Restrained and Willing

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Restrained and Willing Page 21

by Tiffany Bryan

  Heather shrugged. Since she’d never doubted her own intelligence, that only left the issue of being normal. A category she’d never particularly aspired to be included in, since being considered unique was more where her sights lay. Instead of fear, the thought of Pierce’s wide, capable hand cracking repeatedly over her ass, the painful erotic pleasure she’d experience with each smack, made her pussy well up with moisture.

  She swigged down the remainder of the liquid before setting the empty bottle down on the end table next to the partially squeezed tube of lubricant, her gaze fastening on the sight of a slightly larger butt plug than the one snugly embedded inside her. Her ass involuntarily squeezed around the sturdy little intruder. When had the new one magically materialized? Not that Pierce hadn’t had ample opportunity to get it out between her many distractions and short episode of passing out.

  “Mind handing me the lube?” he asked, dropping into a sitting position.

  Taking a silent extended breath to calm her suddenly jangling nerves, she laid the lube across his open palm. “I’m not sure I’m ready for…”

  “Come here.” He spread his thighs, laying the items onto the ottoman next to his thigh.

  She stepped into the space he’d provided.

  “Whether you’re ready or not is what we’re going to find out.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  As Heather stood quiet between his open thighs, Pierce studied her guarded expression and slightly hiked silky eyebrow on her lovely face and couldn’t help thinking how uniquely beautiful she was. The adorable, precocious child he’d come to know and love in the family sense had grown into an amazing attractive woman. Though, thank the Lord above, her mischievous, inquisitive nature had followed her into adulthood. She was a joy to be around and, down the road, would give some lucky man a run for his money. At another time, he’d have to explore why the thought of her in a relationship with any other man but him left a nasty taste in his mouth. And why the word love associated with her became more and more palatable. A thought that should have bothered him more than it did. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he’d revisit his feelings. Take a hard candid look at his beliefs. Honestly evaluate the mountainous wall he’d erected around his heart. Not tonight when he had a completely compliant naked woman at his ready disposal.

  He kissed her navel, thrilled when it quivered beneath his light touch and a low hum of pleasure drifted down to him. Glancing up, he wrapped his hands around her trim thighs. High enough to conveniently rest his thumbs in the crease at the top of her legs. Low enough to where a simple inward shift would make contact with her hairless pussy. Another shift and her hard little clit would be at his teasing mercy.

  Ah, hell. While he was down here… He lowered his head, filled his lungs with her honeyed musk scent and took his tongue on a slow-speed journey from the bottom of her puffy slit, up through her dewy folds and captured the hard tiny button of flesh at the top between his teeth, administering a multitude of gnawing nips.

  His reward—a decidedly feminine breathy gasp and the sharp bite of nails into his shoulders.

  When he drew back, she withdrew her hands.

  One look at her face told him she was dying to say something. Most likely express regret, judging by the sympathetic glances to his shoulders.

  “Never apologize for an honest reaction.” As he spoke, he rotated his thumbs in small firm circles. “A little sharp nail bite now and again is good for a man’s ego. Lets him know the depths of his partner’s pleasure.”

  A flash of relief lit her eyes.

  When their time here was up and they returned to the city, he’d definitely engage her in a game of strip poker. Or maybe a game of fuck poker. The winner of each hand deciding where and how. Not very sporting of him. Especially since, although competitive as all get-out, Heather’s expressive face was an opponent’s dream tell. Better than an eye twitch when the person across from you was holding a good hand. He supposed he should feel guilty for taking such unfair advantage, but since each hand won would result in as much pleasure for her as it did him, he wouldn’t be indulging in any self-flagellation any time soon.

  Hmmm, and while he was on the subject of whipping…

  He released one of her thighs to pull out a small drawer on the side of the ottoman and feel around for what he wanted.

  “Know what this is?” He held the item up.

  Her eyes widened slightly before answering, “Yes, Pierce. A flogger?”

