The Infernal Plane: Book 5 of the Coiling Dragon Saga

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The Infernal Plane: Book 5 of the Coiling Dragon Saga Page 53

by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi

  “Linley, what happened with those two amethyst beasts? Why did they leave?” Delia asked, puzzled.

  The nearby Olivier spoke out. “Perhaps, the two amethyst beasts realized that fighting with you had no benefit for them at all, and instead they were continuously injured. Thus, they gave up and left,” Olivier reasoned.

  Wasn’t that the case?

  Linley and Bebe hadn’t been injured at all, and even if they were slightly nicked, they could use their divine power to heal it. Naturally, the two amethyst beasts had no interest in continuing in this sort of battle.

  “Boss, I knocked a few rocks loose from its body. They seem to be amethysts.” Bebe grabbed up a few violet jewels from the floor. While Bebe had battled the amethyst beast, he had been using his black dagger to chop down on it. This was a godspark dagger. Naturally, it was able to chop a few jewels apart.

  Hearing this, Linley immediately looked towards those two broken spikes on the ground.

  He absorbed them directly into his Coiling Dragon ring, and indeed, those two violet jewels were immediately refined, and a large amount of soul essence was withdrawn, leaving behind only some detritus.

  “Indeed, these amethyst beasts are completely made out of amethysts.” Linley felt stunned. Amethysts were filled with soul essence. These creatures completely made out of ‘amethysts’… how much soul essence did they contain?

  “Boss, what are the results of your investigation? Are they amethysts?” Bebe asked. He held that violet jewel, not completely certain of its identity.

  “It is indeed an amethyst.” Linley nodded.

  Bebe, Delia, and Olivier, although expecting this answer, were nonetheless surprised.

  Delia frowned. “Where did this freak come from? It doesn’t fear soul attacks, and its entire body is so tough. What’s more, it immediately heals from any wounds.” It had to be said that this sort of monster could be described as unbeatable. Or perhaps, more accurately, as extremely hard to kill.

  “But I noticed that the creature’s intelligence seems to be very low,” Bebe said.

  “It is indeed low. When we were fighting, all it knew how to do was to use its fierce claws and its fangs to launch basic attacks. It didn’t know any profound mysteries at all.” Linley had noticed this as well. “However, they are capable of speech!”

  Everyone nodded slightly. The amethyst beast had afterwards said the words, ‘body, not bad’. Everyone remembered this.

  “Let’s go. Let’s take a look and see if there’s a way for us to leave these Amethyst Mountains,” Linley recommended.

  Immediately, they all headed out once more. However, the area around them was covered in white fog, and Linley’s group didn’t know what places were dangerous. Still, by walking on the ground, at least Linley’s group knew the general direction they were moving in. They continued moving forward in a straight line.

  As Linley’s group of four was moving forward, Jenkin was following three other Gods, carefully traversing these Amethyst Mountains. His luck had been excellent. He had safely arrived within the Amethyst Mountains, and up till now, he hadn’t encountered any amethyst beasts.

  “I wonder how Linley and the other two are doing,” Jenkin said to himself quietly.

  “Whoooosh.” A powerful wind sound could be heard from up ahead.

  “Let’s go. Let’s go take a look together.” one of the Gods immediately called out. All four of the Gods, Jenkin included, drew closer to the origin of the sound. Moments later, Jenkin’s group saw the source of that violent wind sound.

  “This is…”

  Jenkin and the other three stared, slackjawed.

  A hundred meters away, on the ground, there was a straight crevice that was dozens of meters long. Deep within the crevice, there was a cave that was roughly ten meters long. A howling wind was emanating from within this cave, and countless flashes of violet light were also spurting out from within the cave.

  The speed at which the violet light moved was simply astonishing.

  “So the amethysts flew out from here,” Jenkin said in amazement. However, he didn’t realize… the Amethyst Mountains had more than one location like this one.

