Make Me Whole (Brothers From Money #3)

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Make Me Whole (Brothers From Money #3) Page 21

by Shanade White

  As soon as she pulled her car in to the driveway, there was a valet there to meet her.

  "Thank you," she said as she gave him the keys.

  "Bruce thought that since we invited so many guests, we should have a valet help with parking."

  Kate was relieved to see Mrs. Stanger standing at the door.

  "I guess it is a good idea. He is always on top of things."

  Her mother in law was smiling from ear to ear. She patted Kate on the hand gently.

  "Your friend Linda delivered your dress and all of your clothing and accessories yesterday. And your hair and makeup artist are both here already waiting on you."

  "This is starting to feel unreal." Kate was not sure if she was overwhelmed in a good way or a not so good way.

  "Right this way dear." Mrs. Stanger spoke slowly, with a low voice tone, almost as if she did not want to startle Kate.

  She took her toward the back of the house, where there was a small suite. Kate had no idea that the house was that expansive.

  "You can dress in here. And Kate," Mrs. Stanger turned to her. "Every girl needs to feel like a princess at some time. Just so happens that most of us call that day our wedding day."

  Her mother in law's reassuring smile was supposed to make Kate feel more calm, but all it did was make her feel slightly more unsure about the entire wedding.

  "What was your day like?" Kate took a chance asking. She did not know what she expected the answer to be.

  Briefly, it seemed as if the older woman ventured into a far off land. "When my husband and I married, we were two young kids who did not have any money. Just dreams of being together and having a loving family. I'll tell you a little secret," the woman chuckled and leaned in closely.

  "My mother in law did not like me. Wanted my husband to marry this sophisticated little tartlet. What the woman did not know was that tartlet was beautiful, came from money, but she was willing to be with whomever was the highest bidder. My husband on the other hand, he chose quality. A foul mouthed, tomboy who could out fish him any day of the week."

  Kate laughed at the revelation. "I would have never seen you as a foul mouthed tomboy."

  Mrs. Stanger nodded. "Yes well, I was a spitfire in my day. But we bought this ranch, invested in ourselves, and although we only had one child, we were blessed. Life has been good. To see the two of you so happy, it does my heart good. We understand why the two of you did it privately the first time. But as a parent, especially as a mother, there is something about marking off your list the fact that you watched your child profess an undying love for another human being. So you get in there, get prettied up, and go ahead and marry the man you love all over again."

  Kate could barely speak after the outpouring of love that flowed from her mother in law's advice. She simply mouthed the words 'Thank You' and the elder woman nodded and walked away.


  The harp played softly. It was the signal to all of the guests that the ceremony was starting. Everyone turned to face the beginning of the walkway. First down the aisle was Bruce's parents. The couple strolled arm and arm, smiling as the made their way down the blue carpeted path.

  Kate's parents came down the aisle next, each of them beaming with pride. The couples took a seat in the front row. Bruce was next down the aisle. He was exceptionally dapper in a white tuxedo with the cerulean accented cummerbund and corsage.

  The music changed to a more uptempo tune, and everyone knew that the bride was coming. Kate stood at the porch, thinking to herself that the journey down the carpet seemed so long. Especially with all eyes on her. She had chosen a white, floor length, satin sheath dress. Accented with a blue and white flowers intertwined in her crown braid, she looked like a goddess.

  Kate took a deep breath and began walking down the aisle. For their ceremony, they went a bit non-traditional, so her father did not walk her down the aisle to meet her husband. To Kate, it seemed a bit much to be given away when she was already married.

  As soon as she made her way down the steps of the porch, the guests all gasped with joy. People were waving, smiling, beaming with happiness. There was a sea of people, some faces she could quickly recognize, some she could not. It was hard to focus on the trek ahead.

  Then she looked up and saw Bruce standing there. He was beyond handsome in his tux. He had even picked out his own attire without the benefit of her expertise. Seeing what he had chosen, Kate was proud of him.

  Before she could control it, the tears began to well up in her eyes. Kate did her best to fight them back because she did not have any tissue. She felt as if she was gliding down the carpet. It was as if she was not in her body. The entire scene felt surreal.

  When she finally made it down the aisle, Kate was thankful that Bruce took her by the hand because she was not too sure her knees would not fail her.

  Taking a deep breath, Kate tried to calm her heart from racing. She had not been this nervous the first time around.

  The officiant began the ceremony.

  "We are gathered here today to witness the joining of two hearts. Bruce and Kate would like to demonstrate their commitment and their love for one another during this ceremony. We are all here to simply witness."

  Bruce was the first to speak. "This woman here has made me the happiest man on Earth. As many of you know, we met when I walked in to her boutique looking for help as a fashion challenged, middle aged man. She took pity on me and helped me make sense of patterns and colors. I mean, who knew that there were so many shades of blue?"

  The guests laughed.

  "I certainly didn't. That is what is so wonderful about her. She has the ability to help you become the best you. She did not try to change me and that is what I love about her.

  "Kate, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You make each day worth it. I'm not a man of many words, but I would like you to know. Hell, I would like everyone to know, I am in love with you. I can only hope that I will make you happy for the rest of our lives together. I am so glad, so appreciative, that you said yes."

  The female guests were gushing, oohs and ahhs, and the photographer kept the camera flashing.

  Everyone turned to Kate to hear what she would say.

  "I was just minding my business and here comes this man who, on the outside looks like the exact opposite of me and what I would choose. Come to find out, he is exactly what I need. Bruce, you are the push, the motivation, the encouragement I need. You are the light I needed in my life. It is amazing how you won't know that it is dark until there is light. I can't promise that I won't get on your nerves, or that I will slow down with my career, but I can promise that I will love you from now until eternity. Because of you, I can trust in love."

