Make Me Whole (Brothers From Money #3)

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Make Me Whole (Brothers From Money #3) Page 18

by Shanade White

  "Well, I'm just saying. You are so reserved and withdrawn in your private life. It has taken this long to really let me in. And I get that. It is not always the best thing to be so open in that regard. But do you think so hard about whether or not to take on a certain client? Or do you think that hard about how to take a fashion risk with that client? I don't think that you do."

  Kate opened her mouth to speak, but kept her thoughts to herself as she considered the point of view Bruce posed to her. He stared at her, waiting for her response.

  "You could be right."

  "I'm not posing it to be right or wrong. Simply putting it out there because it's the way that I see it."

  "That's really what you see?"

  Bruce nodded. "I wish you would trust a bit more and take some risks. I mean, your bucket list is full of exhilarating activities."

  Just the mention of the bucket list brought back memories for Kate. When she and Bruce first met, he convinced her to share with him some of the things that she always wanted to do. There were random things like she wanted to see a Broadway play and comfortably be able to afford shopping in Bal Harbour or Rodeo Drive. She wanted to buy a house for her parents and pay off all of her school loans. But then there were more interesting things like bungee jumping and visiting Paris for Fashion Week.

  Bruce encouraged her to go after those things at any cost.

  "Very true. I still want to bungee jump. Sometime soon. And possible skydive."

  "So there is a thrill seeker inside of you. Where is that person when it comes to taking a chance on love?"

  Kate shrugged. She had never thought about why she did not take chances in her personal life. "I've never actually thought about it. I mean, I've had relationships before, but none of them were the type that made me want to have anything long term with them. None of that occurred until I met you."

  She inhaled, shocked that she had admitted those feelings to him. Kate had been on the verge of admitting so much about how she felt to Bruce, but held back. When she did, there was a load lifted from her shoulders.

  "Bruce, I never thought about marriage until I met you. So that is why I have been taking my time with, well, with everything between us. Do you know what it's like to suddenly be hit with the fact that you met someone and fell in love so quickly?"

  "My love, more than I care to admit."

  She understood the gravity in his words. "So then you know what it feels like to be unsure of where things are going. To feel like your feet are not on solid ground."

  Bruce kissed her cheek. "That is what I think is the best part of falling in love. The not knowing. You don't know who the person will be. You don't know how deeply you will fall. You don't know how much it will take over your life. You just don't know anything. But why on earth would you let that stop you from being with the person you care about? I would rather have the one I love than not. And I want that woman at any cost."

  He stared through her with those deep blue windows to his soul. It was as if he thought that keeping his attention on her would help her to calm the raging tide of anxiety that swirled within her.

  "Anything? You'll do anything?"


  "Even sweep her off of her feet, chartering a private jet to Paris?"

  "That is only the beginning."

  Kate's heart skipped a beat. She was not sure what to say next. Here was the man she loved, confessing he was willing to do whatever it took to have her. She knew that many women could not say they had heard that from another.

  She knew she had to go along for the ride. Being in love had to be worth something. It had to be worth the risk she was taking.


  Touching down in Paris sent a surge of exhilaration through Kate's body. Just to know she was in the City of Love with the man she loved was such a treat. Although there were many places she wanted to go and sites she wanted to see, the first thing on her list was getting to the hotel and taking a long hot bath so she could change clothes.

  The car service did not take them to a hotel like Kate expected. Instead, they were taken to a private villa. The last time they were there, Bruce had booked a quaint bed and breakfast. She was growing accustomed to traveling with him and having all of the best that money could offer.

  Rolling hills and the countryside were a picturesque backdrop. "This is breathtaking, Bruce. How did you find this place?"

  He tried to appear nonchalant. "A friend of mine suggested we use his villa for the vacation. I took him up on the offer. We could always stay at a hotel in the city if you prefer that."

  "I appreciate the offer. But I think this will be perfect. A little quiet will do me some good I think."

  Bruce nodded as the car pulled into the crescent driveway of the villa. The landscaping was breathtaking and Kate could not wait to see the inside.

  "We will have a chef and housekeeping daily, but otherwise, we are on our own. I thought that would be a nice difference to the bed and breakfast where there was staff swirling around all of the time."

  "Thank you for being so considerate." Kate linked her arm in his as they went to the front door. Bruce used a key to open the door.

  "I don't think the chef gets back until early in the morning for breakfast, but there should be some food here in the refrigerator."

  "I'm not too hungry, but I know I could use a snack a little later."

  Bruce brought in their bags and sat them at the front door. Flipping a switch, the light gave way to an open space. The great room that greeted them was beautifully decorated with contemporary furniture that met an old world style.

  Kate could not help but stare at the decorative crown molding as well as the gold trim that was infused. The kitchen reminded her of the pictures of country houses, a large island with a wooden counter and the pots hung above it on a rack.

  "This is so gorgeous. I can't wait to see the bedrooms." Kate wandered off before Bruce could catch up with the bags in hand.

  "I think this room here is perfect." Kate flung the double doors open and there was a room large enough to be a small apartment. With a sitting area and an area where they could take their meals if they wanted, Kate thought the space was perfect. A brass four post bed furnished with a royal purple satin duvet, a flat screen television, and an enormous cherry wood armoire were among the décor in the room.

