Strange Neighbors

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Strange Neighbors Page 24

by Ashlyn Chase

  After a long hesitation, she asked, "How will I know I'll get paid after the thirty days?"

  Jason crossed his arms. "I'll leave a check made out to you in a sealed envelope with the hospital administrator. The instructions will be written on the outside of the envelope. He'll only give it to you upon completion of the entire program. Otherwise, it comes back to me."

  She narrowed her eyes. "What's the catch?"

  "Only that I take you to the facility myself," he said. "And I need to see that you're admitted before I leave. You can watch me put the check in the envelope and hand the envelope to the administrator."

  "Maybe he's a friend of yours and will tear up the check as soon as I turn my back."

  "You can ask him or her if we're friends. Since I play baseball and don't know anyone in that business, I'm certain it won't be a problem."

  Merry strolled over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. When she didn't shrug it off, she said, "You're being given a very generous offer. If you're smart, you'll take it and when you get the money, disappear to some beautiful location and get a new job."

  Lila exhaled and lowered her shoulders.

  She's going to go for it! "Oh, one more thing…" Jason said.

  "What now?"

  "If you ever try to extract any more money from me,

  you'll go to jail. I have my phone set to record all calls just in case you or anyone else of like mind manages to get the number. And if you ever write to me…"

  She shook her head. "I won't do that. I'm not stupid."

  "Good. Then we understand each other."

  She nodded. "Can I go home now? I'll have to pack."

  Merry held up one hand. "Not so fast. You could break your word and run the story. We're about the same size. I have clothes you can borrow."

  "And what am I going to do in the meantime? Sit here until tomorrow when the admissions department opens and the hospital administrator shows up?"

  "That sounds like the best option," Jason said. "I'll make the arrangements tonight."

  "And I'll wait up with you," Merry said.

  Concerned for Merry, Jason shook his head. "You need your rest. Don't you have to work tomorrow?"

  "Yeah, but I don't trust her. She might knot together all your sheets and tablecloths and lower herself to the ground. Somebody has to baby-sit."

  Lila put her head in her hands. "I need a drink. And maybe several more between now and tomorrow."

  Merry nodded. "I figured you might."

  "Pick your poison," Jason said, and strode to his bar.

  "Lots of rum and a tiny bit of coke."

  "Hey…" Merry brightened. "I know just the person to watch her. He stays up all night anyway."

  "Who?" Jason asked.


  "Do you know where to find him?"

  Merry shifted her weight from side to side and avoided eye contact. "I think so."

  "Fine. Can you do me a favor, though?"


  "Stop at the third floor on your way down and tell the girls that if they can't guarantee their pet never leaves the apartment, I'd like them to find a new home on a nice farm for their owl."

  "Already did."


  Merry tiptoed down to the basement. She hoped that the frigid night air had kept Sly inside. Did vampires feel extremes of temperature? Weren't they already cold dead?

  "Sly?" she whispered.

  No answer came. She was about to call his name louder when she rotated around and came face to face with him. Instinctively, she recoiled and sucked in a deep breath.

  "Don't be afraid, Merry."

  "Sorry. You just surprised me."

  "I tend to do that to people. You were looking for me?"

  "Yeah. I was wondering if I could ask you to do me a favor? A big favor."

  "Depends. If it's to eat garlic bagels with you during the day, I can't."

  She chuckled. "No, it's nothing like that. I just need you to watch someone for me tonight. She's up in Jason's penthouse and until we can get her to rehab in the morning…"

  "Ah, the nasty reporter," he guessed.

  "How did you know?"

  "We've met. It's hard to miss the alcohol on her breath."

  "That's right. You told her my name was Allison.

  Well, she knows better now, and she's threatening to ruin Jason's and my reputations."

  "I don't particularly care what she does to him, but if she's out to embarrass or humiliate you in any way, I can take care of that—permanently."

  "Oh, Christ, no! I don't want you to do anything but prevent her from sneaking out of Jason's apartment during the night. I'd stay up with her myself, but I have to work tomorrow. Working as a nurse on only a couple of hours sleep is a dangerous idea."

  He nodded and leaned against the support column. "Did I ever tell you I'm proud of you?"

  Surprised, a grin crept across her face. "I don't know, but it feels good to hear it."

  "I'll need to get back down here before sunrise. Does your boyfriend know where I sleep during the day?"

  "I don't think so."

  "Does he know what I am?"

  "No. And I'd have no idea how to tell him…" She shrugged.

  "Good. Please keep it that way."

  "I will."


  "I promise."

  "All right, then. Shall we go?" He gestured toward the cellar door.

  She hugged him without even thinking about it. He held her awkwardly at first, then embraced her in earnest and patted her back.