  The countless amethysts were blasting in every direction. Because they all moved in different directions, when they flew into the Fog Sea, they naturally covered the entire area. However, because their directions were different, some actually flew in slanting lines that were virtually parallel to the walls of the crevice, which was sunken in.

  Thus, many of the amethysts smashed directly into the walls. Many of them embedded themselves deep into the crevice walls, but many others just lay there at the bottom of the crevice.

  The cave was at the center of the crevice. There were countless amethysts lying everywhere else.

  “How… how many amethysts is this?”

  The four Gods stared, slackjawed. Amethysts usually weren’t very large, and so a small pile of just a few dozen centimeters could contain over ten thousand. However, this area that was littered with trenches definitely had to calculate the number of amethysts in the ‘hundreds of millions’. Every single amethyst was already very valuable. How much would so many amethysts be worth?

  The four Gods were all stunned when they calculated the wealth.

  “We… we’re rich!” A God suddenly regained his senses.

  “Haha, we’re rich!” Jenkin was excited as well.

  One of the four Gods hurried straight towards one of the straight trenches below. The other three, reacting slightly slower, also immediately ran downwards. The four didn’t want to kill the others . After all, the amount of amethysts was simply too great… so great that their greed was completely satisfied!

  But as they drew near the trench, the four came to a halt.


  Large numbers of amethysts were slamming against the walls of the crevice, knocking loose the amethysts already embedded in the walls of the crevice, which fell back into the crevice. These amethysts were shooting out at a speed that was simply astonishing. If the four of them were to fly down, they would most likely be shot full of holes by those amethysts.

  “What to do?” The four Gods all hesitated.

  When they had fallen downwards, they had witnessed that shooting power of the amethysts. It must be understood that by then, the amethysts had already flown for a period of time, and their shooting power was actually lower than at first. But these amethysts that were shooting out from the cave were at the peak of their power and speed.

  If they jumped into the crevice, they would definitely die!

  “Use divine artifacts,” one God advised. With a flip of his hand, he retrieved a whip. Lashing the whip out, the whip instantly elongated, coiling down like a python towards the cave.

  “Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”

  A large number of amethysts smashed into the whip, and the divine artifact was actually cracked apart by the force of the collisions.

  The God’s face couldn’t help but turn white. The divine artifact had been destroyed!

  It must be understood that the amethysts were even capable of breaking through Linley’s ‘Pulseguard Defense’, and that was when they had already travelled a long distance. For the amethysts that were shooting out from the cave, even Highgod artifacts would be shot through! How could a God artifact possibly withstand them?

  Jenkin and the other three were stunned.

  “Motherfucker, so many amethysts are in front of us, but we can’t take them,” one of the Gods cursed.

  Actually, there were amethysts scattered everywhere throughout the Amethyst Mountains. Only, the amount that was scattered about was fairly small; the amount that the four had picked up was only around a hundred amethysts. Within the crevice, however, there were thick layers of them.

  A random grab would pick up an enormous amount of them.

  “Forget it. Life is more important.” Jenkin shook his head helplessly.

  The other three sighed helplessly as well. />
  As the four of them were about to give up, suddenly…

  The ‘cave’ that had been constantly blasting our amethysts suddenly stopped, and the sound of the wind came to a halt as well. In the entire crevice, not a single amethyst was blasting out, leaving behind only a floor full of amethysts.

  “This… this…” Jenkin and the other three were stunned.

  “Ah! Down, go down!” The four Gods excitedly hopped into the crevice.

  “With these amethysts, I, I…” Jenkin’s mind was in a tumult. At the same time, he wildly began to collect large amounts of them into his interspatial ring.

  “Hey, Jenkin?” a voice rang out.

  Jenkin turned. It was Linley’s group of four.

  Linley’s group had been attracted by the sound of the wind as well, but as they drew near, the sound of the wind had abruptly halted. As Linley drew near, they had discovered the crevice full of amethysts as well, as well as Jenkin and the other three, who were wildly collecting amethysts.

  “So many amethysts?” Linley was shocked.

  Bebe, Delia, and Olivier were stunned as well.

