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iDENTITY Page 24

by Cynthia Kumanchik

  “Just reviewed the numbers and it looks like we’ve had the best year ever, thanks to your efforts. Getting rid of JD and cleaning up that hacker’s mess solved a lot of our problems. Glad we hired you.”

  Lena smiled.

  “Thanks, Mr. Whitaker. I’ve developed a new system, involving robotics that can save us to time and money that I want to share with you.”

  Since taking those green pills, her mind acted on overdrive, many sought her out for her new investment ideas and instant profit and loss calculations. In turn, her angry outbursts ceased and her attitude changed as she felt more appreciated.

  At 6 p.m. she watched Charlie’s press conference from the wall monitors in awe, hardly believing the many changes in that company. I’m so happy to escape from that hellhole and retain my identity, Lena thought. Since that day, she hadn’t changed back into a man. But there was always that possibility; she hid some pills in her desk drawer just in case. Being a man gave her a new perspective on life, now she could see both sides.

  Sam knocked on her door.

  “Hey, thanks you for your recommendation— I’m leaving tomorrow to start my new job as head of security. Not sure if I’m doing the right thing, but they made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

  “Hey, wherever you’re going, I wish you the best of luck,” said Lena with a firm hand shake.

  “That’s my new boss you’re viewing on the monitor. Going to work for Opportunity. Good name, isn’t it?” Sam said.

  Maybe there is a happy ending to this story after all, or the possibility of a new investment, thought Lena.


  A long-legged, tan woman in a white sheath and long pink lab coat with short white blond hair scurried around the huge room filled with make-over stations. She still looked like a fashion model, even though she had quit the industry to start her own company, Jaz. The room smelled of Jasmine flowers that decorated the lobby, hallways, and offices.

  “Now, you have been chosen to be the first to try this new blush and eye shadow, specially made in my lab. I will be around to help you apply it. Oh, you look so gorgeous!” Jaz said to a teen with big black glasses and pale skin.

  Her teen friends gathered around her, gushing at Jaz’s attention.

  Jaz couldn’t believe her luck as she took the plunge and escaped to Kauai with Enrico almost a year to the date. It seemed like yesterday as Enrico converted an old cabana into this tiny spa and cosmetic company. With the Galaxy Tours movie behind her, she realized she wasn’t that good at acting, but it gave her the recognition she needed to start her new company.

  Her mother was thrilled and decided to move at once to manage it, and Steven arranged for all her sponsors and venture capital. He served as CEO, and of course Jaz was the President and Creative Director. Targeted at young women, it took off with Jaz revealing her before and after pictures. From then on, everyone was convinced. All except Matt. She reflected on that day when she confronted him.

  She finally admitted to Matt that she loved Enrico, but he took it badly and demanded a piece of the action. He insisted he helped her to become that big star and he deserved more.

  “I waited for you and told the whole world that I loved you. How could you do this to me? I was there for you when you started— for the good and the bad. I made sure you exercised and ate the right foods. And took care of your mother when you were gone. Damn, what a waste of time. You betrayed me and you owe me!” said Matt with clenched fists.

  Jaz stood silent, listening to his tirade. She couldn’t help that she fell in love with Enrico.

  “What do you want from me? I’ve been through hell and back, being kidnapped and all. Then Optimal fell apart and it burned to the ground. I barely escaped with my life... if it hadn’t been for Enrico,” Jaz said.

  She thought carefully and offered this proposition.

  “I’m moving to Kauai and starting my own company. I need your help. I’m sorry for all you’ve been through,” Jaz said, putting her arms around his stiff body.

  Matt hugged her back and sighed.

  “Of course. I’ll follow you anywhere,” he said.

  That was a year ago. Now he served as her Marketing Director. So much for love.

  “Hey darling, Mark’s calling. Wants you to join the team again for the planetary tour next month. Remember you were going to take me to Eden with you?” asked her mom.

  Her mom looked ten years younger, her skin glowing in slim white capris and pink lace blouse. She dropped the cane and the Hawaiian ambience was all she needed to get well. Jaz featured her in ads for mature women and her mom basked in her own fame.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she witnessed Enrico and Matt reviewing the plans for the next campaign, Look Out of This World, and she laughed to herself. After six stressful months, they reconciled their differences and put their efforts toward the Jaz brand.

