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iDENTITY Page 15

by Cynthia Kumanchik


  “Lon Montana to see JD,” said Lena in a baritone voice.

  Maybe I will be able to pull this off, thought Lena as she passed through security without any buzzers going off.

  The robot asked her for her eye imprint, typed in a message, and waited. Lena prayed that her new masculine image would now appear on JD’s wall monitor.


  Lena breathed a sigh of relief and passed her own empty cubicle, a quiet break room, and several closed offices. Where is Whitaker? Don’t want to run into him right now. thought Lena. Then she stopped in front of JD’s office, her desk full of paperwork and folders scattered on the floor and on the file cabinet. Lena had never seen JD’s office look so disorganized. And the monitor was turned off.

  “Are you the IT tech? I hope so; someone hacked into our computers last night,” said JD, dark shadows under her eyes as she stared at her computer screen.

  “No, didn’t you get the call? I’m here to invest. A friend recommended Infinity, specifically you,” said Lena.

  JD gazed at her for a few minutes, as if examining a specimen.

  “Really, and you are?”

  Lena looked at JD intently and then winked.

  “Lon Montana from Dallas, Texas. Just moved here and still finding my way around,” she said, still standing by her door.

  Just then, Tim stepped behind Lena, interrupting their conversation.

  “JD, sorry to bother you, but the IT specialist is here and Mrs. Arnold called to move up her appointment to 10,” he said, totally ignoring her presence.

  “Tim, have the IT guy come here ASAP. Lon, we’ll probably going to have to reschedule. It’s getting very hectic,” said JD.

  Lena might have walked away, but Lon was determined to meet with JD. He thrust an imprinted card at her.

  “Run this through your computer to view my investments; I bought some commercial properties in California and need a financial firm to work with here. What do you say?” Lon said with a slight drawl.

  JD inserted the card, motioning for Tim to leave her office. Her eyes lit up as she pulled up his phony portfolio and photos of his properties.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry… are you related to Lyle Montana, the cattle rancher?” JD pulled out a chair for Lon.

  “Yes, my cousin. Can we do business now?”

  Lon lingered by the door.

  JD got up from her desk and shook Lon’s hand.

  “We will soon be partners— I know this great restaurant to discuss the details further. Let’s meet at the Star Casino in the Meridian 8 p.m. Such a pleasure to meet you today, Mr. Montana.”

  Lon headed for the transporter. The doors opened and Lon stepped inside, checking out his new masculine reflection in the surrounding mirror. His face appeared more chiseled, his hands larger and his shoulders broader. The doors opened and he now faced Sam. They looked squarely at each other, but Sam got in as Lon left without saying a single word and headed for home. This is going smoother than I thought it would be, Lon exhaled.

  The sun began to set as Lena zipped up the outside transporter to the rear entrance of her office. Luckily no one was there due to computers issues; Lena made that happen. Now to create the bogus bank accounts of Lon Montana and his history online before my meeting tonight with JD. My day has been pure torture, due to my transformation, thought Lena, reflecting on how she had to take three pills, shave, and focus on being a woman again. Watching her chest expand and her hips develop, Lena slowly became a woman again. It took hours of concentration and grit to change her body into that womanly form so she could get back to the office. In just three hours, she planned to meet JD at the Star Casino, only a few floors above.

  “Hey, where have you been all day? Trying to avoid our little crisis— heard you were working at home. Remember we have unfinished business,” said Sam, poking his head in Lena’s office.

  Lena felt her heart start to race and her hands started to sweat.

  “Yeah, can’t work in chaos. Can we talk later? Have a deadline to meet,” said Lena, her eyes on her monitor.

  “Hey, just to let you know— JD has a meeting with an important client tonight. Overheard her talking, real excited about this one. Could be a really big client for the firm— just letting you know,” said Sam.

  Lena continued creating her accounts, wondering how to get rid of him before transforming herself back into Lon and slipping away to the Casino.

  “Look, I really appreciate that piece of intel, but I have to complete this project for Mr. Whitaker. Here, keep digging. Get back to me tomorrow, okay?” she said as she placed a hundred-dollar bill on her desk.

