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Lost in You

Page 25

by Jules Bennett

  As she pulled the nursery door shut, leaving a sliver cracked, Macy took a moment to take in a breath. No matter how hurt she was, no matter how angry she was at herself, she couldn’t just cut him completely out. Not only did she want to see him, she wanted to know if he was okay. He’d never made it back for the party and she hadn’t heard anything until he texted her. Macy had sent Sophie a message, but all she said was that Liam went home after the ER visit.

  Smoothing her hair back from her face, Macy turned to head down the hallway, but Liam stood at the end. His broad shoulders took up so much space in the opening, and his eyes pinned her in place. The white wrap on his hand drew her attention.

  “Are you okay?” she whispered as she tiptoed toward him.

  With a shrug, he replied, “It’s nothing.”

  Again, the fact he wasn’t fully letting her in hurt. She had no one to blame but herself because she’d given him the power.

  When she started to brush past him, he reached his good arm out. His hand curled around her shoulder, but Macy kept her eyes forward. Had he come to say good-bye? No, he wouldn’t leave before the weddings were over next week.

  “Look at me.”

  She jerked at his command, tipping her head to meet his intense stare. The scar on his cheek was now highlighted at the angle he faced her.

  At least he no longer tried to hide that from her.

  “How’s Lucy?”

  Standing this close, the warmth of his body blanketed her. She wanted so much from him, and being like this, touching even in the most innocent way, was only going to make all of this harder when he finally did leave.

  “She’s asleep. We had a pretty good day. I took her and Dad to the park before the party, then we’ve been home for a few hours. I just held her on the couch and sang silly songs. I rocked her. I hope she feels safe here.”

  Liam slid his hand up, his thumb gliding beneath her eye. “You’re tired.”

  Macy nodded. No denying she probably looked like hell. After last night, then today, there had been so much to take in.

  “Thank you for getting things to the party,” she told him, still unnerved at his touch and the fact he now cupped her cheek as he continued to stroke her face. “I—”

  “I didn’t come here to talk about the party or my hand or anything else.”

  Her eyes widened. “You seriously think that—”

  “I think there’s still too much tension between us.” He stepped in closer until their bodies lined up. “I think we need to talk. We need to discuss a whole host of things, but I also know I need you, Macy. I’m selfish, and I’m human. So if you want me to go, just say the word.”

  She swallowed. “You’re going anyway.”


  The affirmation clenched her heart because they weren’t talking about today. He was actually leaving Haven.

  Macy pushed away until she went into the living room. With shaking hands, she picked up the two tiny stuffed animals. Tossing them in the basket by the sofa, she tried to remind herself that crying did absolutely no good. No matter how much she wanted him—and mercy, she did, because she was human, too—she just couldn’t give him that control ever again.


  She took extra time arranging the toys in just the right manner before standing and turning to face him again.

  “I can’t stay here.”

  For you.

  He might as well have tacked that on, but deep down, beneath all the hurt and questions, she knew he was running. He feared relationships, so everything they had only drove him toward this decision.

  “So you came to tell me what?” She folded her arms over her chest. “If you’re waiting on me to beg, I won’t do it. If you want one last quickie, I’m not your girl. Thank you for teaching me I deserve better, by the way.”

  “Damn it, Macy.” He marched across the room, taking her shoulders and jerking her until she fell into his chest. “I didn’t come here to fight.”

  “I know why you came here,” she tossed back.

  He let her go and took a step back. “I actually came to ask for your help, but when I saw you, every time I see you, I want you. It’s been that way for so long, but Zach was right. You deserve better.”

  Macy threw her arms wide, anger rolling through her. “Oh, now Zach is deciding what’s going on between us?”

  When Liam opened his mouth, no doubt with another excuse or defense she wasn’t in the mood to hear, she held up both her hands. “Forget it. What is it you want my help with?”

  “I need you to help with the weddings this weekend.” He raked a hand down his face, the stubble on his jawline bristling beneath his palm. “I can’t do the cake by myself with my hand.”

  Macy stilled. “Pardon me?”

  “You heard me.” Disgust filled his tone. “I hate asking, I hate being incompetent, but there’s no way in hell I can make this cake with one hand.”

  “How in the world do you think I can help with my two? Remember who you’re talking to here.”

  Liam offered a slight grin. “I know exactly who I’m dealing with and I’m going to be with you for each step and we’re going to do this for my brothers, for Cora and Sophie.”

  Macy had no idea what he was thinking asking her, but Sophie and Cora were expecting their wedding to be amazing and Liam clearly couldn’t do this all himself.

  “They wouldn’t be upset if you ended up asking one of your chef friends to make it.”

  Liam cocked his head, lifting his brows. “Chef friends? I wouldn’t ask anyone else to do this. I’m going to get this cake done with or without your help. It will just be a hell of a lot easier with you.”

  “I don’t see how.”

  Liam closed the space between them. “Because I have faith in you and I’m your teacher.”

  That set jaw, those intense eyes, and that husky tone . . . How did any woman ever say no to this man? How did she say no?

  “Fine. But I’m only doing it for them.”

  Liam’s lips twitched. “Not me?”