  Just as she suspected… He was freezing cold.

  "You'll be nice to Jason, won't you? He's very important to me."

  Sly rolled his eyes. "I suppose I'll have to be." She shot him a warning look.


  Sly had never seen the penthouse and looked forward to checking out the celebrity's digs. Since he and Merry stopped at her apartment to pack some clothes for Lila, the reporter was good and inebriated by the time they finally arrived. He barely had a chance to glance across the marble floor and high ceilings before she staggered over to him.

  "Ish thish my babyshitter?"

  She reeked of rum. Being sensitive to odors anyway, the smell overwhelmed him and he held her at arm's length.

  "Hey, I know you. You're the neighbor." She swayed slightly as she pointed to him. "You told me a fib. You shed Merry's name was Allishon."

  "Sit down and be quiet," Sly said. "You're already getting on my nerves."

  "You're a shitty babyshitter."

  Jason strolled over to him and offered his hand. Sly didn't dare shake it or he'd discover how cold he was. But at the same time, he didn't dare not to. He promised Merry he'd "be nice" to him and she was watching closely.

  At last he took the proffered hand and shook it, apologizing at the same time. "Sorry about my cold hands. I was outside."

  Jason snatched his hand back. "Jeez, it must be freezing out there. What were you doing outside?"

  He shrugged. "Just appreciating the stars. The sky

  is clearer on crisp evenings. I'm something of an amateur astronomer."

  Jason frowned and nodded like he was thinking, Ooookaaaay… "I have a nice view of the sky from my balcony, but I wouldn't stay out there tonight. I think the weather predictions are for snow."

  "Oh, good," Lila interjected. "I hate shnow. Shuddenly being inshide for a month doesn't shound sho bad."

  "I'm actually glad to meet you, Sly," Jason said. "Maybe when the rum princess passes out, we can get to know each other better."

  "Ha, ha. Rum princshessh. I like that better than plain ol' 'rummy'."

  As if the power of suggestion was all it took, she staggered over to the low couch and fell like a tree.

  "How much did you give her?" Merry asked.

  He sighed. "I have no idea. She said I didn't know how to make a decent drink and she'd do it herself. She wound up drinking right out of the bottle. What took you so long?"
/>   "Crap." She looked down at the barely conscious Lila and shook her head. "I was packing for her. I called around to see if anyplace was still open so I could buy her some underwear, but at this time of night I would've had to go downtown to a sex shop."

  Jason chuckled. "Damn. Maybe if you had, you'd be tempted to buy a few things for yourself."

  Sly stiffened.

  Jason and Merry exchanged those knowing, sexual looks, and he didn't like it. Didn't like it at all. Celebrities broke hearts and he'd better not toy with Merry's.

  Lila interrupted the charged silence with a soft snore.

  "I'll stop on the way to the rehab and let her buy some stuff."

  "I don't think that's a good idea," Merry said. "I'd suggest checking her in directly, and then you can go buy her what she needs. About six pairs of cotton panties and some sports bras ought to do it. Or I can drop some off for her later."

  Jason stared at the inert body. "Do you think she'd run if I stopped? I don't know what size to get."

  "Probably not," Merry admitted. "She's going to feel like absolute crap in the morning. She'll probably have what I call the 'never agains.' But she might barf in your car if she has to wait very long."

  "Sheesh. I'd better take her straight to rehab, then. You sure she won't bolt if I stop at a red light?"

  "She's more apt to run when they wean her off the anti-seizure medications. She'll feel better enough to move quickly, but old habits die hard. She might want to drink for quite a while. Sometimes it takes almost the whole thirty days for the cravings to pass. Did you make arrangements for a locked unit?"

  "Yeah. There's a bed waiting for her at the first facility you suggested. They said the first two weeks they're locked in and only go out onto the grounds if they earn it after that. Even then, they're supervised."

  "Ask them to make it three in lock-up."

  "You sound like you know what you're talking about," Sly said.

  "I had to learn this stuff in nursing school and do a semester of clinical practice in a psych ward. I learned that it takes three weeks to break a bad habit, and hopefully replace it with a good one."

  "You don't think she'll be ticked off if we tell them to treat her differently?"

  Merry looked over at Lila again. "Oh, she'll be pissed. It's called tough love. If she gets the help she needs, she'll thank you for it… eventually."

  "Three it is, then."

  Merry hugged Sly. "Well, I'd better say good night. And really, I can't thank you enough." Then she strolled over to Jason and kissed him with an astounding lip-lock for what seemed like hours.


  The couple pulled apart, finally. He knew Merry was sensitive about overprotective fathers, but honestly! Did he have to witness them fawning all over each other?

