* Fields was responsible for signing, among others, Iggy Pop, the MC5 and the Ramones. Iggy, whom Nico did not turn down, would go on to write an almost Leonard Cohenesque song to her titled “Nazi Girlfriend”; its opening lines were “I want to fuck her on the floor / Among my books of ancient lore.”
* Other accounts place Leonard’s first appearance with Collins on April 30 at the Town Hall at a benefit concert for the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE); the date on Leonard’s letter belies that, as does an ad listing the participants in the SANE benefit.
* Chase and Cohen came to a settlement in 1987.
* This was Leonard’s second movie appearance that year. He was filmed performing “The Stranger Song” in Canadian director Don Owen’s The Ernie Game.
* Because of the holidays, the release date is generally considered January 1968.
* The same Tony Palmer would shoot the 1974 Leonard documentary Bird on a Wire.
* The UK edition appeared in 1969.
* Recent Songs, 1979.
* She sang at two official dates, the Berkeley Community Center and the Hollywood Bowl.
* Susan Mussmano changed her name to Aileen Fowler, the one under which she is credited on the 1970 recordings on the Live Songs album. She and Fowler, who adopted the new name Elkin Thomas, finally left the boat for a farm in the North Texas prairies. They still live there, when not touring together as folk duo Aileen and Elkin Thomas. Leonard’s second backing singer, Corlynn Hanney, went on to make spiritual albums.
* These words would later appear in the prose poem “Death to This Book” in Death of a Lady’s Man (1978).
* Except in the U.S., where a “modesty sleeve” with a photo covered the censored illustration.
* The interview was intended for Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine but at the last minute the editor decided Leonard “wasn’t chic enough.” It ran in Soho Weekly in December 1974.
* His account of the tour became the 1978 book On the Road with Bob Dylan.
* Brotman, coincidentally, had joined the band the Kaleidoscope shortly after their appearance on Leonard’s debut album.
* In the version of “The Window” published in Stranger Music, Leonard’s 1993 collection of poetry and songs, Leonard changed the “New Jerusalem” line to the nondenominational “the code of solitude broken.”
* The original photo of Leonard on which the Recent Songs portrait was based was used on its front cover.
* In 1995 it would also provide the title and words to an eponymous book of art and poetry, whose introduction describes “a deliriously romantic song by Leonard Cohen that is brilliantly visualized through the sensual paintings of Henri Matisse.” None of the paintings depicted the Holocaust.
* The soundtrack was released as a double album in France in 1985, where the film was also an official selection at the Cannes Film Festival.
* John Cale’s version was used during the movie itself, having previously appeared in the more sympathetic setting of Basquiat (1996).
* There were four more on the 2007 twentieth-anniversary reissue.
* Published in the book You Do Not Have to Love Me, 1996, with lithographs by Josette Trépanier.
* Ten New Songs, 2001.
* The test, taken after studying a DVD course on safe handling of food, required correct answers to forty out of fifty multiple-choice questions. Leonard’s exact score is unknown.
* Leonard published a six-line edit of “Not a Jew” in Book of Longing (2006).
* Later published in Book of Longing, 2006.
* Salman Rushdie, who grew up in the area, describes the pool in his book Midnight’s Children.
* It would appear on her second album, The Sacred Names (2001).
* A Songs of Leonard Cohen tribute album by the rock musician Beck and friends, including Devendra Banhart, was also released in September 2009.
* Lynch was living in Berkeley, California, when on March 1, 2012, shortly before this book went to press, Michelle Rice led a team effort with private investigators and the LAPD Threat Management Unit to have her arrested. Lynch was charged with violating a permanent protective order that forbade her from contacting Leonard, which she had ignored repeatedly. After her arrest, she was transferred to a detention facility in L.A. County to await trial. On April 13, the jury found her guilty on all charges. On April 18, she was sentenced to eighteen months in prison and five years’ probation. “It gives me no pleasure to see my onetime friend shackled to a chair in a court of law, her considerable gifts bent to the services of darkness, deceit and revenge,” said Leonard in his statement to the court. “It is my prayer that Ms. Lynch will take refuge in the wisdom of her religion, that a spirit of understanding will convert her heart from hatred to remorse.”
I'm Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen Page 60