Restrained and Willing

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Restrained and Willing Page 7

by Tiffany Bryan

  He lightly skimmed several short wayward strands of sable hair from her forehead, slid his hand lower to gather a generous section from the longer back layer and stretched it out across her soft pale-green pillow case. His brat certainly liked her creature comforts. He was a high thread-count cotton man himself. Not that his closet didn’t contain the requisite stack of bachelor’s satin sheets. But there was nothing like snuggling down between a set of high-end soft Egyptian cotton.

  Most men would’ve laughed their asses off at his knowing there were different types of cotton, let alone the significance of the thread count. They probably would have kicked his ass out of the macho men’s club for even thinking about something as ridiculous as sheets instead of taking advantage of the willing, naked woman sleeping next to him. Not that he gave a damn what the general male populace thought, since the majority hadn’t a clue what turned a woman on. The varying nuances that brought a woman pleasure. Skin was the largest organ on the human body. The gateway to all physical sensation. Immense pleasure to excruciating pain and all levels in between. A man skilled in that knowledge, as he was, reaped enormous rewards.

  And if his plans for the upcoming week unfolded like he wanted, he’d be able to explore some of those in-betweens with Heather. She was a woman who wanted and needed pushing. The sexual fantasies she’d written were a clear indication of that.

  He floated the back of his hand down the outside length of her arm.

  Gift a female with what she desires and you’ll get it back tenfold. Giving more than she gets is part of a woman’s genetic makeup.

  Case in point…a little consideration of her body’s need to rest now would gain him hours of invigorating playtime later.

  As he banked his lust, he fiddled with the ends of her silky hair, memorizing its lush texture. In her teens, her hair had been all one length and long enough to brush her trim waist.

  He’d once dreamed about her thick curtain of hair. Its glossy length wrapped around his rigid cock. The erotic image so sexually intense, he’d jerked awake in a cold sweat. The bedcovers twisted to hell and back were half off the bed. It had taken weeks to purge the image from his mind. A vivid picture that now returned with a vengeance as he drew his fingers along some of the longest strands that now only reached to the middle of her back.

  He took a deep breath, getting a whiff of lemon candle and satisfied woman all wrapped in the light blanket of her sexual musk. He twisted to glance at the clock on the nightstand. He’d give her ten more minutes. About to turn back around, the drawer on the nightstand caught his attention.

  I wonder?

  Careful not to disturb her, he leaned back, stretched his arm until his hand latched on to the silver knob and slid open the drawer.

  He blindly felt his way through the contents.


  Pay dirt!

  Chapter Six

  “If this is a dream, don’t wake me up,” Heather murmured as her sleep-hazed brain attempted to separate fantasy from reality.

  The low timbre of a masculine chuckle and the familiar hum of her favorite toy confirmed this was indeed heavenly reality.

  “Naptime’s over, brat.” The soft puffs that accompanied the quiet command tickled over her naked breasts. The tips tightened in a bid for more stimulation. An invitation enthusiastically accepted.

  With nothing more than his talented tongue, Pierce lashed and laved both nipples into aching spikes of need, compounding the pleasure with whisper-light skims of a vibrator through her already slick labia.

  Oh, yeah, this was definitely a great way to wake up.

  Her fists mutilated the sheet at her sides as she warred with her body’s urge to squirm. No way was she risking a break of contact with the tiny electrical instrument being applied with such teasing expertise.

  “More.” Uncaring that her tone telegraphed her building frustration, she cautiously canted her hips.

  To her delight, Pierce responded to her plea without the slightest reference to control, or lack thereof. The nips and sucks to her nipples became more rigorous, the hum of the vibrator more intense.

  Still, the stimulation wasn’t where she desired it.

  She captured her bottom lip between her teeth to stifle a groan. “Not enough.” She spread her left leg out farther. Moving both legs would’ve allowed him better access to her twitching clit, but her right side was plastered flush against a warm wall of immovable muscle. A cozy position she’d relish any other time. Not at the moment with her need on the upswing.

  “Shit, Pierce.”

  The enjoyable torture to her nipple ceased.

  Entrenched in the gradual build of oncoming bliss, she took an inordinate amount of time to lift her heavy eyelids.

  Even with his sharp-planed features dimmed in the candlelit room, the rough-honed masculinity of his profile nearly stole the breath from her lungs.

  His intense concentration was not on her face, but between her legs. With the barest of added pressure, he skated the tip of the vibrator around the perimeter of her dewy lips, then over the hood of her clit. Ended with a measured drag up through her throbbing center, skimming her clit a nanosecond before it was gone.

  “Ughhh.” Her hips came off the bed in hot pursuit of the retreating toy. “Damn you. Do you get pleasure from torturing me?”

  With raised brow, his dark twinkling gaze met hers.

  She sighed. Heavily. “Dumb question. Of course you do.”

  “Don’t pretend you don’t like it.” He cruised the vibrator back through her folds.

  She hissed softly as it bumped her engorged clit, bringing her one step closer to the orgasm she craved.

  “Besides, should we decide to take this beyond tonight, this is only a taste of the sexual torture you can expect.”