  “No.” She stepped back, needing the distance both physically and emotionally. “Because after the wedding you’re gone and I need to get on with my life. You’ve already mentally checked out.”

  Liam nodded. “Fair enough. Come up to my apartment after work tomorrow.”

  “You can come here,” she retorted. Childish, but she was done bowing to his every whim. “I need to keep Lucy in familiar surroundings and Dad will be here to help watch her while we work.”

  Before she knew what his intentions were, he reached out and wrapped an arm around her waist. The force had her bent over backward, with his torso resting on hers. That mouth was mere inches away. The devil himself wasn’t this tempting.

  “I’m not leaving right after the wedding,” he murmured. “I still have a while before I go. So don’t think I won’t touch you or kiss you every chance I get.”

  When his lips slammed down onto hers, Macy shoved him back. “You can try, but you’ll fail.”

  Liam let her go and she stumbled before she caught herself on the accent chair.

  “We’ll see,” he told her, throwing her a glance over his shoulder. “My need for you isn’t over, Macy.”

  “Does it matter what I want?” she tossed back.

  “Oh, I know what you want. We both know where this is ending.”

  How could he be so casual about this now? After all she’d told him, after all they’d been through. “It’s already ended, Liam.”

  He stared another second before letting himself out. She knew if she’d just crooked her finger they’d end up in bed.

  Bed. Just where he’d taught her to overcome her fears. Where he’d shown her what she thought was love.

  She’d been so wrong. Opening her heart had been a risk, one she couldn’t take back. Honestly, she wouldn’t take back their time together even if she could. No matter the heartache she had now, Liam had shown her that she was even stronger than she’d ev
er thought. She would get over him, too.

  Okay, so the words were easy to say, but the execution of actually moving on was going to be a bit harder. He was still here, and she’d still see him every day until he finally left. So knowing the end was coming, yet being near him, was only adding salt to the wound.

  She needed to be ready to face Liam again tomorrow. And the real kicker was now they were going to be working together on a wedding cake.

  Yeah, fate sure did have a nice way of smacking you in the face.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Liam pulled the fresh yeast rolls from the oven. Pairing his specialty rolls with a potpie was exactly what this group of elderly ladies had requested on their form when they’d made reservations. They wanted good ol’ Southern cooking, specifically potpies or fried potatoes and smoked sausage. Liam preferred getting a little creative with his potpies by making his own crusts.

  There were days he could really branch out and try new recipes, then there were times like this where he had to stick with a boring and unimaginative menu.

  But he would do his best because that was his job, that was what he was raised to do. Plus, he refused to let himself slack off even for a second. This was Chelsea’s dream; her entire life savings had gone into buying this place.

  But it was damn hard doing this with one good hand. Thankfully he’d had dough made up in advance. Any seasoned chef had multiple backups and premade options. You never knew when things would go to shit in a moment’s notice.

  “Need help?” Sophie swept through the kitchen, her gait a little more normal today.

  “Have a seat.” He gestured toward the bar stools. “I’ve got it so far. Are all the drinks and appetizers set up?”

  Sophie gripped the back of the stool and nodded. “I even took the salads out and the dressings are already on the tables. The ladies are still cooing over your amazing lunch with fried chicken.”

  Liam slid the rolls into a decorative bowl. “You can take these out and the potpies will be up next.”

  Sophie pulled the bowl from the counter. When she took a step, she hissed. Liam crossed to her, grabbing the rolls. “Sit down, you’re hurting.”

  “No, it’s fine. I just had a showing earlier and there were so many stairs. It’s actually easing up.”

  He stared at her as she sank to the stool. “How much longer are you going to keep working?” he asked. “The resort is a full-time job in itself.”

  Letting out a sigh, she sent him a smile. “You sound like Zach. I know I need to sell my business. It’s just hard to let go of something you love.”

  And this was going to dive into a territory he didn’t want to get into. He wasn’t ready to let his dream go. Sophie’s circumstances were different. She had an old injury that held her back, or hindered her ability to keep up. But she was determined to do it all.

  “I’ll take these out.”

  He managed to get in and out of the dining room while the ladies chatted about the upcoming book club meeting they were going to attend. But he didn’t escape before they started discussing someone named Rafe. When Liam heard the words “on page seventy-eight” he realized this Rafe was fictitious.

  When he came back into the kitchen, Sophie was at the oven, door open slightly as she peeked inside.

  “Trying to take over?” he asked as he grabbed a pot holder.

  “These smell amazing.” She closed the door and stepped back. “I can help you carry those in.”

  “I already told you to sit down. Where’s Brock, anyway?”

  Sophie ignored him, pulling out a serving tray. “He started working for Macy after school. We all decided this was the perfect time for him to start since she is fostering and could use extra hands.”

  And she hadn’t mentioned this to him last night?

  No. Why would she? He’d made it clear he was leaving, made it clear there was no future for them, and then he’d had the balls to ask her to help with a wedding cake.

  “What’s that look for?” Sophie asked as she leaned against the side of the island.

  Liam lifted the individual dishes and sat them on the tray. “I just didn’t know, that’s all.”