  Shorter than the ones hanging on the wall, the small discipline device was ideal for close work. “I thought this would be less harsh than my hand.”

  She looked skeptical.

  Since she’d discover the truth of his words soon enough, he didn’t bother with reassurance. He set it next to the lube and butt plug, letting the tails hang over the side of the seat. As he reached down to close the drawer, he felt a slight tug on the hand that still held her.

  He snapped his head up in time to catch her trying to sneak a peek at the hidden compartment’s contents before she jerked straight.

  He gave her a solid warning crack on her upper thigh. “Still the curious cat, I see. If you need a reminder of what happened to the nosy animal, I’d be glad to refresh your memory. Let you pick something blindly from the drawer and use it on you.”

  Straight white teeth captured rose-pink lower lip. She shook her head.

  Pierce held back a grin. The drawer contained nothing truly ominous. Well, depending on one’s point of view, the small pussy flogger might be considered a demon’s tool to someone who’d never experienced its pleasurable effects.

  But he knew hinting she’d find something more devious was as good as wiggling a profusely bleeding finger in front of a starving shark and would slingshot his little brat’s overactive imagination into warp speed until she’d had a look. He’d give her two days, three at most to gain her answers.

  “Kiss me,” he said, to get her to release her abused lip and because he wanted to explore every corner of her lovely mouth before he moved on to other, more intimate parts of her body.

  He’d every intention of keeping the kiss light until she drove her tongue between his lips and tried to dominate the situation.

  Not happening, sweetheart. In the next heartbeat, he clamped a firm hand on the back of her neck and took back control.

  No light petting. A flat-out, both-you-and-your-body-belong-to-me hardcore possession. She tasted of minty mouthwash and escalating excitement. Her muffled kittenish noises, echoed in their joined mouths, sending tingling vibrations over their entwining tongues. He nipped, sipped, nibbled and tongued his way over every centimeter of her luscious mouth until he allowed her lungs to refill.

  An excellent swimmer, she’d lasted longer than most, but was still no match for his avid long-distance swimmer’s lung capacity.

  He allowed himself a moment to enjoy the way her labored breaths alternately offered up her pert, generous breasts before pulling her facedown over his lap.

  “Pierce!” She instinctively arched up.

  He pushed her back down with a firm hand on the back of her neck and brought his hand down solidly on her nicely rounded ass in retaliation for once again speaking without permission.

  The next sound to leave her lips was a hiss sifting through clenched teeth.

  Lesson learned.

  Shit, that stung. Hung facedown over the solid platform of Pierce’s granite thighs, Heather barely had time to breathe, let alone think about her reactions. She puffed out a disgusted breath, only to suck it back in when Pierce wiggled the small butt expander wedged in her ass. Sting. Potential pleasure. Damn. She didn’t know which sensation to concentrate on. The decision was abruptly taken from her when the burning heat in her cheek leveled out to a mild bite of acute discomfort mixed with building pleasure that settled deep in her pussy.

  She squirmed. Stilled. Her attention splintering further at the feel of Pierce’s long, thick cock digging into her stomach.

  “Keep wiggling like th
at and you’ll be getting that a lot sooner than I’d planned.”

  He bucked his hips, leaving no room to misinterpret what body part he referred to.

  Like she needed an interpretation. Not likely since that bad boy and her already wet pussy were speaking the same slutty language.

  A rotation and pull on the plug gained her attention.

  Unsure what sensation to focus on, she decided to take Pierce’s earlier advice and just…feel.

  She closed her eyes.

  “That’s my girl,” he murmured as if he knew what she’d done.

  The warmth of the kiss placed in the middle of her back, the coolness of the gel being dripped down the crack of her ass, the firm weight of his hands as he pulled her cheeks apart and did another experimental light yank on the toy stuffed inside her all seemed magnified without the benefit of sight.

  She’d read and fantasized so many times about giving herself over to Pierce, but nothing compared to the reality. The feelings that bombarded her with each new experience, each warm caress of his expert hands, no matter where on her body. The deep husky command in his voice that compelled her to obey.