  Okay, okay. So he hadn't really been a father except to plant the seed, but his protective instincts kicked in anyway, just like a real dad's would.

  Or maybe he couldn't help but be reminded of the passion he'd never have again, and just like seeing any other couple madly in love, it hurt.

  Chapter 14

  MERRY DEPARTED TO SLEEP IN HER OWN APARTMENT, and Sly settled in on the comfy chair. Jason considered asking him to move to the other one, but in Merry's mind Sly was going to become his father-in-law… even if Merry was the only one who believed his cockamamie claim… Oh, hell. Let him have it.

  Sly leaned back and looked quite comfortable. "Nice place. You must be doing well for yourself."

  "Well enough."

  Sly nodded and continued to appraise the place. "Yup. Real cushy."

  What is this? Was Sly making sure he could support "his daughter" in the style to which she would become accustomed? Or was he collecting information for a future shakedown?

  "So, what are your intentions toward my daughter?"

  Jason couldn't stand the charade anymore. He burst out laughing.

  Sly raised an eyebrow. "Is that a funny question? Am I supposed to find that amusing?"

  "No. Forgive me, it's just that…" He threw his hands in the air and let out a deep breath. "Would you like a drink?"

  Sly smiled and his eyes glinted. A chill ran down Jason's spine.

  "No, thank you. I'm fine."

  "Okay." Jason scratched his head and figured he'd better answer the man's question, no matter who he thought he was. He might not be as stable as he appeared under that calm exterior. "So, my intentions toward Merry are completely honorable, I assure you. I've already asked her to marry me."

  "Really? She said nothing about this to me."

  He shrugged and sat on the low chair since it was the only seat left in the grouping. Lila took up only part of the long sofa, spread eagle and face down, but he didn't want to wake her. Managing a drunk was much easier this way.

  "Maybe she was waiting for a better time." He gestured toward Lila. "We had other things to deal with tonight."

  "Indeed. I take it the reporter caught your little shifting act earlier."

  Surprise zinged through him like an electric shock. Too stunned to speak, he simply stared at Sly.

  "Merry does tell me her important news, so I was surprised she didn't mention something as meaningful as a wedding."

  Way to turn the tables, guy. "I, uh… I'm sure she will."

  "I didn't see her wearing a ring. Did she accept?"

  Still recovering from shock, he wondered why Sly was not making a big deal about his being a shapeshifter? Was he really only concerned about the wedding? Had he heard him correctly?

  "Well?" Sly tipped his head.

  "Huh? Oh, yeah. She did and then she said she needed more time—to take care of a few things. We're waiting to tell people until we hammer out the details."

  "I see." Sly sounded skeptical.

  "What does that mean?"

  "Oh, nothing. I just want to be sure nobody is stringing my daughter along. I'd hate to see anyone hurt her."

  The menacing look in his eyes chilled Jason to the bone.

  "Because if anyone were to hurt her, I'd have to do something about it."

  "Wait a minute. Are you threatening me? I'm not going to hurt Merry. In fact, she's more apt to hurt me. I'm head-over-heels in love with her."

  "Good," Sly said, seeming satisfied. "Then may I make a suggestion?"

  "Sure." Why the hell not? This conversation can't get much weirder.

  "Hold your wedding after dark. I'd like to attend. Candlelight weddings are beautiful anyway. Don't you think?"

  "Pardon me, but am I missing something here? You seem to have concerns about our wedding, but haven't batted an eyelash over my shifting capabilities."

  "I was getting to that."

  Damn. Time to change the subject, quick. "Well, before you move on, I have some concerns of my own."

  "Oh? What would those be?" His face and posture didn't change—as if he couldn't imagine anything on his end being out of whack. Was this guy for real?

  "Well, first off, you seem way too young to be Merry's father."

  Sly smiled. "Why thank you. I try to take care of myself."

  "That wasn't meant as a compliment," Jason said. "I'm serious. You couldn't be a day over thirty years old by the looks of you."

  "And again, you flatter me."

  "No!" Indignant, Jason jumped out of the low chair and paced. "Something's wrong here. Either you're not Merry's birth father and have convinced her that you are for some reason of your own, or… I can't think of another possibility."

  Sly leaned forward and clasped his hands. "Well, I'm sorry you can't think more creatively. There is another explanation. I haven't convinced her of anything but the truth."

  Getting nowhere, Jason exhaled audibly. "Okay, say I believe you, why didn't you come back into her life before? Why now?"

  "Because I wanted to get to know her but didn't want to interfere in her upbringing."

  "I don't get it." He shook his head.

  "What's to get?" Sly asked. "It's simple. I was a sudden wido
wer with an infant I couldn't raise properly on my own. Giving her up was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but I did it for her."


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