  Was he already getting shut out? Isn’t that what he’d chosen? He’d opted to get the hell out of Haven with as few ties as possible.

  Still, this was his family. He had discussed a new job with Brock, but to know the plan had been set into motion was altogether different.

  “I can get this,” Sophie told him. “Really. I promise the pain has eased and I won’t splatter your dishes all over the floor.”

  Liam laughed. “I’m more concerned about you than the dishes.”

  She lifted the tray and sent him a wide grin. “No need to be concerned with either.”

  As she headed into the dining room, Liam cleaned up his work area. He’d made up lemon bars and homemade raspberry sorbet in advance, so the dessert was all set. They might like traditional foods, but it was spring and he wanted something to go with the season. He didn’t think there would be any complaints over this meal.

  And since dessert was done, he could take his leave. When Sophie came back into the kitchen, she was laughing.

  “Book club talk, still?” he guessed, slicing into the bars.

  “Whoever this Rafe character is, he has them torn up.”

  All the more reason for him to get himself home. He wasn’t interested in any book club chatter, and he sure as hell didn’t want to discuss Rafe.

  “I have the desserts all set.” He pulled out all the items and sat them on the island. “Can you get them all out? I’d like to head home. I have a certain cake to work on for this weekend.”

  Sophie beamed. “Go, go,” she said, shooing him with her hands. “I’ve got it all covered. But are you sure you can do the cake with one hand? I know Cora and I would totally understand if you can’t.”

  He reached across the island, placing his hand over hers. “No problem. I’m doing it. Well, Macy is helping me.”

  Sophie raised a brow. “Really?”

  “I had to ask. I won’t let you down and I know she can do it.”

  Sophie’s smile widened. “Does this mean you’re getting closer with her? Because the other day she swore you were just friends, but then I see how you two have looked at each other and it seems like—”

  “Don’t read any more into this,” he told Sophie. “Seriously. I . . . damn it. I have something I need to tell you.”

  Her brows drew in. “What’s wrong?”

  “There’s no easy way to say this, but . . .” He blew out a breath. “I’m going to be leaving Haven. I’m buying Magnolias.”

  Sophie’s eyes widened. “You’re serious?”

  Her shocked, whispered question caught him by the throat, rendering him speechless. Liam nodded.


  “I promised the guys I’d stay until I found a suitable chef for the resort. I won’t leave you all in a bind and I’ll make sure the transition is smooth.”

  Sophie sucked in a breath. “I didn’t see this coming. I thought for sure you’d be thrilled with the prospect Dax gave us.”

  “It’s not that I didn’t appreciate the opportunity,” he corrected, hoping she’d see his reasoning. “I’ve just always wanted my own restaurant and Magnolias is like my own. I was head chef for so long, and now it can all be mine.”

  Sophie tucked her hair behind her ears as she pursed her lips. “I’m going to miss you.”

  Closing the gap, Liam pulled her into his arms. “It’s not like I’ll never come back. Savannah isn’t far at all.”

  “It won’t be the same,” she sniffed into his shoulder. No, it wouldn’t be the same. Isn’t that what he wanted? Didn’t he want to be separated from this town and his past?

  “Why are you always hugging on my woman?”

  Liam glanced over his shoulder as Zach came in the back door. Without releasing Sophie, he grinned. “Maybe she’s the one always hugging on me.”

sp; When Sophie eased back and looked at Zach, there was no hiding the fact she was upset.

  “Oh, hell.” Zach instantly moved forward, taking Liam’s place and holding her. “You told her?”

  “I had to.”

  “I was hoping you’d wait until after the wedding,” Zach scolded.

  “No.” Sophie kept her arm around Zach’s waist and wiped her damp cheeks with her other hand. “I want to know. I’ll be fine. I’m just going to miss him not being here.”

  Zach merely lifted a brow at Liam. The risk was too great to get swept up in all these emotions right now. Liam could so easily let them talk him into staying, but he might never have a chance like this again. And he’d had to tell Sophie so she didn’t immediately jump to conclusions where Macy was concerned.

  This was just one colossal mess from every angle.

  “I need to get going,” he stated as he went to the counter by the back door and grabbed his keys and cell. “I have a wedding cake to work on.”

  “With that hand?” Zach asked.

  “I’ve got it covered.”

  Before he had to get into the whole “Macy was helping” speech, he pushed open the screen door and headed toward his SUV. Leaving one emotional disaster and heading straight into another wasn’t his idea of a good time, but there was no way around it. As soon as he got to Macy’s house, he knew he’d be in for it. He needed her help, a fact that pissed him off. He didn’t want to ask for help, didn’t want to ask her because he knew they would inevitably discuss the turmoil that had become their norm the past few days. He didn’t want the tension, didn’t want her to have to deal with the negativity.

  But he wanted her. Still. Even though he was leaving, Liam wanted the hell out of her. The thought crossed his mind to keep this going, but how was that fair to her? She lived here with a store, fostering a child, and he wanted out. Continuing with their affair would only prolong the inevitable.

  Liam pulled out of the drive from the resort and headed toward his apartment to grab some items to take to Macy’s. All he could do at this point was try to emotionally survive until he could leave. Once he was gone, he knew he’d be fine.


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