  “Goddamn, compared to these amethysts, a fortune of two hundred billion is nothing!” Bebe’s eyes were shining.

  But just as Bebe was about to jump down into the crevice…


  The cave, which had already stopped shooting amethysts out, suddenly gave birth to a powerful gravitation attraction force. The strength of this gravitational force actually caused space to tremble, creating a spatial vortex. The spatial vortex within the cave instantly absorbed all of the amethysts within the crevice, along with Jenkin and the other three Gods as well.

  “Lord Linley…” Jenkin, in that instant when he was being sucked into the cave, stared straight at Linley, his eyes filled with a hint of despair and resignation. However, he wasn’t able to resist at all.

  The strange thing was, this astonishing gravitational force really was like a whirlpool. It only affected the entire crevice, but outside of it, it didn’t have any influence at all.

  “Crackle…” The cave continued to swirl and absorb…

  Within the crevice, the only things that were remaining were those amethysts that had been deeply lodged into the sides of the walls. As for amethysts that had been knocked loose, not a single one remained.

  Seeing this scene, Linley couldn’t speak for a long, long moment.


  The Rescue

  The cavern whirlpool continued to swirl, its powerful sucking force enveloping the entire area near the crevice. As for Linley and the rest of the four who were outside the crevice, they watched with blank stares and slack jaws. Jenkin and the other three Gods had actually been swallowed into the cave, unable to resist at all. This sight was simply too astonishing.

  Linley stared at the cavern whirlpool, his face turning solemn.

  Olivier’s eyes narrowed, and he said softly, “Linley, just now it seemed as though the cavern was completely inactive, and just moments ago, there was a thick layer of amethysts in the crevice. Why all of a sudden, did such a powerful, bizarre suction force appear?

  Linley felt similarly stunned and frightened. “This is the Infernal Realm. If I were to use my ‘Bewildering Shadow’ attack at full strength, I too can cause space in the Infernal Realm to ripple, but… the simple suction power of this cave created a spatial whirlpool. This devouring power…”

  When a sword chopped down, a spatial crack or ripple would appear, focused on the sword.

  Simple suction that resulted in a spatial whirlpool… this sort of suctioning force was simply too frightening.

  “Most likely, not even a Highgod could resist that sort of suction force,” Linley said to himself.

  “Hey, Boss, why were there so many amethysts in that crevice just now?” Bebe said, puzzled. “Also, there’s quite a few amethysts embedded deep into the walls of the crevice. Where did all those amethysts come from?” Bebe and the others hadn’t witnessed the cave spewing forth amethysts.

  “Let’s stay far away from this place,” Delia said, gnawing on her lips. “I keep on having the feeling that this place is a bit too weird.”

  “Well spoken. Let’s move farther away.”

  Linley led Delia and the others farther away from the crevice, but after travelling dozens of meters, Linley’s group came to a halt. Linley suddenly turned his head to stare towards the crevice. Frowning, he said, “Hey? How come that suction sound is gone?”

  “Right, there’s no sound any longer.” Bebe directly headed back, moving closer to the crevice, then turned his head towards Linley and said in surprise, “Boss, hurry over and take a look. The suction in the crevice ended. It’s calm again.”

  Linley, Delia, and Olivier’s eyes were filled with puzzlement, and they drew near as well.


  The large crevice was very quiet and seemed very ordinary. If they hadn’t seen what they had seen earlier, Linley’s group wouldn’t have suspected that this crevice was dangerous.

  “It is as though there is no danger here,” Delia said after looking for a while.

  “Rumble…” Very suddenly, like the roaring of a vicious beast, a terrifying howling sound instantly exploded forth, while at the same time, countless flashes of violet light came out in dense clusters from the cave hole. The dense clusters of amethysts sprayed wildly in every direction.

  Some rose to the heavens, some shot towards the horizon. Countless rays of violet light disappeared past the white mist above.

  However, many amethysts scraped the sides of the walls as they shot out. Because the angle was too narrow, they struck the sides of the crevice, and then with metallic clanging sounds, many amethysts collided with the amethysts already embedded into the walls, and then fell backwards, landing into the crevice.

