Palm South University: Season 2 Box Set

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Palm South University: Season 2 Box Set Page 1

by Kandi Steiner

  Table of Contents

  Episode One

  Well, so much for that plan - Bear




  Episode Two

  Everything is changing. - Adam




  Episode Three

  And we’re just getting started.. - Skyler


  Episode Four

  “It’s Spring Break, bitches!”

  Episode Five

  “What are sisters for?”

  Episode Six

  “Time to kiss spring semester goodbye in style.”

  A Note from the Author


  About the Author

  Copyright © 2016 Kandi Steiner

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without prior written consent of the author except where permitted by law.

  The characters and events depicted in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Published by Kandi Steiner

  Edited by Betsy Kash

  Cover Design by Kandi Steiner

  Formatting by Elaine York/Allusion Graphics, LLC/Publishing & Book Formatting

  Tweet as you read using #PalmSouth and join the Facebook Discussion Group here.

  Season Two of Palm South University picks up right where Season One left off. You'll need to read Season One before continuing.

  Episode One

  Well, so much for that plan - Bear






  Episode Two

  Everything is changing. - Adam









  Episode Three

  And we’re just getting started.. - Skyler








  Episode Four

  “It’s Spring Break, bitches!”














  Episode Five

  “What are sisters for?”






  Episode Six

  “Time to kiss spring semester goodbye in style.”










  A Note from the Author


  About the Author


  I smirk at the chorus of screams from Skyler and her sisters when I open the door of the Omega Chi house. Skyler leans up to kiss my cheek as the rest of the KKB girls filter around her, filling the already-packed living room.

  “Thanks, ladies.”

  “I’m going to get you so wasted tonight,” Skyler promises, throwing me a devilish grin. I have no doubt she’ll deliver.

  Skyler is my best friend on campus and, as of last semester, officially my Little Sister in Greek life. The way every guy in the room is eye-fucking her right now, I know they all think I’m crazy for not trying to score with her. But Skyler and I have always just had an unspoken connection — love, but in a family way.

  Spring semester is already in full swing, even though classes just started this week. We already made it through spring rush, adding just shy of twenty new brothers to our fraternity, and now those pledges are finding out exactly what it means to be an Omega Chi Beta. It’s Saturday night and our house is wall-to-wall with brothers and girls from every single sorority on campus. Our alumni brothers are supposedly leaving us alone since we held our act together last semester, but something tells me they won’t exactly be pleased with us in the morning.

  It’s only eleven and we’ve already had two noise complaints.


  “Come on,” Skyler says, grabbing my hand. “It’s time for shots!”

  I don’t have time to argue because she’s already tugging me through the crowd, brown locks swaying behind her. We brush past the two beer pong tables set up inside and jet around the living room where a make-shift dance floor has been set up. The entire house is dimly lit, a soft glow on the dark wood floors. As soon as we reach the island bar in the small house kitchen, she scores two shot glasses and fills them with tequila.

  Fuck me.

  “To finally being able to drink legally in a bar but still drinking here, anyway, because it’s way more fun.” Skyler holds up her shot glass to mine, her long, soft brown curls falling over her shoulder. Her bright blue eyes are radiating with an infectious energy, amping up my own excitement. Birthdays have never been a big deal to me, but I guess twenty-one is kind of worth celebrating.

  “And to best friends who know exactly what alcohol to give you so you don’t remember what happened the next day.”

  We clink our glasses together and throw the shots back, the tequila burning the entire way down. Our eyes water and we both reach for lime slices at the same time, laughing.

  “Should I be getting your autograph? It’s not every day I take shots with the hottest new poker player on the scene.”

  Skyler rolls her eyes, sucking her lime slice dry before snatching up two red Solo cups. Several brothers are watching her, drooling, my Little included — but Skyler doesn’t even notice. “Hardly.”

  “You can’t even deny that after the tournament over break, Sky.”

  She chews her cheek, filling our cups from the keg. She drinks half of hers as she hands me mine. “I know. It just feels weird. I don’t want to think about it right now.”

  I chuckle. “Fine. Let’s go numb our minds with drinking games.”

  “Now that’s a plan I can get behind.”

  We make our way to the backyard where several tables are set up. It’s January in Florida, so for once, I’m not sweating. In fact, a few of the girls are wearing light hoodies and everyone is in jeans. It’s one of the maybe five cold days we’ll have before spring shows up again, and all the windows to the house are open, taking advantage of the cool air.

  “Any news from your family?” Skyler asks as we scan the tables. I stayed with her all break, so she’s well aware of the fact that I haven’t heard a peep from my mom or my older brother since I wrote them the check after semi-formal last semester.