  "Bruce, this is absolutely fabulous. I can't believe this is where we will be staying."

  "I hoped that you would enjoy it. I, myself did not know what to expect, but I am impressed as well. Here, let's put our things away and grab a bite to eat."

  "Why don't you check out what is in the kitchen while I shower and change?"

  "Sounds good."

  Kate found the bathroom which was filled with luxury soaps and exotic perfumes. A huge garden tub sat in the corner and she was completely ready to jump in, but decided to take a shower instead. She knew if she got in the tub, she would never get out and she definitely wanted something to eat.

  The warm water felt amazing and when she used the lavender scented body wash, her mahogany skin felt silky smooth. All she wanted to do was put on her pajamas and get in the bed.

  Her stomach growled, reminding her that she was hungry and Bruce would be waiting for her in the kitchen with something prepared. She slid on some comfortable clothes; a tank top and a pair of shorts, and went to the kitchen. She found it after getting lost down another corridor.

  "This place is way bigger than I thought. I just got lost down a hallway I did not even see when we were looking around."

  "I'm so glad that you found me. Have a seat."

  There was a nook in the kitchen where the two of them could sit down to eat. Bruce already had it set.

  "A little snack. Thank goodness the cabinets were stocked."

  "You pulled all of this together that quickly?"

  "A little something for my love. Sit. Eat."

  Their meal was fresh fruit, a cut of ham, and an omelet. It was just what she
needed to appease her appetite.

  "What time is it?" Kate asked.

  "It is practically daylight. I thought that before we get some rest, we could go out to the gardens and watch the sunrise."

  "That would be wonderful. Let's do it."

  Leaving their empty dishes on the table, Bruce and Kate walked hand in hand out of the patio doors and out to the open. There was a fresh mist overhead and a warm breeze enveloped them.

  Bruce pointed to a spot on the hill that seemed like it would be the perfect place to watch the sunrise. They traveled there hand in hand through the ankle high grass. Kate sat down first, beckoning for Bruce to sit near her.

  He did, placing his arm around her shoulders. No words needed to be spoken as they sat there, staring ahead, waiting for the sun to rise. Kate simply leaned in and rested her head on Bruce's shoulder as they relaxed in each other's presence.

  As the sun peeked over the horizon, Kate squeezed Bruce's hand. The view was breathtaking. Being there with Bruce made it all the more special.

  Colors of red and orange burst through, signaling daybreak.

  "That was something I never thought of doing. This was... I don't have the words to describe it."

  Bruce turned to her. "What if life was like this for you all of the time?"

  Kate's initial response was affirmative, but then she took a moment longer to realize what it was that Bruce was asking. Her heart almost leaped out of her chest.

  All she did was nod.

  Bruce reached behind him and pulled out a small, shiny thing.

  "Kate Walker, I would like to ask you to marry me."

  The world started spinning. Kate could hardly catch her breath.

  She closed her eyes, hoping she could still the emotions. She could feel Bruce taking her by the hand and slip the ring over her finger.

  "Kate, I want to love you for the rest of our lives. And if you will let me, I promise to be there for you forever. Will you make me the happiest man on Earth by saying yes?"

  She choked back the tears and blurted out "Yes."

  "Are you serious?" It was if Bruce could not believe her answer.

  Kate wiped away the tears, which were now streaming down her cheeks. "I am so very serious. I would never want to lose you, Bruce. I love you and I take pleasure in saying yes, I will be your wife."

  Chapter 5

  Her hand in his, Kate and Bruce sat with each other as the sun hung high overhead. So very symbolic of the new beginning the couple now shared.

  "This is all so surreal. I really can't believe we are getting married," Kate exclaimed.

  "You can't believe it?" Bruce asked.

  "You say that as if you had some inside track on where our relationship was going."

  "Well, I knew where I wanted it to go and that I am in love with you, so I thought that would always be enough."

  Kate nodded. "That makes sense. Can I tell you something?"

  "Anything," he replied, staring into her eyes.

  "I always knew the two of us would be together too."

  Bruce laughed and held her tightly in his arms. "Let me see that ring, woman."

  Proudly displaying her ring, hand in the air, fingers spread, Kate showed off the princess cut diamond. The more she looked at it, the more she realized the ring was the companion to the earrings that he gifted her.

  "Yep, that looks good on you. Almost like it was made just for you."

  "I agree."

  The sun began to warm the earth, breaking the mist that was there earlier.

  "What do you say we get back inside and get our day started?" Bruce proposed.

  "I think that is a great idea. Wait. Do you have something else in mind?"

  "I can't tell you."

  Kate shrugged. "Alright. I'll just go with it."

  They walked arm and arm back to the villa.

  "So what did you have in mind as far as a wedding date?" Kate asked.

  "Kate, I want to get married as soon as possible. Woman, I would marry you today if you would say yes."


  Bruce turned, looking at her with surprise.

  "What did you say?"

  "Yes. Let's do it today."

  "Let me make sure I heard you correctly. You, Kate Walker said that you will marry me, Bruce Stanger today."

