Neon Nights

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Neon Nights Page 4

by by: Anthony mayfield

  'You're either a coward, a liar, or both. I challenge you to come up here and do better.' Johnny slowly turned around and faced the man. He eyes gleamed as he fixed them on the instructor. He was boiling inside, to think that this squat little man was calling him a liar and a coward; he who had vanquished many an opponent that would make this little mortal run and hide. He turned away from the man and started again to walk away. 'Ha, just what I thought, he is both of them.' The crowd began to laugh at him. Nancy, leaned close to him and said, 'Go on up there Johnny and show them what you can do. You're no coward.' She looked at him and winked, suddenly all of his defenses were weakened. He wanted to do it for her. 'I'll accept your challenge on one condition.' "What's that?' 'Whatever I do, you must equal; if not, you publicly confess my superiority over you and apologize for calling me a liar and a coward.' 'I accept.' Johnny walked up the steps to the platform. He called

  for the instructor's assistants and commanded them to bring three slabs of ice and position them across the supports. While they were getting the ice, Johnny asked the audience, 'What do you think is the most difficult, to break the slabs of ice in half, or to drive your fist through the ice leaving a hole?' Someone shouted, 'Driving your fist through the ice.' Johnny asked the instructor, 'Would you agree?' 'Of course. I'd also say that it's impossible.' Johnny smiled. 'Good, I'm glad you think so.'

  As the men sat up the ice, Johnny asked the audience, 'Does anyone have a stick of chewing gum and a match stick?' A couple of people responded. He opened the gum and began to chew it until it was soft. He stuck the bottom of the match stick into the sticky gum and then stuck that directly underneath the ice. Sounding like a carnival barker, he continued, 'Ladies and gentlemen, I shall have someone to light the match beneath the ice, then I will punch a hole through the ice and snatch the lit match before it is extinguished." The instructor laughed, 'This I've got to see.' Rather then raising his fist high above the object to be broken, like martial artists customarily do, Johnny placed the tip of his middle finger on top of the ice; he then signaled to one of the helpers to light the match. In a split second, he curled his fingers into a fist and drove it through the ice, snatched the match, and pulled it through the hole before the flame went out. The crowd went wild! The instructor stood in awe and disbelief. Composing himself, he asked for Johnny's forgiveness for calling him a liar and a coward and admitted that Johnny was far superior to him. Johnny smiled and walked down the stairs to Nancy's open arms. She hugged him and whispered in his ear, 'I'm impressed.' She kissed him on his cheek and nibbled on his ear lobe. It felt like having your ear pinched with fingernail clippers, yet it felt good. He looked at her and before he could respond in any way, people began to pat him on the back and congratulate him for his performance. He turned from Nancy, and maneuvered through the crowd. As she locked her arm in his and held on tight letting all of the women know, 'Back off, he's mine.'

  Johnny was quiet during the trip home. He let Nancy drive as he tried to sort through his feelings and get a grip on what was happening. By the time they reached home, the sky had clouded and a fine misty, rain was falling. Johnny grabbed Nancy's packages and carried them into the house for her. It was one o'clock, Michael wasn't home but he had called and left a message on their answering machine. Johnny could hear it from where he sat in the living room. 'Hi honey. I won't be home before five. Something, beyond my control, popped up and I need to take care of it before I come home. I'll tell you all about it when I get there. I promise to be home no later than five, love you. Hey, maybe you and Johnny can do something to fill the time until I get home? Talk to you later, bye.' Nancy smiled as she undressed, "That's a good idea, babe. And I know exactly what to do to fill those four

  short hours." 'Beep." The message had ended and another was beginning. 'Hi Nancy and Mike, this is Marla. I was just calling to remind you two that Jim and I will be in town this weekend. Don't forget to pick us up from the airport Saturday. Our plane lands at 4:05 p.m. We will be on flight 231. See you then. Give me a call when you get this, OK? Love ya, bye." 'Beep.' end of messages. By now Nancy was naked. She grabbed one of the packages that she had brought along with her into the bedroom, opened it, and slipped into the black nightie. 'I'm going to be leaving now, Nancy.' 'No, wait. Don't leave yet Johnny; I want to show you something.' The nightie was made out of a see through, lace material. The bottom was made like a "G' string with a small patch covering her genitals, and a single strand running up the middle of her hind part, exposing her buttocks.