  To think I was a pudgy girl from the South just about a year ago. I’m making young women feel good about themselves, no matter what they look like. Just have a little faith and the help of a little green pill. Daddy was right to say “just believe in yourself,” thought Jaz. After moving to Kauai, she hired a scientist to duplicate the serum formula, but took her last pill upon arriving on the island. She never looked back.


  Locked in a burning basement, she cried out as humans with animal heads nearly trampled her to break free. A gash on her forehead and her arm broken, she struggled to push herself, the heavy smoke choking her and the fire heating up the walls.

  “Help me, I don’t want to die!”

  Polly screamed her lungs out and almost gave up as the basement grew hotter and the air suffocated her. The ceiling collapsed to expose an opening as Tony pulled her through to freedom. He grabbed her tightly.

  “I finally found you and the FBI has the kidnappers in custody.”

  That was only one of the scenarios MJ created for her new Hybrid SIM World that her fans bought into, reaching a million followers and purchasers of the sequel of Love Tested with Love 2040’s main characters, Tony and Polly. George loved it, as Entertainment International reached the $100 million mark in sales because of the new fantasy experience, with even a movie in the works. If they knew it was based on reality, they’d lock me up for the rest of my life. It’s lucky I could turn this horrible experience into a moneymaker, thought Maggie as she reflected on the past year, sitting by the heart-shaped pool in a secluded backyard.

  Optimal just seemed like a bad dream to Maggie, but it did bring her fame, fortune, and a new boyfriend. She wanted to confide in Mark, but decided to pretend that she had amnesia that weekend at Optimal and that her kidnapping was a result of a dire plot of Drs. Arno and Neilson. And Charlie had the sense not to reveal any of the recruits when being investigated by the Feds, saying they had all died in the fire.

  But Maggie immediately went into seclusion when she came back, having felt the brunt of the Optimal experience, her mind muddled and fears haunting her every night. She dreamed of those creatures, Dr. Neilson’s madness, and the magical effects of those green pills. She still had her secret stash, hidden in a tiny box underneath her pajamas in her dresser drawer. She worried, knowing the consequences if the pills got into the wrong hands.

  Maggie no longer needed the pills, now that she had acquired that recognition and confidence she always wanted without that extra glass of wine she craved after an anxious day. And with her talent for influencing people, Vera, who still swore she saw an alien on the planet Eden and that MJ was a reincarnation of someone she once knew was now retired to a convalescent home. Lacy had replaced Vera as her new editor and publicist.

  As for Seth, she finally silenced him. Fame had its advantages, and with a little help from George’s contacts in the CIA, he would no longer bother her. After the episode on WUA, he was put on a government watchlist to be monitored 24 hours a day. Also, having moved in with Mark put her worried mind to rest.

  Maggie sensed a figure pass by her an
d heard footsteps approaching. She shivered and slowly opened her eyes to see her cat run in the bushes as Mark came into view. She looked up with a mesmerizing glance that captured his adoring eyes and vibrant smile.

  “What are you thinking about, my darling? Your mind is a million miles away. I’ve arranged for the Casino’s chef to prepare a dinner for us and he will send a server so you don’t even have to lift a finger tonight.”

  “That sounds wonderful. I need a break from all the publicity from Love Tested and dinner and a movie in our home theater sounds perfect.”

  Maggie’s watch vibrated, indicating a new message. She ignored it for a minute, basking in the sun and Mark’s devotion. Then she received a second one.

  “Better take that call, probably one of your fans.”

  Maggie’s eyes grew larger and she almost screamed, noting the sender. She breathed deeply and threw her watch into the pool.

  “I guess that wasn’t a fan. Who was it?”

  “Nobody. Now let’s focus on our quiet night together.” She poured herself a huge glass of wine.

  They don’t realize that I have finally created the perfect specimens, superhuman beings to take over the world. Once released into the real world, they will blend in and carry out my mission. Maybe I’ll even ship them off to Eden. After all, I invented the serum, not Dr. Arno.

  I’m so brilliant! Being invisible has its advantages. However, living in Love Tested’s SIM World with Tony and Polly is where I plan to stay for a while. Maggie aka MJ would just die knowing that I reside in one of her worlds. I loved her all along and can’t wait to tell her the good news.

  “Maggie, I have the last remaining stash of iDENTITY serum, so come and get some if you want. But you’ll never find me,” Dr. Neilson texted her.




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