’s hand intercepted her, stopping her movement toward the food. She looked at him with wide eyes and swallowed roughly.

  If this was part of the whole game, let’s-starve-the-sex-slave, she wouldn’t have any part of it. She was surprised when he tugged on her arm and pulled her toward him. She sat on his lap, squirming around slightly, until the hand cupping her waist slid up and pulled on her nipple. She froze. Her breathing and heart rate accelerated as she tried to calm her raging hormones.

  Ian speared some eggs onto his fork and brought it to her lips. She was stunned for a moment, just staring at him, the fork poised right before her mouth.

  “Open for me.”

  Oh my. His words were a gruff grumble, and she knew she couldn’t disobey him, didn’t want to for that matter. She opened her mouth, closing her lips around the fork and sliding the eggs off with her tongue. She was keenly aware his eyes on her mouth, a dark glaze covering his vision and which told of his desire. The monstrous bulge under her ass was a telling sign as well.

  After breakfast, they all moved into the living room, but before she could get comfortable, Ian had his arms around her waist and was pulling her toward the bedroom. Her heart stuttered, and she prayed he did more than just tease her. Once he gestured her into the room, he shut the door, making the air thick with not only her heightened arousal, but his as well.

  His fingers went to his shirt buttons, and he started to undo them. “Get onto the bed and spread your legs wide, baby. I want to see my pretty cunt.” His voice was laced with sexual desire, and she complied without hesitation. He moved toward her, tossing the material on the floor, his fingers blindly undoing his pants.

  He stood at the foot of the bed naked, his arousal straining toward her as if it had a mind of its own. She sat there, her legs bent, her thighs spread as wide as they could go. She knew she was wet, could feel the moisture coating the mouth of her cunt and pussy lips. He looked at her cleft, and it was so intense, it was as if she could actually feel him stroking her, touching her, tantalizing her.

  “Touch yourself.”

  She didn’t hesitate to slip her hand down her belly and across her bare mound. She speared her fingers through her slit, feeling the moisture coating her flesh. Her clit throbbed as she brushed by it, pulsing from the slight stimulation.

  “I want you on your hands and knees.”

  She shivered at how his voice dropped to a husky murmur. She did what he said and looked over her shoulder, watching him come up behind her. His hands slid over her ass, massaging the globes. He was breathing heavily behind her, and she felt the hard length of his cock press against her. She closed her eyes and clenched her hands, fighting back the desire to thrust her ass at him and beg him to fuck her.

  There was no foreplay, and she was thankful. She needed to be fucked. His fingers teased her clit, rubbing the bud in small, measured circles as he aligned the head of his shaft with her pussy hole. She spread her legs further and felt his big body move in closer. Her eyes widened when he started to push inside of her. She felt stretched, but the slight burn was welcome. His hands gripped her hips, holding her steady, as he shoved his cock into her.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re so little and tight. So wet and hot.”

  She panted as he tunneled inch after huge inch into her. She dropped her head and closed her eyes, opening her mouth in a silent moan, as he finally seated himself inside of her. Her cunt flexed around his cock and his groan had her climax rushing for the surface. She gritted her teeth, remembering she needed to ask for permission to come. He started to thrust shallowly inside of her, and she realized holding off the inevitable was not an option.

  “Oh. God. I’m going to come,” she breathed out, hearing the pleading note in her voice.

  His hips started to pump faster, his hands gripping her waist tighter. “Come for me, baby. I want to feel my tight little cunt milking my cock.”

  His voice was a rough whisper, enticing her, tormenting her. Her orgasm rushed forward, stealing her breath, and caused her to shake from the force of it. His hands pulled her hips back, while his cock drove into her and sent another orgasm crashing through her in waves of exquisite pleasure.

  “Fuck…you feel so good.” Ian grunted, slamming into her harder and faster, until she finally felt the first twitch of his cock. His shaft seemed to grow thicker, longer, pulsed inside of her, shooting jet after jet of his cum, until finally he stopped pumping his hips.