  Sam smiled brightly and snatched the bill from her desk.

  “Hey, that’s chump change for you. Need a little more to sustain me,” he said, his hand outstretched.

  A migraine pounded her brain and Lena clenched her teeth tightly. Keep it in check before you do something you’ll regret. Just get this guy off your back, Lena thought.

  She pulled out her wallet and produced four more hundred dollar bills.

  “Now get lost and keep me posted,” she said, enraged at his persistence.

  “Sure, now that’s more like it, sugar. Relax, you look a little tense. I’ll split now,” Sam said, exiting her office.

  Lena took a deep breath and continued to work on Lon Montana’s profile, creating some social media sites and spreading the word about his land development schemes and projects. She worked so intently that she didn’t realize that it was 7:45 p.m. Her pulse rate rose and her hands started shaking.

  Calm down and think like Lon Montana: a smooth, confident, and very rich mogul. Just breathe and become that person so you can expose that JD for the person that she is, thought Lena. Her eyes closed.

  Ten minutes passed and it now was 7:55 p.m. Lena got up and stretched, grabbed her suit, and opened her office door. She checked the hallway; it was dark and Sam was not around. She entered the men’s room quietly only to discover that it was empty. Lena quickly changed and looked into the mirror. Even she was amazed at her rapid transformation of masculine perfection— strong hands, broad chest, slight beard, and arrogant look. She put on her tinted glasses and grinned.

  “Now to charm JD,” she said, her voice much lower.

  A few minutes later, Lon strode past the slot machines to the casino bar. “Hey beautiful, can I buy you a drink?” he said in his best Texan accent. JD turned, her eyes widening.

  “Of course, looking forward to a very pleasurable evening,” JD said.

  Lon sat down at the bar and ordered a martini. As he placed his hand on JD’s, he noticed Sam smoking a cigarette nearby.


  She sat in George’s office, watching the wall monitors, her excitement building over the news of her new book jumping to number one and breaking all sales forecasts. The word had spread about her recent trip to Eden and the media clamored to interview her about her trip. They all wanted to know if love could be found on Eden? However, doubt set in after she landed a few days ago from that exhausting trip.

  Vera had been heavily sedated after her episode and was driven home. She had not been heard from in days and was expected to attend their meeting today. Her threats and stories had not been taken seriously and were thought to be a symptom of “Eden Madness”. But Maggie worried, knowing what she was capable of and how she could ruin her newly acquired fame, plus screw up her relationship with Mark.

  Finally, she had met her soulmate, a man who believed in her and cherished her. On Thursday, they had taken the space van to Paris for a romantic dinner on the Champs Elysees. Mark told her that they were destined to meet, and after that his luck had changed and his business was now flourishing. He reflected on that fateful day when he met her on the steps of the Meridian. Fate sealed the deal. Just what Maggie needed to free herself from Seth, although she neglected to tel
l Mark about him. Seth was gone for now; she needed to keep him away forever.

  “MJ, you look like you’re in another world. You should be proud of yourself: everyone wants to talk with you. Book sales have gone through the roof and people are of course asking for a sequel, and of course another Sim World. How would I have known that day you stepped into my office that my company would take off in a new direction? I can’t imagine what we did without you,” George said.

  MJ sat up taller, smoothing her burgundy silk dress over her shapely legs. She basked in George’s admiration, not having felt like that for a long time.

  “Affirmations and praise? We’ve got work to do. Let’s not waste time,” said Vera, entering the office with a clipboard and a mile-long to do list.

  Both George and MJ gaped at her in surprise and disgust. The moment had been broken. George opened his mouth to object, but was interrupted by Lacy.

  “Mark from Space Ventures is here for the meeting,” she said as he entered the room.

  Mark shook George’s hand, then planted himself next to MJ as he ignored Vera. He gave MJ an apprising look.

  Maggie flashed him a secret smile, her temperature rising and heart beating faster. Too young for hot flashes, but I can’t seem to help it, she thought, forgetting she was MJ Moore this morning.