  “Just Clayton. He’s starting back up at school and says he’s been sleeping over at his friend Mac’s house a lot lately. He sounds good.”

  “You okay?” She turns to face me when she asks, probably to make sure I don’t lie to her. This time, I genuinely feel like I don’t have to.

  “I am. Not even thinking about them.” And it’s true. Maybe I’m finally sick of their shit enough to where I refuse to let it weigh on me, or maybe I’m being selfish for once. Either way, I’m just excited to be back at Palm South — especially since we’re just
a few short months away from Spring Break.

  Skyler smiles. “Good. Oh! I think I see a table.”

  She points to a half-empty table and I nod, following her toward it. We start gathering a few of my brothers and her sisters to play chandelier with us when a girl I’ve never met before pops up in front of me.


  Her voice is loud and perky, and my eyes widen a fraction.

  Taking a second look, I realize there’s a very long, very sexy pair of legs attached to the too-spunky-for-me voice.

  “Are you the birthday boy?”

  Her question catches me off guard, almost as much as her unique appearance. Her hair is just past her shoulders, jet black at the roots and faded into a deep purple at the ends. It’s curled, falling similar to the way Skyler’s does naturally, and she’s wearing a thick pair of black frames. She’s dressed simply in a black v-neck t-shirt and bleach-washed jeans, though they hug her in all the right places. Her smile is bright, curious, and unapologetic.

  I can’t for the life of me figure out why, but I immediately want to nail her.

  My eyes flick to her plump lips.

  Okay maybe I do know why.

  I hold one finger up. “Guilty.”

  Her smile widens. “Thank fuck.” Without warning, she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls her mouth up to mine. Her lips are soft and wet, and even though I have no idea what the hell is happening, I grip her small waist tight in my hands and snake my tongue into her mouth. She moans, her hands fisting at the back of my neck. I bite her lower lip as she pulls back, releasing it with a pop.

  “They dared me to give you your first birthday kiss of the night,” she pants, her eyes still on my mouth. When she lifts them again, I realize they’re a bright green. “It was really going to suck if you were unfortunate looking.”

  “Does that mean you think I’m hot?”

  She smirks. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind giving you your last birthday kiss of the night, too, if that answers your question.”

  I can’t say I’m not shocked by her honesty. Most girls play hard to get, or not interested, or whatever other fucking games they think make them seem like they’re not easy targets. This girl is standing tall, eyes on mine, confident and sure.

  And it’s so fucking sexy.

  Grinning, I lean in closer, brushing her hair behind her ear so I have easier access. My dark hands are a stark contrast to her pale white skin. “And what if I want more than just a birthday kiss?” I whisper.

  She inhales a stiff breath, just enough to let me know I’m affecting her the way I want to. Then, she licks her lip and pulls away from my grasp. “I guess you’re going to have to hope my friends have your interests in mind the next time I pick dare.” She winks, turns, and rejoins a small group of girls across the yard. They all giggle and keep their eyes on me, but I can’t take mine off of her.

  “What the shit was that?” Skyler asks, sliding up beside me with two freshly filled cups. She holds one out to me and lifts the others to her lips, her eyes following mine to the group of girls still watching us.

  “No idea,” I murmur, taking the cup.

  “Come on, let’s drink.” Skyler starts setting up the game and more people gather around us, but I keep my eyes focused on the girl with the purple hair until she finally turns to sneak a peek at me again. I hold her gaze steady for just a moment before her friends drag her back inside the house.

  I don’t even know her name, but by the end of the night, I’m determined to know her bra size.


  Skyler took off about an hour ago to meet up with Adam, her boyfriend in Alpha Sigma, but not before completely following through on her promise. I’m drunk. And that’s an understatement.

  Lacy is hanging all over me, licking up my neck and whispering what she wants to do to me. Had this been last semester, I probably would have given her a second round in my bed. She’s cute — caramel skin and carefully-styled natural hair. She wasn’t a bad lay, per say, but she was just a distraction for me during a shitty time. My mom had just asked me for money and I needed a temporary escape. But tonight, I’m celebrating. I’m not looking for a distraction.

  I’m looking for a really long, really hard, really incredible fuck.

  And I know just who I want to get it from.

  “Excuse me,” I say softly, grabbing both of Lacy’s wrists in my hands to peel them off me. She pouts as I let them drop into her lap and make my way across the living room where only a few Zetas are left lazily dancing. The girl from earlier is leaning against our pool table, talking to one of our new pledges. He’s a cool guy, but judging by the look on her face, she’s two seconds away from yawning or completely falling asleep.

  As if on cue, she covers a yawn with her hand, still nodding along with his words to make it seem like it couldn’t possibly be him who evoked that reaction.