  To be brutally honest, even though she had the burning desire to submit to Pierce with every fiber in her being, to prove she was the perfect woman for him, deep down in the shadowy depths of her subconscious, she’d always been afraid she’d never be able to relinquish all her independence to him. That giving someone that much control would make her weak. It was a relief to finally realize she could let go. And, fuck no, it didn’t make her weak at all. There was a power in relinquishing control that she’d never understood. If anything, she felt stronger than ever, knowing in this man’s highly capable hands she’d be cared for, her sensual needs met, even those she didn’t know she had and this was exactly where she truly belonged. Whodathunk being spanked was one of those sexual needs. She smiled. For a moment.


  “Eeek!” Her body arched. Motherfu— She bit her lip.

  A firm hand against her shoulder blades pushed her back down. The same hand landed hard on the opposite cheek to make it burn like the devil. She forced her body to relax. Instead of tensing, she rode out the sting, absorbed the fire. Heat rushed through her nerve endings as it mushroomed, then inverted to swamp and blanket her body, sending a rush of erotic pleasure to all her sexual pinpoints.

  “About damn time,” Pierce murmured as he squeezed her butt cheeks lightly. His action intensified the heat, but also sent another zap of pleasure straight to her core.

  “I was wondering when you’d stop holding back.”

  She turned her head to look at him. “I—”

  He tangled his fingers in her hair, yanked her head up and she got a whiff of his subtle spicy aftershave before he smashed his firm lips to hers.

  Her scalp tingled with little pinpricks of borderline pain as he held her in place as efficiently as any shackle and mastered her mouth. Took everything she had to give and pushed for more. When he released her, her lips were numb, she felt thoroughly ravaged and the light abrasion of his shadowy beard left no doubt there’d be evidence of his roughness tomorrow. Not that she cared, since she had a feeling that slight discomfort would be low on the totem pole of precedence with regard to painful places on her body that would vie for attention.

  “Thank you.” His green eyes smoldered with unmasked sincerity. “Your letting go completely was the most precious gift you could’ve given me.”

  The low reverent rumble of his declaration arrowed straight to her heart. Her eyes welled. Holy Mother Mary, how she loved this man. He was tough as nails for the most part, but strong enough to be extremely sincere, open and gentle when the need arose.

  “The only problem is, knowing that, I’m not sure how long I can hold out before I stuff you so full of cock those liquid pools rimming your eyes will turn to unstoppable streams and run down your beautifully flushed cheeks.” He winked.

  She didn’t know whether to giggle or punch him in his grinning face. He seemed to be a master at wringing conflicting emotion from her. She knew this time he was doing it to lighten the mood a fraction. For his benefit or hers? Whichever, his strategy worked and had her eyes drying.

  Up until his grin turned wicked and his hand landed on her tender flesh again with barely enough time for her to catch a breath. Another blow landed. More followed in quick succession. Always alternating. Ass. Hips. Thighs. Even her dripping pussy was the recipient of a few soft smacks. Eventually, the lines between pain and pleasure blurred in her fogged brain and all that was left was an excruciating need to come as she arched into the swats, wanting, needing the next one as much as she needed to drag air into her depleted lungs. Air heavily filled with the musky scent of sex and a high-pitched animalistic keening.

  “Ohhh, God. Ohhh, God. More! Harder! Please, Pierce. Don’t you dare stop.” Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew the strange sounds and pleading to be spanked were coming from her, but she didn’t care.

  Her desperate pleas were answered by a low sinister masculine chuckle that tingled up her spine, down her arms and legs, leaving a trail of delicious goose bumps in its wake. “Since you asked so prettily.”

  The next crack landed without apology, degrees harder than the preceding ones. She screamed, levered up as her orgasm hit so hard the world around her skewed, splintered into an array of colorful hues for several long, awe-inspiring moments and then turned pitch black.