  She’d concluded months ago there’d be many, many nights with this man. After she persuaded the sexy blockhead she was the perfect woman for him. “I can take whatever you can dish out.”

  His slightly sinister laugh sent a nervous shiver of delight up her spine.

  “Quite the boast. For someone who’s never been sexually dominated or disciplined. Let’s see if you’re singing the same tune after I’ve reddened that cute ass of yours until tears of want stream down your pretty face.”

  Instead of deterring her from the course she was set on, the sensual threat made her pussy clench in need. Added to the fact he’d intimated they would indeed have a future together, his words were a giant step in the right direction.

  She took her courage in hand. “There’s only one way to find out.” She dragged her tongue slowly over her lips, gyrated her hip against the glorious hard-on pressed against it and, reaching up, plumped a breast in offering.

  Trapped between her hip and his flat stomach, his cock pulsed and his features tightened with lust as Pierce followed the teasing movement.

  “Witch.” He took a deep breath that expanded his chest.

  Her joy at the small victory derailed at the sight of his glorious torso. As long as she’d known him, women had gone to ludicrous lengths to be with him. A circumstance that was about to end. From today on, there’d only be one woman in his life.

  “You know, sweetheart, you make it damn hard to remember you’ve no experience in the lifestyle you claim to want.”

  The hint of frustration behind the words captured her attention.

  “A less experienced man would’ve taken you up on those not so subtle little offers you’ve been serving up all evening and leapt right to the hardcore stuff.”


  He cut her off with a less than gentle kiss. “But no matter what you deal out tonight,” he shook his head slowly, “not gonna happen. Not to say we won’t get in a few rounds of down-and-dirty fucking.” He smiled.

  She loved it when he smiled. It made him even more handsome, if that was possible.

  “So quit thinking of what tomorrow brings and let’s just enjoy tonight as if we were any other normal couple getting it
on for the first time.”

  Not wanting to disregard yet another warning to take things slow and risk losing the tentative headway she’d made toward a future with him, she focused on his old-fashioned wording. She raised an eyebrow and crinkled her nose. “Getting it on?”

  “Hmmm. Now, where were we?” he asked, ignoring her remark as the low background hum of the vibrator became more prominent.

  There was no time for comments or thoughts, only feeling as he drove the sex toy into her wet channel in one effortless glide.

  She gasped. Her hips arched, embedding the toy deeper.

  No teasing this time, just a steady push-pull that brought her to the edge and, with practiced ease, kept her there for long, drawn-out, magnificent moments. A slow twist. An unhurried slide through increasingly sensitive tissue. A solid stroke. And she was one light graze to her clit away from blissful relief.

  A dozen times or more he brought her to the brink, only to drag her back. Yo-yoing her closer and closer to the pinnacle of pleasure her body screamed for.

  Freed from thought, she didn’t curb her body’s natural responses. Clenched fists, rotating hips, uninhibited moans. A soft scream a time or two for good measure.

  “That’s my sweet brat. Feel. Just feel. Your body’s speaking loud and clear.”

  “Please, Pierce.” She forced the pleading whine between tense lips.

  He drove the toy deep, raked his thumb up and over her sensitized clit, firmly bit the tip of one hardened nipple.

  “Oh God!” Her body arched, held the pose for several seconds before she was launched into paradise.

  Heart slamming against her rib cage, gasping to fill her starved lungs, she floated back and melted into the comfort of her mattress.

  She kept her eyes shut to fully enjoy the soft aftermath thrums between her legs, the feeling of utter relaxation enveloping her.

  “That was,” she licked her dry lips, “amazing.” Her inner muscles still clenching against the hard plastic inside her, she pried her eyelids open to meet a white-toothed grin in a face beaming with raw male confidence.

  “I’ve never had sex without a condom,” he said, his tone serious as he withdrew the vibrator.

  “Me neither. Not even with Joel.” He had to be surprised, but didn’t show it.

  “With or without?”

  Still dazed by the staggering orgasm, it took her a bit to figure out he was asking if she wanted him to use protection.

  “Without. I’m on birth control.”

  That was the extent of her respite.

  In one coordinated move, Pierce captured both her delicate wrists in one hand, dragged them above her head, covered her with his body and obliterated her small gasp with a full-mouthed, lip-numbing kiss. When they came up for air, he swooped back down for a drugging, tongue-tangling samba that had them both gasping for air.

  God, the man could kiss. But as delicious as his tongue was, that wasn’t the part of him she wanted inside her. She wanted his dick. Big, long, hard and stuffed up inside her as far as it could go.

  She writhed as he kissed her senseless. His grip on her wrists prevented her from running her hands down his ripped body to grasp his tight ass and force him to enter her.

  Why she thought it would be a glorious quick penetration, she hadn’t a clue. But, Christ. She needed him inside her. Now!

  She scooted lower, made contact with the tip of his cock. A gentle introduction to tender tissue. She strained against his hold, shifting a fraction lower. Hard, steely flesh breached her drenched opening. She gasped.