  "I did. I mean, I do. Or whatever. Let's do it today."

  Bruce stopped walking and turned to her. "But what about your family? I thought you would have wanted your family and friends to be here."

  "How many times do I have to remind you that I'm not as conventional as you would believe? And since we are in the mode of being spontaneous, let's continue. We can make this about us right now, and then celebrate with friends and family once we get back home."

  Bruce thought about it, then lightly touched her on the nose. "I think you have a great point. I have an idea. What if we exchange vows at the Eiffel Tower?"

  Kate practically jumped up and down. "That sounds amazing! Oh my goodness, what am I supposed to wear? I have to find something special. I mean, I don't need a wedding gown, but I have to look perfect."

  The words flowed so quickly, Bruce did not have a chance to get the words in edgewise.

  "Why don't we take this time to go shopping? Then, we can go and exchange vows, and go out to dinner and a night on the town."

  Kate threw her arms around Bruce's neck. "Mrs. Kate Stanger. Has a pretty decent ring to it."

  "Mmm. I like the sound of that too."


  Kate threw on a pair of jeans and a simple white tee shirt. She wanted to be comfortable while she shopped. The car service arrived and took them into the city. First stop was a small bistro for breakfast. Kate was so full of energy, she did not even realize that she had not gotten any rest since they arrived.

  Her mind was solely on becoming Bruce's wife. Eating at the bistro was exactly what she always wanted to do in Paris. The maitre d' served them outside as they people watched. Paris had such a beautiful flow; people strolling leisurely, the gorgeous architecture, and the fashion of the natives.

  Sitting there, Kate fell in love with the city all over again. This time, it was an entirely different experience. The last time, her schedule was filled with work. The only time she got a chance to site-see was when she sat at a local café with her client and grabbed a bite to eat, and when she was in the car going from one celebrity event to another.

  Now, she was one of those who took a leisurely stroll and got a chance to take a look at the city from a visitor's standpoint, and enjoy it. The best part, walking hand in hand with Bruce, taking in all of the sites with the man she loved. They finished their meal and the car service took them to an exclusive shopping district. Kate had no clue what kind of attire she wanted. Maybe a dress, maybe a pant suit. Bruce told her to get whatever she wanted, because he thought she looked sensational in whatever she wore.

  After trying on clothes at three different stores, Kate found a boutique that spoke to her. The first thing that she tried on was a black one piece pantsuit jumper that was strapless. The beading on the bodice was intricately appliquéd, and the cut of the piece fit her curves perfectly.

  When she walked out of the dressing room to model for Bruce, he jumped up out of his seat.

  "That is most certainly the right outfit. That is the one." His eyes drank her in.

  "Are you sure? I have a pair of strappy heels I could wear with this." She twirled around in the mirror, all the while relishing in the fact that Bruce could not take his eyes off of her.

  "No. We are going to buy you all you need while we are out. When we return to the villa, we will be Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stanger."

  Kate did not fight the demand. She started browsing for a pair of shoes to go with her new outfit. It took her a moment to find just the right ones, a strappy pair of red high heels. She threw in a purse to accessorize. Just as she placed everything on the counter, Kate recognized the beauty in what was happening. One of her bucket list i
tems was that she wanted to afford to shop on Rodeo Drive back at home. What a surprise to know that she was able to now shop in one of the most exclusive shopping districts in the world, in France.

  "You ready to go?"

  "Just a moment. Why don’t I just dress here before we leave?"

  Bruce agreed. "I think that is a great idea."

  Kate excused herself to dress. As she spruced up her makeup, it dawned on her that Bruce had not gone to get something special to wear. He looked good in his jeans and white button down shirt, but she thought that getting married was such a special occasion that maybe he should wear something else.

  When she left out of the dressing room, Bruce was on the phone, wrapping a phone call.

  "You look sensational. Are you ready to go?"

  "I am. But I thought that maybe you would want to wear something special too. So we can take some pictures or something when the ceremony is over."

  "Great idea, my love. I know just the right place."

  A few doors down was a men's shop. Once they entered, Kate immediately began to browse. Her full instinct to style was in effect. She pulled a few things for him to try on.

  After trying on three different colors of shirts, Bruce settled on a pale yellow dress shirt that made his blue eyes stand out. Kate paired it with navy blue slacks and a pair of navy loafers. It was the perfect casual look for the day. And it was nice to see that he was wearing something out of the ordinary.

  "Now who is looking fabulous?"

  Bruce smiled shyly. "It is different. But I could come to like it."

  "I think we are ready now." Kate slid her hand in his, looking him deep in his eyes.

  "So you are ready to become Mrs. Bruce Stanger? No turning back?"

  Kate reached up and kissed his lips. "I am so very ready. And no, there is no turning back."


  When the car pulled up to the Eiffel Tower, Kate was amazed. The sheer height of it was a marvel.

  "This is absolutely amazing," Kate spoke, more to herself than to Bruce.

  "Come on over here. We have the justice of the peace waiting for us."

  Kate walked quickly to catch up with Bruce's stride. It was as if neither one of them could wait to get to the destination.


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