  “Hey, Caleb,” I interrupt, clapping him on the back. “Having fun at your first O Chi party?”

  He’s clearly about as sober as I am, because a shit-eating grin spreads on his face. “Bro, this is the best night of my life.”

  I chuckle. Caleb is a freshman, and after that comment, I’m a little scared for his pledging process. He has no idea what he’s in for.

  “Glad to hear it. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to pull the birthday card and steal this beautiful girl away from you.” My eyes cut to the girl with the purple hair and she fights back a smile.

  Caleb’s face falls. “Wait.” I cock one brow, letting him know he really shouldn’t argue, and his shoulders deflate a little. “Yeah… yeah, okay. Happy birthday, Bear.” He offers a reluctant smile before taking a long drink from his cup, leaving me alone with the girl I can’t wait to get back to my room.

  “Kind of presumptuous, don’t you think?” She asks, but her eyes are already undressing me.



  I shrug. “On whether you let me take you back to my room or not.”

  She stares at the hand I’m now holding out toward her, seemingly debating her options. She could easily walk away, find one of her girlfriends and leave the party without so much as another word. But the way she’s chewing her lip tells me that’s not exactly the plan she has in mind.

  “I’m only going back with you on one condition.”

  I wait, hand still outstretched as she narrows her eyes.

  “I want two orgasms tonight. And not the kind I fake, the kind I can’t hold back with. The kind that make my legs sore in the morning.”

  My teeth find my bottom lip, fighting back a smile. Who the hell is this girl and where has she been hiding?

  “I’ll give you three.”

  The left side of her mouth lifts just slightly as she looks confidently up at me through her lashes. Then, she slides her small hand into mine.

  Tugging her through the remaining crowd, I lift her as soon as we reach the hallway. Her back is pressed against the wall right next to our founding brothers’ class photo, her legs wrapped around my waist. I suck the skin on her neck between my teeth and she hisses.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Shawna,” she answers, panting.

  “I’m Bear.”

  “Nice to meet you.”


  Gripping her ass in my hands, I shove us through my room and kick the door closed behind us. Shawna is already stripping her shirt off as I drop her feet to the floor at the end of my bed. I follow suit, tugging my jeans and boxers down in one fluid movement and kicking them to the side. Shawna is impatiently naked and pulling at my shirt. She lifts it over my head and I take it the rest of the way, tossing it to the side.

  Then she’s staring at me.

  More specifically, at my cock.

  “Holy shit,” she breathes. She reaches out, trailing her fingertips down the middle of my abdomen, all the while still staring at my dick. When she reaches my waist line, she pulls her fingers
to her mouth, her eyes flicking back to mine.

  I smirk.

  The only light in my room is streaming through the window from a street light, but it bathes Shawna in a soft blue light, hitting every curve. Dropping to my knees, I run my rough hand over the smooth skin of her neck, her breasts, her flat stomach.


  Are those nipple piercings?

  Oh, fuck.

  Definitely going to have to play with those later.

  “Round one,” I growl against the sensitive skin of her clit, one side of my mouth quirked in a cocky smile. She smiles back, but her face falls into a soft O when I close the distance.

  She’s moaning, bucking her hips forward with each flick of my tongue. I groan, too, because she tastes so fucking sweet. Sliding two fingers inside her, we both exhale together, her at the way my touch feels and me at how wet she is.

  Snaking my free hand up her stomach, I palm her breast, massaging it in time with her rolling hips. Shawna cries out, fisting her hands in my barely-there hair and pulling me closer. When I suck her clit between my teeth, I pinch her piercing at the same time and roll it between my fingers.

  She gasps.


  Holds her breath.

  And then she comes.

  I’m pretty sure she’s waking up every single brother in my house right now but I don’t give a single fuck. She’s completely unfiltered, moaning my name like it’s the last word she’ll ever say. When she steadies out, her legs still shaking, I stand and put my mouth hard on hers. She tastes herself eagerly, panting as I slip my tongue between her lips.

  Her hands wrap around my neck and she lies back on the bed, wriggling her way up to the pillows and tugging me with her. The purple ends of her dark hair are highlighted in the dim light of my room, sprawled out on my pillows, framing her bright eyes and swollen lips.

  I spread her legs with my own, hitching one up at my waist as I position myself at her entrance. Her eyes are wide, and I have to steady my breathing and remind myself to go slow. Judging by her reaction earlier, I’m not exactly the size she’s used to dealing with.

  Kissing her lips, I bite the lower one before moving down her neck to her collarbone. Then, slowly, steadily, I flex my hips and bury my cock inside her.


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