  He broke the kiss, and pulled out. “Not yet, baby. God, you’re so fucking tight. But we’re going to fix that.” He levered off her, keeping one leg between hers.

  She slicked her tongue across her lips, took a calming breath and forced her thighs wider.

  His nostrils flared on a deep inhalation.

  Was he searching for self-control? Or taking in her scent as male animals sometime do with their mates?

  He placed sipping kisses at each corner of her mouth as his hand slid downward in a slow explorative journey, starting at the side of her neck, over one breast, feathering along her side, hip, outer thigh, until he paused at her knee. The entire time, his eyes stayed locked to hers.

  Were her eyes burning as brightly as his? Most likely. Sure to burn brighter when his hand reached its final destination between her legs.

  She fought the urge to tilt her hips in blatant suggestion.

  He ran his hand up the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh. Paused shy of her twitching pussy.

  Her stomach contracted, she lifted her hips as far as the heavy leg over hers would allow.

  The very tip of his finger slid through her moist folds.

  She let her eyelids slip shut and groaned.

  Such a huge reaction for such a minute touch. But for the first time in her life, she felt free, totally unguarded. Content to let a man take what he wanted without any reservation on her part. No thought. Just pure liberating reaction.

  And she was certain her willingness to follow his lead would only increase as their relationship grew stronger.

  Her eyes shot open on a gasp at the sharp nip to her nipple.

  “Keep those beautiful brown eyes open. I want to see how many shades they’re capable of turning before I fill this tight,” he rotated his finger deep inside her, eliciting another soft moan, “hot, delicious pussy of yours with my cock.”

  “Can’t we save the color research for later?” she all but panted out. “I really need you, Pierce.”

  In answer to her plea, he filled her with two fingers, shoving them deep, twisting his wrist.

  “Soon. Let me play a bit. I promise the wait with be worth it. A quick result isn’t always the most gratifying.”

  He bent his head and nipped her other nipple.

  She sucked in a sharp breath as sensation shot down to where his fingers were pumping in and out with sure, steady strokes.

  She gritted her teeth against the inclination to close her eyes. Not because, like so many times in the past, she needed to close them to rid herself of any distractions in order to concentrate on having a climax, but because the sensations were so sharply exquisite.

  Her gaze locked to his smoldering one, her toes curled when she felt the stretch and burn of a third finger.

  “Damn, you’re tight. How long has it been?”

  “Way too long.” She didn’t elaborate. He studied her for a few seconds, but thankfully didn’t press the subject. Sex with Joel had been pleasant, nothing earth-shattering, but certainly no screw-until-you-drop marathon.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. Your pussy is like a pleasurable vise, but I need to make sure you can take me. All of me. Because once I’m gloved in all this creamy, wet heat, I plan on staying there for a while. And the last thing I want to do is hurt you. Or, God forbid, make you too sore for what I have planned after tonight.”

  Hope soared. Another reference to a future together. “Okay.” The agreement came easily. She’d watched the video she’d pilfered of him and those two women enough to know the old wives’ tale about heavily muscled men having little dicks was a big pile of horseshit and that Pierce had enough stamina for five men.

  “Relax. Let me take care of you.”

  The first part of his request was easy. The last, not so much. Folded onto each other, his fingers created a thick pyramid. The initial inch or so of penetration was challenging, but relatively pain free. He stayed at that depth for long moments, moving incrementally deeper. When he was halfway in, she counseled herself to take deep steady breaths. The man wasn’t prone to exaggeration. His dick was definitely on the high end of above average. She’d need every advantage.

  When their lips met, she welcomed the distraction and when his tongue encouraged her to open wider, she readily complied. Distracted by the sensual dance in her mouth, the deeper burrowing of his fingers seemed easier to handle. When he delved farther, rotated, pumped sev
eral times, she pulled back. “Wait. Give me a second.”

  “Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere,” his eyes glistened devilishly, “other than a little deeper.”


  “Shhh. Just let me take care of everything. All you need do is lie back. Enjoy. You’re almost there.” He started a lazy rotation of his fingers, but kept to a shallower invasion for long pleasurable moments.

  It was heavenly, the teasing swirls putting her at ease.

  He pumped gently, swiveled his wrist.

  “Mmmm.” No use frustrating herself. There was no pushing the man and truthfully, what he was doing felt damn good. The advance and retreat of his thick fingers. Gradually working to his goal as if he’d all the time in the world.

  A little stretch. A little burn. A whole lot of wonderful.

  “How’s that feel?”


  He lowered his lips for a soft kiss. “You’re so wet. So hot. I love the feel of your moist heat, the creaminess of your cum all over my fingers. I’ll love it even more on my dick.”

  Heather’s heart thudded to a halt. Shot back into rhythm. This was it. The moment she’d been waiting for. Being in Pierce’s arms. Totally, vulnerably naked. About to accept him into her body.

  Chapter Seven

  Pierce could pinpoint the precise second when Heather gave herself over to the bliss. There was nothing like that exact moment. The head rush a man got when his woman gave herself into his keeping. His woman? The silent claim didn’t cause his usual grab-your-pants-and-get-the-hell-out reaction.


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