  Moments later…

  The crevice was covered with a thick layer of amethysts.

  This sudden scene caused Linley’s group to be shocked as well. Soon, they began to understand many things.

  “Oh. I get it. Those Gods and Demigods who were harvesting amethysts at the edges of the Fog Sea… those amethysts most likely flew out from and came from this type of cavern,” Bebe immediately said in a jubilant voice. “There are so many amethysts flying out in such density. Look. That ditch is filled with a thick layer of them.”

  Linley kept his silence.

  Ever since they had entered the Amethyst Mountains from the Fog Sea, Linley had gotten a thorough lesson in the astonishing gravitational power held within the Amethyst Mountains. This was a gravitational force that even Highgods would find hard to resist, but those amethysts had been able to withstand it and then fly out.

  They had even been able to pierce through his Pulseguard Armor, and that was after they had already flown for a long time and slowed down.

  “What secrets are held within these Amethyst Mountains?” Linley looked towards the cave, continuously spewing forth amethysts. “Whether blasting out or swallowing in, the power is monstrous… if a Highgod was capable of such explosive power and shoot his energy with such force, he would be utterly invincible.”

  An expert capable of such explosive power could, with a casual toss of an amethyst, riddle the opponent’s head with holes.

  “Deities are not capable of such great power, but the world is. It exists in nature!” Linley sighed in his heart.

  Olivier, Bebe, and Delia were also sighing in amazement. But, right at this moment, from afar, an angry howl could be heard. This angry howl, to Linley’s group, was an extremely familiar sound, because… it was the angry howl of an amethyst beast!

  “Amethyst beast!” Linley’s face changed, along with the faces of the other four. At the same time, they turned to stare towards the direction the sound came from.

  From afar, two figures were fleeing with great difficulty, while behind them was a ten-meter-long, mighty amethyst beast. The amethyst beast bellowed continuously as it used its sharp claws, fang
s, and horns on its head to attack wildly. The two fleeing figures were in dire straits!

  “It’s actually them.” Linley couldn’t help but be surprised.

  Those two people were actually the two Highgods that Linley had met earlier when first arriving at the Amethyst Mountains; Garlan and Jarrod.

  The brown-haired woman, Garlan, and the silver-haired man, Jarrod, currently appeared to be in extremely sorry shape. They were very unfortunate. They had actually encountered an amethyst beast. But of course, they were also very fortunate. After all, they had only encountered a single amethyst beast.

  “Roaaaar!” The amethyst beast opened its maw wide, biting down towards Garlan.

  Jarrod let out a furious shout, and a black flaming longsword in his hands struck down viciously towards the amethyst beast’s mouth. The amethyst beast, despite not being afraid of material attacks, would still find it painful to be struck by a divine artifact on the mouth.

  The amethyst beast immediately shut its mouth, at the same time lowering its head, using its horn on its forehead as it gored towards Garlan.

  “Clang!” The flaming longsword stabbed into the amethyst beast’s forehead, but it only sank a little bit in.

  “Roaaaaaar!” The amethyst beast grew more furious, and its two eyes were like scorching red flames. It actually gored towards Garlan even faster. “Chiiiiiiiiii…” As its speed increased, the horn tore through the air and created an ear-piercing whistle. The amethyst beast was actually trying to use its horn to smash Garlan’s head apart.

  Garlan’s face changed dramatically.

  “Bang!” A warblade suddenly appeared, smashing viciously down upon the amethyst beast’s forehead. The attacker was Jarrod, who grabbed Garlan and borrowed the bounceback force of this blow to flee at high speed.

  “Run faster. Stop wasting time with that beast,” Jarrod said mentally.

  “I know we can’t waste time with it, but you know how fast that thing is. Its speed is faster than us. I don’t want to waste time with it, but it keeps on bothering me.” Garlan felt both furious and helpless. She wasn’t able to find any weaknesses in the amethyst beast.


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