  "Close your eyes, I'm coming out. Are they closed?" 'Yes." She tiptoed into the living room and stood in front of him. 'OK. You can open your eyes.' He opened his eyes and his mouth fell open. Nancy gracefully turned to reveal more, or less, of her outfit. Porneo was sitting next to Johnny with a wet, lip smacking grin on his face. Something was wrong he thought as he scrutinized Johnny. He could see that Johnny's flesh was ready, willing and able, but something was holding it back. 'This dude looks awful familiar,' he said to himself. He began to search his mind and to think back to the near and distant past. 'Where have I seen this chump before?' Finally he realized, "That's Nimmeon!' He rolled off the couch onto the floor, frightened that Johnny would sense his presence. Standing afar, he wondered, 'Why is he here in a body, and why doesn't he know that I'm here?' He concluded that Johnny had not come to grips with his mortality and did not fully recognize the power he possessed, just like so many other defeated Christians. Porneo saw this as his big chance to get rid of Nimmeon for good. He shot over to Nancy and began to whisper in her ear.

  'Well, Johnny. How do you like it?' she asked, in her most seductive voice. Johnny stood up, his emotions, and flesh were all primed and ready to go. Porneo shouted at him from across the room, 'Take her you fool. She's yours!' 'I bought this just for you. I want you Johnny.'

  She got close up on him, took his hand and placed it on her breast.' Johnny's mind was racing like a car in the Indianapolis Five Hundred. A small, still voice began to speak to Johnny, 'Remember Joseph.' In an instant, he recalled being there when Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph, it was he who told Joseph to run. By now, Porneo had Nancy rubbing herself against Johnny and purring like a cat. Johnny snatched his hand away from her breast. Backing away, he cried, "No, no. How can I do this against my Lord?" With that he ran out of the house, jumped into his car and sped off.

  The sky was pitch black and rain was coming down in torrents. As he drove, he thought about the number of men that had been destroyed due to the wiles of women. He did not want to be added to that number; the thought made him press down even harder on the accelerator. He was on the highway now speeding as fast as 120 miles per hour. He exited onto a winding, twisting road dotted with hills and valleys. He didn't know where he was or how long he'd been driving. He just wanted to get away. He pulled over on the side of the road next to a barren field, off in the distance stood a lone tree weathering the storm. Beyond that, there was nothing but hill after rolling hill.

  He flung the car door open, got out, and without bothering to close the door, he started to run as fast as his legs would carry him. Wet, exhausted, and scared, he fell on his knees in the middle of the field and began to pray through broken sobs. 'Take it off Father, please. I can't stand it anymore.' Out of the clouds, God began to talk to Johnny Angel. 'Just what is it that you would have me remove, Nimmeon?" 'This cursed earth suit. It's much more difficult to control than I imagined. I made a mistake in asking to come here; I'm ineffective. I can't possibly help those in need when I myself am lacking.' 'Oh, and what need is it that you have, Nimmeon, which has not been provided?' He thought about it for a moment and when he couldn't think of a need that he had, he cried, 'But Lord, I'm just not suited for this mission.' 'Surely you must be referring to your earth suit?' Johnny was quiet. 'Is it too tight, the wrong color, or possibly stunted in some way?' 'No Lord.' 'Then tell me, what troubles you about your mission?' 'I'm confused Father.' 'What!? Do you not know that I am not the author of confusio
n?' 'Yes Lord.' 'Did I not declare to you that you would do well?' 'Yes.' 'Then why are you confused? You have been subdued by those tricksters doubt, fear, and lust.' 'But Master, it's too hard to bear.' 'Am I an oppressor? Would I allow Satan to put more on you than you can bear?' 'No, Lord.' 'Were you not there on millions of occasions, from the beginning of time to the present, where I heard, and answered the cry of my people? Tell me, if you can, who among those that are called by my name have I forsaken?" 'Forgive me Father, it's just that to find myself in the heat of the battle on such short notice, is most distressing.' 'Ah, yes; the heat of the battle. Like so many others, you have forgotten that I climb into the fiery furnace with you, that the battle is actually mine, and that if I can wrap myself in flesh and endure every sickness, disease, rejection, and vile thing known to man without your help, how much more can you endure with mine?'

