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Is This Anything?

Page 29

by Jerry Seinfeld

  email, 422, 425 links in, 282–83

  energy drinks, 295–96, 399

  engaged, being, 177

  Eyewitness News, 62

  Facebook, 284

  faces, talking, 421–22

  family desk photos of, 70

  stick figure depictions of, 341

  vacation for, 378

  fathers clothing style of, 381

  domestic instincts of, 342, 343

  Father’s Day and, 381

  as helium balloons, 381–82

  and idea of dad, 344

  sofa moving techniques of, 41–42

  thermostats and, 24–25

  see also parent, being; parents

  faucets, Alcatraz, 221–22

  favors, size of, 243

  fears, number one and number two, 98

  filth, living in, 430

  Finger, The, 400–401

  fire, hotel, 95–96

  first aid, 209

  5-Hour Energy Drink, 295–96

  Flex Seal, 446–49

  Florida old people in, 144–45, 148, 150

  state flag of, 145

  flowers, 246

  foam balls, 130–31

  food in all-you-can-eat buffet, 387–89

  baseball game hot dogs, 351–52

  brain and, 384

  cereal, see cereal

  difference between sex and, 384

  Donut Holes, 395, 396

  ice cream, 47, 108, 352, 370, 389

  nutritional quality of, 68

  Pop-Tarts, 385–87

  raisins, see raisins

  relationship issues largely absent from, 384

  Swanson “Hungry-Man” TV dinners, 390–391

  football, professional, 66–67, 277

  friends, friendship after dating, 180

  always, 246

  inviting to wedding, 262–63

  real, 417

  repeat stories and, 286–87

  single, 269

  why are they so annoying, 357–58, 359

  Frigidaire building, 28

  funerals, 98, 312

  fun for the whole family, 108

  future clothes in the, 216–17

  not here yet, 289–90

  traffic in the, 215

  gambling in Vegas, 311–12

  games, in marriage, 271–72, 367–68

  gangs, mom, 429

  garage, 196, 333–34

  garbage, 272, 332–35 garage and, 333–34

  in movie theater, 322–23

  gay French king, 419

  gay stereotype, 246

  ghosty dots, 424

  gifts, bad paperweights, 181

  silver balls that hang from strings, 381

  Glad sandwich bags, 313–14

  glasses, 106 as disguise, 22

  and not being able to tell what parents look like, 25

  glue horses as source of, 225, 226

  on Golden Globe award, 328

  on stamps, 108, 124

  Golden Globe, 328

  golf, 64 as ultimate avoidance activity, 343

  as whispery sport, 430

  cart, 144

  club, 51

  Good Humor man, 370

  Google, 414, 416

  got to go, 406–7

  grandfather, nobody asks you to see their, 247

  Grape-Nuts, 45

  grapes, 392

  great and sucks, 349–52

  greeting cards, 72

  Guard Gate Speech Filtration System, 366

  gutter ball, 373–74

  gym class, 32–34

  gyms, health clubs, 32, 189, 302–3

  Haggar Slacks, 299–300, 301

  hair transplant, 231

  Hallmark greeting cards, 72

  Halloween candy, 101–2, 105

  Halloween costumes, 101–4, 261 Superman, 102–4

  hamburgers, 17, 55 number sold, 113

  handicaps, advantages of, 277

  happiness in marriage, 268, 361–62

  hats animals wearing, 61, 228

  as beer holder, 313–14

  Cub Scouts, 30–31

  for cold weather, 34

  for toilet paper, 43

  on Florida state flag, 145

  Hawaii license plate, 96

  “HBO Comedian Award” acceptance speech, 326–28

  head losing heat through, 34

  severed, 245

  wife as extra, 272

  head cheese, 68, 298

  head, Phillips, 195

  head of the household, 78

  health problems, pre-existing, 443–44

  heat kids in bed and, 344

  losing through head, 34

  old men’s love of, 149–50

  helium balloon, Dad as, 381–82

  Hoffritz knife store, 214

  holding things, 323–24

  Hope, Bob, 10

  horsepower, 228

  horses asses of, 229

  as glue source, 225

  Pony Ride and, 229–230

  racing of, 223–24, 355

  red metal, 37–38

  riding on, 226–27, 228, 229–30

  in stalls, 325

  in trailers, 229

  hospitals, 438–39

  hot dogs, 351–52

  hotels, 94–95 family vacation in, 378

  fire in, 95–96