  She felt his hot breath on her back and gave up trying to hold herself up. He came down with her, coving her back with his chest and compressing her into the mattress. After a while, she struggled, her oxygen depleted from his massive weight. Thankfully, he rolled off of her and wrapped his hand around her waist, dragging her onto her side and against his chest. They both tried to catch their breath, the after-pleasure haze slowly starting to move into a relaxing feeling inside of her.

  She was starting to drift off when she felt him move off of the bed. She looked over her shoulder and watched as he dressed. He didn’t spare her a backward glance, and she couldn’t help the anger and hurt that bubbled within her. She reminded herself she was essentially here for her pleasure, as well, but she was playing the role of a submissive, and in this game she was to be giving pleasure and only receiving it when it was allowed.

  He left the door open, but she didn’t have to wonder long on the why of it, not when Logan, Brendin, and Jake came walking in, their erections straining against their pants. One down, three to go.

  Chapter Seven

  Logan’s fingers were already popping the buttons free from his shirt as he sauntered in. Brendin and Jake were right behind him and, although they weren’t making any move to undress, she swallowed convulsively at their raging erections and the intent clear in their expressions. Jake shut the door as Logan and Brendin moved to the side of the bed. She sat up, pushing the hair away from her face as she watched the three men.

  “You are so beautiful.” Jake’s voice was soft, almost hesitant, and Piper couldn’t help but smile.

  “She has a fucking smokin’ body, that’s for sure.” Brendin was a bit more obscene with his words, but Piper found herself heating once again, her pussy becoming wet, not just from the combined juices from her earlier fuck with Ian, but in preparation for the men.

  Logan shucked his pants off and climbed on the bed, his dick bobbing as he moved toward her. She could see a glistening drop of pre-cum on the slit, and her mouth instinctively watered. She didn’t know why she was acting the way she was, or why her body was taking control. She had never liked giving blow jobs, but with the four men who were dominating her, she couldn’t help how delicious she found their taste to be.

  Logan slipped in beside her and pulled her close. His body was hot and hard, the muscles under his skin flexing and shifting with his movements. She felt the bed dip behind her, and she looked over her shoulder to see Brendin sidling close to her. Brendin’s hands made a trail of fire across her spine, over her ass, and between her cheeks. She sucked in a breath when she felt him slowly remove the anal plug, feeling her body immediately relaxed.

bsp; Although she was relieved to have the offending object removed, she wasn’t naive. She knew what these men had planned, knew what that butt plug had been intended for. She felt Logan’s hand caress her cheek, bringing her attention back to him, so he could bring his mouth to hers. His tongue stroked along the seam of her lips, urging her to open for him, which she happily did. Her skin felt tight and hot as Brendin massaged the globes of her ass, gently spreading them and skimming over the tight bud of her asshole. She tensed, but Logan’s mouth worked faster and harder, and she let herself relax as she enjoyed his ministrations. Logan’s tongue swept along hers, exploring the cavern of her mouth. One of his hands tweaked her nipples, pulling them taut until they stood hard and long.

  Logan broke away from the kiss to trail his mouth along her neck. She opened her eyes and stared at Jake, who stood just off to the side, his massive erection hard in his hand as he idly stroked it. Jake stared at her. He was aroused and not just because of his erection. Jakes eyes were glazed and were at half mast, his cheeks slightly red and his breathing visibly labored. It turned her on even more.

  “You taste good, pet.”

  She brought her attention back to Logan, who was nibbling a scorching path along her collarbone. He lifted her leg over his hip and she was acutely aware of how open she was. Brendin took the opportunity to gently probe her asshole while Logan’s fingers delved between the folds of her sex. She watched Jake step forward, and she knew what he wanted, knew what all these men wanted. It was the same thing she wanted to give them.

  There was a rustling of noise behind her, and then she felt a cool liquid coat her anus. Brendin ran his teeth along her shoulder while his fingers slipped into her ass, stretching her, preparing her. Logan’s fingers did the same to her pussy, and the sense of being filled by these two men had her entire body trembling. Logan situated himself under her, pulling her body atop his and taking her mouth in a brutal kiss. She straddled his waist, feeling the hot length of his shaft sliding along her slick folds of her pussy and bumping her clit teasingly. She broke the kiss when she felt Logan position his cock at the mouth of her pussy, slowly pressing into her and causing a burn to engulf her.


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