  'My people have been deceived far too long, thinking that they are exempt from certain attacks from the enemy once they reach a self imposed plateau of holiness. After such an attack occurs, they become hush mouthed, ashamed, and ultimately defeated. I have

  permitted you to be touched by the ill effects of doubt, fear, and lust so that you will acquire experience, and with that experience you will be more effective in helping those in need. Arise Nimmeon, arm yourself with the whole Armor of God, fill your mouth with my words, pray without ceasing, pull down every negative thought, remove yourself from evil, resist the devil, and do all that you are led to do by my spirit. Then it shall be well with you and all that you set your hand to shall prosper.'

  'What of BA-El, Lord?" 'What of him? He too is bound by flesh this time. He will seek your life and the lives of those that you are sent to help, but you shall prevail.' Johnny hung his head a little lower. 'And what of Nancy, Master?' 'Have you forgotten the works of the enemy? It was Porneo who mislead her, bind and cast him out and her lust problem will be no more.' Slowly he opened his eyes and was amazed that it was still pouring down rain and yet none was falling on him. He felt the warmth of light and looked up. Standing over him in a circle were three angels with their wings open forming a shield against the rain. The veil that separated the natural world from the spirit world had been pulled back and Johnny could see Heaven and all of its citizens. Everyone was standing with their hands held high in victory, and they were shouting, 'You can do it Nimmeon, we're on your side.' A broad smile spread across his face, 'How can I lose, I've got friends in high places.' One of the angels standing over him winked, he stood up, lifted his hands in praise, confessed that he would succeed, and left to do battle, and to conquer in Jesus' name.

  Johnny ran back to the car invigorated; he had a whole new outlook on his earthly tenure and what he could accomplish during it. He was ready to attack, ready to confront the enemy and make things happen. By now the rain slacked up just a little. Johnny got back into his car and, as quickly as he had driven out there, he began to drive back. He was anxious to get back to Nancy. He wanted to lay his hands on her and cast Porneo out. With that thought, the spirit of the Lord began to speak to him. 'Nimmeon.' 'Yes. Here am I." 'It's too late for you to cast out Porneo.' 'Too late?' 'Yes. Porneo realized who you were while you were with Nancy. He followed you here and now he knows everything. Even now he speeds towards hell to alert the strongman.' 'Oh no! What must I do?' Tell me, Nimmeon, what came-first, the spiritual or the natural?" 'The spiritual, or coarse.' "Then is it absolutely necessary to place your physical hands on an individual in order to evict a spiritual being?' 'No, it's not necessary. 'It's just one of the ways the Bible promotes.' 'Since the restraints of time and distance placed on the physical world are ineffective in the spiritual world, is it possible for you to only speak the word to bind Porneo? Moreover, could you not dispatch angels to vanquish him since you know who he is?' Johnny hit the brakes. The rear end of the car began to fishtail wildly on the slick, wet pavement. His

  guardian angels held on tightly to the car and steadied it to prevent it from tumbling into the ravine on the side of the road. 'That's it! I can speak the word and cause things to happen in the spiritual world that will have an impact on the physical world. I can show people how to use the power of the spoken word of God!' His mind flashed back to when he was an angel. Like all other heavenly angels, he craved for Christians to give him orders, other than praising God and doing as he commanded, they lived to carry out the commandment of God's children. He bowed his head and began praying aloud. 'Most awesome God that thou art, I come boldly to your throne. First, Master, I thank you for this opportunity to stand as a man and to do even greater things than those gone on before me, what a privilege and honor. I am beginning to realize the authority that I possess as a Child of God. And even though I am as a man, I have an advantage. Unlike any other man that has ever walked the earth, except our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I know who you are; I know that you are real and that Jesus, your only begotten son, sits on the right side of your throne. I have tasted the goodness of heaven, witnessed the decay, stench, and wretchedness of hell. Without guesswork, I know that your word can not return to you void, and that it must accomplish what it was sent to do. For thousands of years, I have watched you fulfill every promise that you ever made to your chosen generations. I have danced in your throne room, knelt and worshipped at your feet, and rested my head in your bosom. I know beyond the boundaries of faith that you are God. And now Father, operating as a man, I surrender all to you. I declare that I am moved and led by your spirit. I acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior; therefore, being an ambassador of Christ, I speak the word boldly and it ac­complishes what it's sent to do. I take authority over you, Porneo and all of the evil thoughts that you have planted in Nancy's heart and mind. Angels of the Most High, I adjure you in the name of Jesus to catch and subdue Porneo. Father, I thank you for hearing me this day and in all things I lift you up and give you the praise and glory befitting your name. Amen.'