  room service trays in, 171

  television sets in, 95

  human being business, 438–39

  humiliation in entertainment, 110–11

  in Olympics, 162

  hunger, 240–41

  hydration, 398

  ice cream, 352, 370

  icy sidewalk rodeo, 164–65

  I.D. card, 28

  iguana, becoming, 11

  important calls, 279

  Improv, 4

  I’m Telling You for the Last Time, 255

  inanimate objects, 319

  infomercials, 437 for Flex Seal, 448–52

  ingredients in drugs, 232, 234

  may contain, 238

  IN the city, but ON the island, 410

  involuntary luge, 163–64

  iPhone why it’s called, 420

  see also phone

  itching, burning and redness, 315

  it is what it is, 413–14

  jacket leather, 98

  pants matching, 26

  for Superman, 103–4

  jawbreakers, 29

  Jet Ski, 136, 380

  job(s), 330, 405 Chalk Outline Guy, 144

  in childhood, 34–35

  men’s, 194, 210

  and Night Guy/Morning Guy, 248–49

  office, 212–13

  unemployment and, 61–62

  job interview, dating as, 72

  joke(s) enough, 48–49

  rate per, 10

  Joyner, Mario, 253–54

  jumpy castle, 338

  June Guy, 248, 249

  kamikaze pilots, 442–43

  kangaroos, 18

  Kaufman, Andy, 4

  Kellogg’s, 48, 386

  Kelton, Bobby, 4

  kids bowling and, 373–74

  circus and, 339

  either sticky or crusty, 347

  getting to sleep, 371–72

  in bed, 344

  in 1960s, 368–69, 370–71

  one big difference between adults and, 25–26

  other people’s, in your home, 347–48

  parents not wanted by, 382–83

  turned into thank you monkeys, 345

  kids, having, 79–80, 184 childbirth in, 336, 438

  “conceived,” use of term, 336

  daughter leaving home for college, 254–55

  pet monkey level very close to, 184

  someday, 78

  see also parent, being

  kids’ birthday parties clown at, 337–38

  jumpy castle at, 338

  piñata at, 372–73

  pinning the tail on the donkey at, 372–73

hen, 169–70 sponge in, 444–45

  Kleenex, 94

  knives Hoffritz, 214

  Swiss Army, 32

  that can cut through a shoe, 437

  Kotex lady, 150–51

  Krazy Glue, 225

  Kukla, Fran and Ollie, 336

  Last Laugh, The (Berger), 4, 6

  Las Vegas gambling in, 311–12

  sex club, 309

  laundry, 219 bloodstains as problem in, 239

  in gentle cycle, 176–77

  nightclub for, 173–74

  socks escaping from, 50

  sports as rooting for, 159

  Tide for, 239

  see also dry cleaning

  laundry bag with live goat inside, 344

  lava lamp, watching postal employees like watching, 124

  leather, 98

  left, negative associations of, 13

  left turns eventual, 145

  okay, 59–60

  Lenny, 4–5

  Lewis, Richard, 4

  Liberace, 321–22

  life length of, 408

  suckness of, 349

  Life cereal, 19

  lifestyles baby, 180–81

  cookie, 300–301

  crook, 142

  dog, 365

  parakeet, 43–44

  lip liner, 278

  listening, 268, 272, 304, 407 blindness and, 278

  living situation, i.e., the place where you live, 404–5

  lobster, 181

  lobster tank, 55–6

  locations, changing, 406

  Long Island, 3, 144, 410

  look-fat game, 367–68

  Los Angeles, 109

  luge, 163–64

  luncheon meat, 68

  mad cow disease, 231

  magazines, 107, 116 Bride, 258, 260

  Time, 107

  magicians, 110–11, 180

  Magnum, PI, 133

  maids, 120, 219

  makeup lip liner, 278

  mirror for, 14

  mall garage of, 216

  Hoffritz knife store in, 214

  Los Angeles as, 109

  not Apollo 13, 168

  piano store in, 56

  man and animal, real difference between, 18

  marathoners, 208

  Marder, Barry, 10

  marriage, 258 bachelor party and bridal shower before, 181

  chess analogy in, 268–69

  commitment/rejection in, 267

  desk pictures as reminder of, 70

  divorce, 265–66

  do-it-yourself kits for, 368

  dual zone climate control and, 376–77

  engagement and, 177

  games in, 271–72, 367–68

  Guard Gate Speech Filtration System in, 366

  happiness in, 361–62

  and image of husband picking up wife after work and not bringing the car to a full stop, 374–75