  By the time the couple finished confessing their love for one another, there was not a dry eye in the house.

  "Can we have the rings?"

  The officiant continued the service. Bruce and Kate had taken off their rings before the ceremony just so they could demonstrate symbolic gesture of placing them on each other's fingers in front of their family and friends.

  "Bruce, do you take this woman to have, to hold, to cherish for the rest of your life?"

  "I most certainly do."

  "Kate, do you take this man to hold, to have, to adore for the rest of your life?"

  "I do."

  As Bruce and Kate exchanged rings, Kate's mother stood up from her seat to pass her daughter a tissue. It was greatly appreciated.

  "This couple, Bruce and Kate have confessed their love for one another and they wanted to share that love with you all today. We will now have the candle lighting ceremony as well as a short selection by J. Brockman."

  Kate swayed as the harpist played a selection. They lit candles, one each individually one large one together.

  J. Brockman was a local singer and songwriter that had become good friends with Kate. He sang a song that talked about love and finding the one that was meant for you.

  By the time the candle
lighting and the song selection were over, Kate was overcome with emotions.

  "It is my pleasure to now pronounce, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stanger. Bruce, you may salute your bride."

  He took her into his arms, the kiss he planted on her was full of passion and did not hold back from showing how he felt about her.

  The guests cheered as Bruce took Kate by the hand and twirled her around. The happy couple headed back down the carpet as people blew bubbles and cheered.

  The reception was set up under a tent that was gracefully decorated. Before going to the tent to be received by their guests, Bruce and Kate snuck off to be alone for a moment inside of the house.

  He led her by the hand to a quiet room and shut the door.

  "My head is spinning," she said, happy, but overwhelmed.

  "Me too. But I am the happiest man in the world right now." Bruce held her in his arms, grinning ear to ear.

  "I'm glad that we did this, Bruce. I spoke with your mother before the wedding and she was so excited that we agreed to share this with them."

  "Yes. I could see that our parents were grateful to be a part of the festivities. It was a good idea to do this. I love being with family, you know that."

  "I do," Kate said, squeezing closer to Bruce.

  "Do you think that we should get back out there?"

  She inhaled the scent of his cologne. There, in his arms, she felt most safe and felt most at peace. All felt right in her world.

  "It would be great if we could stay in here for a little while," Kate replied. "But I know that there are some people out there that really want to welcome us and greet us newlyweds."

  Bruce sighed. "You are right. Let's get back out there. And you owe me a first dance, Pretty Lady."

  "As you wish."

  Kate began walking toward the door. She felt Bruce grip her hand tighter and pull her back.

  Those deep blue eyes penetrated her. "Did I tell you how sensational you look?"

  "I was hoping that this dress was not too much."

  He spun her around and pulled her back in to his chest. "When I saw you coming down that aisle, I knew I had made the best decision in my life. To ask you to become Mrs. Bruce Stanger. You are absolutely beautiful."

  She tapped him on the chest. "You clean up pretty well yourself, Mr. Stanger."

  He shrugged. "I picked up a few tips from this sexy fashion stylist I know. She taught me well obviously."

  They chuckled at the joke. Bruce kissed her soft, full lips.

  "Are you sure you want to go back out there? Do you think they will miss us for the next hour or so?"

  "Bruce, stop." She playfully slapped his arm. "Let's get back out there. We have to show the world how Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stanger party."

  The two of them took a second to freshen up and catch their breath before going back out to receive their guests.

  Once Bruce and Kate arrived at the tent, the couple was greeted by family and friends. To be introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stanger was exhilarating all over again. Kate looked out over the sea of people who loved them and cared for them. Being surrounded by love was exactly what they needed. As Kate watched the smiles on everyone's face, she knew that having the wedding was a great idea. Sharing love with family and friends was a huge deal.

  The call for the couple's first dance came. They came to the dance floor and as one of their favorite songs played, Kate felt like a princess. Bruce whirled her around the floor, but it was when he held her tightly dancing chest to chest, that she felt most at peace.

  "Remember when we first met, I told you that I would make sure you felt like a princess?" Bruce whispered in her ear.

  Kate nodded.

  "Kate, I promise to love you and protect you each day of your life. You make me the happiest man in the world."

  Hearing the words melted Kate's heart. She looked into Bruce's eyes, knowing that trusting in love had been the best decision she made in her life.

  "I love you," she told him. It was a statement Kate knew she could say repeatedly for eternity.

  "I love you too, woman."

  "Are you sure about what you are getting in to? I can be a handful sometimes," Kate confessed.

  "I already know that. And I'm prepared. There is no turning back now. You are stuck with me."

  Bruce dipped her, and Kate squealed with delight. As others began to join them on the dance floor, the party began.

  As their parents joined them on the dance floor, Kate had the feeling that her life was complete. She was amazed how her life had come full circle in such a short time. Kate hoped life would remain like this. Of course there would be challenges, but she knew with the love she and Bruce shared, they would be able to triumph.

  The two of them danced the night away. With fun, laughter, good food, and toasts made by close friends and family members, their wedding night was absolute perfection. Kate thought getting married at the base of the Eiffel Tower in the City of Love was the most romantic way to marry the man she loved. Today she saw that having so much love around her and Bruce was also a compliment. She was hopeful that both her mother and Bruce's mother felt content that they were able to be a part of such a wonderful day.

  Kate's heart was filled with joy. Life had finally taught her the importance of trusting in not only herself, but to trust in another, and that when she did, things could turn out just fine. She could not imagine what life would be like if she had not trusted the process and said yes to Bruce, and yes to being loved by him every day for the rest of their lives. Surrounded by family and friends, at the family ranch, Kate and Bruce began their lives cocooned in the very love that would sustain them forever.

  The end... but wait:

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