  “Good morning, everyone. Our first trip was such a success that I am proposing a second trip to invite fans and a few celebrities along for the ride. Meet your favorite author and celebrity. It would be great publicity for Space Ventures and Entertainment International. What do you think?” asked Mark.

  He sipped his coffee and continued to focus on MJ.

  “Well, I hadn’t thought of that and I truly enjoyed our adventure. Took a lot out of me, but I think it follows in a new direction and way to get prospective readers. Wow, very intriguing,” said George excitedly.

  He gestured for Lacy to bring in more coffee.

  Vera fidgeted in her chair and sighed deeply.

  “That’s a terrible idea! Don’t you remember I was nearly killed or abducted by this horrible alien. What are you thinking, exposing other people and famous ones to this planet of horror? George, you can’t be serious. I swear you’ve gone off the deep end…” said Vera. Her black, piercing eyes glared at Mark.

  “Wait a minute. That was your experience, not ours. Eden is a new frontier for our company and we wouldn’t bring visitors if it wasn’t safe. Maybe you can stay here,” said Mark.

  Vera bristled. George looked embarrassed. MJ wanted to express her thoughts, hoping to dissuade any negativity.

  “Excuse me, but I am so sorry that you had to go through this, Vera. You know the atmosphere may have gotten to you. Everyone is affected differently. I’m so excited that my book has taken off due to you and George, but I think Mark has a unique idea— a way to sell even more books. I’m ready to go back there,” MJ said as she glanced at Mark.

  Lacy brought more coffee as Vera got up and began to scream.

  “No, no, no, this is a bad idea. And if you are insinuating that I am a crazy person, I know what I saw. And if you do this I will tell everyone,” she said.

  She took out her cell phone, pointing to the numbers she was going to call.

  “I have the main media, ready to contact,” she said.

  George raised his eyebrows and pressed the red security button under his desk. “Lacy, I’ve just contacted Meridian security. Get her husband on the phone to pick Vera up. And Lacy, stay for the meeting: you will be taking over for Vera temporarily,” he said.

  Vera gathered her things in a huff and made her way to the door.

  “No one controls me,” she said, rushing toward the transporter. The transporter doors opened and two beefy security officers gripped Vera by the arms.

  “Why I never…” she said as the doors closed.

  She finally did it to herself. Hope she keeps her mouth shut, MJ thought.

  “I personally apologize for that outburst. That doesn’t reflect our way of doing business. We would still like to proceed, if you’re not totally offended,” said George.

  Mark shook his head.

  “Quite a performance. Do you think that Eden affected her or she’s just a little crazy? I think she needs some time off or maybe, I don’t know… be evaluated by a professional. I’m not sure I can work with her and have this campaign be successful,” said Mark.

  George made a phone call. “Wait. I’ve just called Security; they are detaining Vera for a few hours and have called in our psychologist. They said she’s been babbling on about aliens. We’ll keep her there for a while. But in the meantime, please have lunch with me and we can go over the details,” he said to Mark.

  “Well, I’ll consider it, but only if MJ comes to lunch, too. Business has picked up since our last trip, but I can’t afford any bad publicity,” Mark said.

  “Lacy, get some interviews set up with MJ. We need to follow up and set up some more events. MJ, forget about this nonsense. Let’s focus on your success. Lacy will work with you to meet with Andy Devine, head of Don’t worry, everything will work itself out,” said George. He patted MJ’s shoulder.

  MJ felt a vibration. She looked at the green light on her black band and pressed it. Evaluation is due. Need to schedule a meeting immediately, a message said.


  She shut herself up in her apartment, having Matt bring food and sent Enrico out to do some errands. After coming back from Eden, Jaz needed a break so she barricaded herself in her room and slid into the comfort of her king-sized bed in her new hideaway in a gated community. Terror about the sudden transformation back to Fat Jasmine on the most important trip of her life had nearly destroyed it all.