  “live with” relationships and, 266

  sickness in, 78

  simultaneous house exit achieved in, 360–61

  single life as viewed from vantage point of, 269–70

  tone of voice in, 273–76

  transportation analogy in, 241

  weddings, 257–65

  why men love it more than women, 362

  wife as extra head in, 272–73

  mattress on roof of car, 196–97

  may contain, 238

  McDonald’s, 113

  medical school, 233–34

  men cash preferred by, 193

  commitment a problem for, 178

  as dogs, 363–64, 365

  jobs of, 210

  in Men’s Room, 75–76

  minds of, 197–200

  physical world of, 194–95, 196

  sperm as role models for, 183

  superhero thinking of, 196–97

  television watching habits of, vs. women’s, 134

  things put into two categories by, 362

  women’s adjusting of proximity of, 244

  women’s drawing of attention of, 243

  see also relationships

  Mexico, 110

  Michnik, Jesse, 6

  milk almond, 297

  do you need it, 118

  drinking past the expiration date, 119–20

  Monitor for, would pay to have, 120

  rice, 297

  as serving suggestion, 46

  Milk Duds, 73

  millionaire, idea of being, 66–67

  Mini Mart, 397

  minivan, 341

  mirrored office buildings, 310

  mirrors, 14, 20

  Misiano, Chris, 3, 253

  Misiano, Vince, 3, 253

  mob boss, 346

  money, 211–12 cash, 193

  checks, 191–94

  losing, 311

  parents as bank, 25

  prices at airport, 90–91

  monkey bars, terrorist, 316–17

  monkeys astronaut, 100

  being alone with, 185

  pet, 184–85

  plastic, 44

  thank you, 345

  Monopoly, 230

  moon landing, reason for, 200

  moose air lift, 129–30

  Morning Guy/Night Guy, 248–49

  mothers lack of appreciation for, 382

  mom gangs, 426

  see also parents

  motorcycle helmets, slightly Nazi, 317–18

  movies, 352 Lenny, 4–5

  Nazi, 213

  plots of, 137–38

  Porky’s, 67

  Rocky, 67

  seeing only one a year, 138

  Stand by Me, 131

  movie theaters, 73 age gap in hiring policies at, 139

  armrest battles in, 139

  candy in, 73, 393

  garbage in, 322–23

  TV commercials in, 140

  mozzarella relationships, 179

  murder Chalk Outline Guy and, 144

  execution style, 127

  of comedian, odds of, 171

  possible defense for, 127

  styles of, 127

  murderer in the house, 266

  museum security guards, 209

  music, playing for plants, 69

  naked, 189

  Nazis and motorcycle helmet choice, 317–18

  two types of “Heil” used by, 213

  neat, thin, and single, 246

  New Jersey, 410

  New Mexico, 110

  news, 306–7 breaking story on, 308

  crisis on, 305–6

  earpieces worn by everyone on, 305

  Eyewitness News, 62

  foam balls on microphones in, 130–31

  moose air lift on, 129–30

  no, 306–7

  old, 307

  in the strip on the bottom, 304–5

  watching, importance of, 63

  weather girls on, 309

  newspapers Daily Planet, The, 21

  everything fits on, 126

  New York Times, 62

  sports section of, 310

  New York City awnings in, 434

  cabs in, 6, 156–57

  faux courtesy jog in, 434

  street-cleaning machines in, 433

  New York Times, 62

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 47

  night cookies and, 300

  watching TV late at, 248, 448–49, 451

  nightclub(s) Catch a Rising Star, 6

  Comedy Cellar, 329

  for clothes, 173

  Night Guy/Morning Guy, 248–49

  non-statements, 289–91

  No Payments ’til June, 248, 249

  Northeast Guy, 96–97

  nose hair, 314

  nose job, 230

  notary public, 54–55

  not-die, sports in which main activity is to scuba diving, 39

  skydiving, 37, 38

  zip lining, 379

  nothing, doing, 257

  office space, 212–13

  older, getting, 151–52 bei
ng in one’s 60s, 435–36

  looking forward to, 23, 435

  and turning around, 436

  old people driving and, 145–46, 148–49

  eating and, 263–64

  in Florida, 144–45, 148, 150

  men, and heat, 149–50

  on cruise ships, 408

  phones for, 429

  Olympics biathlon in, 162

  luge in, 163–64

  platform diving in, 163

  platforms of humiliation in, 162

  silver medal in, 160–61

  One-Hour Martinizing, 175

  OnStar, 320–21

  ON the island, but IN the city, 410

  opposite clothes, 321

  orange juice, 67, 296–97, 385

  Oscar Mayer, 68

  out, going, 358–59, 400–401, 405, 406 getting ready for, 360–61

  and getting the hell out of where you went to, 403–4

  prison as absence of, 403

  simultaneous house exit in, 360

  and then getting back, 400–401, 405, 407

  oxytocin, 8

  pain relievers, 234–35

  painting the apartment, 169

  pajamas, 26, 103

  pants asses hanging out of, 80

  doctors and, 236–37

  Haggar, 299–300, 301

  jacket matching, 26

  size of, 80, 299–300


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