  “Well, hell.” Laughing softly, Pierce shook his head and feasted his eyes on the dew-drenched, inert woman hanging over his lap. Heather was a fainter. As far as he recalled, he’d never seen her lose consciousness once since he’d known her. Not even when she’d carried home the bloodied, half-dead dog she’d found hit by a car on the side of the road. She’d been what, all of ten? No one had realized she’d hauled the badly mangled mutt for two miles until after they’d gone to retrieve her new bicycle which she’d dumped and carelessly left by the curb at the site of the accident. None of the men had thought the dog would survive, not even her usually optimistic father. But their little brat had demanded they take him to the vet and get him fixed or she was going to make all their lives a living hell until eternity froze over. And damn if the mongrel hadn’t recovered and found himself a right cozy home for the next eleven years. Most of his time spent in the Thompson household curled up next to Heather, the recipient of her undivided attention as she unconsciously lovingly stroked him or scratched his belly.

  Lucky furry bastard.

  Pierce could sure use some of that undivided attention right now. His cock was so hard and sensitive beneath the soft stomach of the sleeping beauty draped across his lap, he had to grit his teeth against coming just from the light friction of her shallow breaths.

  Sighing, he rolled his precious bundle over and into his arms, stood and moved to the large brown leather sectional in the center of the room.

  With one of those little kittenish sounds she made, she rolled and snuggled against his chest.

  She felt so incredibly right in his arms, his knees almost buckled. “What am I going to do with you, my sweet brat?” He dipped his head, pressed his lips against her damp hair. “I have a really uncomfortable feeling letting you go isn’t going to be an option,” he mumbled, secure in the knowledge she couldn’t hear him. He wasn’t ready to delve too deeply into his vacillating feelings and he sure as hell wasn’t ready to reveal them to her. Not until he figured out exactly what it was he felt for her.

  Getting comfortable, he snatched one of the matching beige fleece blankets off the backrest, carefully tucked it around her body, leaned his head back and waited.

  With the realization they’d changed locations and were now on the leather sectional Heather eased back into awareness with an irrepressible shiver. The direct result of the butterfly-wing sensations rolling down her spine to veer off and spread delectable warmth over the cheeks of her bare ass. The man sure did have the most amazing mouth. Full, commanding lips ca
pable of hard, unrestrained possession one minute, unbelievable gentleness the next.

  “Mmmm. I’ll give you two hours to stop that,” she murmured.

  “Welcome back.” He added a moist tongue into the mix. The leisurely strokes over the base of her spine were all too reminiscent of the way he worked his tongue over and around the swollen lips of her pussy. Talk about a pro when it came to cunnilingus.

  She tensed against another telltale shiver, was unsuccessful in suppressing it.

  Not even the mild amusement in his voice induced her to raise her lazy eyelids and risk him stopping what he was doing. The man was certainly tuned in to what brought a woman pleasure.

  “I didn’t take you for a fainter.”

  She held back an unladylike snort. That makes two of us.

  “Might’ve been nice to get a heads-up.”

  Difficult to do since she’d never fainted before. She’d always thought she’d had a fairly decent enough sex life. Talk about being pitifully mistaken. A fact she wasn’t about to reveal, since the man’s ego didn’t need any boosting.

  “Keep it up and I’ll have to lay in a supply of smelling salts.” He lightly nipped her right butt cheek.

  She let out a halfhearted squeak as the carefully applied pressure of his teeth only served to add another layer of gratifying contentment.

  “Or come up with more self-indulgent, inventive ways to revive you.”

  Her bubble of contentment burst when he firmly spread her cheeks apart and flat-tongued his way through the exposed valley, executed a sensuous glide over the sensitive ring of nerves and then sank two fingers deep into her well-greased anus.

  She had a moment to realize he’d most likely removed the butt plug when she’d been passed out and greased her up before he started pumping. “Pierce, wait. No—”

  “Am I hurting you?”


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