  Instantly, Yimna, a tall pecan colored angel was on Porneo's trail. He caught up with him before he reached the enemy's camp. There were no other spiritual beings around, only Porneo and Jim. They squared off, porneo pulled his sword from its sheath; it was five feet long with sharp, jagged teeth which were made to tear and mutilate whatever they sank into. The sword was made of a dark, greenish-blue metal found only in the pits of hell, and it was far superior to anything man had access to. Porneo was not to be taken lightly, on many occasions he had wounded Heavenly Angels to escape his impending doom. 'So. they sent an apprentice to do a journeyman job. I shall enjoy ripping your carcass apart. This day you shall know that I, Porneo, am greater than you and those to come.' He laughed and erie unnerving laugh that pierced the skies. Drool dangled precariously from a crooked, broken tooth. His nostrils flared, and as he snorted in defiance, a thick, mustard colored mucus

  bubbled from his nose, ran down his chin, and joined forces with the droll extending it to his waist.

  Yimna drew his sword. It was much smaller than Porneo's, yet much more brilliant. It shone with the radiance of a thousand, blinding spotlights. Yimna's sword had a double edge that was sharp enough to cut through a red wood tree with the ease and effectiveness of a surgeon's scalpel. 'No, Porneo. It is I who shall emerge victorious. I shall terminate your earthly tenure and take your sword to be displayed in the Lords show case!'

  'Clang.' The swords met as Porneo charged. 'Clang, clang, clang. Swish, Stab, Stab.' The two fighters were evenly matched up to this point. Suddenly, Yimna rushed Porneo, Porneo side stepped him, swung his sword and knocked Yimna's sword from his hand. Porneo grinned as they watched the sword tumble end over end towards the ground far below.

  "Swish.' Yimna narrowly excepted. 'Swish, stab, swish, rip.' Yimna parried, punched Porneo in the back of his neck, and drove in the direction of his sword. Dazed momentarily, Porneo recovered and gave chase to Yimna. There was a marsh and a clump of trees down below. Yiman could see his sword gleaming in a shallow pool of water but Porneo was too close on him. He knew
that he had to get some distance in between him and Porneo, to somehow shake him from his trial long enough for him to reach his sword. Wounded and dizzy, he realized that his only hope was through prayer. He knew that if Christians somewhere, anywhere, were moved to pray, he would grow stronger. "Oh Father, please, by your spirit move on someone to pray for me.' The spirit moved.

  Nimmeon was walking through his front door when he sensed an urgency in his spirit to pray, without questioning, he dropped to his knees and began to pray in the spirit. Meanwhile, Yimna headed for a clump of trees. In, out, up down. 'Zip', across, around. 'Sploosh", in the water, slash, out again. 'Zig', 'zag', "zip'. It was futile, Porneo stayed with him like a blood hound. Yimna knew that he had to go for his sword. He shot up into the sky, 'Swish', avoided an attack, and dove for his sword. 'Sploosh', he hit the water, sploosh, two seconds later Porneo hit the water, Yimna made a mad dash for his sword, grabbed it and was coming out of the weight when, 'Stab, rip, tear', Porneo lunged his sword into the back of Yimna's thigh. Yimna fell to the ground, his sword landed about fifteen feet away. Crawling, trying to reach the sword, Porneo stood over him laughing. Yimna was within five feet of the sword when Porneo kicked him in his rib cage. Yimna flipped over and landed on his back, Porneo straddled him and knelt down beside him. He was laughing in a loud guttural laugh. 'It is I who shall be counted the victor this day and I


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