  I can’t let you down, Daddy. Can’t be that ugly, fat Jaz again, she thought. Jaz pinched herself, trying to find any flab on her body until her skin started to turn pink. She examined herself thoroughly, checking out her porcelain complexion, luminous eyes, and lustrous hair. So far it was still there; nothing had changed back as she gobbled more of MJ’s leftover pills.

  She watched her wall monitor from her locked bedroom, noticing all the sites that were promoting her positive image. Her trip to Eden had truly been successful, thanks to Steven who promoted her to all the media. He kept buzzing her, trying to get her out there again among her new fans who couldn’t get enough of her, and wanted to go to Eden with her, and Todd wanted to start filming for the next Galaxy Tours movie. Steven said she even had marriage proposals and offers from other countries and continents. Fame made her head spin.

  Someone knocked on the door.

  “Jaz, honey you need some water, a little cottage cheese. Can I come in?” asked Matt.

  So far, he hadn’t bothered her. All she wanted to do was get her beauty sleep and not focus on that trip. MJ had called once or twice to check on her and Jaz returned her calls. Her calmness quieted Jaz’s nerves. But Vera and her comments nearly pushed Jaz over the edge. However, MJ insisted that woman was crazy and locked up in a secure location. What if anyone found out what really happened?

  “Not ready to see you. Just leave it by the door, Matt. I’m so tired from my trip,” said Jaz. Her voice sounded weary.

  “Hey, got to keep your strength up. Steven called me and Todd needs you to go on location soon for the Galaxy Tours movie. Will help you get ready. Don’t want anyone to forget you or miss such a big opportunity,” Matt said behind the closed door.

  The monitor showed a petite woman in jeans and a sweater leaning on her cane.

  Jaz got out of bed and looked out the window. How does anyone know where I live? Enrico found this place in a quiet neighborhood with security. Jaz became excited and nervous at the same time.

  Another knock on her door.

  “A woman who says she’s your mom is here. Do you want me to tell her to leave? I’ll check her eye imprint,” said Matt as he signaled the woman to reveal herself through the door’s security peephole.

  The woman glad
ly stepped in front of the peephole, revealing Jaz’s cheerful mom.

  Mommy’s here. “Tell her to wait. It’s been a long time and I want to see her— let my mom in. And please get her some coffee and food; it’s going to take a while for me to get ready,” said Jaz.

  Jaz took a long time to present herself; it was the first time she had seen her mother since she moved and months since she left to pursue her dreams. Jaz felt guilty not getting back to her, but was relieved to get a phone message.

  Her mother had never seen the new and improved Jaz— the svelte, beautiful and polished girl that Optimal created. Before Optimal, Jaz wrote her mother an e-mail, outlining her desire to become a model with the hopes of sending home some money. She remembered her mother’s words: “Don’t worry about me. Just be yourself, you are both beautiful on the inside and outside.”

  She showered, letting the steam and heat overtake her, washing those Eden particles off her body. Then she combed and straightened her platinum hair, letting it flow gracefully over her shoulders. She applied enriched cream on her flawless face and brushed her teeth until they gleamed.

  Then Jaz poked through a closet to find a short, clinging white lace dress and three-inch clear stilettos. After applying blush, gloss, and a hint of mascara, she stood and looked at herself. Mommy will never recognize me, she said, admiring her perfection. She opened the bedroom door and their eyes met. Jaz heard gasps as she greeted her mother and Matt. Both could not believe their eyes.

  “You’re so gorgeous! But you’re still my little girl— how are you, baby?” her mother exclaimed. They hugged each other tightly and Jaz took her mother’s hand and led her to sit on the couch. Her mother still looked the same, wavy grayish blond hair, big eyes amplified by large red glasses and a slim frame in her jeans and sweater.

  “Mommy, it’s so good to see you. Feeling ok? I’ve missed you. You’ve met Matt?” Jaz asked.

  Matt blinked, not believing the sight before him. He had a tiny bowl of cottage cheese and a tall glass of water on a tray for her.

  “Yes, we’ve met and I gave her some soup. Here’s your lunch. And Steven wants you to return his call right away,” he said.


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